Her Royal Wolf: A Rejected Mates Romance (Fall Mountain Shifters Book 3)

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Her Royal Wolf: A Rejected Mates Romance (Fall Mountain Shifters Book 3) Page 5

by G. Bailey

  I take his advice now, needing the distraction, and look at the throne in front of me. A place where Hades and Persephone would have ruled this part of the world. They walked the path I’m taking. I can feel it in my soul.

  Unsurprisingly to me, the room is absolutely, breathtakingly spectacular, and there is so much to take in, from the wrap-around windows that make it look like we are inside the waterfall to the pillars between each window that tower up to the very tall ceiling. Right at the back of the throne room is a giant throne, big enough to seat at least five people on it, maybe even more. The throne is completely made of smooth black onyx, cut from a single large stone, I’d bet. The back of the throne is taller, shaped into wolves’ claws, and the armrests are wolves’ faces, their teeth bared. On the seat is the upside-down mountain mark for Fall Mountain Pack, a silver inlay, and so clear from up here. The throne is slightly raised on a platform with four long steps up to it.

  The sound of the falling water outside mixes with the chatter of the people in the room, and I can’t see where the music is coming from, so it must be under the staircase we are on. The centre of the room features a long rectangular oak table with red roses in vases, candles and white placemats. The table is filled with people on matching oak chairs, and so many of them are still watching us, no doubt hearing everything we’ve said and done. I know I’ve just made one hell of a bad impression on these people, the leaders of the plazas and no doubt extremely powerful wolves.

  I try to take in many of their faces, but I find my eyes flickering up, looking at the giant ceiling that stretches above the room. It’s incredible. Dozens of stories are told in the paintings on the ceiling. All different sections, they are delineated with clouds, seemingly about gods. There is one right above me of a shirtless man killing a lion while kissing a very naked woman. In fact, most of the gods and goddesses are naked, and it makes me blush just to look up. I smile to myself, remembering Erin claimed this is her favourite painted room. I could spend hours just looking up at this ceiling until my neck ached and I had no choice but to look away. In the centre, there is a gigantic castle in the clouds that draws my attention, a castle made of crystal shards.

  “That’s Olympus,” Valentine tells me. “It’s the only reference we’ve ever seen in the city except for a book found that marks that as the old home of the gods, where the gods were from before they came to this world and mixed with mortals and found their demise.”

  “It’s incredible,” I say, looking up at the one chandelier hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the painted Olympus. The chandelier is absolutely gigantic, filled with thousands, if not more, crystals that are in spiralling patterns to match the painted Olympus design. This room is beyond belief, very regal, and it shows me what Hades and Persephone liked in the sense of decor.

  “We should go and speak with the waiting people,” Ragnar says tensely, and it has nothing to do with the people. I feel like a wall has been slammed up between us, and I don’t know how to get through it.

  “Sure,” I say nervously.

  “Mai doesn’t have to speak to anyone if she doesn’t want to,” Valentine replies. “I will happily tell them all to fuck off.”

  I laugh quietly. “I’m going to be fine.”

  He goes to take my hand and squeezes it, making me flinch. Valentine pauses and lifts my hand, turning it over to see the burns under the lace.

  “Who did this?” he asks with shocking possessiveness. He sounds dangerous, and it only makes me want him more.

  “No one... Well, I woke up with them after a strange dream. I think the dream...” I drift off as I see my hand glowing with red power. I lift my other hand into Valentine’s waiting palm, and the seductive darkness of his magic caresses both my hands. I feel nothing but a warmness before the glow disappears, along with the burns.

  “Next time you’re hurt, tell me. I never want to see you in pain,” he commands.

  “Yes, alpha,” I reply with a coy smile.

  His eyes flicker with something else. Something far more wicked, and his lips twitch.

  Gods, I wish we were alone.

  “Healed?” Ragnar questions, stepping to our side and picking my hand up to examine it. I nod and he smiles. “I’m glad.”

  “I will,” I tell Valentine. “Thank you for healing me.”

  “Always,” he replies. Always.

  “Let’s go,” Ragnar suggests, offering me his arm. I hook my arm through his, and Valentine leads the way down the steps. “You are going to behave tonight, brother. We both know peacekeeping is not your strong suit.”

  Valentine doesn’t pause as he carries on walking. “I can deal with it for a while.”

  “Being alpha means talking,” Ragnar reminds him. “We can’t just let you get drunk and wash away your issues in a bottle.”

  I sharply look at Ragnar. We don’t usually talk about Valentine’s drinking issues and what it is he has overcome to get to this point. “I’m joking, of course. But still, be nice. Mother wouldn’t be happy if you started a fight.”

  “What is wrong with you tonight?” I question Ragnar, but he doesn’t reply to me as we get to the bottom step. I’m sure some think being back in the pack is stressing him out, or maybe it is just jealousy causing him to be a bit of an asshole tonight. Either way, I’m talking to him alone to work this out if I ever get a chance.

  A young woman immediately stands when we get near the table and bows her head of long black braided hair, woven into two sections. Her skin is a lovely dark shade, and it matches her very dark brown eyes marked with silver makeup in swirls that come down to her cheeks. She is wearing a silver dress, with a long slit up to her upper thigh, which amplifies her curves as she rises. I see her moon marks on her upper arm as she smiles at me. “It is an honour to meet you all. My name is Solandis Fall, and I’m currently the beta of Infernum Plaza, as of last year. I really wanted to introduce myself to each of you as I’ve spent my thirty years of life studying the gods.”

  “How interesting. It’s good to meet you, Solandis,” I reply. “I would like to know what you’ve learnt on Persephone, if you have free time.”

  “It would be my pleasure, Mairin,” she says, looking delighted.

  “Enjoy the meal,” Valentine tells her before guiding me away. We are stopped a few steps later by a male beta, who invites us to the Ina Plaza to enjoy the famous nights out. We are stopped at least fifteen times to speak as we try to go past, and I attempt to remember all the names and all their faces, but it becomes too much. I’m almost relieved when we get to our seats at the table and Ragnar pulls out a seat for me. Valentine sits next to me, with Ragnar on his other side. I pick up the glass of white wine and sip some, noticing there is only wine out for Valentine. I glance down the table, spotting a jug of water and an empty glass. I quickly climb out of my seat and grab them both, feeling eyes on me as I set them back down in front of Valentine and me.

  “Thank you,” Valentine comments softly as I slide his wine glass over to me.

  “I’m being selfish, really. I need more than one glass of wine to survive tonight,” I say, lying my pants off.

  He laughs and leans over, kissing my cheek softly.

  A silence ripples through the room for just a second, and I try to ignore the growing pressure I feel by drinking some more of the wine. It tastes like juice, but I remember the last hangover I had, and I don’t feel like reliving that tomorrow.

  But then again, the night has only just begun.

  “Beta Seraphim Fall and Adira Fall.”

  I look up to see Phim and Adira walking down the steps, hushed whispers echoing around me. Phim looks absolutely stunning in a light pink dress, something I never expected to see her wear, and it completely suits her complexion. Her red hair is half up and half down, locks of shiny hair that messily fall around her shoulders. A sparkling pink clip rests in her hair, shining under the light of the chandelier, and she looks...not impressed. Phim, not fazed by a room full of betas and power
ful wolves judging her, doesn’t falter, doesn’t pause as she walks past them even when they try to speak to her.

  I glance at Adira, who has paused to speak to two males. I hate her, but she does look amazing in a tiny, glittering black dress that pretty much reveals everything about her body. Her long hair falls down her back in a straight wave, and Adira almost glows with her blue tints of power. She is far more connected to her goddess than she is pretending not to be, and I’m going to prove that she is using her powers and she controlled the Levi on the train.

  “What kind of bullshit room doesn’t allow weapons?” Phim questions as she sits down next to me. “I feel naked and I don’t like it.”

  I smile and she glares at me, making me only smile more. “What could you need a weapon for at a meal?”

  “To look threatening and possibly stab someone if they don’t stop talking to me,” she deadpans.

  “I think that’s the point. You don’t stab people during a meal,” I say quietly, but several people are looking at us like we are wild animals. I try not to laugh as she continues to frown at me like I’m insane.

  “But where’s the fun in that?”

  I laugh as I slide her wine glass towards her. “Drink instead.”

  She grumbles at my suggestion but takes a sip.

  “Alpha Heir Henderson Fall and Alpha Heir Silas Fall.”

  I watch them take the steps down two at a time, effortlessly and too impressive for words. They are both in suits that match what Val and Ragnar are wearing, but Silas has lost his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeves, revealing his muscular arms. The top of his buttons is undone, revealing his golden chest. Henderson looks flawless in his suit perfectly hugging his body, and he has cut his hair, left his five o’clock shadow and—god dammit. My heart feels like it stops beating as I look at them both. I can literally see their abs through the white shirt, their toned muscled chests and arms, and the way their bodies are so well built. They look like gods, coming to claim the room with just their presence. Somehow, they look better every single time I see them, and this time, I don’t try to hide my desire as they both look my way, no doubt sensing my change in scent.

  A wicked smirk fills Silas’s lips, and he leans to Henderson, saying something that makes Henderson chuckle low, the sound making its way to me. I could literally stare at them all day.

  Adira sits down in the seat next to Phim, and I turn to find her watching the alphas, her scent changing to one of desire. Gods, I hate her.

  Phim stands up and slowly drags her chair closer to me, the awful noise of the chair grating across the floor, before she stops and sits down, close enough for her arm to brush mine.

  “Bitch,” Adira mouths at Phim. I don’t even want to know what she mouths back that makes Adira turn away with a paler face than she had before.

  Silas and Henderson spend time talking to several people on their way to us. Henderson softly smiles at me before he sits down on the other side of Ragnar. Silas walks past next, pausing behind my chair and leaning down to whisper into my ear. “Beautiful. So beautiful.”

  Heat fills my cheeks as he carries on walking to his seat, and Phim shakes her head.

  “You lot are so sweet it’s sickly,” she mutters.

  “One day it will be you,” I tell her.

  She wiggles her nose. “At this point, only a goddess could tempt me into the clusterfuck called falling in love.”

  “Don’t go saying stuff like that out loud. The gods might hear you and see it as a challenge,” Valentine teases.

  Phim glares at him, and I touch his hand under the table. He links our fingers as the room goes deadly silent.

  “Alpha Soren Fall and Alpha Female Reine Fall. Rise.”

  We only get a second of warning before everyone stands, and I do the same, Valentine still holding onto my hand. I realize this must be a tradition of sorts for them as everyone is silent, their heads bowed as Alpha Soren and Alpha Reine walk down the steps. Alpha Soren is wearing a dark chocolate brown tux with a red bow tie, and Alpha Reine is wearing a red dress with long sleeves and a short hem. They both don their crowns, marking who they are as they walk around the table, not acknowledging any of us. There’s a pause when Alpha Soren pulls out a seat for Alpha Reine and she sits first. Something about her sitting before anyone else seems symbolic.

  “We thank the gods above and below us for the meal we are to eat. All hail the gods.”

  “All hail the gods,” everyone repeats as Alpha Soren sits, and everyone else does after him. The room is full of waiters within seconds, running around, offering drinks to everybody, and placing small bowls of nuts, breads and butter on the table. My glass is refilled before I can even blink, and soon a steaming pile of food is placed in front of me. The plate is brimming with seafood, all fish I’ve never seen, let alone tasted.

  “Try the red one,” Ragnar leans over to suggest.

  I pick up one of the red slices of fish, cutting it with my knife and fork into a small slice, and my mouth explodes with flavour from one bite. It’s absolutely stunning. I barely get three mouthfuls before my plate is taken and replaced with another meal. This time it is a full plate of roasted chicken, steaming vegetables, and spiced potatoes all designed to make a flower shape on the plate.

  “How many courses are there?” I whisper to Valentine.

  “Usually five to six,” he quietly replies. Gods. In Ravensword, every meal was a blessing, and food was scarce in some parts of the city. The only reason I was fed well enough was the fact that food was donated to the foster home, but still, Mike had to hunt occasionally. I wish he’d taught me how to hunt. It would have been a good life skill, but he was always concerned about other wolves watching a female hunt and the reaction they might have had. Females weren’t allowed to do things like that.

  “So tell me, Mai, what do you remember about how you got to the Ravensword Pack?” Alpha Soren questions. “I’ve been filled in on everything, but I do wonder how you got there.”

  “I was shown a memory. An angel I’ve never met carrying me when I was twelve,” I reply.

  Alpha Soren folds his hands together and turns to his mate. “Perhaps The Wolves of Mnemosyne could help with Mairin’s memories?”

  She nods. “But there will be a price.”

  “Who are these wolves?” Silas questions.

  Alpha Soren sighs. “A last resort and a bad choice at that. The Wolves of Mnemosyne are immortal, ancient, and live not far from these lands. We have met them once or twice to trade, and some of our people have gone to them for trades. They make trades, magical ones, and I’ve heard they can control minds.”

  “Recently a female wolf wanted a male to be in love with her, who wasn’t, so she went to The Wolves of Mnemosyne for help. They gave her what she wanted, and we don’t have a clue what she traded, but she lost her sight. She may have the male, who is in love to the point of obsession, but she can’t ever see him or anything anymore,” Alpha Reine continues. “The male is starving to death because he won’t eat or drink, or even sleep for more than a few seconds, because being away from the female is too much.”

  “It’s safe to say no one but The Wolves of Mnemosyne got what they wanted,” Alpha Soren states.

  “For my memories, I’m willing to do what it takes,” I say, and my alphas look at me with varying shades of disbelief.

  “You did just hear what she said, right? The part about losing her sight and the male going mad with love to the point of killing himself?” Silas demands.

  “Yes, I heard,” I reply, holding my head high. “And I will be careful. I won’t trade anything like my sight, but I need my memories back. If there is even a little chance of getting them back, I’m going to explore that option. I want to remember. I need to.”

  “I think it’s a bad idea,” Adira adds in.

  “You’re not the only one,” Henderson agrees. “This is too dangerous, Mai. I’m sorry, but you can’t do this.”

  His words are filled with th
e power of an alpha, pushing me to submit. He instantly pulls the power back when he sees the look of shock on my face. “I’m sorry. I just can’t see you dead. I can’t see you nearly dying again, Mai.”

  “None of us can,” Valentine says. “The rite is dangerous enough. Can we deal with one life-threatening issue at a time?”

  “Fine,” I grumble... I don’t need their permission or knowledge. I can find The Wolves of Mnemosyne myself. Well, with a little help from Erin, that is.

  The tension between us all is thick as my meal is replaced with a platter of fruit, and I don’t eat any, my appetite gone.

  “Training is at six tomorrow morning, Mai,” Silas says. “I will send someone to guide you while I prepare a space.”

  “We all will be at training,” Ragnar adds in.

  “I’m looking forward to kicking your asses,” Phim says with a grin. The rest of the meals are served while we sit in silence, and I feel my alphas staring at me every so often, but I don’t want to look at them right now. I never want to feel controlled or forced into a box again, which they are trying to do with their overprotectiveness. Loving someone too much can be dangerous for everyone involved. I’m pretty sure the female who went to The Wolves of Mnemosyne can attest to that.

  Alpha Soren stands, and the room goes silent as he pulls out the chair for Alpha Reine before she slides her arm into his. “The city is waiting to see our heirs and their guests. We should retiring for the night. Good moon to you all. May we endure the fall to rise in the ashes.”

  “May we endure the fall to rise in the ashes,” is repeated around the room several times, echoing in the silence that follows after it. Then my alphas rise, and Valentine pulls my chair out for me, offering me his hand. I raise an eyebrow at him, making it clear what I think of that, before moving to stand next to my sister.

  “You’re so pissed, aren’t you?” she asks as we walk after my alphas, their parents in front of them. I look at her and she chuckles low. “Overprotective alpha-assholes, the lot of them. Why do you like men again?”


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