Best of Luck

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Best of Luck Page 1

by Jill Sanders

  Best of Luck

  Jill Sanders





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Also by Jill Sanders

  About the Author


  The Lucky Series

  * * *

  Jill Sanders

  To the Haven Hotties and Hunks.

  The best neighbors a person could ask for.

  * * *

  A special Thank You goes out to Barbara and her wonderful motley crew at Wolfgang Puck Catering who lent me some wonderful recipes and character.


  Amber has only ever wanted one thing in life. To be a star. When that dream finally comes true, an old friend ends up getting in the way, and friendships may end up jeopardizing everything. Now in a time when privacy is a thing of her past, where paparazzi follow her every move, she’ll need to decide what’s more important to her, because it’s more than just her career on the line.

  Tom has struggled for years with his feelings towards Amber, his best friend’s little sister. The woman has been driving him crazy since ... well, forever. Now that she’s on every TV set, every movie poster in the country, it’s even harder to avoid looking into those sexy blue eyes and not remembering her passion. Especially when she’ll be spending the next few months back in Denver filming her latest movie. This time, Tom may not be able to hold back the sparks that fly between them.


  Two years earlier ...

  * * *

  Why couldn’t she hold it together? Her eyes moved over to her sister and brother, who were standing a foot away from her. Aiden, her big brother, had one arm wrapped around his wife, Kristen. The other arm hung around Amber’s younger sister, Ashley. Ashley was going on her own journey to Paris in a few weeks, where she would spend a few months training under some of the best artists abroad. Now, however, her sister’s blue eyes, which matched Amber’s almost perfectly, were sad and full of tears.

  “Are you sure you can’t postpone the trip until I leave?” her sister begged once again.

  “No, sorry. The screen tests are in two days.” She walked over and wrapped her arms around her sister’s shoulders. Ashley was a few inches shorter than Amber. Their matching eyes were as far as their similarities went.

  Amber was tall, thin, and curvy where it counted with long flowing blonde hair that curled just right. Ashley had more of an athletic build, with shorter straight flyaway hair. Amber and Ashley were as close as any two sisters could ever be. But they each had their own separate dreams. Ashley’s dream was to be a world-famous artist. So, she was heading out in a few weeks to attend school and live in a small flat along the Seine River and study under some of the best of the bests.

  Amber’s dream had always been to be a famous actor. She’d always imagined seeing her name in bright Hollywood lights. Having her picture on the cover of magazines. Dating the rich and famous. Living in a mansion in the hills of Hollywood. So when she found out about the casting screen test for a new show that was sure to quickly become a hit, she’d pulled some money from her savings and bought a one-way ticket.

  After all, if Ashley was going to follow her dreams, wasn’t it about time she did the same?

  “Make sure to call us the moment you land,” Aiden said, running a hand up Kristen’s shoulder. Amber nodded, not trusting her voice to say anything else, then quickly hugged everyone and started walking towards the security gate. She looked back as her family melted into the growing crowd at Denver International Airport. The long lines at DIA were something she’d planned for, as was the lengthy good-bye from her family. Her parents had driven her there, quickly saying their good-byes in the drop-off lane outside as the snow fell softly over them. She’d known her brother and sister wouldn’t let her leave town without seeing her off, so their appearance just outside the security line had come as little surprise.

  She was only a few feet away from her first security check when she heard her name being called. Glancing back, she held her breath as she watched Tom walk slowly towards her.

  Thomas Albert Jr. had been her one and, to this day, only love of her life. He was everything Amber had ever dreamed of in a man. A true Adonis. But what had made the man top of everyone else in all her books was the very long history they had together.

  Tom was, and had been, her brother Aiden’s best friend since ... well, before Amber had been born. Seeing as they were a good seven years’ age difference, she’d always dreamed that she’d been born for him. For him, and for becoming a star.

  “What are you doing here?” She frowned at the bundle of small white daisies in his hands.

  “I wanted to say I was sorry.” His blue eyes wouldn’t focus on hers. “About ...” He took a deep breath.

  “Tom,” she interrupted. “I’m not sorry.” She bit her bottom lip. “I meant what I said.”

  The memory of the night before flashed quickly in her mind.

  She’d driven across town and shown up on Tom’s doorstep. It was a quarter past ten, and his lights had been off. She’d only prayed that he was alone before knocking on his door.

  He’d answered in nothing but boxer briefs and a scowl on his lips.

  “Amb ...” He’d blinked a few times, then shook his head. “What are you—?”

  She didn’t let him finish. Instead, she’d thrown herself at him. “I love you,” she’d blurted out and kissed him like there was no tomorrow. Because in her mind, there wasn’t.

  His hands wrapped around her hips, pulling her closer for just a moment. She’d enjoyed feeling what she did to him, pressed up against her hip. Enough so that she’d groaned with delight. The sound must have shaken him out of his stupor since he’d jerked her back a step, gripping her shoulders tightly.

  “What?” He’d shaken his head once more. “What are you doing here?”

  “Saying good-bye.” She’d held in her tears, but now they seemed to be just a blink away.

  “Good-bye?” He’d frowned even more, and then pulled her into his dark condo. “Where are you going?”

  “Hollywood. In the morning,” she said as he pushed her lightly into a chair and then turned on a lamp. She waited a moment to let her eyes adjust to the light. She’d always loved his condo. Just because his family had owned Albert’s fine furniture store for three generations hadn’t stopped Tom from filling his space with well-worn, comfortable items that fit his personality to a tee.

  “Hollywood?” He sat beside her. “Does Aiden know?”

  She laughed. “Of course.”

  “What for?” he asked, running his hands over his face. “And for how long?”

  “For a casting call for Timed, the new show on CBS.” She held her breath and then released it before blurting out, “For good.”

  She watched as his eyebrows shot up. “You may not get the part.” He tilted his head and she could tell he was gearing up for the, ‘you could always come home’ lecture her brother and parents had given her.

  “I signed a year lease.” She leaned back slightly. “I’m staying no matter what.”

  He was silent. “This is sudden.”

  She nodded, not trusting her voice.

  “Does it have to do with—?”

  “It has nothing to do with you. Or the fact that you’re getting married.” She didn’t let him finish.

  He sighed. “I’m not—” Again, she jumped in.

  “Terra is a very nice woman.” She blinked and avoided his stare. “I’m sure you two will be happy—” Before she could finish, he was pulling her onto the sofa, his mouth covering hers in a heated kiss.

  “I don’t want Terra.” He growled next to her ear. “Damn it, Amber.” Her fingers dug into his hair until he yanked away. “Go,” he growled. “Before we cross a line and have your brother hunting me down.” He stood and walked to the windows.

  “I don’t care what Aiden thinks. Or anyone for that matter,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest, feeling the cold of the night seep into her bones. The night chill was a sure sign there would be fresh snow on the ground when her plane took off tomorrow.

  “I do.” He’d remained where he was. “Go,” he yelled it this time. She’d run from his place and had spent a sleepless night thinking about all the missed opportunities.

  “I know,” Tom said now, shoving his empty hand into his jean pockets. “I didn’t want you to leave ... with things being weird between us.” He held out the flowers. “They’re your favorite.”

  She smiled. They were. She just loved the simple white petals. “Thank you.” She buried her face in them and inhaled. Then her eyes met his.

  “I’d hoped things would have been”—she sighed— “different between us.”

  He nodded, his eyes still not focusing on hers. “As long as you are you ... and I am ...” He rolled his shoulders. “It can’t work.”

  “Why? Because you’re my brother’s best friend?” The person behind her, a very tired-looking businessman, nudged her to move forward. She waved him ahead instead.

  “That, and there’s too many years between us.” He ran his hand through his hair. “Hell, I remember the day you were born.”

  “So?” she said, pushing her chin up.

  “So”—he sighed— “so, it’s just not ... right.”

  She rolled her eyes and let a young couple with two small kids pass her in line.

  Tom’s eyes moved to the left. “You’d better go.” He nodded towards a security guard who was scowling in her direction.

  “I have time.” She glanced down at her watch and gauged that if she ran to the underground train that would take her to her concourse, and then sprinted to her gate, she’d just make it.

  “No”—he shook his head, then leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek— “you don’t.”

  “Come on, buddy, you can do better than that,” someone said from behind them, causing her to laugh nervously.

  “Well?” She tilted her head. “How about giving these people a show?” she whispered.

  He closed his eyes for a moment. She could have sworn she’d seen desire flash behind his blue eyes a moment before. Then he opened them and it was gone. His hand came around her waist, pulling her closer. The nylon barrier trapped between them. When his mouth touched hers, she knew she’d never enjoy another man’s kiss the way she enjoyed his.

  When his tongue parted her lips, she sighed and melted against his hard body. Her free hand pulled him closer as people cheered around them. The white flowers crushed between their bodies all but forgotten. When he stepped back, he leaned his forehead against hers for just a moment.

  “Best of luck,” he whispered to her, just before turning and leaving her breathless, grasping the crushed daisies to her chest.

  Chapter 1

  There was little Amber could do to fix the last five minutes. She rolled her shoulders and asked for a break. She’d come a long way since arriving in California. She’d been thrown into the big scary world of acting quickly after she’d stepped foot off the plane.

  Sure, she’d tried out for the sitcom, but instead of landing that job, the director, Marcus Burgess, had quickly snatched her up for a role he was casting in a new movie, Unique Designs. She’d played best friend and supporting role to a top star in a comedy about friends who had started their own design company for cat and dog houses.

  The role had been such a hit that she had been instantly flooded with more casting calls with which she’d known what to do. So, she’d hired one of the best agents in Hollywood and had taken the top role sent to her as lead in a science fiction movie, Anomalous. She’d moved out of her small studio apartment on Hollywood and Vine, and moved into an older, quaint home at the base of the hills.

  She’d just wrapped up a few days of filming in Canada, when she’d been called back to Hollywood to try out for a new role. Another Marcus Burgess comedy due to start filming in Denver in the next month.

  She jumped at the chance of returning home, and working with Marcus again. Marcus was easily one of her favorite people in Hollywood. Not only was the man one of the best-looking directors, he was also kind and very likable.

  While filming Unique Designs, they had quickly grown close to one another. They often spent their lunch breaks together, laughing and joking about everything and anything.

  So when she learned she’d gotten the lead in this new comedy, Roommates, she’d spent the next couple of weeks preparing for the role and more importantly, preparing to return home.

  Her sister, Ashley, had enjoyed her time in Paris for the most part. Still, she could tell in their video chats that something was missing in her sister’s life. Something she had every intention of talking to her about. In person. Once she was settled back in town for the duration of filming.

  She’d rented a condo downtown for the next six months. Since most of the filming would be on the streets of Denver, she figured it would be easier to be in the heart of Denver rather than shuttling back and forth each day from her parent’s place in Golden.

  It had taken a while for her to become accustomed to having her picture taken, but she still got excited when she saw her face on the cover of magazines or in newspapers. Her time had been too busy for her to clip each article out, so she had instead piled the magazines into a spare room. With the hopes of one day having enough time to go through everything.

  Still, when she stepped off the plane in Denver and made her way through the security area, she made sure to smile and wave for the cameras, then quickly ditched the paparazzi and met her family in the baggage area. Her sister’s hair had grown longer, and she could have sworn Ashley had lost five pounds, something she wasn’t happy to see.

  Aiden looked the same—only, his smile had grown bigger since Kristen was now huge. Due to deliver Amber’s first nephew or niece in only two months. Since they had wanted to be surprised about the sex of their firstborn, everyone else was left in the dark about it as well. Which was killing Amber.

  “I can’t believe you’re here,” Ashley kept saying as they drove away from DIA. “I mean”—she shook her head— “we thought it would take an act of God to get you back home.”

  “That or the right role,” Aiden said under his breath.

  “What?” she said, glancing at him from the backseat.

  He just winked back at her and reached for his wife’s hand. “We’re happy to have you back home,” he added.

  “I’m happy to be back.” She glanced around at the fall colors and took a deep breath. Fall was her favorite season in Colorado. It wasn’t the same in California, or even in Canada for that matter. Nothing was the same as home.

  “So, tell me what’s new.” She turned slightly to her sister.

  “Well, you know about ‘Thing One’ coming in a few months.” She nodded to Kristen, who just chuckled back at her as she rubbed her belly.

  “Yes, and still”—she nudged her brother— “no word on the gender?”

  “Nope, if they know, they’re keeping it a big secret.” Ashley frowned.

  “What else?” She rolled her shoulders and relaxed back into the backseat as her brother drove them towards the mountains and the city.

  “Well, Amy and Logan bought a p
lace, a bigger place in Golden. Just down the street from mom and dad.”

  “Cool,” she said absently. Kristen’s best friend, Amy, and her husband, Logan, had become honorary members of their family a few years back, when Kristen had literally become part of their family. Her mind was focused on one person in particular, but she didn’t want to seem too anxious to ask.

  “I still haven’t heard from Cole.” Her sister frowned, and Amber reached over to take her hand. Cole had been Ashley’s best friend since grade school. Shortly before Amber went to California, Cole had disappeared. Which, in Amber’s mind, had been the only reason Ashley had hightailed it to Paris in the first place.

  “I’m sorry. I’m sure he’ll surface soon. He’s probably finding himself.” She’d known plenty of guys like Cole. He’d been a self-centered jerk who couldn’t see that his best friend had loved him from the moment they met. But she supported her sister and knew that someday, somehow, things would work out okay for them both. “Anything else?”

  “Oh, yeah, Tommy bought another building on sixth and has opened two more stores.”

  She felt her heart kick in her chest. “How’s Terra?”

  Ashley’s shoulders raised and fell. “How should I know? I haven’t seen the woman since before I went to Paris.”

  Amber’s eyes met Aiden’s in the rearview mirror.

  “Terra left Tom shortly after you left. Ran off with her boss. There was a big scandal, since the guy was married to the mayor’s niece at the time.”

  Amber’s heartbeat tripled in speed. Tom wasn’t married. For the past two years, she’d lived her life as if part of her would never breathe again. She’d been too busy to spend too much time chatting with her family, and had gotten little information from her brother on the subject of his best friend. In all honesty, she’d been too afraid to ask. Ashley had gossiped about so many things, Amber tuned her out, especially since none of them had been about Tom.


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