Hard & Reckless (Club Reckless Book 1)

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Hard & Reckless (Club Reckless Book 1) Page 4

by Victoria Ashley

  While, I’m standing here breathing heavily from his closeness, he grips my hips with both hands and guides his leg between mine, before grinding his body against mine to the music.

  Getting lost in the moment, I wrap my arm around his neck and move my hips with his, exhaling as I feel his erection pressing against me.

  With control, he spins me around in his arms, grabbing me from behind, his body grinding with perfection against my ass.

  I lean my head back and moan, when I feel his hand run down the front of my body, before moving around the side to dig into my thigh.

  “I’m so fucking hard,” he whispers against my ear. “You have no idea how easy it would be for me to lift your dress right here and prove to you I’m just as good as my friend.”

  I feel my body clench from his words.

  “It’s dark, Brooke and dancing is so close to fucking.” He runs his hand over my arm, before kissing my neck, sending chills over my body. “Want to test it out?”

  “Jameson . . .” I close my eyes and moan out as his hand brushes over my ass. There’s something about the way he touches, that makes a girl weak. “Are you always this tempting?”

  “Yes,” he breathes.

  I about die when I hear someone speak into his earpiece. “You’re on your button, Jameson. Stop fucking around and get back over here.”

  Growling, he releases his grip on me and fixes his earpiece, before saying something back that I can’t quite hear.

  When he’s done, he steps around me and pulls out his phone. “What’s your number? You can text me if you need anything.”

  Without hesitation, I give him my number and watch as he hits the numbers in.

  Smirking, he drops his phone back into his pocket and looks me over, while backing away.

  “I’ll see you around.”

  “Yeah,” I breathe out. “See you around . . .”

  My heart is about beating out of my chest, by the time he disappears through the crowd.

  Holy hell. Now, I really need to take care of myself . . .


  CALL ME AN ASSHOLE, BUT I knew Cole would be listening from downstairs, too busy and unable to get free from the poker room.

  He’s probably fuming right now, thinking of all the ways he can pleasure her better than me to make sure she continues to want him more than she wants me.

  Being on the dancefloor with her, feeling the way her body reacted to mine, just proved to me that I’ve got her interest for sure now.

  Now, I need to figure out what to do with it.

  Her body is so wound tight, just begging for release and I want to be the one to give it to her before Cole can.

  Lucky for me, tonight is my night off, so I’m only here for coverage for a couple hours.

  As soon as Rev gets back from his break, I have to send Rowdy on his and then I’m free for the night.

  Cole can’t say the same for another two hours. What an unfortunate son of a bitch.

  My plan is to take it slow on Brooke and work her body up so much, that she not only wants me to fuck her, but needs me to.

  I don’t mind sharing Cole’s girl with him. That way he gets to see and hear just how much she enjoys riding my cock.

  Then after that, I’ll back off and let him have his girl. I’ll call it even and we’ll move the hell on.

  Taking over for Rev, I stand back in section B and watch as Brooke and her friend dance, just enjoying themselves.

  The sexual frustration on her face as she sips her drink, leaves me grinning like a fool, knowing that her need for release is partly due to my little visit to the dancefloor.

  Truthfully, I would’ve fucked her right there on the spot if I was a bigger asshole. My dick was painfully hard, straining to break free from my pants.

  But I know working her up slowly will ensure she wants me for longer. Which means longer suffering for Cole.

  A few small distractions pull my attention away from Brooke as I make my presence known to a couple assholes that are beginning to get rowdy.

  “Break one more fucking bottle and I’ll break your face on the floor and then make your friend clean it up. Got it?”

  The guy whose shirt I’m gripping, nods his head and throws his arms up. “Got it. Sorry, man. Was just having fun.”

  I release the douche’s shirt and shove him toward the broken glass. “Make sure you get every last shard. You and your asshole friend.”

  The guys face turns red with embarrassment as the girl he’s with stands back and watches him bend down to clean up the mess like a little bitch.

  That’s what happens when you party like an asshole.

  By the time Rev comes back over to take over his section, I no longer see Brooke or her friend on the floor.

  “Thanks, man.” Rev smiles and takes a drink out of his water bottle, before crossing his arms. “Who was that beautiful woman you were dancing with before I interrupted your ass?”

  I flash him a crooked smile. “Cole’s girl.”

  “Ah shit.” He shakes his head, while replacing his earpiece. “I’m staying far away from that shit. There’s bad news written all over it.”

  “Maybe . . .” I look around to see if I can find Brooke, but they’re still lost in the crowd somewhere. “I guess we’ll see.”

  With that, I make my way through the crowd and outside to relieve Rowdy from door duty for his twenty-minute break.

  “About time, brother. I have someone to find.” He winks and takes off in a hurry, wasting no time disappearing inside.

  Usually, he spends his breaks out back, smoking a joint. Looks like there’s something he wants more tonight.

  He’s not the only one.

  Pulling out my phone, I find Brooke’s number and send her a text, knowing it’ll leave her thinking about me.

  Jameson: I’m getting off in twenty. Look for my text later.

  Twenty minutes goes by without a response from her, so I’m guessing she’s still here. There’s no way she had a phone hiding anywhere in that tight little dress of hers.

  Rowdy shows up to take back over, sweaty and out of breath.

  “Enjoy your break?”

  He smiles and fixes the buttons on his shirt. “I think Karson did.”

  “Is that right?” I laugh as he reaches down to adjust his erection. “I’m guessing you didn’t relieve that shit in the corner somewhere?”

  “Nah.” He runs his hands through his sweaty hair and fixes the ring in his nose. “Her hands were all over my body though. Fuck she’s fast at touching what she wants.” He makes a pained face and growls under his breath. “Cole’s girl was looking a little lonely in there. Hot and lonely. You going to go show her a good time?”

  “Nah . . .” I slap the back of his head and smile, while pulling out my earpiece. “See ya later, man.”

  I could go back in and find Brooke before I leave, to give her another little taste of the things I want to do to her, but I have something else planned for tonight. A little show I know she won’t be able to forget.

  Tonight, is just the beginning . . .


  SWEATY AND OUT OF BREATH, I grab Karson by the arm and pull her through the crowded club, just needing to break free so I can breathe for a moment.

  Bodies are so piled up on the dancefloor that I seriously feel as if I’m suffocating. Not to mention my feet are killing me and if I don’t sit down soon and give these heels a break, I might just scream.

  I’m thinking maybe it’s just time to call it a night and wait to see Cole when he gets off work tonight.

  “Done already?” Karson whines, while stopping me from pulling her. “I need water before we leave. This way.”

  With force, she tugs me the opposite direction, leading us toward the bar. Once we reach it, she shoves her way between two guys to catch the bartender’s attention.

  As she’s splashing water all over herself and making these strange noises that I choose to pretend I’m imagining, I look ove
r and spot Jameson standing off to the side, talking to some silver fox in a nice suit.

  Maybe the owner or manager.

  Jameson looks as if he’s about to leave for the night.

  His eyes meet mine for a split second and a small smile takes over, making him look seriously irresistible.

  I feel my body just screaming out for him, wanting to feel him under my hands.

  “Much better,” Karson says, bringing my attention back to her. “Now, we can go.”

  By the time I look back over, Jameson is gone, so I allow Karson to pull me along with her toward the other side of the room.

  Just as we’re about to reach the exit door, Cole comes walking toward us, looking extremely sexy and edgy as he looks me over as if he wants to bite me and leave his mark.

  His white button down is clinging to his chest with sweat, and the top two buttons are undone, revealing his neck tattoos.

  Without a word, he grabs me and slams me against the wall, before wrapping my legs around his waist and sucking my bottom lip into his mouth.

  Grabbing onto his hair for support, I moan out against his lips before grinding my hips into him. “Cole . . . I’ve been waiting to see you.”

  “Fuck . . . Brooke,” he growls. “I’ve been wanting to do this for hours.” He bites my lip and cups my ass in his hands. “I have less than two hours before I’m off. I’ll just meet you at your house around two.”

  I release a breath and my whole body shakes as he digs his erection between my legs, making it clear what he wants from me.

  If it weren’t for the fact it’s so dark in this corner, people would think we were having sex right now.

  “You’re rougher than usual,” I whisper into his ear. “I like it. It’s hot.”

  “Good. I have reason to be.” He runs his lips up my neck, stopping below my ear. “Be ready for me.”

  Releasing my legs, he looks me in the eyes, while moving his hands up to grab my face. “I can be as rough as you want, baby. We’re just getting started.”

  “We?” I question, feeling a bit breathless.

  Before he can respond, Karson clears her throat from beside us. “You know . . . I’m still here. And so are hundreds of other horny people. Maybe you should save this for later.”

  Smiling, Cole backs away from me, looking my body over, before he speaks. “So damn beautiful. Keep that dress on so I can tear it open with my teeth later.”

  Holy shit!

  He disappears through the crowd, leaving me panting against the wall, unsure of what to do with myself now.

  My whole body is on fire.

  Looking speechless, Karson begins walking me outside as if I need an escape and fast. “We need to get you home before your vagina explodes. I don’t know what you have going on with these two boys, but I would give anything to trade places with you right now.”

  “I don’t know,” I say heavily as we step outside. “I must’ve done something fantastic to deserve this.”

  “You’re telling me. When you find out what, I want to know.” Smiling, she turns around and blows a kiss at Rowdy, before spinning back to face me. “Let’s go before I decide I need a drink.”

  Once we get inside her vehicle, I grab my wallet and phone out of her glove compartment and scroll through my missed texts.

  One came through about twenty minutes ago, from a number I don’t recognize.

  Unknown: I’m getting off in twenty. Look for my text later.

  My whole body tingles as I read over the message for a second time.

  It has to be from Jameson. Who else would it be?

  “You okay over there?” Karson pulls out of the parking lot and starts heading toward my apartment. “You look a little squirmy over there and your fingers are digging into your dress.”

  “I’m fine,” I answer quickly, while releasing my grip on my dress. “Just hurry and get me home so I can bury my face back in my pillow and scream.”

  “Ahhh . . .” she laughs. “Which one are you gonna imagine first tonight? Cole or his friend? That’s a tough choice.”

  “None of your business.” I laugh. “Just step on it.”

  I keep my phone in my lap the whole way home, looking down every few seconds, waiting on another text from Jameson.

  My heart is pounding, going crazy with anticipation to see what he’s going to send me next.

  I have no clue what I’m doing or what these boys have planned for me, but I can’t seem to stop wanting them both right now.

  Clearly, they both know what they’re doing.

  Do I just go along with it?

  My phone goes off in my lap, interrupting my thoughts.

  I’m a little too quick at unlocking my phone and diving face first into the screen, that it has Karson side eyeing me as I read the message.

  Jameson: Your body seemed so tense and sexually frustrated on the dancefloor. Cole not taking care of you like he should be?

  My face turns red from his question. Was it that obvious I’m extremely in need of an orgasm right now? And how the hell do I answer that?

  Me: He sent me a little treat earlier on his way to work.

  Jameson: I’m extremely generous with treats myself. I’d like to think a little more so than my friend . . .

  Jameson: A dick pic?

  “What’s going on over there?” Karson questions, while trying to peek over at my phone. “Who are you texting?”

  A rush of excitement washes through me as I say his name out loud. “Jameson.”

  “Well, he sure didn’t waste any time. He moves fast!” She pulls up outside my apartment building and smiles over at me as I reach for the door handle. “You’re just going to leave me with that?”

  I open the door and laugh. “That was my plan.”

  “You suck,” she grunts and waves me away. “Enjoy your night, babe. I’ll call you tomorrow after I get off work.”

  Stepping out of her car, I shut the door behind me and text Jameson back.

  Me: Lucky guess on the dick pic?

  Jameson: I know Cole . . .

  Jameson: But like I said . . . I’m a little more generous. Tell me where you live.

  I’m just about to open the door to the building, but stop as I read his last text.

  He wants to know where I live.

  “Shit . . . shit . . . shit. What do I do?”

  I try to convince myself it’s a bad idea to tell Jameson where I live, but I can’t stop my fingers from sending him my address.

  Releasing a hard breath, I walk with shaky legs to the elevator, stepping inside as someone gets out.

  I ride it up to the third floor and rush into my apartment, slamming the door shut behind me.

  “Maybe he won’t really show up,” I tell myself, while tossing my wallet down and beginning to panic. “I mean . . . who just does that?”

  I stop pacing and look down at my phone when it goes off in my hand a few minutes later. I expect it to be Jameson, but it’s Cole’s name that pops up on the screen, causing me to lose it this time.

  Cole: I haven’t been able to stop thinking about fucking you since I slammed you against the wall.

  Cole: Leave your door unlocked.

  As soon as I finish reading Cole’s text, the doorbell rings.

  Oh. My. God . . .


  APPARENTLY, MY FRIEND COLE IS still a fucking amateur when it comes to giving women a damn treat.

  I don’t even remember the last time I sent a girl a picture of my dick. I like to share the real thing. It’s so much better in person.

  That’s exactly what a woman as beautiful as Brooke deserves. She wants a treat . . . I’ll give her one she won’t stop thinking about for weeks.

  A little something to remember me by as Cole sinks into her later. When he makes her scream, it’ll be for both of us.

  Standing tall, I ring the doorbell, feeling the excitement start to kick in at what I’m about to do.

  Is it bad it has me more turned on t
han usual, just knowing it’s Cole’s girl I’m about to do this for?

  Fuck it. I don’t feel one ounce of guilt. Not after what he did to me and maybe he should’ve thought it through before sending a lame as picture.

  He should already know I’m going to go out of my way to top that shit.

  The door opens to Brooke standing there, shoeless, still wearing her tight little dress. The black fabric is molding to her every curve, making me want to bite her in places that’ll have her screaming.

  She looks excited, yet nervous as she looks me over and steps aside, allowing me to walk inside.

  “Can I get you a drink?” She offers, while trying her hardest not to let her eyes wander down to where I know she wants to look the most. “I have some Jack in the kitchen.”

  “Absolutely. One thing you’ll learn about me is I can never say no to Jack.” I follow her into the kitchen and step up behind her, reaching up to grab two glasses out of the cupboard, before she gets the chance to. “The other thing you’ll learn is I can never pass up the opportunity to give a beautiful woman the best orgasm of her life.” I smile against her ear. “You’ll definitely need a drink for this.”

  I hear her breath slowly escape her as I set the glasses down on the counter and run my thumb up the side of her neck. “I don’t even have to touch you yet, babe. We can save that for next time.”

  “Holy shit,” she whispers, while pointing to another cupboard. “The Jack’s up there.”

  Smirking, I walk over and grab the bottle down, watching her watch me as I pour us both a glass.

  “You’re pretty good at this, I take it.”

  I grip her waist with one hand and lean in to speak against her ear. “What’s that?”

  “Working a woman up so tight that she feels as if she’s about to explode from sexual frustration.”

  “I am.”

  Releasing the grip on her waist, I walk into the living room and take a seat on her leather recliner, making myself comfortable.

  Leaning back, I bring my glass to my lips and take a swig of whiskey, my eyes following Brooke as she takes a seat on her couch and crosses her legs.

  I can tell her pussy is sensitive from the way she squirms with each movement she makes.


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