Keeley's Curse

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Keeley's Curse Page 4

by Sophia Danu

  He joined the DEA as an undercover agent in South America. He lived on the edge, hoping for death and a release for Keeley. When death never came and the years passed by, he could no longer escape fate. His body was trained as a lethal killing machine and his grip on the madness was steadily eroding. The only way to maintain control was to find and claim his mate.

  After the emotional death of his partner, he retired and went back to Kentucky, a harder, infinitely more dangerous man— only to find his mate was in California. That was six months ago and it nearly killed him to wait for her. Nana promised him numerous times that she was coming home.

  Satisfaction that she was in his arms filled him. He imagined showing up on her doorstep in California, demanding that she come back to him. He would have forced her, there's no doubt. Despite the tragic circumstances, he couldn't thank the moon goddess enough that she was where she belonged— where she would stay, he resolved.

  He breathed in her erotic fragrance. Memories of his fingers gliding over her young, soft skin and her passionate response made him ache for her. He should be compassionate to her grief and not force this tonight, but he couldn't let her go. He needed his mate now or he was going to turn feral on someone.

  * * * *

  The intensity of his need finally broke the connection between us. I blinked rapidly several times, bemused by the bizarre experience of such an intimate connection. I understood Alex better after the mental trip, but I'm not sure what he meant by his first conversion or turning feral. My mind leads me to obvious conclusions if I consider prophesy, but it's still farfetched.

  He turned me to face him and grasped my hair. Desire curled into me and my gut clenched. My mind was definitely back in the moment. Thank Goddess. His thoughts were no more specific than a red haze of lust.

  His lips met mine with a forcefulness that thrilled me. I didn't want this emotional tangle, but I can't resist when he comes at me like this. I met other men in college and tried to kick Alex out of my thoughts. They were okay, but none of them inspired my body or my heart, like Alex.

  I moaned as one strong hand palmed my ass over the soft silk. He pressed me to his dick. Oh Goddess. I felt moisture between my legs. How do you say no to such intoxicating sensuality?

  He put his hand between my legs and slid inside my silk panties. A growl rumbled deep in his chest when he felt the wetness there. A long finger thrust inside of me. My heart raced and I almost felt the blood rush through my body. I closed my eyes and let my head fall back in surrender. Long hair flowed in a cascade over the hand still clenched tight to control my escape. Not that I thought of doing so.

  The sting of the captured strands only made me squirm more and made my desire flare hotter. His lips trailed down to my neck, licking and biting the tendon there. A spasm passed through my body. I was so close to climax.

  The rhythm of his finger pumping between my legs sent me higher and higher. I moaned in protest when he pulled away and picked me up. Then I moaned in delight when I wrapped my legs around his waist and felt his hard cock press against me. I was nearly insane to have him inside of me.

  “I need you now, Keeley.”

  His voice was rough, husky and demanding— shivers passed down my spine. I nodded in agreement, unable to speak. I was slightly bemused by the fact that I lost whatever resistance against him I resolved to maintain, but honestly I should have known I wouldn't say no.

  He maneuvered us behind the couch and pressed me face first over the back. His strong hand was warm and firm against my back. I felt his hard body against my own and rubbed my ass back and forth against his cock. He growled again and I heard his pants unzip. Hands grabbed my hips as he thrust hard and deep inside of me. I screamed from the shock of his intrusion. The pleasure-pain was overwhelming and sensations raced through me. I felt full of him.

  This was so different from the slow loving we experienced my first time with him many years ago. I loved the gentleness of it then and I loved the roughness of it now. He pounded me against the couch and I pushed back against him, wanting more. He felt so good and I didn't ever want to stop. He leaned over my back and sucked the skin on my shoulder. Warm tingles spiraled from the spot. I cried out when he bit me sharply and that did it. I surrendered and climaxed so hard and long that I nearly passed out.

  He growled while he kept his teeth locked on my shoulder. His long, thick cock pounded into my body. He reached around me to rub my clit and used his other hand to capture my nipple. The combined attack forced another draining climax. He exploded inside me then and amazingly, it was as if he only grew bigger. He slammed into me until his climax poured into my body.

  I awoke on a blanket on the floor, the fire blazed. Oh Goddess. My body felt used and sore, but more satisfied than ever. I tried to sit up, but the muscular male arm around my waist pinned me down.

  “Lay down,” he ordered.

  I breathed a sigh and turned to face him. It was time to face the music... “Alex,” I said preparing to explain my capitulation and how it wasn't going to happen again— despite the connection that felt so right. Denial reared its ugly head again and I ran with it.

  He placed a finger against my lips. “Shhh,” he whispered, staring at me, his gaze held a certain satisfaction and male triumph that wasn't there before. “You needed this and I needed this. Don't explain it away. It is what it is and it's going to happen again.” He promised intently. “You needed consolation and affirmation of life and I needed you. Don't regret it— because I don't.”

  “That's a big change from how you felt before.” I sounded a tad petulant and hated myself for it, but the doubts and pain were still there.

  “That was four years ago. We're both different people now. I was wrong then and you are wrong now. We've always been meant for each other. We both know it even though we've tried to deny it, the way you are trying now.”

  I shook my head and closed my eyes. This emotional rollercoaster I rode was exhausting. His fingers sifted through my hair and glided over my cheek. My gaze met the heat of his again.

  His golden body was beautiful. He was truly the most handsome man I've ever seen. Brad Pitt-and-Colin Farrell-handsome, but unlike the celebrities, Alex exuded a dangerous appeal, one that proclaimed him a powerful male who takes what he wants. My nipples hardened just looking at him. His fingers trailed over the hard points, the look in his eyes knowing.

  “Now that we are together again, we have to stay that way,” he growled. “This is stronger than either of us can resist, even if we wanted to, which I don't,” he pointed out with raised brows.

  “Yeah and when you dump me again, it will be even harder,” I replied defensively. I didn't like admitting how he hurt me the last time, but maybe I should tell him.

  He leaned on one elbow, the reflection of the fire blazed in his golden eyes. “I won't leave you again,” he promised. “You're my mate and you don't understand the implications of that yet, but you will.” He promised in a don't-fuck-with-me-it's-settled tone.

  He leaned over and kissed me without giving me a chance to dispute him. He trailed his lips down my body and it was forgotten. I moaned when he sucked my nipple into his warm mouth. I felt it all the way between my legs. Then he nipped the hard tip and the slight pain aroused me even more. He held me down on the blanketed floor while he made love to me and I tossed my head back and forth as the sensations overwhelmed me.

  Alex trapped my hands and went between my legs. I closed my eyes as I waited for it, anticipated. I tried to free my hands to touch him, but he was too strong and they remained captured. The bondage thrilled me.

  He shouldered my legs apart and my breath caught when he nipped my inner thigh. He liked to bite me and admittedly, it made me crazy. He was the most seductive creature ever born. I watched him— the muscles rippling in his back and long hair flowing over one large shoulder. Goddess. Never before have I seen a more primal example of a sexual male. I mean, really, show me a woman that would deny this sex god. If you find o
ne, tell her she's a stronger woman than I.

  He licked, swirled and sucked me until I moaned long and low in climax. My body bucked and pressed against his face. I felt consumed. My body tingled and writhed, controlled only by his will. He leaned up and over me, then bit my shoulder softly and sat up against the couch. He pulled me into his lap and wrapped my legs around his waist. Strong hands guided my hips down onto his cock. His fingers clenched my skin when he thrust hard into me. He suckled my nipples while he lifted me up and down upon him. My head fell back in ecstasy like a silk curtain over his muscled legs. He growled and increased the pace. My breasts bounced as he thrust into me harder and harder.

  Another climax approached and I was amazed at how right this tender assault felt. No other man could do this for me and in that moment, I realized I never stopped loving him and likely never would. I moaned and wrapped my arms around his head.

  With my fingers threaded into his hair, I bent down and grabbed his earlobe with my teeth. I pressed into him. His thrusts hit that perfect spot inside me and my clit rubbed against his belly in a delicious dance that I couldn't stand anymore. He growled my name and that sexy rumble sent me over the edge. I pressed my nails into his back as I soared into space and, after a few more hard thrusts, felt him come in me.

  I collapsed against his chest. He breathed hard as he stroked his hands gently on my back. He gathered my hair in one hand, lifted my chin with a finger and kissed me softly. He stood up, holding me with his amazing strength and carried me to my room. I fell asleep spooned in his arms and for the moment, at peace.

  Chapter Four

  I woke to the sound of the shower running in the bathroom. The events of the day and night before flashed through my mind. Oh hell. What have I done? I sighed as I realized that once again I'd opened myself to heartache. I hated vulnerability and I let myself get to that place again. If he denied our relationship a second time, I would be even more devastated than before. I stiffened when I realized I loved the jerk more than ever.

  The water turned off and I scrambled out of bed. My robe was apparently still in the living room in front of the fireplace. Damn. I hurriedly tiptoed out of the room and gathered the wayward robe, sliding it on for some sort of protection against his potency. Facing him naked in bed didn't seem the best move.

  I folded the neglected blanket on the floor and cleaned the empty wine glass. I started water for hot tea and popped two pieces of toast into the toaster. I rummaged in the refrigerator until I found Nana's homemade blackberry preserves. I sat at the kitchen table, both hands wrapped around a warm mug when he walked in... in a sheriff's uniform. He's a cop.

  Silently I poured him a cup. He sat down at the table and stared at me. I practically felt his gaze burn a hole in my backside.

  “When did you become a cop?” I questioned to break the silence while I added two more pieces to the toaster. I thought it might distract him from what I know he wanted to discuss— our relationship.

  “When I came back to town, six months ago,” he answered. “The sheriff, Doug Combs just had a heart attack and was forced to retire so he asked me to run for the position. I did and I won. I have the experience and I needed a job so here I am. It pays the bills.”

  Nana told me she heard he joined the DEA. “What is your experience? Where were you before you came back here?” I watched him, curious about his years away from Blue Springs.

  “I was in South America, working undercover. It was hell. My partner was killed there and I, well, I sort of lost myself. Anyway, after that I was done. I retired and came back home,” he said, effectively closing the discussion. Obviously it was a disturbing time for him that he didn't care to relive, but the effects of that time were clearly reflected in Alex— in the hardness of his body, in the ruthlessness of his gaze and in the cold strength of his will.

  “Did you speak to Solen last night?” I asked, changing the topic.

  “No,” he said suspiciously. “Oddly enough, he was gone. I walked out right after him and didn't find him anywhere— I searched the entire parking lot. Anyway, he must have had a ride waiting for him outside. So,” he said with a slow drawl. “Stop trying to distract me, how are you feeling this morning?” he inquired in a neutral voice.

  I shrugged and placed his mug and toast in front of him. The fragrant steam rose in tendrils as I settled back at the table. I pushed the jelly spoon to him and, with a rueful shake of his head at my avoidance, he opened the jar of preserves and spread it over his toast. I did the same and we both ate quietly. I enjoyed the domestic scene even knowing it wouldn't last. He wanted to talk and I didn't, so conflict was ahead.

  “Keeley, talk to me,” he finally said as if he couldn't take the silence any longer. “You can't ignore what we have. I know you are dealing with loss, I am, too, but we have to face what's between us.”

  I believed him when he spoke of dealing with Nana's loss. He grieved over Nana's death. She was like a second mother to him. “I know,” I said quietly “but right now, I can't make any lasting decisions. I just need to get through each day.”

  “I understand that, but you should also understand that I'm not going away and I won't settle for less than total commitment from you. I'll leave you with that thought since I have to go to work. I'll be here to pick you up for the funeral a little after noon.” He rinsed his empty mug and plate, then picked up his keys.

  “I can drive myself,” I contradicted only to be interrupted.

  “No,” he ground out harshly. Then in a low, firm voice he said, “I'll drive you there. Be here when I come to get you, Keeley. There is still more to come. We both know that Byron is only a pawn in this and don't pretend that you don't feel it. Don't go against me on this,” he warned. He strode out the door.

  I didn't bother refuting his highhandedness, but I did fume a bit about it. In a temper, I cleaned the dishes and wiped the counters and table. I poured another cup of tea and made my way onto the back patio. How did he know about Byron and the evil in Blue Springs?

  I plopped down in the cushioned lawn chair. He just barges in and assumes he has the right to order me around. Though fully aware of the dire times ahead, I am still capable of driving myself to the funeral home. And what is he going to do, stay with me every minute? Puh-lease.

  I sighed harshly and inadvertently remembered the ecstasy of last night. My body tingled thinking about it. There was something supernatural about him now that wasn't there when we were young. His growls, his power and flashing eyes reminded me of a wolf. My mouth watered just thinking of how many times he made me climax. Could prophesy be real? I took another drink of the soothing tea and tried to reason through the chaos of my life.

  I gazed at Nana's flowers and herbs and suddenly remembered the books hastily kicked under the couch. Talk about distracted... I made a beeline inside and crouched down to peek under the couch. I gathered the books to my chest and shut myself in the study.

  This was my favorite room. Aromatic dried herbs and chimes hung from the wood rafters in a room that was lined with shelves of books on three sides. A large antique desk and leather chair occupied the center of the room with a plush fainting couch next to large windows along one wall. A dark red throw was laid across the couch.

  Three hours later, my eyes were tired from reading. It was time to get ready for the funeral. I wrapped the books in their leather cover and returned them back to their safe. I replaced the ward guarding them against discovery.

  While I took my shower, I pondered what I read. The depth of my family's power was astonishing. I had a vague idea, but the full extent of the feminine magic was truly delightful. The spells and amount of ancient wisdom imparted in the text was staggering and I looked forward to resuming where I left off.

  I dressed in a black linen pantsuit and blazer with a red camisole underneath the jacket. Red high heels completed the outfit. I put on light makeup and twisted my hair up in a knot using Nana's wand. I wanted it close by. I put on the crystal earrings and nec
klace that Nana made for me and closed my eyes when I felt her presence. In the closed space of the bathroom, a slight breeze touched my cheeks. “Hi, Nana,” I whispered.

  I gathered my purse and crystals, then froze when I sensed a presence stalking down the hall. From behind my bedroom door, I pushed my will in the direction of the intruder, seeking. It was Alex. Relief, irritation and arousal warred inside me. “How did you get in?” I asked curiously. I remembered locking the doors before going into the study.

  He raised one sexy eyebrow as if to say, are you serious? The man was truly a force to be reckoned with. He leaned against the wall, his powerful arms crossed in black Armani that you just can't buy in Blue Springs.

  He was as handsome as sin and oh, so tempting. His clean masculine scent tightened my lower body and I detected just a hint of something wild and feral about him that made me breathe a little faster. It was so not the right time for such salacious thoughts.

  His gaze was knowing and seductive. Those swirling gold eyes saw straight through me. He's the only one whose gaze ever bewitched me so. It was one of confidence, intelligence, capability and hunger. Always hunger.

  “Are you ready for this?” he inquired, distracting me from my thoughts. He referred to the funeral.

  “As ready as I can be,” I admitted. “She's with me. I feel her around me,” I said as I waved my hand in the air. “She gives me strength.”

  He smiled, reached out to a tendril that escaped my knot and swept it behind my ear. “There's no doubt Nana will always be with you.”

  He took my arm and we went out in the bright sunshine. The air on the mountain was cool and clean. I smelled the trees when I took a deep breath and raised my arms toward the blue sky. I whispered the Gaelic chant that I learned this morning in the books— that from what I gathered loosely translated to— we are earth, fire, water and air, and together we are one.


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