Crimson Debt

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Crimson Debt Page 18

by Evangeline Anderson

  Victor looked rather uncomfortable but he repeated the words, only stumbling a little over the “cherish” part of the ceremony. Then it was Taylor’s turn to repeat the vows, which she did, looking Victor in the eyes the whole time although she was as pale as a sheet of paper.

  Corbin turned back to Victor once more. “Do you, Victor, take Taylor as your spouse? Do you swear to honor and treasure her and to never raise a hand to her in anger? Do you promise to never beat or abuse her sexually, physically, or emotionally?”

  He nodded briefly. “I do.”

  Corbin turned to Taylor and repeated the vows, minus the sexual or physical abuse part. I guess he figured he didn’t have to worry about Taylor beating or raping the huge were, though vamps are as strong as weres and often stronger. But looking at my best friend and her huge new husband, I was pretty sure he would have the upper hand in any physical confrontation they got into. Not that there had better be any confrontations after the oath Corbin had made him swear.

  So far it had been a surprisingly human wedding ceremony. I was just thinking that it could almost have been lifted from any church in town, when Corbin raised the chalice he was holding.

  “And now we must bind the two of you with blood,” he said, abruptly ruining the lovely illusion of a nice, normal wedding. He held the chalice out to Victor first. “I hold before you the Chalice of Union. Open your vein and shed your blood to form the bond.”

  Without hesitation, Victor raised his wrist to his mouth and bit down hard. The sound of his teeth breaking through the skin of his wrist made me wince. Apparently were teeth were as sharp as vamp fangs.

  Victor held his bleeding wrist over the golden lip of the cup, pumping his hand to make the blood flow. I saw Taylor watching the thick stream of blood gushing into the cup with a hungry look in her eyes and reminded myself to say something to Corbin about it. She couldn’t live on bagged blood forever—she needed it live, right from the vein if she was going to stay healthy.

  When Corbin passed the chalice to her, she bit her wrist and held it out. Nothing but a sluggish dribble came from the self-inflicted wounds. She pumped her hand just as Victor had, opening and closing her fist until three or four drops fell into the chalice. Finally, Corbin nodded and withdrew the cup.

  “I add now, the blood of the mother goddess, she who birthed us all to darkness in the beginning,” he said, producing a small crystal vial of liquid so dark it was almost black and adding it to the blood already in the chalice. “It is she who binds you together and she whom you must answer to if you break the sacred vows you have taken here tonight. Do both of you understand?”

  Taylor nodded and Victor muttered a gruff, “Yes.”

  Corbin nodded again. “Good, then drink of each other and become one.”

  He handed the chalice to Victor first who took a small sip and handed it back. Corbin then gave it to Taylor.

  At first it looked like she was going to do the same thing Victor had, taking only a small, polite drink. But once the blood passed her lips, it seemed like she lost control. She tilted the cup and drank thirstily, draining it dry. Then she lowered it slowly, a look of shame on her face.

  “Sorry,” she murmured, passing the chalice back to Corbin.

  “It’s all right,” Corbin murmured, looking at me rather than her. “There is no shame in drinking deeply of your beloved.”

  For some reason I felt myself blushing. I dropped my eyes and looked away. Though the vampire ceremony was a little strange, I had to admit it was still beautiful. Or would have been if the people getting married really wanted to marry each other.

  There was a silence and then Corbin lifted the now empty chalice high.

  “By your blood and the will of the goddess, I pronounce you bound together. Let the knot woven by she who made us all never be sundered.”

  I wondered if there was going to be a “kiss the bride” part but Victor was already up and moving almost as soon as Corbin stopped talking.

  “I have to go,” he told Corbin with a frown. “Things to do.”

  Corbin frowned. “And your bride?”

  Victor shot a quick look at Taylor who was still kneeling at the altar. “I told you, I can’t take her tonight. I’m getting my place ready—I’ll come back when it’s done.”

  “See that you find accommodations for your lovely new wife sooner rather than later.” Corbin’s voice was a warning growl. “Taylor is your responsibility now. I expect you to live up to your end of our bargain.”

  “I’ll come for her as soon as I damn well can,” Victor snarled back. “Now can I go or not?”

  “Not,” Corbin said coolly. “I need you to stay just a little longer for the benefit of a guest who is a bit late to the ceremony.”

  “Are you talking about Roderick?” Taylor rose and came to stand by me.

  “Of course.” Corbin closed his eyes for a moment. “And I believe I hear him coming…now.” He looked at Victor. “Be ready and remember your vows, were.”

  “I’m not likely to forget them,” Victor growled. “What do you want me to do?”

  “Simply claim and protect your female,” Corbin said. “Now.”

  As he spoke the last word, Roderick strolled into the room, an ugly look on his face.

  “Hello, Corbin,” he said, frowning. “I am here for your inspection. What is this I hear about a wedding going on?”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “I am afraid you are too late to witness the ceremony,” Corbin said smoothly, taking a step forward and putting himself between me and Roderick. “The vows have just concluded. But at least you’re in time to wish the bride and groom well.”

  “And I see the bride is Taylor, the delectable little female I wanted for myself.” Roderick shot Corbin an angry look. “If you think you can keep her from me with this cheap trick, you’re much mistaken.”

  Corbin frowned. “It is no trick, Roderick. Taylor and Victor are bound together by blood. By the laws of the goddess which we all live under, they may not be parted.”

  “We will see about that.” Roderick stepped up to Taylor, a cold light in his eyes. “You’re looking lovely tonight, sweetheart,” he murmured, looking her up and down in a way that left no doubt of his intentions.

  Taylor said nothing but I could see her trembling and she refused to meet Roderick’s eyes.

  “That gown suits you,” he continued. “It makes you look extremely fuckable.”

  He reached up to touch her cheek but his arm was knocked out of the way. Victor was suddenly standing between him and Taylor.

  “What part of “she’s married” don’t you understand, fanger?” he demanded, glowering at the vampire. “The girl is mine. You try to touch her again and I’ll rip your fucking arm out of its socket.”

  Roderick’s eyes narrowed with displeasure.

  “How dare you speak to me in such a manner? Do you know who I am or what I could do to you, dog?”

  “Yeah, I see your ink.” Victor gestured at the six blood red stars tattooed under Roderick’s eyes. “I’m sure you could fuck me up pretty bad. But guess what, fanger—I wouldn’t be the only one fucked up when it was over.” His eyes glowed molten gold and his voice dropped to a deep, inhuman growl. “You wanna try me?”

  “Surely there is no need for violence,” Corbin said, stepping forward. He gave a long, low whistle and suddenly a vampire girl with hair as long and dark as Taylor’s was standing by his side. She looked up at Roderick adoringly.

  “Is this the one you spoke of, Master?” she asked Corbin. “The mighty Inquisitor come all the way from the Empress herself?”

  “Indeed it is, my dear. And he is sadly in need of female company at the moment.”

  “Only since you put the one I wanted to fuck out of reach,” Roderick snarled, still staring up at Victor. A low growl was building in the were’s throat and it still looked like violence was imminent.

  However, I had underestimated Corbin’s cunning.

  “Come, m
y dear,” he told the female vamp. “Perhaps now is not the time. The Inquisitor appears to be more interested in Taylor.”

  “Taylor?” She gave my friend a contemptuous look. “What does he want with her? She’s so weak she can’t even glamour a human to give her blood. She has to live on the bagged stuff.”

  I saw Taylor blush pale pink with embarrassment and Victor’s growl grew even louder. But the female vamp’s words seemed to have a positive effect on Roderick.

  “What?” He turned toward Corbin. “Is this true? Did Celeste give me a defective fledgling for a bedmate?”

  “Alas…” Corbin sighed and spread his hands. “I fear Taylor was wrongly turned—she simply hasn’t the temperament for our kind. I have been trying to get her off my hands ever since I was forced to acquire her in order to keep my consort happy.” He glanced at me and rolled his eyes as if to say, Women.

  Roderick frowned suspiciously. “So this was not simply a ploy to keep me from having her?”

  “I will admit that giving Taylor back to you would be most upsetting to my consort,” Corbin said. “But I also had to get rid of her when the opportunity presented itself. And besides, I thought you would be much more comfortable with Lucinda.” He nodded at the girl vamp who made a little half curtsy to Roderick.

  “I’ve heard so much about you, Inquisitor,” she gushed, batting her eyes at him. “And I understand you’re extremely…creative when it comes to pleasure.”

  “That I am, sweetheart.” He turned to her, ignoring the still growling Victor as though the werewolf wasn’t there. Holding out an arm to the female vamp, he murmured, “Shall we go? I’m here for an inspection but I’m certain Corbin won’t mind if I take a few minutes from my busy schedule to sample your charms.”

  “Not at all.” Corbin smiled. “Use my office if you like—it’s completely soundproof. But please mind the stacks of paperwork on the desk.”

  “Of course.” They turned to go but Roderick shot Corbin one last look. “This isn’t over, Corbin. I’ll return momentarily and we can discuss your many breaches of conduct.”

  “I’ll be waiting anxiously.” Corbin sketched him a little salute and watched as Roderick and Lucinda walked out the door.

  The minute they were gone, I think everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief. Even the vamps who, strictly speaking, didn’t have to breathe. Taylor still did because, she said it was a habit and besides it helped her smell and taste. But if she had to hide somewhere, say, underwater, she could easily have held her breath indefinitely.

  I hoped she wouldn’t have to go to such lengths to get away from Roderick. Maybe now that he was distracted with Little Miss Perfect Vamp, he would lose interest in Taylor. If he did, then I owed Corbin an apology…now there was a pleasant thought.

  Victor was still looking at the door, which Roderick had closed behind him, and growling.

  “I don’t like that guy,” he remarked, his voice still inhumanly deep. “Arrogant son of a bitch.”

  “Arrogance comes naturally to Roderick,” Corbin agreed. Stepping forward, he held out a hand to Victor. “My congratulations—holding your ground against one of our kind, especially one as old and powerful as Roderick—is no easy task.”

  “Well, I wasn’t gonna let him just fucking take her.” Victor shook his hand and cast an uneasy glance behind him at Taylor who still looked both unhappy and upset. “What the hell is his problem, anyway?”

  Corbin shrugged. “He is, as you said, an arrogant son of a bitch. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and there are few vampires more powerful than Roderick.”

  “Well, he’d better stay the fuck away from her if he knows what’s good for him.” Victor looked more closely at my friend. “Hey, you all right?”

  “Fine.” She lifted her chin, obviously trying to put on a brave face. “I’m fine.”

  “Uh…good.” Victor looked at her for a long moment and it seemed like he might have something else to say. But at last he simply shook his head and turned to Corbin. “I really do have to go. Will she be all right here?”

  “Now that you have claimed her and Roderick is busy with other matters, there will be no further problem,” Corbin assured him. “It’s been a pleasure doing business with you, Victor.”

  “Yeah, right. Business.” He shook his head. “What a fucking weird night.”

  “I have a feeling it’s only going to get stranger,” Corbin murmured.

  “Well, I can’t stay for that.” Victor looked at Taylor once more. “Uh, bye.”

  “Goodbye.” She turned her head, not looking at him. “I suppose I’ll see you later.”

  “Yeah, about that—just let me get my place in order and then…oh hell…” He ran a hand through his hair. “Look, I really do have to go.”

  “Go on. Nobody’s keeping you,” I told him.

  “Right. Okay, see you.” Victor nodded at all of us and walked out the door, leaving the little room feeling strangely empty without his animal energy.

  “Well, that went better than expected.” Corbin clapped his hands together and turned to Taylor. “My apologies, Taylor, for Lucinda’s rude words. I thought it would be the best way to get Roderick to redirect his attentions.”

  “You don’t have to apologize, Master. Everything she said was true.” Taylor looked like she might cry—if she had enough blood left in her system to do so, that was. “May I go?” she asked in a low voice.

  “I’ll go with you.” I hurried to her and put an arm around her waist. “You look like you’re about a quart low,” I told her. I looked at Corbin. “I know you don’t want me feeding her but can’t you send in someone to give her a little blood? She can’t live on the bagged stuff forever.”

  He shook his head. “I’m afraid that now Taylor is bound to Victor, he is the only one she can drink from.”

  “What?” I shook my head in disbelief. “But…what kind of a rule is that?”

  “It’s not just a rule—it’s a biological imperative,” Corbin said. “For the next three months until the Laws of Ownership are satisfied, she will be physically ill if she drinks from anyone but him.”

  “You bastard,” I snapped. “You did this on purpose to keep me from feeding her.”

  He frowned. “I admit the fact that Taylor would be unable to drink from you crossed my mind but that was not the main reason I bound her to Victor.” He nodded at the doorway. “Roderick was.”

  “But now she’ll die of thirst,” I protested.

  “Nonsense.” Corbin frowned. “The blood from the chalice will sustain her for a few days until Victor returns to claim her. And wouldn’t you rather see her go thirsty for a little while rather than being abused?”

  He had me there but I was still upset about the sneaky, underhanded way he’d kept me from helping my friend.

  “It’s all right, Addison,” Taylor murmured, giving me a pale smile. “I’ll be fine.”

  I didn’t see how she would be but there was nothing I could do about it now.

  “Come on,” I told her. “Let’s get you back to your little cubby. Maybe you can lie down and get some rest.”

  “Sounds good to me.” She nodded at Corbin. “Good night, Master. And thank you for protecting me.”

  Corbin looked troubled. “I have done the best I could for you given the short amount of time I had to work in, Taylor. I hope you will be happy.”

  “I’m sure I will be,” Taylor murmured unconvincingly.

  “Come on,” I said again, steering her toward the door.

  “Addison.” Corbin’s voice made me turn my head to see him standing there, frowning.

  “What, Master?” I said, not bothering to hide my sarcasm.

  “You may spend some time with your friend but I need you by my side when Roderick finishes his business with Lucinda.” He looked at me sternly. “See that you are there.”

  “Oh, don’t worry,” I told him. “I’ll be there all right. I wouldn’t miss the end of our business relationship for anythi

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Addison, you and I were doing so well for a while but we seem to have returned to our original animosity.”

  Corbin was leaning back behind his desk when I walked into his office after tucking Taylor into her tiny, narrow cot. Apparently, either Roderick was already finished having sex on his desk, or he and Lucinda had chosen another place to do the nasty.

  “Yeah, well, I tend to get a little hostile when someone kicks me out of their place and then arranges for my best friend to be married to a werewolf,” I snapped.

  “Victor is a little rough around the edges,” Corbin conceded. “But he is very powerful and extremely protective as well. He won’t let Taylor come to any harm.”

  “I guess…” I looked down at my hands. “I guess I can see your point about that. I just…I worry about Taylor so much. I feel responsible for her because it’s my fault she was turned in the first place.”

  “Oh? How so?” Corbin looked interested.

  I told him briefly about going to see Celeste’s show with Taylor, how I had been warned to keep an eye on her but had left her alone to go to my class.

  “If I hadn’t left her, if I had stayed there—”

  “You would be dead,” Corbin said flatly. “Darling, do you really think Celeste would have allowed you to get in the way of having the one she wanted? She would have killed you and taken Taylor anyway.” He came around the desk in one of those sudden, faster-than-light vampire movements that still took my breath away. “Addison,” he said, looking into my eyes. “It is time to let Taylor live her own life.”

  “It’s just that her life has been so crappy lately.”

  I wanted to cry when I thought of everything my poor friend had been through. Between being turned against her will, Celeste’s abuse, the horrific sexual torture Roderick had put her through, and being forced into an arranged marriage, her life hadn’t exactly been all roses and rainbows for the past few years.

  “She will be all right.” Corbin took my hands in his and looked at me earnestly. “She is stronger than you think, darling.”


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