Slicing Pizzas, Racing Turtles, and Further Adventures in Applied Mathematics (Princeton Paperbacks)

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Slicing Pizzas, Racing Turtles, and Further Adventures in Applied Mathematics (Princeton Paperbacks) Page 22

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  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

  air resistance

  Alexander's dark band

  amount: of air in the world; of water in the world

  arctangent-exponential equation of growth

  area of a surface

  Argand diagram

  atmospheric pressure distribution

  azimuthal, conical, and cylindrical projection

  Berghaus star projection

  Bernoulli, Jakob

  Bernoulli, Johann

  bodies of the solar system


  calculus of variations

  California population growth



  centrifugal force

  circle and parabola

  coalition (or hyperbolic) growth

  Collatz (or 3N + 1 or Syracuse) problem

  complex number

  composite number

  conic sections


  date of Doomsday

  delta, Feigenbaum number

  Descartes-Newtonian theory of the rainbow

  Descartes, Rene

  dimensional analysis

  doubling time

  e, base of natural logarithms


  equation of fluid statics

  Euler, Leonhard

  Euler's relationship


  exponential growth

  Fermat number

  Fermat, Pierre de

  Fibonacci (Leonardo of Pisa)

  Fibonacci numbers

  flag of the United States, dimensions and colors

  flags of various nations, dimensions and colors

  fractals and chaos theory

  frequency of oscillation

  gamma, Euler's constant

  Gauss, Carl Friedrich

  general gas law

  geometrical optics


  global warming

  gnomonic, stereographic, and orthographic projection

  gravitational force

  gravity-driven maglev transportation system

  Great Pyramids of Egypt

  hailstone number

  Hele-shaw cell

  hexagons and hexagrams

  honeycombs and hexagons

  honking bird

  Huygens, Christiaan

  hybrid corn adoption

  hydrologie cycle

  hyperbolic sine

  hypsometric (or hypsographic) curve

  ice age

  ice production and melting

  imaginary number

  inflection point on a growth curve

  Kepler, Johannes

  kinetic energy of a raindrop

  Koch snowflakes and fractals

  law of cosines

  law of gravitation

  law of sines

  laws of motion

  Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection

  Lambert, Johann Heinrich

  laminar and potential flow analogies

  least squares analysis

  Leibniz, Gottfried


  length of a curve

  limitations to growth

  linear pattern analysis

  logarithmic integral

  logarithmic spiral

  loxodrome or rhumb line

  Malthusian growth (geometric progression)

  Malthus, Thomas

  mechanical and electrical circuit analogies

  melted ice caps and glaciers

  Mercator, Gerardus

  Mercator projection

  modified coalition growth

  mountain range design recipe

  natural number of integer

  nautical miles and knots

  Nautilus sea shell

  Newton, Isaac

  optimum velocity

  pentagons and pentagrams

  perfect number

  period of oscillation

  phi, golden number or ratio or divine proportion

  pi, ratio of circumference of circle and diameter

  population crowding effects

  population of the world

  porosity of spheres

  power of a rainfall

  primary rainbow

  prime number; fundamental theorem; largest known


  pursuit problem

  rainfall and runoff

  recurrence relationship

  reflection and refraction

  refractive index

  river discharges

  rivers: sources and mouths

  secondary rainbow

  simple harmonic motion

  slices in higher-dimension space

  slices: of licorice string; of pizza; of watermelon

  Snell's law

  Snell, Willebrord

  snowflakes and hexagons

  soap film and membrane analogies

  spherical triangle

  sporting balls: base, tennis, and golf

  Steiner, Jakob

  tertiary and quarternary rainbows

  time of descent

  total number of people who have lived



  velocity of escape

  velocity of a raindrop


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