The Beast's Nanny (The Nannies Book 7)

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The Beast's Nanny (The Nannies Book 7) Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  Feeling somewhat happier, she went to her own bedroom, only to stop when she saw Caleb in there.

  So much for being patient.

  “I don’t like the thought of lying to James,” she said, closing the door and putting the monitor on top of the drawer.

  “Then don’t make it a lie.”

  “Caleb, I’m not his nanny.”

  “You are.”


  “It’s what I’m paying you for.”

  “You’re not paying me.”

  He pulled out his cell phone and started to type. She hated those damn devices. She found them so incredibly rude. People would bump into her because they were more focused on their phone than walking. It drove her crazy. He held the blasted thing up for her to look at the screen. Her banking information was right there in black and white, including payments for nannying.

  “That’s impossible.”

  “To most people. Not to me.”

  “What about my other job?” she asked.

  “I called and told them you quit.”

  “What? No, I love that job. I can’t just quit.” She slammed her foot down.

  “I think I’m proving to you, time and time again, I can do whatever the hell I want.”

  “Just because you can do whatever the hell you want doesn’t actually make it right.” She growled at him. “You’re so in the wrong here, on every single level. I have a life. A life I want to get back to.”

  “Not for a year. Do you really want them to put a person out of a job because you were too selfish to give it up?”

  She opened her mouth, closed it, and stomped toward the bathroom. “I’m not talking to you.” She went to go into the bathroom and turned to look at him. “How dare you call me selfish. I would never do something like that. I can’t even believe you’d think that. It pisses me off that you think I could be that cruel. You’re not fair at all, and I don’t like you.”

  “Fair? You think I ever play by fair rules? Do you know what happens to people who try to play fair? They get crushed, Grace. Do you really think you’d look at me a second or a third time if you knew the kind of crap I do?”

  “I would never treat you any less.”

  “I kill.”

  “I know. I’ve seen. You can’t control everything around you.”

  “No, but when it comes to you, I can do whatever the hell I want.”

  “I hate you,” she said, feeling even more childish as they continued.

  He reached out, grabbing the back of her head. “No, you don’t, and it pisses you off that I can get under your skin.”

  She had a comeback, but as his lips brushed across hers, all argument faded. What was the point in arguing when it felt so good to be kissing? Why did people even talk?


  Caleb never took the time to celebrate the holidays. It was something his sister tried to do, but he didn’t conform. There was no point in it. People were shit as far as he was concerned, and he wouldn’t dress them up as anything else just because the country demanded it. He didn’t do crap like that.

  For Grace, it was different. Flooded with guilt at never giving his sister what she wanted, he promised himself to make up for it now. To give her son everything she ever wanted for him. James would want for nothing until the time came he’d have to train the boy.

  Sinking his fingers into Grace’s hair, kissing her lips, feeling her soft, full body pressed against his own, his cock filled, hardening as he felt her moan.

  She went from trying to push him away to winding her arms around his neck, holding him close. With one hand in her hair, he gripped her ass with the other, tightening his hold on her. Rather than go into the bathroom, he moved her back, taking her toward the bed. She didn’t fight him.

  Instead, she began to open his shirt.

  He knew she wouldn’t be able to resist him for long. With her damaged shoulder, he’d have to take it easy, but he had no intention of fucking her tonight.

  There was so much more he wanted, and Grace needed to see him for not being a monster. He at least wanted her to look at him with pleasure.

  Laying her down on the bed, he kept his weight between her thighs, kissing her.

  He slid his lips down her body, going to her neck, then slowly, he started to move to her chest. Unbuttoning the buttons, he opened up her shirt, revealing her bra. He’d purchased all her clothes for her. After the men had taken her, he’d ransacked her apartment, getting everything he thought she would need. Her clothes had been well-worn. Taking the sizing, he’d gone shopping.

  If she thought the clothes belonged to anyone else, she’d be wrong. All the pajamas she wore were all picked by him.

  Caleb didn’t want to think about why he did what he did. Only that he cared enough to make Grace fall for him. It was all part of his bigger plan, to prove even the sweetest could be just as evil.

  You’re not going to do it.

  She’s going to prove you wrong.

  Pushing those thoughts aside, he continued to open her shirt, flicking the catch of the bra and finally getting to the tip of her pants.

  She let out a moan as he fingered the button and slid it open. Then she whimpered his name. “I’m not even close to touching you yet.” Stepping away from the bed, he stared down at her and began to remove his clothes.

  Her face went bright red as she sat up.

  Caleb didn’t stop her as she started to get naked. He wanted to see every single part of her. There was no room for hiding, not from him.

  Once they were naked, he wrapped his fingers around his cock, staring at her body. She was as perfect, just as he knew she’d be.

  “You have no idea how much I want you,” he said.

  She wrapped her arms across her chest with a smile. “I think I can see for myself.”

  He winked at her. “He’s giving the game away.”

  “I’ve never done this. Do you want me to…? What do you want me to do?”

  Damn, her words were fucking killing him. He didn’t know if he was going to be able to control himself.

  “Get on the bed and spread those pretty thighs for me. I want to see your pussy.”

  She nodded, turning her back on him.

  He groaned as she bent forward, showcasing that curvy ass to perfection.

  She crawled to the center of the bed.

  Caleb moved toward the edge, hand still fisting his cock as she got settled. “Now spread them.”

  She opened her thighs. The action jerky.

  “That’s a good girl. Reach down, open your pussy. Let me see your clit.”


  “Don’t be nervous, trust me.” He didn’t know what to say to make her feel at ease. This was what he wanted. She was going to give it to him.

  Her hands slid down, going between her thighs, and he watched as she did exactly as he’d asked, opening herself up to him.

  He placed one knee on the bed, followed by the second. Moving his body forward, he put his hands beneath her ass, holding her curves. Staring up the length of her body, he looked her in the eye. “Tell me if you want me to stop.”

  She shook her head. “Please, don’t stop.”

  Caleb gazed at her pussy. Her scent was intoxicating. She was soaking wet, and as he slid his tongue across her clit, he wasn’t shocked to find her sensitive. So pretty.

  Gliding across the tip and around her tight nub, he heard her gasp, and her hips jerked. He took his time, moving down to her entrance, but not penetrating. When he claimed her cunt, it would be with his cock, feeling every pulse as she came.

  Even though all he wanted to do was fuck her and do it hard, he held himself in check. Applying some more pressure, he covered her clit and sucked her into his mouth, using his teeth to create a bite of pain with the pleasure. She whimpered his name, and he loved it, wanted more.

  He went from soft licks to hard, not giving her a chance to become accustomed to his tongue. She could take more, and as he brought her
close, he kept her just at the peak, allowing her to get frustrated but also needy.

  She began to rock against his tongue.

  “Please, Caleb, please,” she said.

  The first sign he was looking for. When it came to finally owning Grace, he wanted her to consent every single step of the way.

  “Tell me what you want,” he said.

  “I want to come. Please, let me come.”

  “As you wish.” He took her over that edge, loving the sounds of her pleasured screams. Each one sweet music to his ears, and he would never forget.

  She rocked against his tongue and only when it seemed she couldn’t take anymore did he stop. Her cream coated his mouth and he lifted up, licking his lips.

  Grace was still coming down to earth as he wrapped his fingers around his cock. Holding her knees open, he stared at her body and began to slide up and down, watching her.

  “One day soon, you’re going to suck my cock, baby. When you do, you’re going to take me in deep and swallow every single last drop.”

  “I can … er, if you want,” she said, taking him by surprise.

  “You want to suck my cock?”

  She nodded her head.

  Grace then shocked him as she wriggled down the bed until her head was close to his cock. She lifted up and with her gaze on his, she opened her mouth, and took the tip of him into her mouth.

  Caleb held the base of his cock, watching her as she started to bob her head. She didn’t take all of him, but watching those plump lips around his length, he struggled to gain control.

  She was so fucking sexy, and her mouth. She wasn’t used to sucking cock, and feeling her nerves, it made him even harder.

  He didn’t know if he was going to last in her untutored mouth. Feeling more like a randy schoolboy, he quickly pulled out. Rather than release into her sexy mouth, he shot his cum onto her chest, coating her breasts with his cum until every last drop had spilled out.

  Panting for breath, he stared at her, wondering what had happened to his sweet, innocent Grace. Not that he had a problem with her wanting to fuck.

  Shaming her was not part of his plan.

  He wanted her to crave sex. To beg for his touch.

  Stroking her cheek, he kissed her lips.

  “This was the best Thanksgiving I ever had, Grace. Thank you for giving me that.” He climbed off the bed and went to the bathroom to grab a cloth. He returned to find Grace still where he’d left her.

  After cleaning off her chest, he returned to the bathroom, threw the cloth in the laundry, grabbed a robe, and went back to her. Kissing her lips, he wished her a good night before leaving.

  He wondered how she’d take that.

  Chapter Seven

  Grace hated men.

  More specifically one man.

  One very confusing man.

  What the hell was that?

  A week ago, Caleb had given her an amazing orgasm and she’d sucked his cock, only for him to leave, and so far, disappear. It was like Thanksgiving never happened. Like they hadn’t shared a good meal. Instead, he’d gone cold on her and that, she found more infuriating than anything else, and downright rude. What did he want from her? She’d fed and fucked him. Well, they hadn’t gone all the way, but it had been close. He’d come. What more did he actually want? Why did he have to confuse everything?

  Staring at the punching bag in his gym, she lashed out and slammed her fist against the hard surface. The first impact had her moaning.

  Rather than stop, she clenched her hand into a fist and hit it back. She was still angry and hated him for making her feel this way.

  He was just a guy. She really shouldn’t care at all what he did with his time, or what he didn’t do. It wasn’t like she wanted to have sex with him, anyway, stupid man. She punched with her opposite hand and winced. Her shoulder was on the mend, but it wasn’t perfect.

  She hated this. Living in this perfect house with a beautiful kid. Everything about it was messing with her mind, making her forget that she needed to fight to escape. The orgasm shouldn’t be a factor in her wanting to live her life. The fact Caleb seemed to be getting away with everything, well, it was just plain wrong.

  Her anger didn’t dissipate, and the bag wasn’t helping but hurting her more. She gripped the edges, resting her head against the hardness. This was why she tried to avoid all conflict and what her mother had warned her about multiple times.

  “You know it’ll work if you actually punch it rather than hug it,” Caleb said.

  The moment he spoke, she tensed up. The son of a bitch was here, but she refused to bite. Rather than start punching the bag, she turned on her heel and started to leave the room.

  “Hey, what’s the problem?” Caleb asked, grabbing her arm.

  She pulled away from him. “Leave me alone.”

  You sound childish. He’ll punish you for it.

  She didn’t care what he did. He was an asshole, and well, now she thought bad words about him.

  Her mother would be so annoyed with her for letting this man get under her skin, but it wasn’t like she had much of a choice. He was so unfair.

  “What the hell?” Caleb asked.

  She shoved her way out the door, going toward the pool. James would need her soon, but right now, she had to walk this anger out of her system. She had to do something, otherwise, she’d go crazy.

  Caleb grabbed her hand, spinning her around.

  “Can’t I have two minutes alone?”


  “I’m not surprised. You have to control everything, don’t you? You have to take people from their lives that were pretty damn cozy, and bring them here. Do you even care about what happened to those other women?” she asked.

  “You’re pissed.”

  “No shit!” She growled. “Look what you’ve made me do. I was a nice person. A calm person, and now all I seem to do is curse. I hate you.” She shoved him, but he didn’t budge. This made her even madder. “Do you care, huh? Do you care even a little bit or are we all just commodities to you?”

  He held her roughly even as she tried to fight her way out of his hold.

  “Stop it. You want the truth, no, I don’t give a flying fuck about those other women. I wasn’t there to claim any of them. You’re the one I want. You’re the one I always wanted, so no, I don’t want to know about them, but if you really need to know the truth, they’re back with their families. They were saved because of you. If you think that was the only trafficking set up, you’re so fucking wrong. It goes on. That’s life.”

  “That’s cruel.”

  “To answer your other questions. I’ve never done this. I never get men to take women for me. Women come to me, Grace. They beg me for what I want. Not the other way around. I never need to ask. All I’ve got to do is snap my fingers, and I get exactly what I want.”

  “I hate you.”

  He burst out laughing. It wasn’t a natural sound. “No, you don’t hate me. If you did, you wouldn’t be so angry with me leaving you high and dry. What you want, Grace, is to be fucked. You liked a taste of it, and now, you want to know how it feels to have my cock deep inside your cunt.”

  She opened her mouth, closed it. “You’re vulgar.”

  He pulled her close. “Vulgar I may be, but it’s exactly what you want. You got a taste and now you want more, which is why you’re acting like this.”


  He was wrong.

  Drawing her leg up, she slammed it down on his foot. He let her go and as she turned to leave, he tried to catch her, taking her off guard. Rather than make her escape, she tripped over her feet and landed in the pool.

  As she took a breath, water filled her mouth, choking her.

  She sank beneath the waves, trying to keep to the surface. Her mother had been afraid of water and rather than help her daughter learn to swim, she’d never taken her to the pool to learn.

  Panic flooded her chest.

  She tried kicking and screaming. The water
was too much. Caleb was going to let her die.

  She flailed in the pool, not getting anywhere. Her breath was gone. Putting her hands to her throat, she knew she was going to die.

  Strong arms wrapped around her and Caleb pulled her to the surface. He didn’t stop there, he helped her onto the floor. She coughed, taking in as much air as possible.

  “What the fuck?” Caleb turned her onto her back, pushing her hair back.

  She kept her hand on her chest, trying to calm her nerves.

  “Grace, can you hear me?”

  She nodded her head, but Caleb continued to frown, his hands moving up and down her body.

  “I’m fine. I … I can’t swim.”

  “I expected you to break the surface and be angry at me. I didn’t mean to make you trip. You can’t swim?” he asked.

  She got to her feet and shook her head. “My mom was afraid of the water. My dad never got around to taking me.” She winced at the pain that shot through her shoulder. Glancing down, she saw a little blood appearing on the bandage.

  “Fuck. I’ll call the doctor. You’ve probably torn some stitches.”

  She couldn’t help but shiver.

  Caleb grabbed his jacket from the ground and wrapped it around her. He didn’t stop there as he suddenly lifted her into his arms and proceeded to carry her through to his bedroom. No one stopped him and she noticed men looked away as he passed.

  His reputation really was a bad one, even with his men.

  He took her to the shower and even as she wanted to protest, she kept her mouth shut. He began to peel away her clothes. She watched him as he put the shower on, helping her inside.

  She made an attempt to cover her nakedness, not that she did a good job. Caleb followed suit, getting naked and joining her in the shower. Her teeth clattered, but one look at him, and well, the other night, she didn’t get a good enough look. His cock wasn’t hard, though. It lay between his thighs, still long and thick, but flaccid.

  Caleb wrapped his arms around her. “We need to warm you up.”

  She was already warming up.

  Circling his waist with her arms, she pressed her head against his chest. “You’re right,” she said, speaking up after a few minutes of silence.


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