Her Haunted Knight

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Her Haunted Knight Page 9

by Stella Marie Alden

  “I believe I’ve already done that, m’lord.”

  His own laugh was so full of joy, he stopped in wonder.

  What has she done to me?

  Meanwhile, by the light of a small pottery lamp, she reached into her purse and pulled out what he asked. “I have thought of nothing but you since we joined.”

  His rough palm cupped her cheek, hazel eyes held her captive, and her heart nearly burst with feelings for him.

  After they shared many sweet kisses she stopped and showed him her brooch. “See there? The coat of arms?”


  “It’s true. I’m the sister of yer worst enemy.” She opened the parchment and unfurled it into his hand but he didn’t read, instead he seemed enchanted by the red wax mark.

  “My God. Do you know who this seal belongs to?”

  She shook her head, no, as he moaned.

  “De Wolfe. It says here that you are his goddaughter. That makes sense. He served your deceased grandfather, Lord de Longley. His descendent, your uncle, will see me skewered for taking your virginity. We must marry at once.”

  “But how would he even know?”

  “You’re too bloody good for a bastard born?” Her lover stood and glared, eyes fierce and cold.

  “You’re frightening me.” Quickly, she turned, scrambled on the floor, and kicked off her shoe when he grabbed it.

  Inside the tunnel, with heart pounding, she stomped on the lever and the stone rolled into place. While he cursed and pounded the wall, she felt her way to the deep hole under the moat. There, she rolled up into a ball and sobbed.

  Chapter 12

  Hugh sounded an alarm and insisted every man, woman and child keep guard along the outside and inside west wall.

  After rousting the bailey, he strode in the kitchen, through the great hall, and up the stairs. “I’m coming for you, woman. You can’t stay hidden forever.”

  He stopped in the tower where men made little progress as they tried to pull out the huge stone in the ancient wall.

  “Are all women this senseless?” Hugh paced the length of the chambers while Aliyar leaned back on the mattress and yawned. “Mayhap, you should start at the beginning. The last I saw you, we’d eaten a good meal and I thought you retired for the night. How did you come to this?”

  I wish I knew.

  “The healer came out of the wall while I slept. We talked and she showed me proof of her noble birth. I mayhap raised my voice when she denied my offer of marriage.”


  “Are you now my confessor?”

  “No, no. I’m merely trying to help you out of this adversity. Which, by the by, you have yet to fully explain.”

  “Damnation, Aliyar, I took her virginity and even though she tricked me, we still must wed. Now, she wants nothing to do with me.”

  “So say you. The men heard her crying behind the blacksmith walls.”


  “Aye. The thing women do when they are distraught. You are familiar with it, are you not?”

  “What in God’s name has she to be distraught about? She crucified my reputation, poisoned me, and took my seed. Now, I find out I breached the virgin walls of someone under de Wolf’s protection. You might as well hire a priest for my last rites.”

  Hugh knew he was ranting and yet couldn’t stop. “Ever since seeing her in the cold stream holding little Val, I’ve been besotted. I want her more than life. Now, I’ve yelled at her, albeit for very good reasons. And yet, because she cries, I feel such remorse I’m made a fool. Obviously, there’s nothing to be done but marry.”

  “What will DeBruce say? The king?”

  “It matters not. Find her and I will wed her immediately.”

  “She’s wanted for murder. Have you gone mad?”

  “No doubt.” Hugh sighed, his cock hard beneath his tunic. In truth he wanted to lay with Rose quite fiercely.

  Suddenly, drums sounded in the bailey.

  “Anon!” He and Ali took stairs three at a time and raced out the great hall to the stables. Their mounts were already being saddled and pages tightened the belts under their horse’s bellies.

  Riding into the bailey, Hugh shouted to his men, already on top of the wall. “Who is it and how many?”

  “Green tunics as far as the eye can see. Mayhap two hundred. More exiting the woods.”

  Hugh pulled out his sword as all rallied and shouted over the drums. “Are you ready to defend what we have so long desired? What is now ours?”

  “Aye!” His men lifted their swords into the air and shouted as one.

  “Do not hold back, my valiants. This time, spare none!” Hugh rode under the portcullis, and yelled to be heard over the drums. “Raise it and let none enter the bailey until the battle is won.”

  His men cheered, clanking swords against shields. Then, the iron gate opened as arrows from the wall rained down upon his enemies.

  From atop his charger, Hugh swung his curved sword, cutting men in half, lopping off heads, soon covered in gore. None would ever again be so foolish as to try to take what was his. He raised his sword at the next Scot who approached and for a brief instant paused. The man looked so much like Rose, it seemed wrong to slay him.

  The slight misstep was all the Scot needed. His sharp blade sliced through leather and Hugh fell off Wind with the air knocked out of him.


  He tugged the leg of the Scot and pulled him to the ground but the young Douglas was fast as steel met steel.

  By God, my people will have a home and if Rose is with child, it will nay be bastard born.

  “Ayaaah!” Hugh swung his blade, ignoring the searing pain in his side, and when he shoved his shield into the Scot, the lad teetered.

  When Hugh kicked out his knee, the laird fell onto his back and let go his weapon. “Mercy.”

  The ruse was almost believable but Hugh kept his eyes on the man’s hands. When a knife appeared, there was nothing to be done but end the life of Rose’s younger brother.

  The other Douglas howled and raced forward with ax high. With blade inches from his forehead, Hugh braced for death but Aliyar’s arrow was true. It pierced the Scot’s heart and he fell dead on the spot. Quickly, Hugh sliced off his head and tossed it to Aliyar who held it high.

  Scot horns bleated at the grisly sight and the attackers fled into the woods. Sickened at the waste, Hugh searched the field wondering which of his men would never again share a meal at his table.

  “Make sure there is a merciful death to those enemies wounded on the field.” He put his hand to his waist and it came back bloody.

  God’s blood. The cut is deep.

  With the world spinning, he strode slowly to the portcullis amongst the cheers of his warriors. “Raise the gate.”

  “Allah! Godspeed!” Inside the bailey, women and elders happily cried out his name and he waved back.

  They deserved this moment, to feel worthy of being defended, to know they had a home and that no one would ever take it from them.

  He staggered into the great hall and rested with his back against the wall bleeding abundantly. Two or three of his men were brought in on pallets and he saw to it that the women tended to them.

  “M’lord? Are you well? You look pale.” Azzah approached and handed him a mug of sweet ale.

  At the sight of his blood pooling on the floor her eyes went wide and she screamed, “Rose, to me! Our master is wounded!”

  Chapter 13

  Despite tremendous effort, Hugh’s eyelids closed as a whiff of lavender hit his nostrils. Clever fingers made quick work of removing his armor and pulling on his silk. When it couldn’t be tugged over his head, a blade tore the priceless fabric and cool air met his chest.

  He struggled to sit at the familiar voice near his ear. “Damnation, m’lord. Lie still. Yer bleedin’ all over everythin’.”

  Rose pressed a cloth into his wound and when he moaned she put a skein of water to his lips. “Drink it all. Under

  He tried to swallow but couldn’t manage.

  With her hands on his cheeks and her soft nose against his, she insisted. “You will drink, m’lord or I will force it down ye.”

  He nodded, swallowed, and opened one eye as she placed a piece of leather between his teeth. He gritted down and moaned at the excruciating pinch of the needle going in and out of flesh.

  When the time came to cauterize the wound, he spat out the leather. “Where is Ali?”

  “He is tending the rest of yer men. Would ye rather I call him?”

  “You will not falter?”

  “No, Destroyer. I will not. Ye have my word on it.” She squeezed his hand and placed the leather back between his teeth. Then, she walked to the fireplace and returned with a long white-hot rod with a flattened end. “Close yer eyes. I will be fast and sure.”

  He screamed at the torturous burning and must’ve passed out for when he woke, she was by his side pressing a cool cloth to his forehead.

  “Ye have a fever but will probably survive.”

  “Probably?” He smiled.

  “Or not.”

  He grabbed her soft hand. “You came out of the wall. For me?”

  “Aye. When I heard ye were injured, my insides churned and my heart began to drum in my chest. I could not bear the thought of anyone but myself tendin’ to ye. What have ye done to me, Destroyer? Why are you in my every most impure thoughts?”

  “It’s the same for me.”

  “Mayhap I can get a priest to exorcise the demon from us?” Her playing made him smile and he knew, should he survive, all would be well between them.

  “We can call a priest, but for something else entirely. I will wed you, Rose Douglas.”

  She stopped, her eyes glistening. “I should not say this, but I do cherish the time I was one with you. I love the touch of yer skin, how ye stretched and filled me, and the bright heavenly lights that followed.”

  “Bright lights?”.

  “Aye. When we joined, I’ve never felt such an overwhelming pleasure. Surely, it’s sinful but I’d beg on my knees to have ye again.” Her face blushed. “I would open my legs for ye and be your private servant, m’lord, for as long as ye find me beautiful. I’d only ask that when I’m no longer so, that ye allow me to stay in your keep and not send me to the innkeeper.”

  “So, you’d whore yourself to me?” His face darkened. Again, she had refused to wed him.

  “Aye. That’s how far I’ve fallen. This thing ye do to me, is beyond my ken. I just know, if I cannae have ye, life will not be worth livin’.”

  Tiny tears formed at her eyes and Hugh wanted nothing more than to kiss them away but until he was sure he’d live, he could not have her so besotted with him. “Do not love me so deeply, Rose, for I’m a haunted man.”

  She smiled sadly. “Sleep, Destroyer. Ye need rest.”

  Just then, Ali entered and lifted the bandage covering the wound. Giving a grunt, he turned to Rose. “It’s an adequate job.”

  At the tone, Hugh lifted his brows. “Jealousy does not suit you, my friend. Her healing skills match your own.”

  “Jealous? I think not. I was merely deciding if I’d kill her for not calling for me to attend to you.”

  “I, I… What were you saying?” Hugh’s eyelids refused to stay open and he got lost in a smoky forest of thoughts.

  Meanwhile, Ali’s cool hand shot to his forehead. “Allah help us all. He’s too warm.”

  Knowing this might be his final battle, Hugh reached up, grabbed Aliyar’s wrist, and said, “Promise me. Take care of her if I die.”

  “Do not die, my friend, for I promise nothing.” Ali scowled at Rose. “How long has he had a fever?”

  “It’s been stable since I burned his flesh and he’s been drinking my recipe. This is not my first wound, Sir Aliyar. I know what to do.”

  Hugh chuckled as he fell back into sleep. She’d make a fine wife if she could mouth off to his commander. That and, God willing, if he managed to live through this damned cut.

  That night he woke again, sweat pouring off his naked body and Rose was there with cool cloths, wiping him down. He was quite certain his cock was hard from a most explicit dream.

  “Are ye awake, Destroyer?”

  “You took off my clothes. Are you so anxious to bed me?”

  She threw a linen over his lower half, blushing the brightest shade of pink. “Your wound gave you a mighty fever. You needed cool air.”

  Her hands cupped behind his head and she put juice to his lips. After he swallowed, a spoon with warm broth demanded entrance.

  “You muttered in your sleep about your father. Is it he that haunts you?”

  “I’ve many ghosts, Rose, but you chase them away. If I live, will you let me have you again?”

  “I’m still so verra confused. Ye make all my thoughts daft.” From the way she stared at his swollen appendage, she wanted him. Maybe that was the way to her heart.

  “I’ll make you mine. Forever. Understand? Never run from me ever again for I swear I’ll find you, even to the ends of the earth.”

  She kissed him on the forehead. “Shush, now. I’ve nowhere to go and even if I did, it’s as if I’m chained to ye. I don’t know why but I cannae leave yer side.”

  “Crawl up next to me and sleep, girl. I’d not have you collapsing from exhaustion.”

  Chapter 14

  “Och! I should not have slept!

  Hugh’s body was way too warm. He needed stronger medicines and the only ones she trusted were in the priory.

  She ran down the dark stairs and tip-toed through the warm, quiet kitchen.

  Once outside, she shook the guard by the drawbridge. “Prithee Doğan, lower the path. I need to pick some herbs to save your leader.”

  Scratching at his beard, he eyed her bloody attire, then narrowed his gaze. “Tell me. How does he fare?”

  “Not well but there’s fronds in the forest. Anon! I beg ye, let me go.” Rose held her breath, hoping he wouldn’t call for Aliyar.

  Doğan gave a curt nod, whistled, and a sleepy young warrior ran out of the barracks. Soon, two destriers were brought from the stables and Rose took the lead. She raced through the sleeping bailey, under the portcullis, and across the meadows.

  Before getting back in the saddle at the forest toll, she turned to her young companion. “Hear me. I’m going to the priory. My potions are there and I won’t be long. The guard probably won’t let you in, so ye must wait at the gate. If I don’t come out, I’ll send ye out my herb basket and a book. Bring these to Aliyar. The Destroyer’s life depends upon it. Do ye ken?”

  “I’ll do as you say.” He swung a leg over the fine horse and raced with her to the ancient wall.

  When they reached the Priory, she slid out of her saddle and knocked on the door.

  The small peek-hole slid open, revealing Brother John of Nottingham. “Christ have mercy, is that you Mary Rose?”

  “Aye. Ye must let me in.” She had to stand on tip-toes to be heard.

  “Have you lost your wits? There’s a pile of sticks in the courtyard. The abbess intends to burn you alive.”

  “Please. My lord lies near death. I need medicines from the apothecary to save him and willingly exchange my life for his. Prithee, if I’m found out, bring my basket to the lad.” She pointed to where her escort paced their sweaty, lathered horses until John opened the door.

  “Get what you need, then go.” He poked his head out to wave the lad in closer. “Stand ready.”

  Rose tried to thank him but he pushed her forward, into the courtyard. Heart racing, Rose snuck to the small hut behind the church, gathered what she needed, and put it all in a priory-weave basket.

  Suddenly, church bells rang signaling the end of matins. and when a woman cleared her throat, Rose froze and slowly turned. She moaned when her eyes met those of the bishop along with the mad abbess.

  John raced in, grabbed the basket, and departed with a bow. “I’ll show this to th
e canons and let them know she was stealing.”

  At least I’ll die for a good cause and mayhap be forgiven my many sins.

  Chapter 15

  When Hugh opened his eyes, his headache was gone but his side hurt like the devil. An open book of healing lay next to a mortar and pestle on the bedside table. Next to his mattress sat a priory basket full of pungent herbs but no Rose.

  He dragged his arse to the slit in the wall, leaned against the ledge, and shouted to Doğan. “Where’s the healer?”

  “She left this morning, m’lord, and is being held at the priory. Aliyar has gone to fetch her.”

  “Damnation! Send someone up to help me dress.”

  Cursing freely, he managed to get a tunic over his head and stumbled down the stairs in his bare feet. He only paused in the great hall because a new page dared ransom his sword until he donned his boots and spurs.

  “Anon. My charger. Bring her around front.” He stood and raced to the door.

  Midway through the forest, his stiches broke open and he shot his hand to his side while Wind kept her gait steady.

  “Bloody nails of the Savior!” Upon exiting the forest, he spied his men milling about on their chargers just west of Lanercost with swords drawn and faces grim.

  He pulled up on the reins as a frowning Aliyar pointed to his bloody side. “Allah, m’lord. You’d die for her?”

  “Where is she? If they touch a hair on her head, by God, I’ll burn the place to the ground.”

  He glared at the walls, picturing them in rubble and then back to the furious face of Aliyar who said, “DeBruce is within and won’t let anyone pass.”

  Back at the priory door, Hugh pounded with the hilt of his sword until a tonsured man slid open a small hole and peered out.

  “Who knocks?”

  “I’m here for Mary Rose.”

  “Begone!” The man’s lips went to the hole and his voice dropped to a whisper.

  “I cannot let you pass but there’s another way. Ride west to the wall’s first tower, take the stairs, and come back along the top. Anon, they mean to burn her alive. You have but moments.”


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