Her Colorado Dreams [Spirit, Colorado 1]

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Her Colorado Dreams [Spirit, Colorado 1] Page 1

by Melody Snow Monroe

  Spirit, Colorado 1

  Her Colorado Dreams

  Five friends. One basket of sex toys. How to win? Tell the best sex story of all time.

  Defense attorney Lana Dupree has always pined for the serious and ambitious Cal Martin, co-owner of the town’s sporting goods store. Problem is, she wants his reckless brother, Jake, just as much, but her busy job never affords her the time. After a freak skiing accident, Jake, a ski patroller, rescues her. When he stops by to check up on her, the sparks fly and she sets her sights on both brothers.

  Cal is thrilled Lana wants to be with him. After a heart-stopping lovemaking session, he’s hooked. Getting his brother on board appears easy until Lana suggests they all take a trip to Las Vegas. Jake thinks Lana wants to get hitched and he bolts. What can Lana and Cal do to convince Jake to give up his fear of commitment?

  Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

  Note: The books in this series share an external story arc. Though not mandatory, we highly recommend reading the books in sequential order.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 47,692 words


  Spirit, Colorado 1

  Melody Snow Monroe


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2012 by Melody Snow Monroe

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-925-8

  First E-book Publication: December 2012

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher




  To my fabulous co-collection authors—Alicia White, Peyton Elizabeth, Zara Chase, and Lara Valentine. It was a privilege to work with such wonderful writers.


  Spirit, Colorado 1


  Copyright © 2012


  Trent Stafford’s sexy country twang greeted Lana Dupree as she stepped into Fannie’s Old Time Saloon. She inhaled the familiar tang of beer, peanut shells, and worn leather and immediately let go of the day’s tension. As she stomped the slush off her boots and unwound her winter scarf from her neck, she shot a quick glance to the back left corner, where she and her girlfriends met every week to relax and enjoy life. It was no surprise that the booth sat empty. She was usually the first one here, but since Spirit, Colorado, was a ski resort, there had been times when the place had been packed even on a Thursday night.

  “Chardonnay, Lana?”

  She gave the bartender a thumbs-up as she wove her way to the back. After stopping twice to chat with the locals, she slid into the red leather booth and took off her coat. The waitress came over and set the glass in front of her.

  “Are the others coming?” Mona knew what the girls always ordered.

  “Ellie and Casey might be late, but the rest should be”—at the sound of the distinctive laughter, she looked up—“here shortly.”

  Selena Easton and Hannah Warren breezed in, giggling over something. They got rid of the snow on their boots, waved to the bartender, and rushed over. After hugs all around, they slid in next to her.

  “How’s it going, ladies?” They both looked happy, but there were some dark shadows under Selena’s eyes that concerned her.

  “Just trying to gear up for Thanksgiving.” Selena’s B and B was always booked up. “I keep forgetting how busy the holidays can be.”

  Lana laughed, not wanting to bug Selena about getting enough rest. “You and me both. I think criminals wait until now to start their killing spree.”

  Hannah took off her coat. “I heard about the slaying. That was terrible.”

  She waved a hand. “I’m here to get away from the law for the night. You know the rules. Work topics are forbidden.”

  Hannah rolled her eyes and laughed. “Yup, it’s cocks, pussies, and spankings. Got it.”

  Just then, the last two of their gang came in. All three turned around. “Ooh, lookie. Casey has something,” Selena said.

  The last two girls, Casey Charles and Ellie Kirkwood, arrived with snowflakes clinging desperately to their clothes.

  They waved and hurried over. Casey placed a big basket on the table just as the waitress arrived with their four drinks.

  Hannah hefted the large container. Sex toys poked at the pink shrink-wrap. “For me? How sweet.”

  Casey wagged a finger at Hannah. Ellie slid into the booth, but Casey remained standing and rapped the table with her knuckles to get everyone’s attention. “I thought we needed to add some spice to our girls’ night out.”

  A little of Lana’s wine flew out of her mouth, and she had to wipe the drool off her chin. “Spice it up?” Their topics would have made a prostitute blush.

  Everyone’s brow rose except Ellie’s. The resident Brit merely nodded and smiled.

  Casey sipped her wine. “I thought we could have a competition in which the winner gets the basket. I had a giveaway at my sex shop, and this
was left over.”

  This was going to be interesting. “What kind of competition?”

  Her chin notched up. “Whoever can tell the best and sexiest story wins.”

  Lana’s mind reeled. She’d had sex in the middle of Jake and Cal’s store. That should count for something. Visions of Jake holding her over his lap while he spanked her at the same time Cal was licking her pussy sent her lower half into a joyful spasm.

  Lana waved a hand. “I am so going to win. My men are the hottest guys in town.” That got an immediate and expected response. The others talked at once, denying her claim. She laughed and held up her palms in surrender. “Only kidding, girls.” Not really, but no one had declared war yet.

  Ellie crossed her arms and leaned back, managing to look as regal as the queen. “You are so going down, Lana Dupree.”

  Everyone burst out laughing. They’d corrupted the poor girl. Okay, Josh and Rex had really corrupted her.

  Casey held up her hand like a little general. Clearly her submissiveness did not extend outside the bedroom. “Okay, Lana, give us your best shot.”

  She pointed a finger to her chest as if she was honored to be going first then held up a finger and downed the rest of her glass of wine. Once she drained the contents, she caught Mona’s attention for another one. “Well, it all started when I decided to take a vacation and go skiing.”

  Chapter One

  Nine Months Earlier

  Lana Dupree stood at the top of the mountain in Spirit, Colorado, and admired the glistening snow of the majestic San Juan Mountains. Her skis balanced on the edge as she readied for her last descent of the day. The slight wind whipped back the hood on her jacket and she inhaled deeply, loving how the ice crystallized in her nose. Ski season was almost over, and she wanted to get in a few more days of play before she went back to the grind.

  She pushed off, and the adrenaline of being the master of the mountain raced through her veins. The soft powder made for perfect conditions. She zigzagged across the slope and thrilled as the power of the run got in her blood. For a moment, she straightened her path to go faster, but then slowed as she caught sight of two teenagers below out of the corner of her eye. From the way they were struggling to stay balanced, either they weren’t paying attention where they were going or they were amateurs. A sizzle of frustration crawled up her spine. Inexperienced kids should never come down the black diamond run.

  Making sure to stay out of their way, she cut a deeper pattern across the slope. Uh-oh. The taller kid just fell but from the way he sat right up, he wasn’t hurt. Good. She expected the other kid to stop for him, but he kept going. Better move, kid! He was an accident waiting to happen.

  At least ten more teens followed the first two, and she hoped the fallen skier got up soon. Her blood pressure dropped as he scrambled to his feet, dusted himself off, and managed to get going just as the second wave reached him. This new group of teens wove down the hill, cutting in front of each other as if it was some big joke.

  She was concentrating so hard on not getting in those kids’ way that when someone plowed right into her, she was caught off guard. The skier’s momentum pushed her over, and her boots unlatched from her skis. Arms outstretched to prevent a face plant, she tumbled forward and rolled right into a tree.

  Her head banged into the bark and her vision blurred. Next thing she knew some kid was standing over her.

  “Lady, are you okay? I’m really sorry.”

  It took a second to comprehend his words. Anger bubbled up, but she bit back her reply. The young man was rubbing his hands down his pants as if he feared he’d killed her. Snow crusted on his knees as if he, too, had tumbled. A girl and another boy slid to a stop.

  “She going to live?” the young girl asked. At least her voice wobbled.

  It took Lana a second to assess what had happened. Her head throbbed and her body was at an odd angle to the tree. Before she made any sudden moves, she tested her fingers then her arms.

  “Lady? Can you say something?” From the way the first kid’s lip trembled, he was contrite.

  She didn’t need them to hover. “I’m trying to find out.” She would have told them to be on their way, but, to be honest, she thought she might need help. Her heart raced dangerously fast, and she inhaled to slow down the chest thumping. A quick glance told her she’d lost her skis. Crap. “Anyone see my skis?” By now the damned things could have slid halfway down the slope.

  “I’ll look,” the young girl volunteered. The others quickly followed her as if they wanted nothing to do with an injured woman.

  As she moved her legs, she knew for a fact that she was not going to be skiing down the hill anytime soon even if she got ahold of her skis. She lifted her left leg and rotated her ankle. A sharp pain radiated from her knee.

  “Fuck me.” Immediately, she glanced around to make sure none of the kids had heard her.

  She’d been skiing for years, and this was the first time she’d done something as stupid as this. She should have been paying closer attention to those above as well as those below.

  The girl came back a little out of breath and sheepishly placed her ski next to her. “Here’s one.”

  “Thanks. You didn’t find the other one?” She shouldn’t have been so curt, but it had been the boy’s fault she’d fallen.

  “Yeah, about that,” the girl said. “It’s kind of like down a hill, and none of us are good enough to go get it.”

  Then they shouldn’t have been on this slope in the first place. Knowing that chastising them would do no good, she nodded. Lana faced the one who plowed into her. “What’s your name?”


  She inhaled to control her temper. “Harold what?”

  “Harold Wheeler. My folks don’t have much money, so if you sue me, they won’t be able to pay.”

  She almost huffed out a laugh but managed to control herself. There was no way he knew she was a lawyer. “I’m not going to sue your family.” She defended people who allegedly had committed a heinous crime. She had no intention of going after his family over a simple mistake.

  His gaze looked upward as if he was thanking someone above.

  She pulled her phone out of her pocket and called 911. When she explained her situation and where she was, the operator said she’d send the ski patrol to help her down.

  “You kids can go. Someone will be here shortly.”

  She didn’t have to ask them twice. They were off in a heartbeat.

  Not wanting to freeze her ass off, she pulled herself up to a stand and leaned against the tree she’d smashed into. As soon as she put any pressure on her leg, however, a more intense ache took her breath away. Perhaps sitting was a better choice. Carefully, she slid down to the ground and prayed help would arrive soon.

  She swiped her hand across her forehead and came away with a bloody glove. “Great.”

  As her ass froze, her mood heated up. She hadn’t taken a vacation in years, and look what happened when she did. Karma was definitely operating against her.

  A whoosh of snow nearly sprayed her as the ski patrol guy slid to a stop. He unclipped his skis, made sure the rescue sled was secured, and got down on his knees next to her. He tore off his gloves and goggles and clamped his hands around her head, his thumbs gently pressing under her chin.

  “I see you bumped your head. I want you to stay still.” His callused palms heated her face, and an unexpected layer of security cocooned her. His gaze lowered and his eyes widened. “Lana? Never expected to see you here. Tell me what happened.” The worry in his voice soured her stomach.

  Damn. Why did it have to be him? She could almost taste her disappointment. “If it isn’t the great Jake Martin.” Her only way to cope was toss out a sarcastic remark.

  Jake’s dark brown hair peeked out from under his ski cap, and his dark, chocolate-brown eyes twinkled like they always did when he saw something he wanted. Maybe it was the way he was leaning, but his shoulders looked a hell of a lot broader th
an they had in high school.

  She twisted to get out of his grasp.

  “Lana.” He sounded like her dad. “Don’t move.”


  She’d been an excellent skier in high school, so at least he knew this accident probably hadn’t been her fault. To be honest, she wouldn’t have guessed he’d still be alive with all the crazy sports he participated in. While he might be one of the hottest men in Spirit, his lifestyle was just plain dangerous.

  “Tell me exactly what happened.”

  “Okay, okay.” He seemed determined to find out. “Some kid went out of control and plowed into me.”

  “How did you get the nasty contusion?” He moved closer to examine her head injury and his fresh scent shot straight down her body and ignited every lustful cell in her body. That was so not good.

  “I ran into the tree.” She wanted to act as professional as possible.

  “What happened next?” He lowered his chin and raised his gaze, leveling her with a stare.

  She didn’t dare lie. “The next thing I remember is having this group of kids standing over me.” All hint of his cheer evaporated and her pulse shot skyward. He acted like she was in grave danger of being paralyzed. “I’m fine. I’ve been moving my head for the last ten minutes.”

  “That may be, but I want you to be careful and stay still.” Holding her head immobile with one hand, he lifted his walky-talky and called another ski patrol person to help him.

  “I’m fine.”


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