Ley Cove_The Siren's Song

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Ley Cove_The Siren's Song Page 9

by M. L. Briers

  Then I felt him inside my mind, pushing against the veil of my magic, and I opened up my soul to him as he let me into his world.

  ‘Feel me. Know me. You compete me, Joss. Mine, now and forever.’ I heard him more clearly inside of my mind than if he’d be speaking against my ear. I felt his words, his sincerity, and his love. I could feel everything. I knew everything, and I surrendered myself in return.

  I heard his beast roar within him. Felt his fangs leave my flesh and his tongue seal the wound, and then he became almost one with his wolf. Hungry for more, a need, a desire to finish the bond between us became his only thought.

  He moved with more power. I felt myself being lifted and turned onto my knees on the bed and my legs quivered, but his hands on my hips kept me in place as he thrust back into me, deeper now, so damn deep that there was the shock of pain every time his cock tried to enter my cervix. It felt so damn good, as pain and pleasure collided as one and took me back up towards another mind numbing orgasm.

  His fingers dug into the fleshy curve of my hips as his hips bounced off my backside with a slap that first came as a constant fast rhythm, but was soon erratic as he lost himself in the feel of me. The grunts of pleasure that tore from him were exciting, the growls were electric against my skin, and when his body curled over the top of mine and I could feel his chest hair running back and forth against my back; everything just rolled into the one feeling, the one sensation…

  My inner muscles tightened hard around his length and I heard him grunting harder as he sped towards the climax of our loving. I was as lost in the feel of him as he was in me and we shared that feeling with a connection that could never be broken. My body clenched hard in anticipation and then exploded with the intensity of the orgasm that tore through me…

  I heard Hawk let out a damn bonding howl that reverberated through my body and my soul. I felt his length try to get inside my womb as his seed exploded inside of me, over and over until his thrusts became nothing more than nudges, and I collapsed down onto my shoulders against the mattress as the aftershocks continued to roll through me.

  Hawk wasn’t done. He didn’t move away from me, and I could feel his length still rock hard and stretching my inner walls, maybe even more than before. His hips rocked back and forth as if he was waiting for it to end, to soften, but then the sound of another needy growl told me that he needed more. I felt his hips press mine down to the bed and he started to rock back and forth…

  “I don’t want to hurt you… I just can’t get enough…” His beast took his voice completely and a shiver ran though my body at the feral sound to such a carnal need.

  “Made for you, Hawk…” I reminded him. I was in no way opposed to going another round with him and his beast.

  I didn’t have to wait long to find that happily ever after orgasm. He was wild against me, caging me in and devouring me from the inside out. His hands came down on mine as I clawed at the covers, and the moment I felt his seed exploded inside of me, my world shifted into the abyss of pure intense pleasure.


  I’d woken up to the heat of Hawk’s body wrapped around mine, protecting me inside the big old cocoon of his frame, as he nuzzled against my neck and made my woman parts throb with need once more. I had tried to move, but my muscles protested so damn vehemently that once again I just kind of laid there on my side and let my mate do all the hard work. Hawk had no complaints and neither did I.

  Then Doug had phoned as I languished in bed… three damn times, and I took to growling like a wolf and slamming the phone down on him over and again. By the time I conceded that the damn bear wasn’t going to give up, I’d had a breakfast made and brought to me in bed, and Hawk was taking care of my every need. I groaned at the prospect of ever leaving those sheets again, but when Doug sounded as if he was going to go postal, I dragged my sorry arse up and out of that bed with every muscle in my legs begging me not to do it.

  I kind of walked, kind of hobbled towards Doug’s shop. The man must have been standing at the window waiting for me because he shot out onto the pavement before I even got close. Hawk groaned beside me as Doug’s lower jaw dropped open and he took in the sight of me.

  “What the hell did you do to her?” Doug’s eyes flashed with anger. “What part of take care of your damn mate don’t you understand wolf?” Doug growled like a papa bear as he demanded answers from Hawk.

  Hawk twisted his head on his neck and stared back at Doug in confusion as I sniggered into my hand.

  “That’s not…” Hawk started to explain but Scott was putting his nose in where it didn’t belong again.

  “Animal.” Scott tutted and wagged a finger of rebuke at Hawk.

  “Hey!” Hawk growled and Doug did the same.

  “Watch it, leech. I take care of my mate.” Doug rumbled.

  “This isn’t from…” Hawk pointed towards me and I grinned up at him. In my eyes this was just funny, but I guess within Hawk’s mind his male pride was being called into question. “Tell them.” He demanded and I tried my best to look shocked.

  “A lady never kisses and tells.” I announced much to his dismay.

  “Not about the mating, about…” He motioned up and down my body.

  “You want me to get naked?” I teased to another growl.

  “What kind of a mate are you?” Doug spat out in disbelief. Hawk looked affronted.

  “I would never…” He exclaimed and Doug growled back at him.

  “You just did, you wolf bastard.” Doug shot back to Scott’s amusement.

  “I thought wolves had honour.” Scott offered with glee.

  “We do.” Cane growled out as he strolled up and sniffed the air taking in everyone’s scent and picking out the one he didn’t know. He narrowed his eyes on Hawk. “You’re Joss’s mate.” He spat out like it was a bad thing.

  “He’s ruined her and now he wants her to strip naked on the street…” Doug’s face was getting red and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “That is not…” Hawk started and then he bit down on the loudest, longest growl that I’d heard yet.

  “I feel a wolf tantrum coming on.” Scott announced and I could see that Hawk wasn’t taking any of this lightly. I had to call a halt to it before mayhem exploded on the street and a poor unwitting human caught sight of Hawk shifting into his wolf, which would have made Doug’s bear burst from within him…

  “Hold on, a jokes a joke, but my mate did not ruin me.” I announced to anyone with an interest in my wellbeing.

  “Then why are you walking as if you’ve pooped your panties?” Doug leaned his head in on his neck and demanded.

  “Because I took a hike up the cove cliff’s last night and my muscles are buggered.”

  “Just your muscles?” Scott teased and I scowled at him.

  “Bite me.” I snapped out and everyone but Scott moved a step closer to me.

  “Don’t you dare even consider it.” Hawk growled out and I rolled my eyes in my head and prayed for a knitting circle rather than four alpha males all going at it like hammer and tongs.

  “Wouldn’t dream of it. Although, if she was mine I’d have taken better care of her.” Scott was just rubbing salt in the wounds now, especially as he knew exactly what had taken place up on the cove last night. I felt the urge to slap him.

  “Vampire…” Hawk growled out a warning. Scott lifted his hand and pointed towards his wrist.

  “I do, however, have a fast acting cure, if you’re interested.”

  “Ew.” I turned my nose up at the thought of drinking anyone’s damn blood, let alone a vampire’s. Although it would cure my mating problem… Nah, I’d probably end up getting mowed down by a damn tourist and turning into a blood sucking leech.

  “I hear our impending doom is over.” Doug growled as he continued to eye Hawk with suspicion.

  “How did you…?”

  “There are big old ears everywhere, Joss. You should know that by now.” Doug grinned. Then his face soured. “And thos
e little shit-rat bastards have been at my stock again, Joss, and I swear…” Doug was back to his normal self again. “I will use their little wire toilet bloody brush tails to clean the shite off my…”

  “Doug.” I yelled at him and he stopped mid rant with his mouth still open as he eyed me. “Take a chill-pill and calm yourself. I will deal with them.” I informed him with the best will in the world and the most soothing voice that I could project. Doug shrugged and inclined his head.

  “Ok, Joss. Thanks.” He offered back on a frown. Hawk’s hand cupped my elbow and he led me back towards the truck.

  “How you gonna do that?” Hawk whispered and I sighed.

  “I’m going to zap each and every one of their bloody mushrooms.”

  I was mated now and I thought I deserved a little quiet time. I wasn’t going to get that if those stupid mushrooms were the very bane of my existence, hence; I would annihilate the damn crop and bring peace and quiet to Ley Cove, for a while, at least.

  The End.

  Books you might enjoy by ML Briers:

  Comedy/ Romance Lycan Novella’s

  The Mating Season (Book one)

  The Mating Season (Book two was a Christmas Special and was written after Stealing his Mate)

  The Lycan, the Witch and the wardrobe

  Protecting His Mate

  Chasing His Mate

  Defending His Mate

  Winning His Mate

  Finding His Mate

  Gathering Their Mates

  Denying His Mate

  Captivating His Mate

  Guarding His Mate

  Saving His Mate

  Stealing His Mate

  Misplacing His Mate

  Wooing His Mate

  Rejected By His Mate

  Betting on His Mate

  Not His Mate

  Rescuing His Mate

  His Mate- Brothers- Cody (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Dale (Book Two)

  Revenge- The Alpha’s Nightmare (Book One)

  Revenge- The Alpha’s Nightmare (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Zeke and Jeff (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Duncan (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Shaw and Paden (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Ramsey (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Wynn and Clancy (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Jett (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Brice and Kendric (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Donal (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Kai and Jai (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Rue (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Angus and Rafferty (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Murphy (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Bo and Rusty (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Cosmo (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Cal and Merlin (Book one)

  His Mate- Brothers- Alun (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Jamie and Rawley (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Craig (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Rogan and Karl (Book One)

  His Mate- Brothers- Lore (Book Two)

  His Mate- Brothers- Von and Lomond (Book One)

  (Denying His Mate and Finding His Mate can be purchased together)

  A range of short stories:

  Sexy Lycan Shorts- Sisters- Vanessa- Book One

  Sexy Lycan Shorts- Sisters- Ezme- Book Two

  Sexy Lycan Shorts- Sisters- Lola- Book Three

  Sexy Lycan Shorts- Sisters- Amanda- Book Four

  Sexy Lycan Shorts- Sisters- Abi- Book Five

  Sexy Lycan Shorts- Sisters- Sadie- Book Six

  Sexy Lycan Shorts- Sisters- River- Book Seven

  Sexy Lycan Shorts- Sisters- Snow- Book Eight

  Sexy Lycan Shorts- Sisters- Maxine- Book Nine

  Sexy Lycan Shorts- Sisters- Faye- Book Ten

  Sexy Lycan Shorts- Sisters- Nessie- Book Eleven

  Sexy Lycan shorts can be purchased in two box sets;

  Books one to six and books seven to ten

  ML Briers has also released two full sized Vampire Novels:

  The Darkness in the Shadows

  The Darkness in the Shadows – Darker Still (Book Two)

  And Vampire Erotica Novella’s:










  (Hunted and Choices can also be purchased together.)

  Also released; writing with Holly Marie:

  Weekend Husband

  Compromised by the Laird (BBW)- Scottish Historical Romance.

  It’s a trust thing.

  Other books you might enjoy in the A B Lee and M L Briers series are:

  Kill for his Mate

  Close to Rogue

  I don’t want to lose you

  Betrayed by his Pack

  Love me don’t leave me

  Finding a home

  When Hope Dies

  Breathe Again

  The Powers That Be

  The Darkest Hour

  Saving Me

  Deep Within

  Bad Wolf- The trouble with sisters

  In These Arms

  Right Beside You

  Secrets to keep

  Series include:

  His Mate and Her Vampire (Book one)

  Grace (Book two)

  The Highland Pack series:

  Rogue attack (Book one)

  Fae Vengeance (Book two)

  Too many Vampires (Book three)








  Biker Wolf- Bad Boys- Short- Mace


  Coven- Sanctuary

  Coven- Refuge

  Coven- Haven

  Coven- Safe House

  Coven- Retreat

  Coven- Return

  The Coven can also be purchased as a complete series.

  Happy Reading.




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