She knew what they both needed.
“It’s your turn to cum, Greyson, and make it count. Tomorrow, we take a pregnancy test, and we’ll find out if you pulled it off.”
His whole body came alive.
Before, he was being submissive, but now it was a whole other game. This changed everything.
It flipped the script.
The need to celebrate took over. Greyson couldn’t believe that he may have actually knocked up his woman.
That was music to his ears.
The testosterone roared through him as he rolled to place Emma on the bottom. When she was pinned beneath him, he stared down.
“I have to have you, Emma,” he admitted. “I have to take my wife.”
She figured he was going to go all cave-Croft-y on her. If anything, her husband was predictable.
“Have me, Grey. I’m yours.”
He yanked off his uniform shirt and jacket, leaving his pants on but yanked below his ass. He wasn’t pulling out of his wife. If he did, he really believed he’d die from missing the feeling.
This was a big day for him.
In fact, his heart was racing so much, he really thought he’d have a heart attack.
He may have knocked his wife up.
Holy freaking hell.
She might be with child.
Greyson kissed her, as he began sliding in and out of her body. The wetness and heat called to him, as he protected the little treasure that might be growing in her.
His heart soared.
The male part of him was overwhelmed with the need to protect and take, as the softer side wanted to weep with joy over the prospects of becoming a father.
This was a special moment.
As he drove himself in and out of his wife, he kept thinking about her big, fat, and ripe with his child. His sweet Emma was going to make an amazing mother, and he would do whatever he could to ensure his child was happy.
He wanted to give their baby the world.
“I can’t believe it,” he said, as he took his wife.
Emma moaned. “I do,” she said, meeting his hips stroke for stroke. “You’ve jumped me every day for weeks.”
Well, she had a point.
He did.
“Oh, Greyson,” she whispered, as Emma felt the end coming. Her body was alive with the feeling of so much pleasure.
She couldn’t contain herself.
“More, Emma! Give me more!”
She did.
Emma held on as Greyson pummeled her with so much pleasure. When she was right on the edge, his body tight between her legs, she couldn't stay on the edge.
“Cum with me,” she begged.
Greyson heard the words and exploded deep within her body. Everything around him at that moment was gone but the intense pleasure filling him.
He wanted to shout in triumph.
Instead, he fell into the pleasure.
When they both floated back to the surface, him holding her protectively against his body, her bra and panties askew, he needed to know.
“You’re serious, right?” he whispered.
“Mmmm hmmm. I feel like puking, and I’m four days late,” she stated.
“Want me to run out and get the test?” he asked, knowing he needed to know.
“I’ll take it tomorrow. I need to sleep.”
That wasn’t the answer he wanted, but his wife was right. She needed to catch some shut eye.
He took one for the team.
He’d have to wait.
“Rest, honey.”
Emma closed her eyes. “I love you, Captain. You’ll be an amazing father.”
He loved her, too, and he really hoped she was right. Greyson didn’t care about anything else in the world.
The money didn’t matter.
His honor was in second place.
At that point, all he needed was to prove he could protect, provide, and teach his child.
In the end, he’d be measured in how he treated his wife and little one.
That was the true measure of a man.
“You’re my all,” he vowed. “No matter what, you’ll be the center of my world until my last day.”
She listened to his words.
And then Emma passed out in exhaustion.
Only, it wasn’t that simple for him.
Greyson stared at her for hours.
He wouldn’t sleep.
He had a woman, and possibly a child, to protect.
Chapter Twenty-Three
One A.M.
I t had taken some time to find the man. After all, he’d abused a boy and escaped into the night like some coward. Jason Richter was an asshole, and he was on the lam, but that wouldn’t stop Dimitri Gideon.
The police were looking for him.
Child protective services was trying to find him.
Dimitri Gideon, hired killer, was gunning for him too.
That, in the end, would be his downfall.
When Dimitri put the word out, his sources were more than happy to track down a lowlife scumbag who hurt kids. It was their pleasure to rat him out for a couple greenbacks.
It was money well spent.
When he found the man, shooting pool in some dive bar, Dimitri took his time.
Later, he’d have the opportunity to ‘talk’ to the man, but now, he’d watch and wait.
When the man finally stumbled out of the bar, done drinking, Dimitri made his move.
“Are you Jason Richter?” he asked quietly.
The man stared at him as he tried to place his face. “Who the fuck wants to know?”
Dimitri smiled ferally. “I do.”
Then he punched him in the face.
Jason flew back and hit the wall before sliding to the ground in a heap.
“You and I have a date, Jason,” he stated.
Dragging him to his ride, he dropped him inside on some black garbage bags that he’d spread out. He laughed. Just earlier, they’d been talking about burying a body in trash bags.
Well, wasn’t that ironic?
“You broke a ten-year-old boy’s arm, Jason. You beat the hell out of him, and you made him afraid of everyone. We have to rectify that. By we, I mean me.”
The man groaned.
Dimitri hit him again.
Jason stopped moving.
Closing the trunk, Dimitri headed to a location that he knew very well. It was one of the places he liked to ‘handle’ these kinds of situations. It was off the grid, it was hard to tie it to him, and it could be hosed down.
That was the most important part.
When he got Jason into the chair, tethered to the wood, he got to work.
It was dirty.
It was messy.
It was, in the end, a quick lesson.
Jason Richter wouldn’t be abusing anyone anymore, and that was all in a day’s work. Dimitri, as of late, didn’t relish taking a life.
Except right then.
This reminded him of what he was. You could change your surroundings, or fancy them up, but the truth was the truth.
He was a killer.
Here was the proof.
Dropping him back into the trunk, he drove to the seediest part of town. He rolled the man into a piss filled alley, much like the one he’d left Sam.
Then he got into his ride and drove away. While burying him would be better, this was poetic.
Dimitri wanted his broken body to be found.
Justice was done.
It wasn’t the kind Emma would enjoy, but it was justice nonetheless.
Dimitri could live with that.
And so could Sam.
That was all that mattered.
* * * G r e y s o n C r o f t * * *
Terrace Glen
When Dimitri got home, it was just shy of three in the morning. He was tired, cranky, and missed saying goodnight to his family.
It had become a routine he looked forward to
each evening before he took a ‘nap’. Since he didn’t sleep, chased by demons in his past, it always relaxed him to count the chicks in the nest.
Turning on the security cameras, as he sat on the couch, he checked in on each one in the rooms.
Dante and Steele were asleep, their arms wrapped around each other.
Chris and his sister, Natasha, were in the pool house, so he turned off the volume before the camera went on, just in case they were…
Yeah, that thought horrified him as he hit the button. The two of them were in bed, cuddled together, so he hit the sound button.
Chris was snoring, and Natasha was resting against his body. Her long leg was over his hips, her face was tucked into his neck, and his arms were around her.
That wasn’t random sex.
He was even protecting her in sleep, and that gave Dimitri some reassurance.
Natasha was safe too.
Greyson and Emma weren’t in their bed, so he checked the audio of their ‘secret room’ since he didn’t have cameras in there, and he heard Greyson’s breathing.
Okay, everyone was accounted for.
Then he remembered Sam.
Turning on the camera, the bed was empty.
That was odd.
The boy should be there.
Dimitri turned on all the other spare room cameras, one by one, until he found each one empty.
Well, shit.
Heading up the grand staircase, he stopped at the boy’s room. The door was locked.
This was odd.
Picking the lock, Dimitri headed inside. He carefully checked the bathroom and closet, but Sam was gone.
Heading toward the desk, he saw the note.
‘Thanks, babe, but I gotta roll. This ain’t the place for me. I don’t belong here.
Oh, that wasn’t good.
How the hell did the boy escape out of Terrace Glen without setting off any alarms? They had the best security in the business.
Then it hit him.
When he’d pulled out, did he have a stowaway?
Dimitri wound back all the security footage in the hallway on the tablet. There was Sam and Emma.
There was Sam packing a bag.
There was Sam climbing out the window onto the trellis below.
He switched it over to the camera outside the house, and he watched as the skinny kid walked to the fence, squeezed through, and disappeared into the night.
Son of a bitch!
They didn’t think about someone child sized accessing or exiting the perimeter. They’d made a mistake.
This was bad.
There was no way he could handle this alone. He was going to need backup.
Heading into Emma and Greyson’s room, he slipped inside the closet and to the secret playpen for his friend. He didn’t want to even think about what went on in there, especially since he’d begun thinking of Emma as a sister.
He crept inside.
Emma was naked, a sheet over her body. Dimitri focused on his friend, sleeping in his pants.
When he went to reach for his arm, Greyson’s arm moved, and a gun appeared.
It was pointed at his head.
“Do you want to get killed?” he whispered. “Have you forgotten what I used to do in the military?”
Oh, he hadn’t.
He’d done it too.
“We have a huge issue. I need you outside ASAP. It can’t wait until morning.”
Greyson knew that Dimitri wouldn’t wake him unless it was, indeed, dire.
He signaled he was coming.
Dimitri headed out to give them a few minutes of privacy. He dreaded the conversation that was going to come. As a security guy, he’d lost someone.
This made him look bad.
Really bad.
Greyson waited until he was gone. When he was, he rolled over, and touched Emma on the shoulder.
“Honey,” he whispered.
“Dimitri needs me for something. Stay here. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
She rolled over, and Greyson tucked her into their bed. Leaving a kiss on her cheek, he pulled on his uniform shirt.
Outside the love nest, he stared at Dimitri.
“This had better not be a post booty call talk,” he stated. “I was curled up with my kitten.”
“Sam’s gone.”
“What?” Greyson said, practically shouting.
Dimitri hushed him. “Shhhhhh! Keep it down. You do not want Emma to hear this,” he stated.
Greyson buttoned his shirt. “What the hell happened?”
Dimitri filled him in.
When he was done, Greyson knew this was a huge problem. The second Emma found out he was missing, she was going to go out wandering the streets to search for him.
If CPS found out he was gone, they’d take Sam back and place him in a ‘safer’ home.
“We have to find him, and fast.”
“I know. We can go out and search. He has an hour head start.”
“Which way did he go?”
He told him.
“The kid is walking through the desert?” he asked. “At night? Oh, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We are screwed.”
“We need to head in after him.”
“Yeah, you think?”
Greyson knew this was bad. At night, in the dark, Sam could be some coyote’s dinner, or be bitten by a snake.
They didn’t have time.
“Okay, let’s take the dirt bikes,” he stated, pulling on his boots.
“I’ll meet you in the garage. You need to wake either Chris or Dante to have them sit up and monitor the house. We have Feds outside the gate. I left and this happened. We can’t be careless anymore and not have someone on duty—especially until I get our fencing changed into something impenetrable.”
Apparently not.
“I can’t believe this happened. The alarms are supposed to alert us.”
“Yeah, if someone goes OVER or UNDER the fence. I never took into account that we’d have a sixty pound, skinny escapee.”
Okay, he had a point.
Well, it looked like Chris, since he was Emma’s bodyguard, was up until they got the kid back.
“I’ll meet you outside.”
With that, the men split up.
They had a new mission.
It was finding Sam.
Greyson was ready and downstairs in the garage in ten minutes. Chris wanted to go, but he had to babysit the family while Dimitri was out of range.
So, he and Natasha took up residency on the couch, waiting their return.
In the garage, they walked the dirt bikes out and to the back gate. There was surveillance on the front, but the back…it was harder to watch, especially since it was all dunes and hills of sand. They couldn’t hide a van back there.
Pushing them out into the desert, they walked them a few hundred feet before they started them up.
Then, they headed into the midnight black night to find the boy.
Hopefully, alive.
* * * G r e y s o n C r o f t * * *
Lost In The
Sam was scared.
He swore this was the way back to the city. Only, he couldn’t see any lights ahead, behind, or around him.
He’d really screwed up. He tried to be strong, to not get scared, but he was beyond that.
He sat on a rock, listening to the night, and he began praying for a miracle.
Then he began crying.
They were bitter tears. He’d made a mistake. He didn’t deserve to die.
If someone found him, he swore he’d never run away again. If someone came for him before he was killed and half eaten, he’d be a good kid.
Sam didn’t want to die.
He wanted Emma, ice cream, and the warm bed they’d given him.
Sam wanted to go back.
“Please come find me,” he whispered o
ver and over again. Then he sat there.
And listened to the howling around him.
Sam thought he was man enough to take care of himself, but he was wrong.
He was nothing but a scared little boy.
And now he was going to die.
* * * G r e y s o n C r o f t * * *
Thirty minutes in, they couldn’t find him.
If they didn’t and soon, they knew Sam was likely going to be dead. The shit was going to hit the fan. By morning, if he wasn’t eaten by something, he would die in the desert heat. While they didn’t live far from the city, the way Sam had headed led right into the canyons.
He was screwed.
Pulling to a stop, they turned off their bikes.
In the near distance, they could hear coyotes.
And then they heard screams from what sounded like a small child.
“SAM!” shouted Greyson.
He waited a second, before shouting again. “SAM!”
“HELP!” came the reply. “They’re trying to eat me!” he called back. “THEY ARE GOING TO KILL ME!”
Both Greyson and Dimitri knew that wasn’t good. Coyotes circled their prey until it was confused, and then they pounced. They didn’t have much time.
“Split up,” Greyson said, pointing to the North, since they couldn’t tell exactly where the boys yells were coming from. Now, they had to get lucky.
Dimitri took the South and prayed.
They floored it, hoping they weren’t too late. Sam’s life depended on it.
* * * G r e y s o n C r o f t * * *
He found a branch, and he was trying to keep the beasts back. They had long teeth, and they kept lunging at him.
Sam was pretty sure he was going to die.
Then he heard Greyson.
He had hope.
As the headlight came over the hill, he prayed the man got there and fast. The coyotes lunged for him, and one grabbed him by the pant leg.
It began dragging him into the darkness to make him a meal.
“HELP! They’re trying to eat me!” he screamed as he fought for his life.
Lost Justice (Croft Family Mob Series Book 2) Page 39