Ascend (The Last Oracle, The First Seer's Gift, and a Prophecy Fulfilled) (A Fated Fantasy Quest Adventure Book 11)

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Ascend (The Last Oracle, The First Seer's Gift, and a Prophecy Fulfilled) (A Fated Fantasy Quest Adventure Book 11) Page 18

by Humphrey Quinn

  Until Colin grinned.

  The type of geeky but satisfied grin that was an instant message that it was over. For real. And everything was going to be okay now.

  Catrina had herself wrapped around him in seconds. He met her part way, wiping away the sweet tears of relief.

  However, high up over their heads, surrounding the island, and off in the distance as far as they could see, the cloud of magical energy was expanding and moving. Shocks of electrical charges zinged and zapped—any non-magical onlookers would most likely mistake it for a sudden electrical storm. How far reaching this storm of magic would be, and what consequences or aftermath they'd have to deal with were yet to be seen.


  They gasped, as the sky lit up in a thunderous charge of energy spreading out to even greater distances in gleaming trails of magic that shot off like rockets in all directions. And a minute later, a light sweeping veil of shimmering lights fell over them, almost snow-like, across the island and far, far beyond. It was almost like—magic.

  It cleared a few minutes later, the sky reclaimed by the bright morning sun against a cloudless, sharp blue sky. A hushed sort of exuberance slowly worked its way into a frenzy of exhausted excitement and tentative celebration.

  They were alive.

  A little beaten and battered—not so much physically since Colin had healed them all before he lost his powers. But in every other manner possible, their lives were all shook up and no one was quite sure where to go from here.

  It was over. Wasn't it?

  They hadn't actually killed Jurekai Fazendiin. He was weakened. Badly. But he remained alive and at large.

  Regardless, there was a rush of embraces. Kisses. Handshakes. Head nods. Smiles.

  A general acceptance that they'd all survived to see another day.

  And although each and every person had done their part and not given up the fight, they owed this victory to a small few.

  Jasper and Aloyna. Their years of planning and sacrifice. The army come to help them.

  Robert Motley—no one even had any idea, but they would, in time.

  Isabella Crane… who'd given up so many years to see this day come. Ian, her husband, the first to die at the hands of the Scratchers. Their son, Ivan, who'd known the truth and never gave up that he'd one day reveal all.

  The countless numbers who worked in secret… many giving their lives. Cornell Tibbitt, the Jackal Sisters, Garner and Ravana Sadorus, so many others who'd lost their lives along the way. And the few who'd sacrificed themselves to save others, today.

  Arnon Jacoby, who'd taken in two special infants. And an uncle who couldn't possibly have looked or felt any prouder than he did right then. And he included Colby in that too. He'd overcome tremendous obstacles.

  Eventually, all eyes landed on them. The chosen three… and their significant others, so equally vital to the victory. They all, however, were far too busy making out with said significant others to notice all the proud glances and genuine nods of praise and admiration.

  Nona and Elisha didn't want to stick around to witness all the kissing going on. They were about to disappear together to hunt when they stopped, and the kissing frenzy ended in a haze of humiliation at so many people staring at them.

  And then the clapping and cheering started. Catrina, Jae, and Sebastien tried to escape and leave Meghan, Colin, and Colby to the revelry, but they'd refused to let them go.

  "It was never just us," Meghan told them. "Never just me. Or Colin. Or Colby. It was all of us. Together."

  "As it will always be from now on," Colin added.

  Colby didn't say anything. Jae nudged his arm. "Can it really be like that? I mean, they all know who I am."

  "And they all know who I am," expressed Jae.

  "And me," said Colin. "The way I see it, if they still don't trust me, even after all this, then I'll find some place in this world where they do. And you're welcome to join me—and Catrina. And anyone else who wants to come along."

  "The point," Meghan interjected with an eye roll. "You're one of us now, Colby. No matter what anyone says. Or thinks. The only acceptable future is us, together. Never us, apart."

  "Here, here," agreed Jae. And he sealed the deal with another kiss.

  "And if someone doesn't like it," Meghan waggled her eyebrows, "I've got fire and I'm not afraid to use it."

  They laughed at that. And joined the rest of the crowd.

  Ivan and Maria found them fast. Meghan smirked straight away because he was wearing the dumbest, goofiest grin she'd ever seen. Isabella strode up behind them, wearing a similarly ridiculous smile.

  "What the heck is going on?" Meghan demanded to know.

  "Oh, can I tell them?" Isabella looked like she was about to burst with joy. Ivan and Maria nodded their approval. "I'm going to be a grandmother!"

  Aloyna overheard and laughed. "At least it's not my grandchildren." Meghan and Colby were not sure what she meant by that. "Do I look old enough to be a great grandmother to you? And neither of you are even close to old enough to think about such things."

  "And I thought getting caught kissing in front of everyone was bad," mumbled Meghan.

  Aloyna had Jasper hooked to her arm. Heck, she looked healthy and young enough to have another child herself if she wanted to. They guessed spending hundreds of years with your life on hold would do that to someone.

  When the laughs subsided, Meghan noticed Jae and Colby near the back of their little group—she didn't need their old mind connection to see that Colby wasn't sure where he fit in, and Jae was encouraging him. But a path opened up on its own and Colby found himself just a few feet from his mother.

  He wasn't sure when the last time was that he just stood there and stared at his mother, and actually looked her in the eye. At least with any sense that he deserved to. The embrace that followed brought watery eyes to everyone watching. A reunion so long overdue.

  When Isabella pulled back a bit later, it was as if complete happiness glowed out of her. "You're home now," Isabella whispered through tears. "I think the thing I'm looking forward to the most, is getting to know my children."

  And they felt the same about their mother.

  It wasn't long after that Colby was reunited with his grandmother. The woman he'd loved since he was old enough to have memories, but had never hugged, or really even spoken to, as a living person. He didn't know what to say to Jasper.

  "I—I um—I'm sorry I killed you. Tried to kill you." He shook his head because it wasn't coming out right. Jasper just swayed off the subject.

  "Magic is a never-ending mystery, young man." He eyed Aloyna. "I have no doubts we shall put the whole nasty business behind us and become good friends."

  Jae hadn't left Colby the entire time. He was always within reach out and touch him range. Just in case.

  Arnon and Kanda found them soon enough. And Meghan and Colin were just about at their fill of praise and adoration when Arnon got quiet for a minute.

  "Colin, I um—I just want you to know you've always got a home with us." He spoke of he and Kanda. "And Meghan, I know you've got your mother back. But—" he wasn't sure how to phrase it.

  "You're still my uncle. Always. And I will always need you."

  They waited for Colin, who shrugged, then smiled. "Are you going to live on the island or back with the Tunkapog?"

  "Does it actually matter?" Kanda asked him, amused.

  He gazed at Catrina, whose family would probably end up on the island. He supposed it was easy enough to go back and forth. It would not be a typical long distance relationship and as soon as her parents consented, he planned to marry her anyway. He didn't care they were only sixteen. It was only a matter of time until it would happen.

  Arnon chuckled and led Kanda to see some others. "Why don't we let all the young lovers talk amongst themselves."

  They left, but the young lovers continued to be inundated with people greeting them. Sebastien's parents, Kay and Milo. Even Billie and Maura and a
few other familiar faces came forward. Meghan was surprised, when even Nashua approached them all, and with a smile on his face. He hadn't suffered major losses, thanks to Colin. And Meghan would have no problem reminding him of that fact, should it become necessary.

  Nona and Elisha decided they'd had enough, were famished, and relished a good hunt.

  And then familiar voices shouted out from the crowd.

  "Jae! Jae!"

  He spun around as his family worked their way toward him. He froze for a second, seeing the three of them. His sister. His mother. His father… all healthy. Thanks again, to Colin when he'd healed everyone.

  This time, Colby gave Jae a gentle nudge. He wasn't far behind though. Keeping to that still within reach distance. Even with all he'd just accomplished, and being forever severed from his father, this world he was stepping into was—overwhelming. And he felt like the bad guy trying to sneak in.

  Mireya and Sheila hugged Jae together. Kissing his cheeks and doting all over him. Not a single care, or misgiving about what he'd become. Only joy in their reunion. And then Irving finally pushed them away and eyed his son with watery eyes. They stood like that for only a short couple of seconds that seemed to last minutes. Until Irving leaned in and hugged his son with every ounce of pride and love he'd never shown him before.

  "I'm so very, very proud of you, Jae. I never said it. Not nearly enough."

  Colby couldn’t help but tremble, because the reality was, it didn’t matter what Irving did or didn't do, or what Jae did or didn't do, because his father had planned on recruiting Jae all along. There was a tug at Colby's hand and Jae grasped him, refusing to let him go down that path again. Even now, in the midst of a teary reunion, it was like Jae could pick up on his feelings. How lucky was he to be at the receiving end of such remarkableness?

  Irving released Jae from the embrace placing his hands on his shoulders.

  "I'm sorry that I never said it before. I should have said it to you every single day. I could not be prouder. And—I love you, Son."

  "I love you too, Dad," Jae replied with a sniffle. It was more than he'd ever imagined hearing from his father. He wasn't even sure how to respond to it, or process such an incredible thing. So instead… he cleared his throat and backed up a bit to drag Colby forward next to him.

  "I want to introduce you to someone." He breathed out nervously because it was possible that his father might take everything right back once he found out his son was gay. But he refused to live another moment longer in a world of secrets or regrets. He dragged an anxious Colby closer to his side and slid his arm across his back slinking him even more. "This is Colby. He's my—boyfriend." They didn't say anything at first. "I know it's a lot to take in but the truth is—" Irving stopped him.

  "The only truth is that we love you, exactly the way you are." He glanced at Colby. "Welcome to the family, young man."

  "Erm, um, thank you." Colby shied his gaze away, his cheeks turning quite pink.

  The greetings and celebrations continued for a time. Slowly, the crowds began to spread out. Talks changing inevitably to rebuilding. And recovery. After a while, Isabella slid over to her daughter to see what she was so intently watching while Sebastien was off speaking to his parents.

  "Look at them." Meghan pointed with her head.

  Isabella smiled when she saw it was Jae and Colby she was watching.

  "Do you see how they move together? Almost in sync, like they can guess each other's movements." Meghan nudged her mother. "Mom, you know you're going to have to break the no boys behind closed doors rule, right?"

  Her mother frowned.

  "Mom, look at them. Do you want your son to stay with you? You're not going to have a choice. Colby is in some ways, the six-year-old boy you left behind, and in some ways, a sixty-year-old man just taking his first steps into an unfamiliar world. He's got an old soul, but it's broken right now. And Jae is the only thing holding him together. Keeping him in this reality. Just watch them."

  Isabella did. They moved almost like they were one person, not two. No matter what they were doing, they never quite separated.

  Isabella sighed. It was quite beautiful to watch.

  "Jae is Colby's anchor," Meghan continued. "He is… vulnerable. Lost, trying to find his way. He's afraid if he lets go of Jae that his world is going crash again and he's going to—wake up and find out none of this is real. We can't do that to him. We owe him far more than that."

  Isabella did know that.

  A terrible sadness came over her. She was sure it would not be the last time, thinking of all the years she'd lost.

  "Mom, we have to put the past behind us. Me included. We won't forget it, but it's history now. If we don't let it go, we'll miss out on the years we have left. And that would be a true sadness."

  "You—are an incredible young woman. Do you know that?"

  "I think I've proven I can take care of myself." Meghan shrugged off the praise with a half-grin.

  "Can you see into Colby's mind? How he's really doing?"

  Meghan opened her mouth then slapped it shut with a forceful exhale.

  "Actually, we can't read each other's thoughts anymore. That ability died with the Stone." And it wasn't like when they blocked each other. Or when Colin had pretty much banished her from his mind after her betrayal. This was—nice. It felt right. Normal. Although, it would still take some adjustment to the change.

  Isabella went to speak to Jasper and Aloyna, but twisted to see her daughter first.

  "Oh, and—you might have saved the world, and you are a remarkable young woman, but the rule still counts for you. No boys behind closed doors."

  "Ugh, Mom! Are you serious?" she whined. Her mother laughed. She wasn't at all serious, but the look on Meghan's face was irreplaceable and priceless. There was a laugh behind her and she spun to see Colin and Catrina approaching.

  "Hiya, Sis."

  "I see you finally separated yourself from Catrina," Meghan teased.

  "For real, we're going to talk about sucking face."

  "Okay yeah. Well…" She took in a deep breath and let it out slow. "Before we all get too befuddled with all this happiness, I have to apologize for something I did, Colin." She wanted everything out on the table. Mind reading abilities or not, she didn’t want to start off in this new world with a single secret.

  "What do you mean?" She explained her decision to stab him with the Bone Dagger. "I didn't want to take the choice away from you. But I had to make a split decision and hope in the end I did the right thing. Jasper seemed certain it's the path you'd choose. And so did I. But the truth is, we don't know each other like we used to. Things change. Perspectives change. I just—hope I chose right."

  Colin looked around them and shrugged. "Looks pretty right to me." He got serious though. "You did the right thing. You've always done the right thing. Even though at times it wasn't so easy to accept."

  And for today, that made her the happiest person alive.

  When tomorrow came… that might change. They had a long road to recovery ahead. The island in shambles. The land of the Tunkapog in ruins. Her father still at large.

  The crowd thinned.

  Jasper's army, after many rounds of gracious thanks, bid their farewells to return to their own clan. Although they did decide before they departed to come out of hiding and be a part of the new future of magic. Their work was completed. They'd finished what their clan's creator had accidentally started so many long years ago. The Stones were destroyed. Babiin's legacy was concluded.

  Fazendiin's estate, on the other hand… it was going to take a long time to dismantle. Who knew what other magical mayhem lay hidden in wait.

  The Tunkapog returned home. The portal to the island was left open as many would be going back and forth between the two places for weeks and months to come.

  One group of Svoda who decided to remain on the island was the Balaton. They decided there was no time like the present to get back to work. Arnon joined them, for o
ld time's sake, with Kanda at his arm and Milo and Kay behind them. Jasper and Aloyna tagged along. Mostly, he wanted to see how bad the damage was, and offer help where possible. Soon, he'd have to, at least for a time, go off on his own, or with Aloyna, to recoup. And let his Projector side recover and feel balanced.

  Arnon hadn't stepped inside his old office in such a long, long time. The building was still intact, but had suffered some damage in the battle. Nothing that couldn't be repaired.

  Kanda squeezed his arm when they reached Corny's old office. Milo gave his shoulder a squeeze. It brought back such bittersweet memories of their dearly departed friend. Back to when their part in this story began.

  "Look," pointed out Kanda. "His tracking system survived intact."

  It had at that. A giant, wall-sized map of the world. The same desk still adorned the floor space—albeit, covered in a thick layer of dust and some debris.

  "I always wanted to see this tracking system," Jasper whispered in curiosity. "I've heard of it. And that Cornell was a talented magic tracker."

  "The best," Arnon agreed. If new magic was ever found again, a light would blip on the map and… a light had started blinking.

  "Is it a mistake?" Kay wondered. "Perhaps it did get damaged?" But then a second blip went off hundreds of miles away on a different section of the map.

  Arnon shoved his hand through his hair. "Corny's system never failed before."

  Jasper let out a short intake of breath as it hit him. "I don't believe it."

  Everyone shifted their gazes to him. The Balaton even listened up. It was in the air, the scent of something big about to happen.

  Another blip started lighting up, many miles away from the others.

  "The magic Colin released went back into the world," Jasper said in wonder. "Magic has started waking up."

  "Oh my," Kanda let out in awe.

  "How far reaching do you think it will go?" asked Arnon.

  Jasper only shrugged. There was no telling. The only certain thing: the world was about to get a big old jolt of new reality thrown at it.

  Kay breathed out and clasped her hands. "I guess we'd better get to cleaning up this mess then. Looks like we're going to be getting busy."


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