Keeley's Curse

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Keeley's Curse Page 6

by Sophia Danu

  “I heard gunfire and went outside to see. The sheriff stationed a deputy outside, but I think he's dead. He's lying in the front seat. There's blood everywhere. Then Byron grabbed me. He held a gun to my head and... ” she broke off as she sobbed, “I thought he was going to kill me. I think his name is Mike,” she said, pointing outside. “He has a little boy my son's age,” she cried disconsolately and I realized she meant the deputy. Her physical and emotional pain battered my mind, causing my head to ache.

  “Okay,” I said softly, “don't talk anymore.” I ran my hands over her head, checking for other problems and moved down to her lip and nose. I wiped the blood running there with new gauze. I laid my hand over her lower face and repeated the healing touch. I tested her collarbones for fractures and moved down to her ribs, softly pressing. Her sharp gasp let me know there was damage.

  I closed my eyes and felt the bruised ribs, healing them. As I did I saw Byron punch Renee, causing her to fall against the end table and knock the lamp over. She would be sore for a couple of days from the impacts she absorbed, but her breathing would be less shallow and painful.

  I continued my investigation and found a broken wrist and severely sprained ankle. I relived the rest of the assault as I repeated the healing process on her other injuries. I applied herbal salve to her open wounds and then heated water in her kitchen to make tea. It was an herbal tea used to relieve pain and stress and Renee drank it gratefully. “Do you have somewhere I can take you? You can't stay here in case he comes back,” I warned her.

  “Yeah, I can go to my friend Marci's house. Byron won't go there because he's afraid of her husband, Jim. I can't thank you enough for helping me after what my family has put you through,” she said, her eyes full of appreciation.

  “You know what, Renee? I'm really sorry for what your family has put you through. What Byron does is not your fault and no one in this town holds you responsible. Now let's go before he comes back here.”

  I was tired after I dropped her off and anticipated getting back up my mountain to crash. Healing uses my own energy as well as the Goddess’ and when I'm done, I am totally drained. When Nana healed something like cancer or a fatal wound, she pretty much collapsed immediately. This I could handle and a good night's rest would see me normal again.

  I parked and stood for a moment in the moonlight, noticing the numerous stars and brilliant crescent moon in the sky. I jingled my keys, finding the right one for the cabin door. As soon as I opened the door, I was lifted and slammed against the wall next to the glass door.

  I gasped in fright before I noticed Alex's hypnotic and very angry, golden eyes glowing above me. He growled and slammed me against the wall again. Not too hard, but just hard enough to intimidate and cause my heart to race in trepidation. He wouldn't really hurt me, but it was clear that he was very, very mad.

  “Where have you been?” Demand underlined the gravelly voice. His hands tightened on my upper arms. My toes barely touched the floor.

  “Renee called. Byron beat her up. She was hurt so I went to help.” As soon as the words left my mouth I knew they were the wrong ones. I saw the vision in his mind of the deceased deputy. They must have found him while I chauffeured Renee on the long drive to Marci's house.

  “Are you crazy? It could have been a trap! He could have still been there. He would have killed you like he killed Randy!”

  I'm surprised there weren't wisps of smoke trailing out of his ears, he was steaming mad and while I understood his fear— I was fine. “Look,” I placated. “I knew it would be okay... ” That did nothing to soothe the situation as he banged me against the wall again, one time too many.

  “Listen!” I said angrily. Fed up with being pounded against the wall for doing the right thing, I was startled into silence when he dropped one hand to his pants, unbuttoned and jerked them down. He leaned into me and ground his hard cock against me.

  His hand grasped my shirt and ripped it from the neck below my breasts. He pinned me against the wall again and leaned down to bite my stiffened, left nipple. I moaned when tendrils of desire shot through me. Angry as I was, his strength and emotion totally turned me on. I was a bit ashamed to be so hot, but nevertheless I ground my hips against his and moaned again. He switched to the other breast and lavished affectionate attention on it. With one hand holding me against the wall, he used the other to strip me of my pants.

  “Damn you, Keeley.”

  His husky voice admonished in a rage as he thrust his cock into me so deep and hard that I screamed, not in pain but rather in delight. I was wet and ready for him incredibly aroused by his show of dominance. Adrenaline wiped away the exhaustion I experienced from Renee's trauma. His hips pumped up and down in a mind-blowing, toe-curling rhythm. Without a break in stride, or pump, as it were, he bent over and bit me on the shoulder. I climaxed so intensely that I reared up and bucked against him, causing him to stumble. He growled and slammed me back against the wall, grabbing my hair and kissing my lips so hard that they split and then he erupted inside of me.

  He tasted my blood and, when he did, the vision of a wolf running through the woods filled my mind. The huge, dark wolf with his golden eyes shining was Alex. He was beautiful and majestic. The wolf skidded to a stop and looked at me. I smiled and put my hand out to him. The vision deteriorated in nanoseconds. Alex pumped three more, long, slow thrusts that made me shiver all over.

  Afterward, he stood silent, breathing rapidly. He held me pinned against the wall until he recovered. He leaned back enough to look at me. He shared the vision of his wolf with me and I accepted him. Our destiny was set. We both understood. The secret was out between us and, with his taste of my blood and the exchange of sex, we cemented our bond as mates, for life. He turned away and buttoned up his pants, raking a hand through his hair.

  “Christ, I'm sorry, Keeley. You didn't deserve that and there's no excuse. I was out of control. I was so afraid when I got here and you were gone. I came here because I had a feeling you needed me. The connection between us is strong and you felt... drained. When I got here and you were gone, my first thought was that Byron kidnapped you. Then you come strolling in fine, and well, I lost it.” He faced me and leaned up against the couch, his arms crossed over his chest, tightly controlled as if to reassure me. “Are you okay?” he asked, intent on my answer.

  “I'm fine,” I sighed as I said it, suddenly spent. I wanted to melt in a puddle on the floor. “If you must know, I was incredibly turned on and, as you know, extremely satisfied. I'm sorry you worried about me. I should have called, but I was caught up in her pain and... ” I tried to right my clothes and gave up. I pulled my shirt off and threw it on the sofa table. “I'm not going to answer to you every time I help somebody, even if I am your mate.”

  Satisfaction and triumph were evident in his eyes at my words. “I don't expect you to, unless your safety is at risk and, when that's the case, you will listen to me and do what I say.” He warned in a low, firm voice. “You are my mate and as such, you will obey me when it concerns your security.”

  I wobbled to my bedroom on shaky legs, angry with his highhandedness and still hot from his loving. I can't get enough of the irritating man. And did he think I was helpless? I put on another tank top, turned and bounced off his muscled chest. He moved way too quiet for my liking. He grabbed my arms to keep me from smacking the floor. He sniffed me, growled and then forced me to sit on the bed.

  “Tell me what happened,” he ordered.

  I glared at him and proceeded to tell him about Renee and her injuries. The discussion was a belated reminder to my body of the events and their toll on me and I leaned back against my pillows when it all hit me. The healing, sex and bonding with Alex combined to make me a very tired girl. He noticed and sat down on the bed beside me. He brushed my hair out with his fingers and laid it across the pillows.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered. “We'll talk later,” he promised me firmly.

  He wanted to argue about it some more I bet.

  “Take a nap while I'll fix something to eat.”

  He walked out and I sank into oblivion— fulfilled and content despite the conflict ahead.

  Two hours later, I woke to a plate of fruit, cheese and crackers and a bottle of water on the nightstand. A large, purple orchid was in a small vase of water along with a note. Alex rejoined the hunt for Byron and ordered me to stay here, rest and eat... and stay here, he emphasized again. I laughed as I sat up and pulled the food in my lap.

  After filling up on the fruit and cheese, I felt much improved. My body was renewed and my gift stronger than before. With my magical inheritance from Nana and the mating bond, I was more in tune with my gifts than ever. I glanced at the clock and noticed that it was a quarter past midnight.

  Alex would be gone until Byron was found. I felt recovered from the healing, but still needed to rest. After taking the dirty plate to the kitchen, I turned off the lights and waved my hand to start the CD player. Enya poured softly from the speakers. The soothing sound sent me tumbling back to sleep.

  I awoke later from a deep sleep. The vision that hit me was terrifying. Byron held another cop prisoner with a gun to his head as he yelled in fright. A wolf emerged from the tree line. Byron raised the gun and fired. Silver bullets filled the clip and raced toward my mate. I shot up out of bed, “No!”

  I raced to my cell phone and called Alex, praying that my vision wasn't happening. He answered and I cried in relief. After a couple of seconds, I was with it enough to tell him about the vision. He promised to take measures to prevent it from becoming a reality. I hung up, reassured. Finally my vision happened ahead of time.

  I still worried about Alex, but he would be careful and could now avert the impending disaster. I got out of bed and put on some clothes, prepared to wait on the couch until Byron was apprehended. I put the wand and crystals on the table beside me for comfort.

  An hour later, I paced the cabin, staring out the windows into the darkness of the surrounding mountains, unable to relax. I felt evil in the air and was worried about Alex. Something bad was going to happen, I could practically taste it.

  I lit the fire and stood watching the flames. Alerted to a presence, I turned to see Alex in the window. Evil surrounded my home and I ran to let Alex inside. He entered the door with a huge smile of satisfaction on his face. He grabbed me and slammed me face first against the wall. Blood dripped from my lip.

  I'm such an idiot, not recognizing the demon. Obviously this monster was not my lover and now I let him in my home. Alex's features peeled off the creature, replaced by the likeness of the elderly Solen, and finally molded into the features of a demon so foul that I gagged from his sulfurous stench.

  His body was red and his eyes burned like flames. Two huge horns protruded from the top of his head. His nostrils were flared and his yellow teeth were sharp, jagged and dripping with saliva as he opened his mouth in a terrifying smile. Razor sharp claws extended from the tips of his fingers and he was covered from head to toe in a black robe.

  “I've waited eons for this moment, to kill the chosen one and her mate. I attempted to kill your mate's father so he would never be born. Little did I know his mother already had the whelp in her belly,” he hissed— his black tongue visible as he spoke.

  I cowered against the wall, totally unprepared for the reality of this creature. His clawed hand flew out and a burst of blue light covered me. I screamed in agony. My body was on fire.

  An evil laugh filled my head, “This will be all too easy.”

  The blue light hit me again and another wave of pain had me writhing against the wall. Panic set in when I heard Nana whisper in my ear, “Child, remember your power.” Power surged through my body as my head cleared. I was so surprised by the demon's appearance that I forgot who and what I was.

  “You remind me of your mother. She begged me like a whiny girl to save your father. I enjoyed killing them.”

  I stood up, sore and aching. I eyed the demon who admitted to killing my parents. He was truly a horrific, frightening vision, but I was strong and would not give in to this creature so easily. Rage filled me at the thought of my parents and Nana and all he took from my family. When he flung his hands out with another stream of power, I dodged to the side. The surge struck the wall and flames raced up to the ceiling and then extinguished on their own.

  Another path of blue light followed me as I vaulted over the couch. I smelled burning fabric. I was scared, but also enraged. It quickly overrode my fear. This was my destiny and prophesy indicated that I was the one to eradicate this evil from earth and my town. He threatened and killed those I loved and I wanted to take him out more than anything. This was about survival of me and my children. A quick vision of Alex and our children came on me and I smiled in triumph. Prophesy would prevail. This monster was not going to hurt my family any longer. I am stronger and filled with the Goddess’ spirit and this fiend was going into the Fade forevermore. In a moment of brilliant clarity, I realized that all of his power was based on the fear of those he fought. Armed with that insight, I took my fear and turned it into a deadly sense of determination. He had no more power over this family.

  A look flashed in his eyes when he noticed the change in the air.

  I sensed a small whiff of fear that he quickly covered. But it was all I needed. “You are done here,” I promised the demon and my words made it so.

  A howl split the night, perfect timing. The wolf came crashed through the large window. It was huge and dark as night with Alex's eyes. He snarled ferociously, his long fangs glistening. He attacked the demon head on. Power blasted from the demon as he threw the wolf off, but not before he tore a huge gash in the demon's throat. Green blood oozed from the wound.

  I lifted the talisman from my shirt and murmured the Gaelic chant I learned two days ago. “We are earth, fire, water, and air and together we are one.” Feminine voices chanted the words along with me. The power and magic of them all filled me. The words echoed in my mind and my body glowed with the large, blood-red ruby of the talisman. My hair blew as if a huge wind swirled through the cabin.

  A brilliant, white light poured from my body to the necklace and then shot out to pierce the heart of the demon. An ear-splitting scream of hatred, pain and denial erupted from the creature, shattering glass in the cabin. His body was absorbed by the light. I grabbed my wand from the table and aimed it in his direction. Fire spread eagerly toward the demon and the face of the dragon was visible in the flames. It roared as it opened its jaws wide and engulfed the demon's body. In a poof, he disappeared. When he did, all of the foul air in the cabin whooshed out into the night, through the broken glass, like a vacuum. Sound like a sonic boom thundered in the night and then all was quiet. The demon was gone, forever.

  I rushed over to Alex as he stood on four legs. He shook his body as if to clear his head after the fall. I bent down in front of him and he licked my face. Then in a glorious display, he reared up and howled. It was an eerie sound that pierced the night and sent shivers down my spine. My wolf, I smiled. Shimmering mist covered his body and, a second later, he lay on the floor, human again. He watched me as clothes appeared on his body. He was magnificent. He crawled over to me and wrapped his arms around me in a hard, possessive hug.

  “Alex, he killed your father,” I told him as I touched his face. “He did it to stop prophesy from coming true. He wanted to stop you from being conceived, but your mother was already pregnant.” Thank Goddess.

  “For some reason, I always suspected him, but there was never anything to go on— except that our property meets his— where my father was found.” He sighed, “at least I know what happened and justice has been served. Thank you,” he said with a catch in his voice. He cleared his throat and asked, “Are you okay?” He looked into my eyes to discern the answer himself.

  “Yeah, I'm good,” I said joyously, wrapping my arm around him. “We did it, mate. He's gone. The curse is no more.” And then I remembered. “Byron?” I asked.<
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  “He's dead.” I saw the vision of the wolf, launching itself at Byron, tearing his throat out. I closed my eyes in relief. It was over.

  We kissed then for a long time, enjoying the feeling and the peace that filled the cabin, happy to be alive. I felt Nana with us. She was happy. A soft wind flowed through the room as everything, including the windows, was set aright. I smiled whispering a soft thanks to Nana. Alex picked me up and carried me to bed. I was ready. Life was going to be different now. Prophesy was fulfilled and it was time for us and all of the women in my family to move on— free of the curse, free to be happy and, most of all, free to live.


  Two weeks later.

  Cars pulled into the drive and my family piled out. Young and old, they made the journey from Ireland— all of them— to honor the end of the curse as well as the mated pair of prophesy and to say goodbye to Nana in our own magical way. I was so happy they were here. Alex stood beside me as we walked out to greet them. Hugs were exchanged and then we all gathered in the cabin. Food was prepared, fresh flowers graced tabletops and candles were lit to provide a warm welcome.

  We spent hours, well into the night, eating and getting to know each other. Laughter filled the cabin as happy memories were relived of those we lost. I was at peace— belonging to this magical, wonderful family and having such a loving, terrific mate. Life was everything I hoped for and none of this would have happened if it weren't for Nana. She sacrificed everything so I could have this life.

  I saw another vision fulfilled this morning. I was pregnant with a daughter who would continue the legacy— only without the curse this time. Interesting, I mused, how I felt so alone when I returned to Kentucky and now my life was filled with a husband, a child and large, loving family.

  They were staying for two weeks and we've already decided to visit them for Christmas. I looked forward to visiting the castle. We've been told we always have a home there if we ever wanted to leave Kentucky, but that won't happen. I'll always live on my mountain, in the home of my heart, with my wolf.


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