Crimson Debt

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Crimson Debt Page 13

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Very good then. We’ll consider the matter closed.” Roderick nodded. Apparently the trial was over.

  Despite Corbin’s restraining hand on my arm, I couldn’t be silent anymore.

  “What?” I demanded. “You mean that’s it? She ruined my friend’s life and she gets a slap on the wrist? This trial is a joke!”

  “Corbin!” Roderick turned to us, his eyes cold. “Did I not tell you to control your consort? I will not tolerate a mere human questioning my judgment.”

  “Indeed, Inquisitor.” Corbin’s grip on my arm tightened and he frowned at me. “I apologize and my consort will also make a full and sincere apology both for the insult she offered you tonight and for her actions at our last meeting.”

  “Like hell I will!” I knew I had promised to apologize to the vampire Inquisitor but I was fed up with all the undead bullshit going on.

  “Addison…” Corbin turned me to face him and looked into my eyes. “Look at me,” he demanded, when I tried to drop my eyes. “No, look at me, my darling.”

  “Fine.” Unwillingly, I raised my eyes to his. Corbin could try to glamour me if he wanted to but there was no way I was helping him—he was on his own.

  “Addison,” he murmured again and I felt something prying at the surface of my thoughts. Unseen fingers were testing my mental defenses, tugging gently at the invisible shield I normally wasn’t even aware of around my mind.

  I felt myself start to panic. Those fingers were strong—I could feel their immense strength even though he was trying to be gentle. Corbin’s attempt to get inside me was like a man who is trying to do a delicate task, like painting a vase or fixing the inside of a watch. But if he wanted to, he could smash the vase or destroy the fragile clockwork at any moment. I had never felt this way when looking into a vampire’s eyes before— God, who knew he had this much power?

  “Addison,” he whispered for a third time. “Open to me, darling. Don’t make me force you.”

  “I…” I bit my lip. I wanted to say I didn’t know how to open to him but if I did, Roderick would know we hadn’t done this before. Instead I said, “I’m trying.”

  “Relax…” Corbin stroked my cheek. “I won’t hurt you. Just let me in a little.”

  I didn’t want to do it—didn’t want to let him in. But this was part of the agreement and Roderick and Celeste were standing right there, watching. I had no choice—I had to do it.

  Taking a deep breath, I tried to let the tension drain out of my body. Tried to imagine the shield around my mind going down, like some kind of force-field from an old sci-fi movie.

  Corbin seemed to have a different image in mind.

  “Your mind is like a flower, its petals closed tight,” he murmured, still stroking my cheek. “Close your eyes and open to me.”

  Closing my eyes, I tried to do as he said. I felt those iron fingers prying gently around the edges of my mental shield again and this time I was able to let them in.

  “Good,” Corbin breathed. “Now look at me, Addison. I hold your mind in my hand but I would never hurt it, any more than I would hurt your precious body.”

  I opened my eyes and fell into the silvery-blue depths of his gaze.

  Chapter Eleven

  Suddenly it seemed like I was swimming in an ocean. A deep, cold current was carrying me away and there was nothing I could do about it but for some reason I didn’t care. The waves were taking me farther and farther from shore but up ahead in the distance, I could see something…no, someone. It was a girl about my age or maybe a little younger standing on a small, rocky island. She had red hair the same shade as mine but her eyes were blue, a deep, sapphire blue and they were filled with tears. In her arms was a baby—an infant so tiny it looked like it had just been born. She clutched it tightly to her chest and cried, the tears running down her cheeks.

  Who is she? I wondered, looking at the girl. Other than the hair she didn’t look much like me but the sadness on her face was heartbreaking. I wanted to put my arms around her and comfort her, to tell her everything was going to be all right.

  She is gone…centuries dead, said a deep voice in my mind. With a start, I realized it was Corbin’s voice.

  Corbin? I looked around for him but I couldn’t see anything, just the shifting, silver-blue sea around me.

  I am here, you cannot see me but I am with you.

  Who was that girl? She was gone now and there was nothing but waves as far as I could see.

  I heard what sounded like a mental sigh. I should have known glamouring you would have consequences. As I look into you, you are also able to look into me.

  But who—?

  One who was once dear to me. It isn’t important now. What is important is that you must apologize to Roderick.

  But I don’t want to! He’s a bastard!

  Yes, but he is also my superior—my boss, as you would say. He wields more power than I do and as such, he must be placated.

  He ought to be shot, I said, or sent, or whatever you wanted to call this weird mental conversation we were having.

  You will apologize. There was iron in Corbin’s tone now and I sensed he was through reasoning with me. You must say to him that you ask forgiveness for your rude words and for your actions last night when you offered to commit adultery in front of him.

  I offered to give Taylor some blood that she very much needed, I protested. I never meant to disrespect you, especially not with him watching.

  Tell him that, then. Respectfully.

  I’ll try, I sent back with irritation. But I don’t know how respectful I can be to a snake like that.

  You’ll be able to manage. Corbin’s mental tone sounded certain. Simply open your mouth and the correct words will come out.

  I’ll do my best, I promised, grinding my teeth. And you promise after this is over you’ll get the hell out of my mind.

  Do you really dislike having me here? He sounded wistful. Communicating this way is so much more intimate than speaking aloud. And so much more revealing…I can feel your emotions from here, Addison. Your true emotions, the ones you prefer to keep hidden from everyone, even yourself.

  That’s it! I snapped. I’m going to apologize to that evil asshole and then you’re releasing me immediately afterwards. All right?

  There was a pause and then I felt his reluctant agreement. All right. I am bringing you back now. You will see the room and everyone in it.

  And just like that, I was out of the ocean I’d been floating in and standing in front of him, looking into his eyes. I made myself tear my gaze away and saw that Celeste and Roderick were standing there, perfectly motionless and waiting with that inhuman patience all vampires seem to possess.

  “Roderick,” Corbin said, taking my arm and leading me closer to the raised dais where the vampire Inquisitor still stood. “I believe my consort has something to say to you.”

  Yeah, I’ve got things to say to you, all right. You sick, sadistic son of a bitch…

  I opened my mouth and was shocked to hear something completely different than what I was thinking coming out.

  “Inquisitor,” my mouth said, apparently completely independent of my mind. “I wish to offer my apologies for my words tonight as well as my actions the night before.”

  “Hmph.” Roderick crossed his arms over his chest. “Go on.”

  “I haven’t been Corbin’s consort for long,” I heard myself continue. “And I didn’t realize that offering my blood to another was wrong. I never had any intention of dishonoring my master, I simply wanted to heal my friend, Taylor. So I am on my knees, asking you…”

  On my knees? Oh, no, I’m not! I thought fiercely.

  Oh, yes you are, darling, Corbin sent back and suddenly I was getting stiffly down on my knees—not an easy task considering the ridiculously tall heels I was wearing.

  “I am on my knees,” my mouth continued independently of my brain. “Asking, no begging, for your forgiveness.”

  Begging? REALLY? Inside I was so mad
I could have spit. If Corbin was anywhere near me I would have kicked him out of sheer rage, even knowing that I was much too weak to do any damage to his impenetrable vampire hide.

  The Inquisitor must be placated. His pride must be soothed. This is the only way. Corbin’s mental voice was implacable.

  And apparently, he was right. Roderick was actually looking at me with what probably amounted to benevolence in someone as monstrous as him.

  “Again, I am impressed.” He nodded at Corbin as though acknowledging a man who had trained his pet to do a particularly clever trick. “I would not have thought it possible to glamour one with such a strong mental shield. Truly, you have a gift.”

  “Thank you, Inquisitor.” Corbin inclined his head modestly. “She is rather…fractious at times but as you see, Addison is most certainly worthy to claim as my consort, human though she is.”

  “Indeed.” Roderick nodded and raised an eyebrow at Corbin. “And you are able to handle her body as gently as you do her mind when you fuck her? Your precision with such a fragile creature truly is amazing.”

  Corbin smiled slightly. “Addison is worth the trouble.”

  “So I see.” Roderick looked at me, a strange light in his eyes. “I will accept your apology, little human.”

  “Thank you, you’re very kind,” my mouth said. Inside, however, I was shouting at Corbin. Let me go now! You said you would!

  I don’t know… He was frowning. We are in a perfect position right now. Perhaps you should stay as you are until after Roderick and Celeste are gone.

  No! If I could have glared at him I would have but I seemed to be incapable of anything but a sweet, penitent smile. Feeling the fake look on my face while the rage seethed inside me only made me angrier. You let me go now! I mentally yelled at Corbin. You swore you would. If you don’t release me from this fucking mind control this instant I swear I will never trust you again. And I’ll put a bullet in your worthless hide the minute I get a chance! Do you hear me?

  He sighed. Very well. Losing your trust troubles me more than your threats of harm. I will release you but you must remain calm. Keep your cool, as they say in this century. At least until Roderick is gone.

  Just let me go, I sent tensely.

  In answer, Corbin came around and raised me to my feet. Then he took my face in both his hands and looked into my eyes.

  “Addison,” he murmured. “I release you.”

  Immediately I felt my mental shield, which he had so carefully peeled away, fall back into place. It was an almost physical sensation, like a rubber band that had been pulled tight, snapping back to its normal position. Abruptly the feeling of having Corbin in my mind was gone. I could no longer feel his presence or hear his warm, intimate inner voice.

  I felt an overwhelming sense of relief coupled with a stranger emotion…emptiness. I was alone inside my skull and I knew I should be happy about it. Instead, I felt so…so…isolated.

  The weird feelings made me even angrier, but this time at myself. Stop it! What’s wrong with you? Like you want him in there, controlling your every move? Well, no, I didn’t like that part. But the intimacy of having him inside my head…it was weird. Deeper than anything I had ever felt, deeper even than sex. Was this the sensation glam-addicts went chasing at the clubs, giving every last drop of their blood to feel this closeness, this intimacy just once more? I had always assumed it was just about sex but this…this was strange.

  “Addison?” Corbin looked at me with concern. “Are you all right?”

  I took a deep breath. “You’re…gone. I mean, I don’t feel you anymore.”

  “I know,” he said quietly and brushed a strand of hair from my face. “I miss you, too, darling.”

  “Don’t call me that.” I pulled away from his hands and he let me, though he was certainly strong enough to have held me in place.

  “Inquisitor,” he said, turning to Roderick who was watching us with a calculating expression I didn’t like at all. “I trust these proceedings are at an end?”

  “They are,” Roderick acknowledged. “But I have yet to examine your establishment, Corbin. Be ready for me tomorrow night.”

  “Understood.” Corbin nodded. “Will you need accommodations during your inspection?”

  “I will.” Roderick nodded. “And I will require the use of one of your females for my comfort during my stay with you as well.”

  My whole body tensed and I looked at Corbin. Surely he wouldn’t…

  “I will ask if any of the females under my care wishes to curry favor by submitting to you, Roderick,” he said, frowning. “But I will not force anyone into sexual servitude. And if one of the girls does wish to come to you, I must forbid you to abuse her. I treat my underlings…differently than Celeste does hers.”

  Roderick smirked. “For a vampire of your age and standing, you are strangely compassionate, my friend.”

  “Not at all.” Corbin looked at him steadily. “I find that treating my underlings well inspires loyalty rather than hatred.” He shrugged. “It’s simply good business sense.”

  “I find it better to make them fear you,” Celeste chimed in, looking bored.

  Corbin gave her a sarcastic smile. “I think you may be confusing fear with loathing, Celeste. Any one of your underlings would drive a stake through your heart in an instant if given half a chance—but I’m sure you already know that.”

  She hissed at him like an angry cat, then turned to Roderick. “Come, Inquisitor, you still have at least one more night at my house. Let us go and enjoy ourselves.”

  “I fully intend to,” Roderick said. “But first I wish to clarify something.” He pointed at Corbin. “I do not wait to see if a female wishes to come to me—I will pick which of your girls I prefer. In fact, I have already made my choice.”

  “Oh?” There was a glint of danger in Corbin’s eyes. “And who might the lucky girl be?”

  “The one you took from Celeste—the one she gave to me originally.” Roderick snapped his fingers. “What was her name again?”

  “Her name is Taylor,” I said, my voice hoarse with anger. “And you are never going near her again or so help me God—”

  “Addison!” Corbin gave me a warning glare. “Forgive her, Inquisitor. She cares very much for the one in question. And speaking of Taylor, she was wounded by your last encounter. I am afraid she is too weak to receive your, ah, attentions at this time.”

  “Then give her some blood and heal her up,” Roderick said impatiently. “And don’t worry, little human,” he added with a nasty grin. “I won’t use her too roughly this time. I simply want a female to fuck when the notion takes me—that’s all.”

  “That’s all? That’s all?” My voice nearly broke on the last word.

  “Addison…” Corbin put a hand on my arm. “Be silent. We will speak of this later.”

  “No!” I shrugged off his arm. “No, I won’t be quiet. Not about this.” I turned to Roderick. “I don’t care how you intend to ‘use’ Taylor, you’ve already raped and tortured her once. Do you really think she’d want to go back to you after that?”

  Slowly, deliberately, Roderick came down off the dais to stand in front of me. Beside me, I felt Corbin tense but I was too angry to care. I glared furiously at the vampire Inquisitor. Bring it, you slimy bastard!

  “Listen to me, human,” Roderick said, pushing his face into mine. “I don’t particularly care what your little friend wants. She has a luscious body and I enjoy seeing the broken look in her eyes when I fuck her.” He gave me a cold smile. “She looks so deliciously hopeless when I fill her cunt. It is most…moving.”

  “You sick son of a bitch…” My voice trembled and my hand was reaching into my purse for the solid grip of my Glock before I knew it. I pulled it free and pointed it at Roderick’s heart.

  “Addison, no!” Corbin shouted.

  “You listen to me,” I told Roderick, keeping my voice level and cold. “If you touch her again, if you so much as go near her, I’ll—”
  “You’ll what, little human?” he taunted, taking another step toward me. “You’ll shoot me? You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Watch me,” I said and pulled the trigger.

  Chapter Twelve

  Everyone has heard the old saying, “faster than a speeding bullet” but Corbin actually was.

  As Roderick stood there, taunting me, I heard the gun go off with a deafening bang. At the same time, I felt Corbin jerk my arm up, changing the trajectory of the bullet. It went wild, ricocheting off one of the metal beams that held up the industrial chic ceiling and burying itself in the floor with a harmless wisp of smoke not two feet from Roderick’s left foot.

  For a moment we all just stood there, stunned by the noise. Then Corbin took the gun from me and pushed me behind him in one motion.

  “You dare threaten me? You dare try to harm the Inquisitor of the Empress of Darkness?” Roderick thundered. Though I was standing behind Corbin, I could still see by looking around his muscular shoulder. I stood there and stared at Roderick—stared at him because I couldn’t look away.

  The other vampire was…growing somehow. Changing into something not human. Well, he hadn’t been human to start with—not for the past six hundred years. But now he didn’t even look human. His eyes had gone blood red for one thing and he seemed to grow larger, or maybe it wasn’t his physical mass expanding but his mental sphere somehow. A cloud of darkness suddenly surrounded him and his face elongated frighteningly until it looked like a horror mask you might see on Halloween.

  “You dare!” he thundered and I felt a sense of all-pervading dread. A terror that came from outside my mind, rushing around me like a hurricane force wind. It clawed roughly at my mental shield, trying to get into my brain.

  I tightened my defenses, trying to hold back the panic that wanted to rise in me at the attempted invasion. I sensed that if I let the fear in, it would drive me insane. Roderick could break the delicate inner workings of my mind and leave me a drooling vegetable as easily as I could crush an ant and he would enjoy doing it.


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