Aboard the Wishing Star

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Aboard the Wishing Star Page 5

by Debra Parmley

  Just one kiss. A gentle whisper of a kiss.

  A soft kiss that made her wish for more. So much more. But it was just a kiss.

  She told herself that as she got ready for bed. Repeated it as she climbed into bed and curled up on her side.

  Just a kiss.

  Kara touched her lips with her fingertips. If only he'd kiss her again.

  Once was not enough.

  As she lay in the dark, caught up in the magic of a simple kiss, the magic of a simple wish, there in the dark she sent up another wish. A wish he'd kiss her again tomorrow night and more than once.

  Spending time with Nate reminded her of how much she missed having someone in her life and not just someone to talk to. She missed waking in the night and reaching out and touch the man she loved, knowing she wasn't alone.

  The small ship's bunk she'd curled up in felt empty even though it was small, though not as empty as her king-sized bed at home.

  As the ship rocked her, she lay still, closing her eyes, remembering the sound of Nate's voice, the way his eyes looked into hers and the gentle touch of his lips.

  The ship's movements lulled her into sleep. She dreamed. In her dream Nate kissed her over and over.

  It was the soundest sleep she had in years.

  The next morning, as Kara opened the door to their cabin, Viv squinted at her with one eye. "It's too early to get up."

  "I've already been to the gym, the cafeteria and the shops. It's not as early as you think."

  Viv groaned but sat up. "What did you get?"

  "Those gold sandals."

  "I ought to get a pair." Viv swung her feet out of bed and lifted the phone. "I'm ordering room service. You hungry?"

  Didn't she hear me say I'd been to the cafeteria? Sometimes I think she doesn't pay attention.

  "No." Kara shook her head. "I've eaten. But I do need a shower."

  "Oh hey, there's your luggage. Cool. I didn't hear the room steward bring them in."

  Kara started to say Nate had brought them in, but stopped.

  Viv doesn't need to know everything. It's not like she's paying attention anyway.

  "I'm glad they came. Now I can relax," Kara said.

  "A day by the pool, that's what you need."

  "By the time you get your shower, I'll be ready and we can head up."

  Kara waited an hour while Viv fussed over her hair, giving it a few sprays of hairspray and redoing her eye shadow three times as Kara sat flipping through a magazine about the cruise line.

  At this rate it will be lunchtime before we get there. Why is she taking so long? We're only going to the pool.

  Finally Viv placed sunglasses on her head. "Are you ready?"

  "I've been ready."

  Up on deck, Kara watched the surrounding sea. The sun had turned it a brilliant shade of blue.

  There was so much of it. So very much it seemed to have no end or edge. The ship is far beyond any shoreline. There're no other ships, just this big blue sea.

  Kara felt small and cut off from everything she knew.

  There's only this ship and the people on it, in the middle of this great big, wide ocean.

  "Ladies, would you care for a towel?" An attendant held out a blue and white Wishing Star towel for each of them, and then they walked the decks looking for two lounge chairs together.

  "Looks like we'd have to get here early to find a good spot," Kara said.

  Viv squeezed Kara's arm and pointed. "That woman and child are leaving. Hurry, we'll grab their chairs."

  The lounge chairs stood beside the main pool with the waterfall. Kara settled into one, watching the activities director set up a microphone by the pool.

  "Hey, girl, front row seats." Viv grinned. "Pool Olympics starts in fifteen minutes."

  Male contestants started lining up, and the activities director called for the ladies to join in. None volunteered. The men had well-formed physiques, and each seemed anxious to prove his masculinity to onlookers. Several eyed Kara's red bikini as they strutted past. Each smiled, one winked and flexed his muscles, and a few puffed out their chests.

  As Nate walked past, Kara couldn't help but notice the way his powerful, well-muscled body moved with the easy grace of an athlete. He made no extra effort to gain her attention, yet he drew her gaze like a magnet. Kara leaned back in her chair, trying to appear relaxed as she soaked up the sun.

  Yes, he looks good.

  Nate entered the games.

  Kara noticed Nate's glance. A part of her reveled in his open admiration. She felt beautiful. It had been a long time since she felt that way.

  The first game was a beer-drinking game and consisted of six players lined up on each side of the pool. When the director asked again if any ladies would join in, Nate's gaze locked on hers and she lowered her lashes. She shook her head.

  Silly, overgrown boys. And it's only mid-day.

  After the first contest ended and his team won, Nate scooped water, splashed it on his face, then glanced at her and winked.

  She couldn't resist a smile.

  The two teams lined up for the second game. The first man in each line had to put on a large T-shirt and swim to the other end of the pool, pull himself out then eat a cracker, drink a small carton of creamer before blowing up a balloon and swimming back to hand off his T-shirt to the next teammate.

  Nate stood tensed to dive into the pool. Damp tendrils of hair curled on his forehead and around his ears. One dark lock fell a little forward onto his head, and he brushed it back with one hand, his muscles rippling.

  "He's a fair treat," Viv said, breaking into Kara's thoughts. "That's one solid man."

  "Mm hm," was the best Kara could offer in reply. What was it about the man that turned her brain to mush?

  He bent, poised to dive in for his turn, his quadriceps solid as a rock.

  "Ooh," Viv squealed. "How'd you like to wake up next to that bloody great hunk of man every morning?"

  "Quiet." Kara's face heated. "He'll hear you."

  Nate dove in. As he swam, Kara entertained the idea Viv had introduced. It would be heaven to have those strong arms around her every night. She'd sleep like a baby.

  She watched him drink the creamer. It coated his lips before he wiped it off with the back of his hand. Watching his lips made her swallow hard.

  He blew up the balloon, dove in, swam across, and handed off his T-shirt. His team won again. From the look of triumph on his face, she knew he was a man who enjoyed winning.

  The third game sounded easier. One contestant from each team would dive into the pool filled with ping-pong balls and then use his swimsuit to store as many balls as he could get his hands on.

  "Ladies, are you sure none of you want to join us for this last game?" the activities director coaxed again.

  "Come on, Kara." Viv sat up, but Kara pulled her back. "Are you crazy? I can't do that. Everyone will be watching and I'm not sure I remember much from the swimming lessons."

  "Right," Viv said. "We have the best view right here anyway."

  "Thank you, Viv," Kara leaned back and exhaled.

  "No takers?" The man sounded disappointed. "All right, men. Show us if you have enough balls."

  Nate laughed then glanced at Kara. He grinned at her and she glanced down.

  No, everything is still where it belongs.

  She tugged at her top and saw her skin was getting pink. The mid-day sun reflected off the water. Once the games ended, she'd move into the shade.

  "Let's see if Nate and Adam will catch the show with us after dinner," Viv said.

  "Okay." Kara felt giddy at the thought of a whole evening with him. Dinner and a show never sounded so good.

  Nate climbed out of the water, water streaming down his muscular body and his swim trunks bulging with ping-pong balls. Kara had to put her hand over her mouth to hide her laugh.

  He grinned at her as he pulled the balls out for the activities director to count. Nate's eyes sparkled.

  "Girl, that m
an is hot," Viv said.

  Kara couldn't reply.

  The hum inside began again. Oh my. It isn't only his voice and his touch. All he has to do was look over and ... The look in his eyes right now ...

  She gasped. What was wrong with her? She had to get this under control.

  "Breathe, girlfriend," Viv said. She pulled a straw hat out of her beach bag and placed it on Kara's head. "Lean back, stay cool, and don't be obvious. You'll scare him off."

  "Let it be, Viv," Kara snapped, irritated.

  Maybe she was going mad from lack of sex. Viv said it could happen. Kara had never had this problem before. Kara squirmed and hoped she didn't look like she was in heat or something.

  The director handed out ribbons and T-shirts; Nate accepted his award then headed toward Kara's chair.

  Kara sucked in a deep breath and tried to compose herself, but her poise was only a fragile shell. One more smile, one more touch from this hunk of a man and her peace of mind might well be non-existent, the damage irreversible.

  He came closer, his deep brown eyes so intent on her that for a moment she forgot to breathe.

  Then he stood at the foot of her lounge chair.

  Beneath the warmth of his gaze something deep within her melted, yet she remained frozen, waiting for one word from him, her breath coming shallow while her pulse thundered.

  "Hello, sweetheart." His voice held a rasp of excitement.

  She ducked her head, shy. "Hello."

  He knelt then peeked under her straw hat. His brown eyes met hers. "Care to reward the winner with a kiss?"

  She could barely breathe, let alone answer.

  Chapter Six

  Nate winked to let Kara know he was teasing then laid his newly won T-shirt across her legs. "You may not have a prize for me, sweetheart, but I have one for you." He sat on the lounge chair next to her. "There's no way I can wear a medium, and they're out of large."

  "Oh. What?" She was disoriented, her mind on the kiss he'd asked her for.

  Oh. A tee shirt. He's giving me the tee shirt he won.

  "Are you sure?"

  His hand closed over her ankle, and he gave it a squeeze. She inhaled at the contact of his warm hand and froze, unable to speak.

  "Sweetheart, I'm always sure."

  Nate's hand on her skin sent energy shooting all the way up her body. That tingling feeling came over her again and like the other night, she felt torn between wanting to run and wanting to stay. His hand gentle and firm on her ankle anchored her.

  Viv piped up. "Are you guys having dinner in the main dining room tonight?"

  "Wouldn't miss it. That's where the best food is." Nate smiled at Kara and his smile combined with the touch of his hand had Kara melting.

  "Jolly good," Viv said. "Meet up with us to watch the show afterwards?"

  Jolly good? The British expressions Viv picked up from her latest beau will drive me mad if I have to hear them all week.

  Nate tipped his head in an attempt to catch Kara's full attention, which she noted out of the corner of her eye, but her gaze remained riveted on his fingers. The sight of his long tanned fingers against her pale skin made her stomach flip.

  He released her ankle and she exhaled. She longed for him to touch her again.

  "It's a date," he replied, his attention directed at Kara. "We could go dancing afterward."

  "Yes." She breathed the word and heard herself speak before it registered. It wasn't until he'd winked and walked away that she came back to herself.

  "Earth to Kara," Viv said. "Girl, you need to get out of this sun."

  Back in the room, Kara showered then lay down on the bed to take a nap. But she couldn't relax. Her thoughts wouldn't rest. Thoughts of dancing with Nate and the anticipation of his touch and his kisses filled her with excitement and nervous tension.

  Viv came out of the bathroom, combing wet hair, and bent to pick up an envelope off the floor. "This has your name on it."

  "The cabin steward must have slid it under the door." Kara reached for it and opened it. "Oh, wow."

  "What is it?"

  "A gift certificate for the spa." Kara frowned when she saw who sent it, but she remained silent.

  "Let's get pedicures."


  "Hello, earth to Kara. Pay attention." Viv tapped the bottom of Kara's foot with her comb. "Pedicures. You have winter feet."

  What did she mean, winter feet?

  Kara looked down at her feet, which appeared fine. She kept her toenails trimmed.

  "I have a Pedi every Thursday." Viv displayed her toes. "Just in time for the weekend."

  "I've never had a pedicure before."

  "Come on, it'll be fun."

  Kara hesitated.

  I won't tell her it's from Daryl unless she asks. I don't want to think about my boss right now or my job. I'm here to relax, not stress over things. Cruises are supposed to be relaxing.

  "Don't be an old stick in the mud. Come on, Kara."

  "All right."

  Viv chattered away about pedicures and manicures, but never once asked who gave Kara the gift certificate.

  They headed to the spa where an attendant gave them a tour.

  Viv pointed to the massage chairs. "You get to sit in the massage chair while they do your feet. It's wonderful."

  "It's expensive."

  Prices in the spa were higher than pedicures advertised back home. But at sea they had no competition.

  "All the good spas charge more. It's worth it."

  "All right." Kara handed the attendant her gift certificate. "Two pedicures please."

  The pampering would be good. In fact it's long overdue.

  Kara sat and slipped her feet into the bubbling water, closing her eyes. Suddenly an image of Nate's hand closing over her big toe filled her mind. Neil hadn't paid any attention to her toes. She'd stopped painting her toenails years ago. She pondered this while the massage chair rumbled up and down her back, her feet soaking in bubbling water.

  She didn't realize she'd dozed off until a hand touched her shoulder. "Sorry to wake you, miss, but it's time to dry off."

  Kara opened her eyes and glanced at Viv who offered her a big "I told you so" smirk.

  "This is relaxing. I can't believe I dozed off though."

  "Took you long enough to relax."

  If Nate touches my toes again, they'll be baby smooth.

  "Thanks, Viv. I'm glad you suggested this."

  "You're welcome."

  When they left, Kara's toes were a deep, elegant red.

  "Let's both get something new to wear tonight," Viv said.

  "Why not?" Kara laughed.

  They headed to the stores, Viv with a bounce in her step and Kara humming along beside her.

  "Kara, do you think Adam and I look good together?"

  "Yes, sure."

  "I don't know. He's much taller than me. I don't want to be one of those couples people say are mismatched."

  "If he's the right guy, I don't see what difference it makes what other people think."

  Viv chattered on while Kara's thoughts turned to how wonderful it felt to be with Nate. Too bad he was a scuba diver and had such a dangerous job.

  But she wouldn't think of his dangerous job tonight. She'd enjoy the evening.

  The deep red halter dress Kara spotted in the shop window fit well. As she paid for her purchase, she realized she'd just bought a dress to match her nail polish. That was a first.

  A sexy, red dress. So unlike her. More like Viv. No wonder Viv was smirking. Well, this isn't about Viv. It feels good to treat myself.

  Kara pulled the red dress she'd wear to dinner on and looked in the mirror. After a moment of contemplation she wound her hair up in a French twist, leaving her back and neck bare.

  Viv emerged from the bathroom wearing an orange slip dress. Only Viv can carry off a crayon color like that.

  "You look like an exotic island girl."

  "Let's hope Adam thinks so." Viv slid gold
bangles onto her wrists that jangled as she moved. "I'm just glad you found someone so fast. I thought it would take much longer. But this is great! I don't have to spend time worrying about finding you a guy. Now Adam and I can have fun without worrying over you."

  Why did she think I'd have trouble finding a guy? Is that how she thinks of me? Poor, sad, Kara, whose husband was shot in front of her and who can't get her own date? That's exactly what she thinks. And it's kind of insulting. I don't need her to "find me a guy". That's not why I came on this cruise.

  "Nobody needs to find me a guy." She frowned as she dug through her makeup bag looking for a lipstick to go with her new red dress. "Don't you worry about me." Disgusted that the colors were all wrong and she couldn't find what she wanted, she tossed the bag on the bed. "You and Adam go on and have fun."

  Viv chattered on about Adam, but Kara tuned her out.

  We've had a nice day, hanging out doing girl things. But maybe we both need some alone time.

  It had been years since she and Viv had spent so much time together. Viv was starting to get on her nerves. Tonight, Kara vowed, she wouldn't let Viv dominate the conversation. She'd work at not being shy and tongue-tied.

  But she couldn't allow Nate to feed her again. The memory of the simple act still hovered. She'd enjoy it if they were alone, though. But not with the others there. What she needed was...

  How many years since she'd been intimate with a man? A small shipboard romance would be okay. She could hardly wait to see Nate again.

  Viv primped in the mirror, fussing with her hair.

  How long does it take her to get ready? She'll make us late to dinner if she keeps this up. Her hair doesn't look any different than it did thirty minutes ago when she should've been ready.

  Why is Viv so obsessed with how she looks? Shouldn't she have outgrown that in high school? If anything it's gotten worse. Takes her twice as long to get ready as it used to. And she never bothered to say thank you for the pedicure I just used my certificate to buy for her. Would it kill her to say thank you?

  "Can you hurry up?" Kara paced as she waited.


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