One Snowbound Weekend...

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One Snowbound Weekend... Page 15

by Christy Lockhart

  The bolt slid open with a thump.

  He dragged in a deep breath when he saw her.

  “Did you find Sarah?”

  He didn’t want to talk about Sarah; he wanted to tell Angie what she meant to him. But he’d fallen in love with her for so many reasons, especially because of the way she cared about others. “Yes.”

  “So you went to town?”

  “And I met Mondo.”

  She smoothed the front of her jeans with her hands.

  “I won’t lose my sister. Thank you for that.”

  Angie blinked and looked at him. “You’re welcome. Is that all?”

  Not by a long shot.

  She started to close the door, and he put his foot inside the house. “Can I come in?”

  She didn’t budge. “I was just leaving.”

  “Going to the Hot Springs?” he asked, clearing his throat.

  “Going to the Denver airport.”

  Hardhat wormed his way between them. After Angie petted him, he pushed the door open and darted inside.

  Shane saw her suitcases near the stairs, packed and zipped, an airplane ticket on top.

  “I changed my reservation. I have a flight tonight.”

  Damn it, he was out of time. And he wasn’t at his best when it came to emotional issues. Fear of losing her shut all other thoughts out of his mind. He dragged his hand through his hair, then grabbed her shoulders. “Don’t go,” he implored.

  She blinked, then looked up at him. “I beg your pardon?”

  “I’m an idiot, a fool. You were right about everything, and I don’t want to lose you.”

  “You already have,” she said, her voice hoarse. “You sent me away.”

  Was she fighting tears? he wondered. And did that mean he still had a chance? “I love you, Angie. I always have. I always will. I loved the woman you were, and I adore the independent woman you are.”

  “You love…” Her mouth fell open in shock and he kissed her deeply, moving them both into the foyer and kicking the door closed.

  When he slowly ended the kiss, he held on to her, mostly because he was scared beyond words that she’d get away. “You were right,” he confessed. “About me, about everything. And I know my heart will break if you won’t let me love you, but you’re worth the gamble.”

  “I can’t know that, Shane.” Tears shimmered on her eyelashes and made her voice waver. “And I can’t give up being who I am.”

  “I don’t want you to.” He squeezed tightly, desperate for her to understand. “There’s a big difference between my kind of caring and the control Jack tried to exert over you. He was punishing you. I just want to care for you.”


  “Does your organization have to be run from Chicago?”

  “No, but—”


  “I’d have to travel frequently.”


  “I’d need an office.”

  “I know someone in construction.”

  “I’d have to relocate my assistant.”

  “No problem.”

  She closed her eyes, shuttering the emotion. Her lower lip trembled and she shivered. “This isn’t a negotiation,” she said, finally looking at him.

  “No. It’s about making you happy, about me proving that I’m not Jack, that I’ve changed.” Rolling the dice, he let go of her long enough to pull out his wallet and remove the aspen leaf. He draped the necklace over his forefinger. “Tell me about this.”

  She looked at the pendant for a moment, mesmerized.

  “For five years you never took it off.”


  His heart hammered. “Why not?”

  “Because it was a reminder I was loved,” she whispered, looking at him through wide, luminescent blue eyes. Then, honesty in the set of her shoulders, she said, “It was also a reminder that I’d loved, too.”

  “And now?”


  “I love you, Angie.” He closed one hand around the aspen leaf and slipped the other around the back of her neck, cradling her head. “Tell me you love me.”

  “I never stopped,” she admitted. “But love’s not enough.” She tried to blink away the tears, but one fell, streaking onto her cheek. “I walked out once,” she reminded him. “You don’t trust me.” Angie’s voice broke, along with her heart. “I can’t live like that, Shane.”

  Shane was offering the things she’d so desperately wanted to hear. Part of her wanted to throw herself forward, be captured in his strong arms and give herself over to a possibility. But cold reality had taught her that he didn’t trust her.

  “I believe in you, Angie.”

  She felt his hand on the back of her neck, demanding and reassuring at the same time. He unclenched his hand and her pendant lay there. The color was dulled, but the first rush of their love was still there, emphasized by the fact the gold no longer had the patina of newness. The very fact it was well-worn proved their commitment.

  “As long as you’re wearing this, how could I ever doubt you? As for me, I learned an important lesson today. You helped me see that the past was repeating itself.”

  He drew a shaky breath, and in his trembling shoulders, she saw how much the raw honesty cost him.

  “I see why you sacrificed yourself for me and Sarah.”

  Somewhere deep inside, something—maybe her womb—tightened. “You can honestly see that?”

  “Yeah. When I was at the diner with Sarah and Mondo…”

  She smiled a little at the emphasis on the young man’s name.

  “I saw that she was stuck in the middle of two men, like you had been. Only I didn’t have the leverage your father had. If it hadn’t been for your father, you might never have left me.”

  “Wouldn’t have left you,” she corrected him.

  He tightened his hold slightly. “Wouldn’t have left me,” he agreed. “Today I saw you fight for my sister. How could I believe you wouldn’t fight for us?”

  “Oh, Shane.” He absently rubbed her nape and she felt her resistance ebbing. His vibrant green eyes were verdant with emotion.

  “I almost lost Sarah. I don’t want to lose you again through my own stupidity. I went to the Hot Springs and learned you hadn’t checked in. I drove around town like a crazy man looking for you. And right now I’m so damn scared, my knees are locked so I can stand up straight.”

  This was more than she dared hope. Through her tears, she smiled.

  “Take a chance on me, Angie. Say you’ll marry me.”

  He held up the aspen leaf and it glinted in the incandescent lighting. Wordlessly she turned her back to him and lifted her hair.

  He kissed her there, sending a shock wave of pleasure all the way to her toes. After he fastened the clasp, he turned her to face him. He was grinning like a fool when he said, “I’ll love you forever.”

  “And I’ll love you a day longer than that,” she swore.

  He took out her ring and slid it onto her finger, then claimed her lips and her commitment, as she demanded his in return. Shane willingly gave it….


  “Around the Town”

  by Miss Starr

  Excitement is in the air! Not only has Angela Burton Masters remarried our own Shane, but they’ve recently returned from a successful trip to Chicago where she and her doting husband had a fabulous Valentine’s Day fund-raising gala for Dreams and Wishes. And now it’s our turn!

  Angela and Shane will join forces the first weekend of May to celebrate the grand opening of the town’s incredible community center. Rumor has it the opening will be an extravaganza like this town has never seen. As well it should be!

  Miss Starr sneaked a peek (it is her duty to you, my reader, after all) at the remodeled schoolhouse, and I can say with certainty that Angela’s vision has combined incredibly well with Shane’s talents. The project was finished ahead of time and under budget. The children will enjoy this center for generations to come, thanks
to Shane and Angela Masters.

  Rumor has it that Angela will be wearing a dress she purchased during her Chicago trip, a gown her newly re-wed husband chose. It’s black silk, and evidently the back is cut down to there. You’ll recognize me tonight, gentle readers, I’ll be the one blushing!

  Since the whole town is invited, I’ll see you there.

  Until next week, this is all the news you can use.

  “You look beautiful. Do you know that?”

  Angie felt Shane’s hand on her bare back and she jumped at the warm touch. He came up behind her and nuzzled her neck. “This grand re-opening is a huge success, thanks to you, Mrs. Masters.”

  She turned into her husband’s arms and placed her fingertip in that tempting cleft in his chin. “Thanks to your awesome talents, Mr. Masters. We make a good team.”

  “A hell of a team,” he agreed.

  He smelled masculine, of the mountain outdoors and spice. He’d made love to her before they’d left for the night, and suddenly she wanted him again.

  “I knew this dress was hot, but I didn’t know it’d make me want to take your clothes off in public.”

  She grinned and ran her fingers across his satiny bow tie.

  Just as he was going to kiss her, Nick Andrews slapped him on the back. “Great job, Masters.”

  Shane grimaced and she nearly laughed. He mouthed “later” to her, and a shiver traced down her exposed spine.

  He turned to face his friend, but reached protectively for Angie’s elbow and cupped it with his palm.

  “Noelle will get a chance to use the center,” Lilly said, coming over and gently pinching Nick’s arm for interrupting Shane and Angie. “Thanks for building it.”

  Angie’s heart soared. She loved making a difference, and with Shane at her side, it was even more thrilling. True to his word, he supported her in every way, and the love she came home to filled her heart. She accomplished more than she ever had, finding that a happy marriage gave her twice as much stamina. Not only that, but Shane was so full of ideas himself, the partnership was incredible. “Where is the little one?”

  “With Bernadette,” Lilly said. “I think I’m ready to have my daughter back.”

  “It’s been two minutes,” Nick said.

  “You’re just as bad as me,” Lilly protested. Then she said to Angie and Shane, “We went to the movies the other night and left Noelle with Kurt and Jessie. It was our first date since Noelle was born. Nick couldn’t stand being away from his little girl, so we left during the opening credits.”

  Shane raised his brow, and Nick said, “Guilty.”

  Kurt and Jessie joined them, and Jessie definitely glowed. Kurt kept glancing at his wife solicitously and even once whispered in her ear, asking if she needed anything.

  Bernadette Simpson joined the party with a fussy Noelle.

  Nick took his daughter and placed her against his tuxedoed shoulder.

  She quieted instantly and Jessie asked Kurt, “Are you taking notes?”

  “I’m ready.”

  They shared a private glance and Angie couldn’t resist looking at Shane. Just last night, they’d talked about starting a family of their own….

  Bernadette “ahemed” and asked, “Now that you’re married, who’s next?”

  Slade Birmingham walked in, Stetson tipped rakishly, boots gleaming in a way that matched the sudden twinkle in Bernadette’s eye. “If you’ll excuse me,” she said. “I wonder how things are going with setting up the computer system at his ranch? And isn’t Rachel Kincade trying to start a computer business?”

  She sashayed off, her long silk dress whispering.

  Lilly frowned. “Do you suppose she’s…”

  “Miss Starr?” Angie asked.

  “No,” Kurt said. “I thought it was Bridget from the Chuckwagon.”

  “Or Gwen from the Hot Springs Resort.”

  Still, Angie wondered…

  “We’re here!”

  Sarah burst through the door, all energy and exuberance, Mondo holding her hand. Mondo looked respectable, Angie thought with a grin, if you didn’t count the fact he hadn’t tucked in his tuxedo shirt. Unfortunately, the label was exposed, but Sarah didn’t seem to mind. Her hand was enfolded in the crook of his arm and she positively beamed.

  “The party can begin!” Sarah said.

  Shane shook Mondo’s hand and hugged Sarah. Angie smiled. She’d gotten a wonderful husband, lots of support and a younger sister whom she adored. Sarah had even been Angie’s maid of honor. Her recent fund-raiser had earned more than she dared dream, and she was surrounded by family, trust and love. Shane was only demanding out of concern, and she decided she could live with that. Life didn’t get any better.

  Shane was thinking much the same thing.

  Later, when everyone had gone, he tipped his champagne glass to her. “You were incredible. Congratulations.”

  “Couldn’t have done it without you.”

  Even though there was no music and the cleanup crew was working, he put down their glasses and guided her to the dance floor…any excuse to have her in his loving arms.

  He never thought he’d open his heart, let alone love again. But Angie had been worth the risk. Even though she had on an expensive dress, she still wore the aspen leaf, the pendant nestled between her breasts. She loved him, and he marveled at that. She was the woman who was meant to be his mate and he told her so.

  She shuddered and leaned into him, so reminiscent of the way she’d flung herself into his arms during the blizzard a few months ago. They became motionless on the floor and she silently sealed his words with a kiss.

  He was suddenly grateful for the blizzard and the one snowbound weekend she thought she was his wife. She’d made his dreams come true. “I’ll spend a lifetime making your dreams come true,” he said. Then he swung her into his arms and carried her to the car, intent on taking her home and proving it to her, again and again….

  ISBN: 978-1-4603-1110-3


  Copyright © 2000 by Christine Pacheco

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