Asimov’s Future History Volume 14

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Asimov’s Future History Volume 14 Page 52

by Isaac Asimov

  “In what way am I native?” asked Seldom lifting his head and staring down his nose at her.

  “Don’t be offended, Hari. I think it’s one of your attractive features, actually.”

  “I know. It arouses your maternal instincts and you have been asked to take care of me. But in what way am I naive?”

  “In thinking that Rashelle would cry to propagandize the population of the Empire, generally, into accepting you as seer. She would accomplish nothing in that way. Quadrillions of people are hard to move quickly. There is social and psychological inertia, as well as physical inertia. And, by coming out into the open, she would simply alert Demerzel.”

  “Then what is she doing?”

  “My guess is that the information about you-suitably exaggerated and glorified-is going out to a crucial few. It is going to those Viceroys of sectors, those admirals of fleets, those people of influence she feels look kindly. upon her–or grimly upon the Emperor. A hundred or so of those who might rally to her side will manage to confuse the Loyalists just long enough to allow Rashelle the First to set up her New Order firmly enough to beat off whatever resistance might develop. At least, I imagine that is how she reasons.”

  “And yet we haven’t heard from Hummin.”

  “I’m sure he must be doing something just the same. This is too important to ignore.”

  “Has it occurred to you that he might be dead?”

  “That’s a possibility, but I don’t think so. If he was, the news would reach me.”


  “Even here.”

  Seldon raised his eyebrows, but said nothing.

  Raych came back in the late afternoon, happy and excited, with descriptions of monkeys and of Bakarian demoires and he dominated the conversation during dinner.

  It was not until after dinner when they were in their own quarters that Dors said, “Now, tell me what happened with Madam Mayor, Raych. Tell me anything she did or said that you think we ought to know.”

  “One thing,” said Raych, his face lighting up. “That’s why she didn’t show at dinner, I bet.”

  “What was it?”

  “The zoo was closed except for us, you know. There were lots of us, Rashelle and me and all sorts of guys in uniforms and dames in fancy clothes and like that. Then this guy in a uniform-a different guy, who wasn’t there to begin with-came in toward the end and he said something in a low voice and Rashelle corned to all the people and made with her hand like they shouldn’t move and they didn’t. And she went a little ways away with this new guy, so she could talk to him and no one could hear her. Except I kept paying no attention and kept looking at the different cages and sort of moved near to Rashelle so I could hear her.

  “She said, ‘How dare they?’ like she was real mad. And the guy in the uniform, he looked nervous-I just got quick looks because I was trying to make out like I was watching the animals-so mostly I just heard the words. He said somebody-I don’t remember the name, but he was a general or somethin`. He said this general said the officers had sworn religious to Rashelle’s old man–”

  “Sworn allegiance,” said Dors.

  “Somethin’ like that and they was nervous about havin’ to do what a dame says. He said they wanted the old man or else, if he was kind of sick, he should pick some guy to be Mayor, not a dame.”

  “Not a dame? Are you sure?”

  “That’s what he said. He like whispered it. He was so nervous and Rashelle was so mad she could hardly speak. She said, ‘I’ll have his head. They wilt all swear allegiance to me tomorrow and whoever refuses will lave cause to regret it before an hour has passed.’ That’s exactly what she said. She broke up the whole party and we all came back and she didn’t say one word to me all the rime. Just sat there, looking kinda mean and angry.”

  Dors said, “Good. Don’t you mention this to anyone, Raych.”

  “Course not. Is it what you wanted?”

  “Very much what I wanted. You did well, Raych. Now, go to your room and forget the whole thing. Don’t even think about it.”

  Once he was gone, Dors turned to Seldon and said, “This is very interesting. Daughters have succeeded fathers–or mothers, for that matter–and held Mayoralties or other high offices on any number of occasions. There have even been reigning Empresses, as you undoubtedly know, and I can’t recall that there was ever in Imperial history any serious question of serving under one. It makes one wonder why such a thing should now, arise in Wye.”

  Seldon said, Why not? We’ve only recently been in Mycogen, where women are held in a total lack of esteem and couldn’t possibly hold positions of power, however minor.”

  “Yes, of course, but that’s an exception. There are other places where women dominate. For the most part, though, government and power have been more or less equisexual. If more men tend to hold high positions, it is usually because women tend to be more bound-biologically-to children.”

  “But what is the situation in Wye?”

  “Equisexual, as far as I know. Rashelle didn’t hesitate to assume Mayoral power and I imagine old Mannix didn’t hesitate to grant it to her. And she was surprised and furious at encountering male dissent. She can’t have expected it.”

  Seldon said, “You’re clearly pleased at this. Why?”

  “Simply because it’s so unnatural that it must be contrived and I imagine Hummin is doing the contriving.”

  Seldon said thoughtfully, “You think so?”

  “I do,” said Dors.

  “You know,” said Seldon,” so do I.”


  It was their tenth day in Wye and in the morning Hari Seldon’s door signal sounded and Raych’s high-pitched voice outside was crying out, “Mister! Mister Seldom It’s war!”

  Seldon took a moment to swap from sleep to wakefulness and scrambled out of bed. He was shivering slightly (the Wyans liked their domiciles on the chilly side, he had discovered quite early in his stay there) when he threw the door open.

  Raych bounced in, excited and wide-eyed. “Mister Seldon, they have Mannix, the old Mayor’. They have–”

  “Who have, Raych?”

  “The Imperials, Their jets came in last night all over. The news holocasts are telling all about it. It’s on in Missus’s room. She said to let ya sleep, but I figured ya would wanner know.”

  “And you were quite right.” Seldom pausing only tong enough to throw on a bathrobe, burst into Dors’s room. She was fully dressed and was watching the bolo-sec in the alcove.

  Behind the clear, small image of a desk sat a man, with the Spaceship-and-Sun sharply defined on the left-front of his tunic. On either side, two soldiers, also wearing the Spaceship-and-Sun, stood armed. The officer at the desk was saying, “-is under the peaceful control of his Imperial Majesty. Mayor Mannix is safe and well and is in full possession of his Mayoral powers under the guidance of friendly Imperial troops. He will be before you soon to urge calm on all Wyans and to ask any Wyan soldiers still in arms to lay them down.”

  There were other news holocasts by various newsmen with unemotional voices, all wearing Imperial armbands. The news was all the same: surrender by this or that unit of the Wyan security forces after firing a few shots for the record–and sometimes after no resistance at all. This town center and that town center were occupied–and there were repeated views of Wyan crowds somberly watching Imperial forces marching down the streets.

  Dors said, “It was perfectly executed, Hari. Surprise was complete. There was no chance of resistance and none of consequence was offered.”

  Then Mayor Mannix IV appeared, as had been promised. He was standing upright and, perhaps for the sake of appearances, there were no Imperials in sight, though Seldon was reasonably certain that an adequate number were present just out of camera range.

  Mannix was old, but his strength, though worn, was still apparent. His eyes did not meet the holo-camera and his words were spoken as though forced upon him-but, as had been promised, they counseled Wyans to rema
in calm, to offer no resistance, to keep Wye from harm, and to cooperate with the Emperor who, it was hoped, would survive long on the throne.

  “No mention of Rashelle,” said Seldon. “It’s as though his daughter doesn’t exist.”

  “No one has mentioned her,” said Dors, “and this place, which is, after all, her residence–or one of them-hasn’t been attacked. Even if she manages to slip away and take refuge in some neighboring sector, I doubt she will be safe anywhere on Trantor for long.”

  “Perhaps not, “came a voice; “but I’ll be safe here for a little while.”

  Rashelle entered. She was properly dressed, properly calm. She was even smiling, but it was no smile of joy; it was, rather, a cold baring of teeth.

  The three stared at her in surprise for a moment and Seldon wondered if she had any of her servants with her or if they had promptly deserted her at the first sign of adversity. 406

  Dors said a little coldly, “I see, Madam Mayor, that your hopes for a coup can not be maintained. Apparently, you have been forestalled.”

  “I have not been forestalled. I have been betrayed. My officers have been tampered with and-against all history and rationality–they have refused to fight for a woman but only for their old master. And, traitors that they are, they then let their old master be seized so that he cannot lead them in resistance.”

  She looked about for a chair and sat down. “And now the Empire must continue to decay and die when I was prepared to offer it new life.”

  “I think,” said Dors, “the Empire has avoided an indefinite period of useless fighting and destruction. Console yourself with that, Madam Mayor.”

  It was as though Rashelle did not hear her. “So many years of preparation destroyed in a night.” She sat there beaten, defeated, and seemed to have aged twenty years.

  Dors said, “It could scarcely have been done in a night. The suborning of your officers-if that took place-must have taken time.”

  “At that, Demerzel is a master and quite obviously I underestimated him. How he did it, I don’t know-threats, bribes, smooth and specious argument. He is a master at the art of stealth and betrayal-I should have known.”

  She went on after a pause. “If this was outright force on his part, I would have had no trouble destroying anything he sent against us. Who would think that Wye would be betrayed, that an oath of allegiance would be so lightly thrown aside?”

  Seldon said with automatic rationality, “But I imagine the oath was made not to you, but to your father.”

  “Nonsense,” said Rashelle vigorously. “When my father gave me the Mayoral office, as he was legally entitled to do, he automatically passed on to me any oaths of allegiance made to him. There is ample precedence for this. It is customary to have the oath repeated to the new ruler, but that is a ceremony only and not a legal requirement. My officers know that, though they choose to forget. They use my womanhood as an excuse because they quake in fear of Imperial vengeance that would never have come had they been staunch or tremble with greed for promised rewards they will surely never get-if I know Demerzel.”

  She turned sharply toward Seldon. “He wants you, you know. Demerzel struck at us for you.”

  Seldon started. “Why me?”

  “Don’t be a fool. For the same reason I wanted you... to use you as a cool, of course.” She sighed. “At least I am not utterly betrayed. There are still loyal soldiers to be found.-Sergeant!”

  Sergeant Emmer Thalus entered with a soft cautious step that seemed incongruous, considering his size. His uniform was spruce, his long blond mustache fiercely curled.

  “Madam Mayor, “he said, drawing himself to attention with a snap.

  He was still, in appearance, the side of beef that Hari had named him-a man still following orders blindly, totally oblivious to the new and changed state of affairs.

  Rashelle smiled sadly at Raych. “And how are you, little Raych? I had meant to make something of you. It seems now I won’t be able to.”

  “Hello, Missus... Madam,” said Raych awkwardly.

  “And to have made something of you too, Dr. Seldom” said Rashelle, “and there also I must crave pardon. I cannot.”

  “For me, Madam, you need have no regrets.”

  “But I do. I cannot very well let Demerzel have you. That would be one victory too many for him and at least I can stop that.”

  “I would not work for him, Madam, I assure you, any more than I would have worked for you.”

  “It is not a matter of work. It is a matter of being used. Farewell, Dr. Seldon.-Sergeant, blast him.”

  The sergeant drew his blaster at once and Dors, with a loud cry, lunged forward–but Seldon reached out for her and caught her by the elbow. He hung on desperately.

  “Stay hack, Dors, “he shouted, “or he’ll kill you. He won’t kill me. You too, Raych. Stand back. Don’t move.”

  Seldon faced the sergeant. “You hesitate, Sergeant, because you know you cannot shoot I might have killed you ten days ago, but I did not. And you gave me your word of honor at that time that you would protect me.”

  “What are you waiting for?” snapped Rashelle. “I said shoot him down, Sergeant.”

  Seldom said nothing more. He stood there while the sergeant, eyes bulging, held his blaster steady and pointed at Seldon’s head.

  “You have your order!” shrieked Rashelle.

  “I have your word,” said Seldon quietly.

  And Sergeant Thalus said in a choked tone, “Dishonored either way.” His hand fell and his blaster clanged to the floor.

  Rashelle cried out, “Then you too betray me’.”

  Before Seldon could move or Dors free herself from his grip, Rashelle seized the blaster, turned it on the sergeant, and closed contact.

  Seldon had never seen anyone blasted before. Somehow, from the name of the weapon perhaps, he had expected a loud noise, an explosion of flesh and blood. This Wyan blaster, at least, did nothing of the sort. What mangling it did to the organs inside the sergeant’s chest Seldon could not tell but, without a change in expression, without a wince of pain, the sergeant crumbled and fell, dead beyond any doubt or any hope.

  And Rashelle turned the blaster on Seldon with a firmness that put to rest any hope for his own life beyond the next second.

  It was Raych, however, who jumped into action the moment the sergeant fell. Racing between Seldon and Rashelle, he waved his hands wildly.

  “Missus, Missus, “he called. “Don’t shoot.”

  For a moment, Rashelle looked confused. “Out of the way, Raych. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  That moment of hesitation was all Dors needed. Breaking loose violently, she plunged toward Rashelle with a long low dive. Rashelle went down with a cry and the blaster hit the ground a second time.

  Raych retrieved it.

  Seldon, with a deep and shuddering breath, said, “Raych, give that to me.”

  But Raych backed away. “Ya ain’t gonna kill her, are ya, Mister Seldon? She was nice to me.”

  “I won’t kill anyone, Raych,” said Seldon. “She killed the sergeant and would have killed me, but she didn’t shoot rather than hurt you and we’ll let her live for that.”

  It was Seldon, who now sat down, the blaster held loosely in his hand, white Dors removed the neuronic whip from the dead sergeant’s other holster.

  A new voice rang out. “I’ll take care of her now, Seldon.”

  Seldon looked up and in sudden joy said, “Hummin! Finally!”

  “I’m sorry it took so long, Seldon. I had a lot to do. How are you, Dr. Venabili? I take it this is Mannix’s daughter, Rashelle. But who is the boy?”

  “Raych is a young Dahlite friend of ours,” said Seldon.

  Soldiers were entering and, at a small gesture from Hummin, they lifted Rashelle respectfully.

  Dors, able to suspend her intent surveillance of the other woman, brushed at her clothes with her hands and smoothed her blouse. Seldon suddenly realized that he was still in his bathrobe

  Rashelle, shaking herself loose from the soldiers with contempt, pointed to Hummin and said to Seldon, “Who is this?”

  Seldon said, “It is Chetter Hummin, a friend of mine and my protector on this planet.”

  “Your protector.” Rashelle laughed madly. “You fool! You idiot! That man is Demerzel and if you look at your Venabili woman, you will see from her face that she is perfectly aware of that. You have been trapped all along, far worse than ever you were with me!”


  Hummin and Seldon sat at lunch that day, quite alone, a pall of quiet between them for the most part. It was toward the end of the meal that Seldon stirred and said in a lively voice, “Well, sir, how do I address you? I think of you as ‘Chetter Hummin’ still, but even if I accept you in your other persona, I surely cannot address you as ‘Eto Demerzel.’ In that capacity, you have a title and I don’t know the proper usage. Instruct me.”

  The other said gravely, “Call me `Hummin’ if you don’t mind. Or ‘Chetter.’ Yes, I am Eto Demerzel, but with respect to you I am Hummin. As a matter of fact, the two are not distinct. I told you that the Empire is decaying and failing. I believe that to be true in both my capacities. I told you that I wanted psychohistory as a way of preventing that decay and failure or of bringing about a renewal and reinvigoration if the decay and failure must run its course. I believe that in both my capacities too.”

  “But you had me in your grip--I presume you were in the vicinity when I had my meeting with His Imperial Majesty.”

  “With Cleon. Yes, of course.”

  “And you might have spoken to me, then, exactly as you later did as Hummin.”

  “And accomplished what? As Demerzel, I have enormous tasks. I have to handle Cleon, a well-meaning but not very capable ruler, and prevent him, insofar as I can, from making mistakes. I have to do my bit in governing Trantor and the Empire coo. And, as you see, I had to spend a great deal of time in preventing Wye from doing harm.”

  “Yes, I know, “murmured Seldon.


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