Owned: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

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Owned: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World) Page 10

by Angela Nicole


  I’ve heard of people feeling as if they were having an out-of-body experience. Now I know what they mean. It’s like someone else is talking as I stand here with KJ. My woman? Jesus, I sound like a caveman.

  KJ is just as shocked as I am.

  “Wait, let me rephrase that,” I murmur as I rifle my hand through my hair. “I want to know if you’d like to come to Indy with me.”

  KJ clears her throat. “And what would that entail? Me going with you.”

  I rub my hands on my legs, trying to relax enough to explain how I feel about her.

  “I was hoping we could explore whatever this is between us. You probably think this is inappropriate, and maybe it is, but I know I can’t get that night in Miami out of my mind.”

  Not knowing if KJ is a flight risk at this point, I’m shocked when she makes her way over to me.

  “I saw what you did to Sawyer after he spun me. I have to say, it turned me on, Declan. No one has ever stood up for me like that.”

  The admission adds to my already heightened awareness of what she does to me. I take the opportunity to pull her down into my lap. She agrees with no argument or hesitation. Perhaps we are on the same page after all.

  “I know you’re probably worried about what the guys will say about us, huh?”

  “Yeah, I don’t want things to be weird with them. Franco and I have been like family, and Kyle has become the same pretty quickly.”

  I kiss her neck. “Would you be pissed if I told you I already talked to them about us?”

  The shock is sudden. “What?” she cries as she backs away from me.

  “Well, it’s not as bad as you think. They weren’t shocked when I told them I had feelings for you that went beyond our professional relationship. In fact, the two of them had placed bets on when we would actually come out to them.”

  She climbs out of my lap, eyes wide at what I’ve told her. “What do you mean? I’ve never told them anything. Why would they even think something was going on with us?”

  “Apparently, after I pretty much tried to kill two different guys over you, they figured it out.”


  Today was a whirlwind. Between Declan’s admission and our flight to Indianapolis, my mind is swirling with so many questions. Could we make this work? Declan and I taking a shot at being a couple?

  Of course, I’m a little concerned about what people may think, but not enough to deny how I feel about him anymore. Franco and Kyle, though, they are who I care about. I was shocked when Declan said he already spoke to them. Apparently, they guessed there was some sort of connection between us because of what happened both in Miami and after I was tapped.

  Declan is checking us into the hotel while I text both Andi and Maureen to let them know we made it. It’s a bummer neither of them could be here.

  “You okay with adjoining rooms? I didn’t want to assume we’d be sharing,” he asks as he hands me my key.

  Is it wrong that I was okay with him assuming? I remind myself to take this weekend slowly. After all, this is a new and delicate situation. “Yes, thanks.”

  “We’re up on the tenth floor.”

  He takes me by the hand, leading me into the elevator. We head upstairs, but when we get off the elevator, there’s only one door. “I thought you said they were adjoining rooms?” I ask as I look around.

  Declan opens the door with his keycard. “It’s a two-bedroom suite,” he says. “You can choose whether you use yours or stay with me.”

  My body is already on fire for this man. So much so, I don’t even realize I’m pressing my butt into him until I feel his growing hardness behind me.

  “Oh, I think I definitely want to use yours.”

  He kisses the back of my hand. “Well, maybe we should shower and then head out to the track. We can make our first official appearance.”

  The mention of going out in public as a couple has my stomach in knots.

  “What is it?” he asks as he cradles my face in his hands.

  “I guess I’m a little nervous. I usually don’t care what people or the press think about me, but this could affect sponsorships. I don’t want to let you or the team down.”

  He blows out a breath, but his eyes tell me he knows I’m right.

  “I don’t want to hide you or us, KJ. I’m too old to give a shit what people think of me. But I also don’t want you to regret giving this relationship a chance either. If you want to keep it just between the team, I’m okay with that for now. But once this season is over, all bets are off. Got it?”

  My lips meet his showing him my appreciation. I also show my appreciation moments later . . . in the shower.

  Declan and I make our way to the track so we can meet up with Franco and Kyle. Not shockingly, many drivers and crew members stop us as we make our way through the field. It’s nice to know they are thinking about me while I’m not racing.

  “I want to kiss you right here in front of everyone and claim you as mine,” Declan whispers in my ear. “I don’t want any of these young hotshots thinking they have a chance with you.”

  At first, I think he’s kidding, that is until my eyes meet his. He’s serious. “Oh, Declan, I don’t think any of them want a shot with me. Even if they did, I only have eyes for a man I shouldn’t.”

  He arches his eyebrow. “You shouldn’t, huh? Why because he’s your boss?”

  “No, that’s not it.” I bite my lip.

  Declan stops midfield, turning to face me. With his hands on my shoulders, his gaze bores holes into my heart. “Are you having second thoughts about us?”

  Oh god, I’m screwing this all up. But is this the right time to admit my fears? The right place?

  “I’m not having second thoughts. I’m just a little skittish, is all.”

  “Did I do something to make you feel that way?”

  I shake my head. This is not his fault. “I just . . .” I blow out a sigh because the words just won’t come. How can I admit this man has the power to crush me?

  “There you two are. We were beginning to think you weren’t coming.” Kyle smirks.

  Saved by my teammate.

  “Shut it.” I make a “zip your lip” motion.

  He puts his hands up in defense. “Okay, sorry. I just assumed you two were making your relationship public.”

  “I guess we are still trying to figure out exactly what we want people to know, right, KJ?”

  I can only nod because I see the disappointment on his face. I guess we still need to iron a few things out.

  The rest of the day goes by okay. I hang out with my team while Declan heads to a meeting with Colton Donavan.

  Zander stops by our trailer, so it gives me the opportunity to ask him if he knows why his dad is meeting with Declan.

  “I have no idea. They seem to get along, though. Hey, you okay?”

  “Do you have time for a quick walk?” I know I can confide in my friend about what’s going on. After all that he’s told me about what happened to him when he was a little boy, I can trust him with this.


  I throw the key card on the table. KJ can hardly keep her eyes open from the day’s events. And she didn’t even race, I chuckle to myself.

  “Come on, let’s get you to bed.”

  “Oh my god. I can’t believe I fell asleep on the way back here. I’m sorry.”

  “You were damn sexy with your snoring.” I grin.

  “Crap, I do snore, don’t I?”

  “It’s okay. You’ve had a full day today. I’m sure the stress of being here and not racing hasn’t helped. Perhaps I should’ve thought this through better.” I do feel guilty about having her subjected to the shouts and comments by the reporters. Oh, and that fucker Sawyer? Yeah, he tried to approach KJ to apologize. No dice. She doesn’t even know it because she was visiting with Zander at the time.

  “It’s okay. Don’t you think I knew reporters were going to jump at the chance to ask me how it felt to be here a
nd not race? I was prepared. Didn’t you notice my fake smile and honest ‘good luck’ to all the drivers?”

  She makes me laugh as she does her best homecoming queen wave. “Yes, you handled it beautifully, but now it’s time to relax. Why don’t you go get ready for bed while I take a quick shower?”

  “Okay,” she says between yawns.

  What a fucking day. I had plans to hang with her after I met with Donavan, but there was a last-minute change to Kyle’s car I needed to hear about.

  The hot water washes over me as I contemplate the conversation I had with Colton today. I haven’t mentioned my idea to the team yet. But if things go as planned, I’ll sell O’Donohue Racing to Donavan Racing. That will mean I will no longer be KJ’s boss. He will.

  After her accident, I realized I couldn’t be the one to put her in that car and risk her life. If she wants to do that on her own, fuck, I won’t ask her to give up her dream. But I cannot be the one to ask her to do it. Not for money in my pocket. She means more to me than that.

  Before going to KJ’s house to pick her up, I called my siblings to see if they were on board. Patrick has all but removed any sort of connection to the team. He was leery about me becoming involved with one of my drivers, but in the end, he came around and was happy I found someone I’m interested in.

  On the other hand, my sister told me it was about time I got my head out of my ass about KJ. She could tell from the minute we were in the same room together there was a connection. And of course, she reminded me I’m not getting any younger.

  “Good morning, gorgeous.” I kiss KJ on her forehead. God, she’s a vision.

  “Morning. What time is it?”

  “Seven-thirty. I need to meet with the media before the race. I ordered you some breakfast. It should be here soon.”

  KJ rolls over to the side of the bed, allowing her legs to hang until she gets her bearings. “Thanks for letting me sleep.”

  “Well, you fell asleep pretty quickly last night, but I enjoyed your two a.m. wake-up call you gave me.”

  Boy, did I ever. I was in a deep sleep until I felt KJ’s hand around my cock. At first, I thought my dream was morphing into some sort of sex dream until I realized what was happening.

  Instantly, I was hard in her hand as she stroked. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I pulled her on top of me. With my hands on her hips, KJ rode me to the edge, but not before having two orgasms herself.

  KJ gives me a lazy smile. “I’m glad you were amiable about it.”

  “Always, sweetheart. I wish I could stay, but I have to run. I’ll come back and get you for the race after, okay?”

  “I’ll be waiting.”


  The race freaking sucked. Well, that’s not entirely true. Kyle came in third, and for his first Indy 500, that’s pretty cool. Franco finished three laps down. His tire blew almost halfway through, and the crew was too slow when replacing it. Declan almost lost his cool, but I held his hand, and he seemed to relax.

  Plans were made to go back to Declan’s place in Miami before the next race. Because of my therapy schedule, I can’t go to Richmond with him, but if everything works out with my therapist and my doctor clears me, I’ll be able to race the following week at Pocono.

  Maureen is coming for dinner tonight. I can’t wait to see her. Next, I call Andi to check in on her. She was excited to hear I was making a go with it with Declan.

  “My sister is on her way over. I can’t believe she’s waited this long to see you.”

  “I’m sure she missed you too.” I smirk back at him.

  Not soon after I freshen up, Maureen makes her way over from her place. Watching the way Declan cares for her is so sweet. His heart is big. And that is one reason I love him.

  Yep, I’ve fallen head over heels for this man. It’s hard not to. Declan is one of the sweetest and sexiest men I’ve ever met.

  “Are you ready for your flight, Declan?” Maureen asks him as I arrange dessert on her plate.

  “Yes, but I hope it’s a quick trip. I want to make sure KJ is ready for Pocono.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I start practice over at Daytona on Thursday, pending my doctor’s release.”

  It shouldn’t be an issue. I’ve been able to lift light weights and drive for the last two weeks. My therapist told me I should be good to go as long as I don’t overdo it.

  Declan kisses the side of my head to the delight of his sister. She doesn’t hide the fact that she’s thrilled about our relationship.

  “I’ll be home as soon as I can, and then we can get your stuff ready for Pocono. I have a couple of the guys staying back to haul your car up to Pennsylvania. I’ll come back and get you both, and we can head up as soon as possible. I want you to feel comfortable, KJ. I don’t want you to push yourself to come back too early. You’ll run the risk of really setting yourself back if you do.”

  “Trust me, Declan. I won’t risk my season by coming back too early. The way I figure, I can still get enough points to earn fourth or better if things don’t shift too much in the standings.”

  “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but at this point, I don’t care where you end up in the standings as long as you are physically okay. There’s always next year.”

  I know he’s right, but I want to make sure I can at least end up with as many points as I can.

  Franco ends up winning Richmond, which is good since he didn’t finish the 500. My practice session went well at Daytona, and my doctor has cleared me for Pocono. Declan, Maureen, and I leave today. I can’t wait to get my suit on and get back in the car.

  It’s only a two-hour flight, which I love because I really hate flying. The captain comes on to let us know we’re ready to take off and to power down our phones. Maureen and I both sleep most of the way while Declan works on some paperwork. Once we land, it’s an hour’s drive from the airport to the hotel. I grab my phone to check in with Andi when I see I’ve missed a text message. It’s from Zander.

  Zander: Uh, did you know anything about this?

  I open the link and read the headline . . . what the hell?


  “Okay, you weren’t supposed to find out like this. I was going to tell the team after the final race. And when I find out who the fuck let the cat out of the bag, I’m going to kill them.”

  “I can’t believe you’re selling the team to Colton. Why would you do that, Declan? Are you not happy with us?”

  I swallow the lump in my throat as I wait for his response. Maureen went right to her room after we got here. She knew I was upset and didn’t really want to be around for this discussion. I don’t blame her. I’m not mad she knew about it. It wasn’t up to her to tell me. It was up to my boss.

  “Of course, I’m happy with you and the guys. It’s not that.”

  “Then what is it? Franco and Kyle don’t seem to be that upset about it, but for the life of me, I don’t understand. Is your heart just not in it?”

  “You could say that,” he replies as he takes off his tie and throws it on the bed.

  “I really am at a loss here. Can you please, for the love of god, explain your rationale for this move? Don’t get me wrong, I’d be honored to race for Donavan Racing, but I’d rather race for you.”

  Declan sits on the edge of the bed, pulling me down next to him. I’m bracing myself for something, and I don’t even know what that something is.

  “After your accident, I realized I just couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you. You know the story about how my parents died. I care too much for you, KJ. I’ve fallen in love with you. Because of that love, I can’t be the one paying you to risk your life for the team.”

  He’s fallen for me too? But wait? Does that mean he doesn’t want me to race anymore?

  “I love you too, Declan. So much.”

  He chuckles. “Then why do you look like someone just ran over your dog or something?”

  “I hope you know that no matter who owns the team, I�
��m going to race, Declan. I’m sorry for what happened to your parents, but racing is my dream.”

  With my face in his hands, Declan kisses my lips gently. It doesn’t matter if he kisses me hard or with a featherlight touch—the results are always the same. He makes me weak in the knees.

  “I’d never ask you to give up racing. But I don’t want to be the one responsible for profiting off it. I love you too much. Does that make sense?”

  Actually, it does. I can’t be angry with him for that. “Yes, and I love you for it. Thank you for not making me choose.”

  With a smirk, Declan admits he knows he’d come out the loser on that choice.


  The transaction with Colton Donavan is complete. The day after the season ends, Franco, Kyle, and KJ will race for Donavan Racing. I don’t want to say Franco and Kyle don’t care who they race for as long as they’re racing, but they sure as shit are damn happy about it.

  Making my way through the pits, I spot KJ as she’s getting into her suit. She’s starting in fifth position today. She’s pissed about it, but not me. I know she’ll edge her way up in no time.

  Still being discreet about our relationship in front of those outside the team, I gave her good luck kisses along with a “go get ’em” fuck this morning. The second the race in California is over, the whole world will know how I feel about Kathy Jo Lennon.

  “Everything all set?” I ask Rick, her crew chief.

  “Yep, the car’s perfect. I know KJ is climbing the walls to get back out there.”

  Four hours and a lot of screaming later, O’Donohue Racing placed second, third, and fourth. KJ came in second, and we’re both thrilled with the standing.

  “You fucking rocked it out there, sweetheart,” I tell her as I nuzzle her neck. We’re back in the garage so no one can see us.

  “I couldn’t have asked for a better car and crew, Declan. Thank you for that.”


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