“I know you do, Dad.”
“Cassie, are you...are you okay? You’ve been so quiet,” Alex said.
“I’m just trying to hold onto this moment right now. Being here with you. With Rachel. It’s probably the last time I’m going to see both of you.”
“I would love to say you’re being dramatic, but this is most likely the last time we’ll see each other.”
“Oh, Dad! I just got you back. I’m not ready to let go,” Cassie said as tears started running down her cheeks.
Alex hugged his daughter as she clung to him, her arms wrapped tightly around his back. She nestled her face in his chest, tears soaking through his shirt.
“Alyson, there’s someone here to see you, too,” Charles said as Jake pushed open the door and peeked his head inside.
“I couldn’t let you leave without saying good-bye.”
“We’ve really come full circle, haven’t we?” Alyson said.
“I guess we have. I’m really going to miss you. I’m sorry I...”
“Don’t. We can’t go back. I don’t blame you. We’re just different people now. The last few weeks have changed me. I’m not the same. I never will be.”
“But I still...”
“I still love you, too. I always will.”
“If I could go with you...”
“I know. I know you would. It wouldn’t be safe for anyone. Not as long as your father is free. He could follow you.”
“I know you’re right. But Alyson, if I could, I would go back six months ago, before any of this happened, and I would feed you cayenne buttered popcorn as we watched Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman for the thousandth time.”
“And I would snuggle into the crook of your neck while you played with my hair.”
“It feels like those days are a million years away now.”
“Good-bye, Jake.”
Jake wrapped his arms around Alyson, squeezing her tighter than he ever had before, breathing in her scent, memorizing every detail about her. Alyson rested her head against his chest for a moment, then pushed away and went in the bathroom to cry.
Jake wanted to follow, but knew she needed to be alone.
“She’ll be okay, Jake. Don’t worry.”
“How could I not? It’s my fault she’s in pain now. If I hadn’t said anything. If I could have done things differently. But that’s all in the past now.”
“There is one more thing you can do,” Charles said, placing his hand on Jake’s shoulder.
“Anything. Just name it.”
“Keep your father occupied for the next few hours until we’ve safely gotten them on the plane.”
“Not a problem. I need to go home anyway. I left the house so fast when I got your call before, I forget my cell phone. I’ll head home now.”
“Yes, Mr. Pierce?”
“We won’t forget you or what you’ve done. Thank you.”
Jake’s eyes scanned the room. He watched Cassie and Rachel have one last moment together. He remembered the feel of Alyson, just minutes earlier, locked in his embrace. Then, he looked at Charles and Alex, about to lose the daughters they only just got back.
“Again, I’m really sorry for everything,” Jake said and left the room.
Chapter Twenty - Five
“The plane’s almost ready. I’m glad you made it in time.”
“This is one flight we couldn’t miss. Thanks again,” Alex said.
“Alyson, this is my dad, Ernest Fox. He’ll take you and Cassie into France. From there you can take transportation to Geneva.”
“You’ll have choice of bus, train or boat. It’s very easy to commute from one place to another,” Ernest said.
“We can’t thank you enough for what you’re doing. You’re literally saving our lives,” Alyson said.
“Thank you, Mr. Fox,” Cassie said, giving Rachel a hug.
“We’ll be leaving in just a few minutes so I’ll let you say your good-byes. Rachel, I’ll see you at home in a couple of days.”
“Thanks, Dad. For everything,” Rachel said, hugging her father.
“I’ll meet you on the plane, girls.”
As he was about to board the plane, he got a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see a slight, middle-aged man standing before him.
“I’m Charles, Alyson’s father.”
“Yes, Alex told me about you. I’m glad to help. I’ll take good care of them.”
“Thank you.” Charles said, shaking his hand.
“Words can’t express how grateful I am to you. We’ll talk after you return,” Alex said, his eyes welling up.
“We’ll stay in touch,” Ernest said as he got on the plane and prepared for takeoff.
Charles walked over to Alyson who was standing alone, watching Cassie and Rachel say their good-byes.
“Alyson, you know how I feel about you. Thank you for being in my life. And for everything you’ve done. For me. For Samantha. I’m sorry about...”
“It’s okay, Dad. I understand now why you did what you did. We all have to make choices.”
“But mine hurt you.”
“You made your decision out of love. I can’t stay angry with you for that. And, Dad?”
“You have been a real father to me. No matter how I came into this world.”
“I never thought I would get a second chance with you. I love you, Alyson. I wish you didn’t have to leave.”
“It’s not safe for us here anymore. I wish it were. I feel like I’ve just gotten my life back...and now I have to leave everything and everyone I know.”
“Not everyone,” Cassie said. “I’m coming with you, remember?”
“You know what I mean, Cassie. You’re the sister I’ve always wanted and now finally have.”
“You girls will be just fine. We’ll take care of things here. Charles and I will set up an account for you in Geneva so you’ll have all the money you’ll ever need.”
“Thanks, Dad,” Cassie said, giving Alex one last hug.
“Are you ready, girls? It’s time to go,” Ernest called from the doorway of the plane.
“I’ll miss you, Dad,” Alyson said.
“I’ll miss you more.”
“Come on, Cassie. Our new life awaits.”
“Good-bye, Rachel. I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you, too.”
Alyson and Cassie stepped inside the plane and when the engine started, they hugged as the tears flowed down.
“No turning back,” Alyson said.
“No turning back.”
Chapter Twenty - Six
“Jake? Is that you?” Howard called from upstairs.
“Yes, Dad. Of course, it’s me. Who else would be coming in the front door.”
“I don’t know. Nothing is making sense right now. Maybe you could explain something to me.”
“Sure. I’m just going to get a drink. Do you want anything?”
“Water would be fine,” Howard called out.
“How about some juice instead? There’s not much left and I wanted to empty the container.”
“Sure. Water. Juice. It doesn’t matter. Anything is fine.”
Jake filled two glasses and tossed the empty orange juice container into the recycling bin. He brought them out to the living room and waited for his father to come downstairs.
“I’ll leave it on the table for you. Will you be down soon?”
“Have a seat on the couch. I’ll be there shortly.”
“Okay,” Jake said, settling into the couch cushions, still distracted by his last moments with Alyson.
“Maybe you can explain this?” Howard said, holding Jake’s phone high in the air as he walked down the stairs.
“Oh, that. It’s my cell phone. I forgot it when I left the house before. I was in a bit of a rush.”
“You must have felt lost without it.”
“A little, I guess. Why are you acting so strange? It’s not that big a dea
l. I was only out of the house for a short while.”
“You must not have expected me to find it,” Howard said, walking toward the couch, cradling the phone in his hand.
“It wasn’t actually lost. I just forgot to stick it in my pocket. Why are you making such a big deal about it?”
“You’re working with him, aren’t you?”
“What? What are you talking about? Who?”
“Him. Charles. My sworn nemesis. You know how I feel about him.”
“I’m not...”
“I can’t believe it. You’re on his side, aren’t you?”
“What are you talking about?”
“I know everything, Jake. I found your phone. Your call history. I know you’ve been in contact with him.”
“Let me explain,” Jake said, rising from the couch, backing away from his father.
“How long? How long have you been colluding with him? Plotting against me?”
“I didn’t! I wouldn’t! Just...just calm down, Dad.”
“I saw his number. Don’t lie to me.”
“I’m not! I’m...!”
“How...could you? You’re my son. My son! How could you betray me like this?”
“Please, Dad!”
“After everything I’ve done for you. After I’ve taken you in as my partner. My partner! How dare you feign loyalty to me and then...this!”
“It’s not what you think,” Jake said, trying to calm him down.
“What I think? Do you know what I think?”
“I think...you..are a traitor. And you know of course what happens to traitors. They must be eliminated.”
The color drained from Jake’s face.
“Yes, I know what you’re thinking. You are my son. And that does pose an issue of concern. But no worries. It’s not a problem beyond repair.”
“What are you doing, Dad?”
“I am doing what I should have done a long time ago. Before you had a chance to deceive me. Before you could provide aid to the enemy.”
“Dad, you’re scaring me.”
“No need to be frightened. Relax,” Howard said, letting the phone fall from his hand.
Jake took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
“It’s only going to hurt for a moment. Then, you won’t feel a thing,” Howard said as he moved closer and closer toward his son.
As Jake backed away, Howard grabbed him by the throat and squeezed. He gasped for air as he tried pushing his father away.
“Please, Dad. I..can’t..breathe.”
“Stop fighting me! It will go a lot easier if you just let go and give in,” Howard said as he tried to maintain pressure on Jake’s neck.
Jake struggled, kicking and punching his father. Howard backed him into the wall, bracing his body firmly against Jake’s. As he tightened his grip, Jake kicked hard as he could, finally breaking free and shoving his father away.
“You won’t get away from me that easily.”
Jake snatched the juice from the table, threw it in his father’s face and let the empty glass fall to the floor. Howard swiped his hands across his face but was still blurred from the icy liquid burning his eyes. He reached out blindly for the nearest object to throw at his son -- the lamp on the side table. With dripping hands, he grasped the metal base, forgetting about the exposed wire. A shock shot through his body, dropped him to the floor and he lay there, silently, not moving.
Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion as Jake stood back, trying to catch his breath. He stood there, waiting. Waiting for a response from the man who tried to squeeze the life from his body. After several minutes of watching his father lie motionless, he leaned down and listened for a heartbeat. His body was still. No breath. No pulse. He was gone. His father was gone. Jake sat on the floor next to him, leaned against the couch, and slowly exhaled.
Chapter Twenty - Seven
“Hello?” Charles said, answering his cell phone.
“They’re safe. They don’t have to go. It’s okay. They don’t have to run anymore.”
“Jake? Are you okay? You’re not making any sense. What are you talking about? Slow down and tell me everything.”
“Alyson. Cassie. They’re..safe.”
“Of course they are. We took care of everything. Remember?”
“No, you don’t understand. They don’t have to leave now. He’s gone.”
“Are you trying to tell me your father is...gone? He...he isn’t going to hurt them? Ever again?”
“Are you trying to say he’s...dead?”
“What...what happened? How? Where’s...the body?”
“Here. He’s here. Next to me. On the floor. Bad wire. Wet hands. Gone. He’s...gone.”
“Are you okay?”
“A little shaky.”
“Did you call anyone?”
“Just you.”
“We’ll be right over.”
“Alyson and Cassie? They’re still with you? They haven’t left yet? I’m not too late. I...we can still be together. She’s still here.”
“No. They left just a short time ago. I already drove Rachel home and was on my way to see Alex. I’ll pick him up and meet you at your house. Don’t move. Don’t touch anything.”
“We’re too late? I’m...too late? They’re gone? My dad is...and I’m never going to see her again? I can’t...I need...”
“Relax, Jake. Take a deep breath.”
“I have to see her. I have to see Alyson. She needs to know. She’ll want to know.”
“We’ll try to contact them in a few days after they’ve reached the destination. Until then, we need to take care of you and the situation. Stay where you are. Alex and I will be there soon.”
Jake ended the call and sat in the silence of the room. He looked down at his father’s lifeless body and scooted himself away. He picked up the empty glass from the floor and stared at it intently. Almost as if it held all the answers to his burning questions.
“How? How could he? How could he try to kill me? I’m his...son. Flesh and blood. How? I don’t understand. I thought he loved me. He said he loved me. Did he ever care about me? Only his research. That was the only thing he ever loved. Not me. Not my mom. Just his stupid research!” Jake screamed, smashing the glass into the floor, his white knuckles clinging to the broken, jagged edges.
He squeezed hard until he crushed the last remnants, then opened his hand and dropped the bloodied slivers. They lay there, like wounded soldiers, abandoned on the floor. He leaned back against the couch, closed his eyes, and waited for Charles and Alex. His mind drifted as he fell into a light sleep. An hour later, the sound of knocking jolted him awake.
“Who..who is it?”
“It’s us, Jake. Charles and Alex. Open the door.”
Jake stood up, stepped over his father’s body, and opened the door for his welcomed guests.
“There it is,” Jake said, pointing to his father’s corpse.
“What happened?” Charles asked, scanning the room for answers.
“He knew. About you. Us. He found out. He found out we were working together.”
“How? We were very careful.”
“I got careless. Earlier today. I was in such a rush to go see Alyson before she left, I forgot my phone at home. It’s my fault.”
“It was an accident. We’ve all been under terrible stress. Don’t blame yourself.”
“Charles is right. We’ve all been running on fumes since Alyson and Cassie first went missing.”
“But it was because of me that he found out about our connection. He found my phone and checked the history. He saw the calls we made to each other.”
“What happened here? How did he end up...you know?” Alex asked.
“He flipped out when he saw me. He tried to..he tried to..kill me. He got this crazy look in his eyes and he started choking me. He kept squeezing and squeezing. Finally, I was a
ble to break free.”
“Did you...kill him?” Alex asked.
“I grabbed the first thing I could -- a glass of orange juice that was on the table. I threw it at him and then backed away. I wasn’t trying to kill him. I was just trying to get away. Just trying to save my life.”
“If he didn’t die, he surely would have killed you. Nothing was going to stop him. Your father was nothing if not relentless.”
“So what happened next?” Alex asked.
“His hands were wet so when he reached for the lamp, he got electrocuted. I told him that lamp needed to be replaced when the wires got exposed, but he was always too busy to do it. He was so caught up in work. So consumed by his research. He never fixed anything around here. I never thought I would be happy he was like that, but this time, it saved my life. That lamp saved my life.”
“We’ll have to call someone to take him away. We can’t just leave him here,” Charles said.
“Why not? We should leave him here like rotting garbage. He doesn’t deserve any better. He was going to kill me. He tried to kill me.”
“I know you’re upset, Jake, but there’s protocol that must be followed,” Charles said.
“What’s going to happen now? Where do I live? Do I stay here, in the house where my father tried to murder me? The house where he died?”
“One step at a time. I’ll make the phone call. Why don’t you go with Alex? He’ll check you over at the lab.”
“I’m fine.”
“Your hand is a bloody mess and before it scabs and heals completely, you need to get all the glass splinters out so you don’t get an infection. You also have a nasty imprint of your father’s hand on your neck.”
“That’s something we have in common. I can still see where he wrapped his hands around your neck.”
“Your father was a very violent man when things didn’t go his way. He didn’t handle rejection or failure well at all.”
“Are we going to call the police?”
“I’ll handle everything, Jake. Don’t worry. Go with Alex.”
“Mr. Pierce?”
“Yes, Jake?”
Exposed Page 15