The Dark Half of the Sun (The Young Ancients: Timon)

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The Dark Half of the Sun (The Young Ancients: Timon) Page 23

by P. S. Power

  "Be careful. Go and make peace with mother soon, too. It isn't right for you two to be fighting."

  He took the goodies and nodded.

  "I'll try. It isn't all one sided, but I get that at least one of us has to be the adult. I don't know how to do that yet, not really. I promise to try at least."

  There was a gentle chuckle from the large blond man and Terlee made a face at him.

  "Don't be a sourling Tim. If you go at her like that she'll become defensive and it will only make things worse."

  It was probably true enough, so he gave her a small bow and made his leave, trying to not feel bossed around. She meant well, which was part of what family was supposed to do. If she could keep the peace, she should.

  In the yard the Duchess was waiting in the craft, having worked out how to find the next place fairly well. She had the whole lay out memorized after all. Count Richland was nearly as easy for her to convince as Tovey had been. The next one on the list, Nora Alan, was far more interested in him than any talk of war and fairly well ignored the Duchess, even as she sat fuming about it.

  "I'm so sad that I'll be missing the upcoming adventure to Soam. I have the Council of Counts to attend and I hear that they'll likely overlap. Would it be possible to reserve your services for that? I might wish several trips, if it's as comfortable and fast as Countess Ward keeps suggesting." She seemed to want an answer at that moment and made significant eye contact with Timon, as if trying to flirt with him to gain his assurances.

  She was older than his mother in actual years and a little plain looking, having the long and heavily boned face some of the noble women did as they aged. It wasn't ugly, but made her look a bit hard, even as she batted her eyelashes at him and smiled gently.

  Before he could answer her the Duchess nodded several times.

  "The service is all that and more Nora. The seats are softer than my own feather bed and we left the Capital no more than five hours ago. In that time I've stopped to see Thomson and Richland. There's even art hanging on the wall of the craft and lovely surroundings. Comfort wise... I can't even explain it. You don't feel as if there is movement at all. You simply end up in your location, rested and calm."

  Tim sighed and smiled.

  "And if you stop ignoring the Duchess and at least fairly consider her plea, I'll give you a year's worth of service for half price. As I think you'll find, it adds up. Especially if you want regular flights during the busy months of the council meeting." He assumed it would be at least. It wouldn't hurt to sound positive.

  Honestly he was saying it to help keep the Duchess calm, so she wouldn't feel too frustrated, in case that would trigger a rage. The Countess smiled and clapped.

  "Oohhh. Bribes. I love bribes. I suppose I could lend some troops. Say twenty thousand? Perhaps more, if needed. I've never been that fond of Holder. He's too free with his words and snide comments. Quick enough on the apologies, if you call him on it, but he never seems to learn." She leaned over and placed a decently large hand on Timon's leg, stroking it gently.

  "I don't suppose that I could get a ride for free, just to make sure you mean what you say?" Her face was soft and her lips curled a bit at the sides. She licked her lips a little. It was enough he understood what she meant.

  Sex. It was actually tempting, but he had to sigh and explain it all to her.

  "I'm twelve, not just short. As it stands the King himself has laid an injunction against me having any of that kind of fun at all until I'm of age. Possibly with beatings from the Prince involved if I don't behave." He shrugged, not knowing what else to say really. "That's even the truth. If I could make an appointment for two years hence that would be good however." He smiled at the woman, who, plain or not, had really gotten his interest with the way she was stroking his leg.

  "Now, as to an actual test ride, that might be done. I believe we're headed to County Breen next... Would you like to ride with us? I don't know if we're going to be welcome inside, but we can work out a trip to Soam and perhaps some other lands, if you want, while we wait?"

  The woman clapped like a girl and touched his leg again anyway, then pulled back.

  "I'd love that, to tell the truth. Let me change first and I'll go with you to see Danny. We get along well and he isn't exactly easy with Eric either." The woman jumped up and scurried from the room, her large frame seeming light. There was a giddiness from her body language that spoke of something a lot more cheerful than the situation probably warranted.

  The Duchess looked at him and then stood, her face serious, bowing from the waist she held it as she spoke.

  "Thank you. I didn't think I'd get aid from her all, except in theory. At cost to yourself as well. She'll likely abuse the privilege of having your services you know. Half price... It might be hundreds of golds by the end of the year."

  He stood and gave her a bow that was just the very tiniest bit less deep, accepting the thanks without acting superior to a client.

  "The King sent you to me. Plus, I wasn't kidding about that beating from Prince Alphonse. As it is the man owes me one. I don't want to give him a reason to actually do it." He smiled and for some reason the woman did too, as if it were a clever joke.

  It wasn't, but so far the Prince acted like he didn't even remember the time that Timon had flailed at him in a combat rage. It was the polite thing to do, if you weren't damaged by it, but even his mother had warned him that a Prince might play by different rules that way than others. It could mean a beating, or worse, someday. So far the man hadn't even looked at him funny. Then, he was his brother's closest friend. Maybe that was giving him some protection?

  It took a bit for the Countess to be ready and the sky was dark, which, embarrassingly, meant they had to search for the Breen capital of Breenly for nearly an hour. Neither woman seemed displeased about it at all. They didn't find it either, seeing the line of camp fires in the darkness, many deep, with another similar set up to the east of it.

  Nora growled, crowding to the front, her arm nearly bumping the controls.

  "Battle lines. We need to see who's they are. Can you put down to the west? That almost certainly has to be Breen. Be ready to take off, if we come under attack." The flirtatious tone was gone, replaced by the words of a hardened military leader.

  Timon made the outside of the craft glow, choosing the color of daylight, since no one had that as their colors. He didn't land, hovering over the ground at about ten feet up, moving slowly into the camp as frightened men and women came out of their tents to look at them, many pointing boldly.

  Timon didn't see any standards and really wouldn't have known which it was if he did, but the Duchess moved forward for a better view and gestured to a man that had moved in front of them, a drawn sword in his hand. For all the world it looked like he was going to fight them himself if they were a threat.

  "Set down. Please, I mean. That's Dan Breen. We have the right line." It was Nora that spoke, but Duchess Keene seemed to agree. He dimmed the glow a bit, so it wouldn't be so blinding and slowly settled, blocking the path.

  The whole thing rested above the ground, but only a foot. After cracking the door Nora called out, her voice loud enough to be easily heard for a good distance off.

  "It's Countess Alan, Duchess Keene and Countier Baker. We were just coming to see if you wanted to help us spank Count Holder. I take it that's a yes?" She sounded pretty serious about it, for all that she smiled grimly as she spoke.

  The Count walked to the door, sheathing his sword as he did. The man was big, about eight feet tall plus a bit, and he bowed the instant they got out of the craft. Timon moved carefully to the front, in case attack came. His shield was probably better than anything the others had, or at least as good, if they'd gotten one from the King and Queen. The head of the Lairdgren building group had given them about fifty to hand out, so it was possible, given the level of people he was dealing with.

  Timon bowed, going lower than the man did easily, since it was his County and Count
ess Alan did the same. The Duchess made a point of bowing as an equal, since it was all inside her duchy, after a fashion.

  The man sighed, it was a huge thing, but had a slow and pained look to go with it. He also had a bandage on his right leg with blood on it. These people had seen battle already it seemed.

  "I'd have had more than three come to my aid, but I won't turn any away. We're too evenly matched at the moment. I welcome you all." He waved hugely, a grand gesture, which got the Duchess to laugh.

  "How about two hundred and twenty thousand? Thomson, Richland and Alan have all committed forces. We didn't realize that the battle was already joined, but they make effort to march as soon as possible. Can you hold here for a week or two?" There was a bit hesitation in her words, as if she feared that wouldn't be happening.

  The Count smoothed his black mustache and looked around.

  "As I said, we're evenly matched. My forces are a bit lighter on magics, but we hold slightly greater numbers. We can hold and more, if the others don't take over long. We were attacked without provocation or warning, three villages on the border slaughtered, man, woman, child and goat. It's like Holder has gone insane. I've attempted to make peace, or talk of treaty, but he won't even answer missive or messenger. He keeps sending them back."

  Timon went into the Fast Craft and came out a few moments later, holding five shields, the last ones he'd made. They weren't anywhere near enough, but if the man had been willing to take his aid as a fighter, then he might have use of them.

  "Sorry it isn't more. I'll try to arrange things. I can't make them overly fast, and I don't think the King will let the Lairdgren group do it. Not directly."

  The man looked at the bits of silver in his hand, and instead of mocking the paltry effort which wouldn't make any real difference most likely, he teared up and bowed. Low. The people listening did the same after a few moments.

  "I thank you. If I live through this, trust that I'll remember who came to my aid and to that of my people. Countier Baker? I'm not familiar with the name..." He glanced at the other women, but they both just turned to him, waiting for an explanation.

  "Countier seven Lairdgren, Timon Baker." He hesitated, hating that he had to do it, but added the rest. "The Wizard Tor is my brother? I made those shields however. They're just copies, but of his latest available work. Most of the King's forces don't have anything that can match them." It was just true, not bragging.

  "Count Daniel Breen. My friends call me Dan. May I call you Timon? I certainly want someone willing to just hand off things like this without talking gold first as a friend!" He chuckled, as if it was a joke.

  "That or Tim." He held out his hand, like they did back home which got the man to blink for a second then return the gesture.

  He didn't ask what the cost was, pocketing the silver in his hand quickly. Timon noticed the slightly bloody bandage again and realized that he might have a source of healing amulets, that wouldn't get the King in trouble for interfering. Feeling bold he offered to try and get a few.

  "Vagus has a new magics program. The things are nearly as dear there as they are here, but I might be able to arrange for some. It would have to be done in trade goods. They don't care for gold there overly. They're a very enlightened people that way, holding value only in things that are useful to them." That sounded better than the truth, which was that most still lived in huts made of mud and straw.

  The Count was quick to accept and offered cured meat by the ton for each amulet Timon could bring back. That would have to wait for the next day, since he had things to do first. Duchess Keene needed to be returned to her place and asked for him to be available the next day, or at least the one after that.

  "I... Actually already have commitments. What I can do is get the other pilot to come. Morgan. He's from County Ward. A wonderful person. Please feel free to trust him with payments and sensitive tasks."

  The woman seemed pleased enough about it and let him go with a promise that he'd arrange for it. Countess Alan kissed his cheek when he let her off at her place, and looked at him strangely before he left.

  "Why would you fly people around like you do, if you can make magic like those shields? You could be the next Tor. You aren't that old and if he can do it, I wouldn't doubt that you might be even better in time." She shook her great head then. "Forgive me, I shouldn't question someone like that. I let my mouth rule my wit at times."

  Timon smiled, not really feeling it. Then he spoke, not understanding exactly why he bothered at all. It was probably because he liked the woman already.

  "There's a need for my work. The world doesn't need another copy of my brother. That would be too much for it to survive, I think."

  The woman seemed to think for a bit and finally started to nod.

  "There might well be truth to that. Well, I for one am glad that you are yourself, Tim."

  With that she went inside, leaving him to get home, to catch a few hours sleep in his own bed. For the first time. Even given everything else that was going on, that made him smile.

  Chapter nine

  It was late when he went to bed and early when he woke, knowing that Tiera had to be off to school that day. For that matter he needed to check with his sister in-law and make sure she had transportation too. Farlo Ross as well. He stumbled through the early morning routine, then made his way over to the palace next door, hoping they had some of that coffee around. It might taste bitter and burnt, but it did the trick as far as waking him up. Plus, unless he wanted to test the staying power of the food that Glaren had packed the day before, and Terlee's cookies, he needed to see to getting something fresh.

  It was a good enough excuse to go and make an appearance at least. He hadn't been visiting with Ali a lot, but it made him feel better knowing she wasn't too far away. There was a lonely feeling to the idea that she'd be all the way up in Lairdgren. At least she'd have her sister in-law to look after her, and the other way around. This time he knocked on the door, since it wasn't an emergency. After about five minutes it opened, Ali at the door herself, smiling at him. She was dressed in a nice, but practical dress of pink cotton. She had two large chests floating behind her and a flying rig on her left hand.

  "Timon! I was just about to be off to the school. You have to promise to come and visit me. You can stay in my house there. Tor gave it to me. I have to admit I'm a little nervous, since most of the people I knew last year are going to be gone. Plus the fact that I have to start as a first year again. This time in building too. I hear it's really hard." She did look a bit nervous about it.

  He smiled, "I was actually just coming to see if you wanted to go up there with me? It will take less time. Tiera wants me to take her in, since going by Fast Carriage will be more impressive than just flying in. I was going to see if I can find Farlo Ross too. She's a member of the Lairdgren group, so you should get to know her." For that matter he needed to dig up Sandra Morris and Marco Sorvee. They had jobs to do, if they were willing, after all.

  "Oh? That sounds like much more fun. I'll get Glaren to pack a meal. Have you eaten? You should eat. Here... Glaren!" She started calling from the front room, which was ridiculous, if cute. She moved quickly, calling the whole time, forcing him to keep up, tired or not. When the blonde woman came out she made a slightly tight face and bowed at him, as if there would be a problem between them.

  He bowed back and made sure to speak first.

  "Sorry I was short with you. Duchess Keene was slipping too near combat rage for my taste and I couldn't let you push her over the edge. Client you know." He hoped that would be good enough, but she shook her head.

  "No, it was my fault. I know to leave the past in the past, she just... It wasn't a good thing, back then, what happened. I lost a marriage over it. If she would have backed me instead of Carol's father I'd still be married. It's not your problem. I was abrasive and angry when I shouldn't be. Not at you at least. Forgive me?"

  It shouldn't have been a question at all, of course, but
he didn't know how to explain it. It would improper to name her his friend, since she was much older and pretty enough that doing so in her culture could make people think the wrong thing.

  "Of course, it was never really a question. I just wanted you to understand why I was acting that way."

  Ali smiled, always being glad when people were getting along. She asked the kitchen lady if Timon could have something to eat. Then she went to call the Queen, since that would be the person to know where the Rosses had gotten to.

  He was given egg bread with honey and sausages. It was filling and done very well. Everything here was. Just as he was finishing, the whole thing not taking all that long, Ali came back.

  "Farlo is at the Palace with her grandparents. They don't have a house here, so I offered them this place for the next few months. If we could swing past there and pick her up I was told that would be most welcome. Some people wish to see you anyway. The King... and Princess Karina. She has a letter for you to deliver, since you'll be seeing your mother today."

  That wasn't an avoidable thing, not if he wanted to be able to hold his head high ever again, so he nodded. It would give him something to buffer the situation with anyway, delivering a letter from Karina.

  He left the plate, which was the rule at Tor's house, and used the restroom to wash up a bit, his hands and face slightly sticky. How he'd managed that he wasn't certain. It probably meant he was still a child really, for all he was fighting against it. He tidied his hair too, while he had a mirror. It was still decently short.

  Ten minutes later they were at the Palace, settling to the ground like a falling snowflake, going so slowly that there was almost a peaceful quality to it. Of course he really wasn't in a hurry to get to Two Bends, was he? It was stalling after a fashion. There were people waiting for the craft. A half dozen well armed Royal Guards, Farlo and her people, the King and Queen and Princess Karina, who fairly charged the door, handing him a wax sealed envelope.


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