Best of Luck

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Best of Luck Page 12

by Jill Sanders

  She frowned. “Who?”

  He shook his head. “Later.” He leaned up and kissed her. “I should have trusted you,” he said, kissing her again.

  She flipped over, the warm water sloshing over their naked bodies. “Yes, you should have.” She wrapped her arms around him. “Tom?”

  “Hmm?” he said against her lips.

  “Let’s go dry off.” She stood up, and his eyes traveled up her body slowly.

  “You don’t want a repeat of the cabin?” he asked, standing up and wrapping her in a large towel.

  She shivered and he frowned even more. “Damn, I can start a fire.”

  She shook her head. “No, I’ll be fine if you touch me.” She opened the cotton towel and he walked into it with her. Rubbing his body against hers. Instantly, his warmth seeped into her skin. “See, much better.”

  He carried her back into his bedroom, then laid her down gently on the bed. Only leaving her long enough to turn on the gas fireplace. Then he carried her over and set her on the soft rug in front of the flames.


  “Hmm, nice.” She arched when his fingers brushed down the inside of her thighs. “Yes,” she said, “touch me.”

  He did, running his mouth up and down her body, warming it until she felt like she was on fire. “My god, Tom, please.” She arched and took him into her as he kissed her.

  She’d never felt like this before. Things had changed between them and it wasn’t just because they were having sex. It went beyond physical. And at this point, there was no going back. Not that she wanted to. But still, she wondered if he knew how he felt about her yet.

  Tom lay next to Amber, after he’d covered her up with the thickest blanket he could find, and watched her sleep. He didn’t like that her skin was still almost see-through or that it was so cool to the touch.

  The next time he ran into Marcus, he was going to give the man a piece of his mind. That was no way to treat people. Making them stand out in the cold and throwing freezing water on them.

  Amber shifted and he wrapped his arms around her tighter. Feeling her body heat for the first time and then frowning when he realized that she was now overheated.

  “Damn,” he said softly, then moved her to the bed, and rushed into the bathroom to find a thermometer. Double damn. He ran the thing across her forehead and glared down at the 101 staring back at him.

  “Amber?” He shook her lightly. “Honey, we need to get some fluids into you.” He held out some pills he’d grabbed in his medicine cabinet for her, and then waited with a glass of water.

  “What?” She shook her head. “What’s this?”

  “You’re running a fever. This will bring it down.”

  She sighed then swallowed the pills and drank less than a quarter of the glass of water.

  “Honey, you need to drink more fluids.” He held the glass up, but she shook her head and rolled back over. Wrapping the blankets around her once again, he lay there and watched her until the sun came up. Her fever had broken around three that morning, but still he didn’t like her coloring. Or the fact that she was lightly sweating.

  He rolled out of bed and started a warm bath, dumping into the water some of the salts that he’d bought on a whim when he’d been thinking about having her over. When the tub was full, he walked in and lightly woke Amber. She groaned softly as he lifted her up into his arms.

  When he gently set her down in the warm water, she moaned and relaxed back. “Coming in?” she asked, her eyes still closed.

  “Not this time.” He used a washcloth and started rubbing it over her shoulders and arms. “Your fever’s gone down.”

  She moaned her reply.

  “How do you feel?”

  “Like I stood in the cold, soaking wet for the last two days.” She smiled, and when she opened her eyes, he could see they were bloodshot.

  “You need more rest,” he said.

  She nodded. “Sorry about screwing up our plans.” She dipped lower in the water.


  “To spend the day at Red Rocks,” she hinted.

  “Don’t worry about it.” He brushed a strand of wet hair from her face. “Do you think you could keep down some eggs and toast?”

  She nodded. “Sounds good. Maybe some hot tea with it? My throat is a little raw.”

  When he walked downstairs, he busied himself so much with preparing food for her that he hadn’t noticed the envelope shoved under his front door until he was carrying a tray full back upstairs. Stopping, he set the tray down and took a deep breath.

  The envelope looked the same as the one in which he’d gotten the pictures. Wondering what he’d find this time, he decided he’d best open it alone.

  There were a few more pictures tucked inside. Ones from the other day. Amber stood, soaking wet, as Marcus talked to her. The man had his hands-on Amber’s shoulders, in a very intimate stance. Concern flooded the man’s eyes and Tom instantly felt his anger towards the guy lighten up. Especially after seeing the determination in Amber’s eyes. He knew better than anyone that once she gave you that look, she was going to get what she wanted. Period.

  The next picture had her leaning up on her toes, and placing her lips on Marcus’s once again. This time, however, Tom saw the kiss for what it was. Love and kindness. Not love and lust. It was a kiss that Amber would have easily given her father or brother. Not a lover. Still, from an outsider’s perspective, a kiss was a kiss.

  This time, when he shook the envelope, a note fell out. After quickly reading it, he tossed everything back into the envelope and took several calming breaths before he was under control enough to deliver Amber her food.

  After getting her settled back on the bed, and having her eat half her eggs and toast, he closed the door to his room, knowing she would sleep for a few more hours. Taking the envelope—which he’d left in the hallway—into his office, he took out his cell phone and made a few calls.

  The first call was to Aiden. Who immediately responded by wanting to come down there and see the new photos. After arguing with him for ten minutes, Tom wasn’t surprised when his doorbell rang and Aiden was standing outside.

  “Let me see what you have.” He barged into his house.

  “Hi, how are you?” he joked back and handed Aiden the envelope.

  “Where’s the first set of photos?”

  Tom thought back to last night. “Gone,” he said, remembering that Amber had dropped them in the gutter. Then his eyes moved upward. “Keep your voice down—Amber’s upstairs sleeping.”

  Instantly, Aiden’s eyebrows rose.

  “Sleeping off a fever,” he added. Aiden’s eyes turned from accusing to worry quickly. “She’s fine, just tired.”

  “What do you know about this guy Marcus?” Aiden asked, following Tom into his office.

  “Not much. I was trying to do some research when I called you.” He reached for his phone. “I’m calling Roy now.”

  Ten minutes later, Roy was on his way there, along with several police officers. Whom the lawyer had insisted on calling.

  “Damn.” Tom ran his hands through his hair. “How the hell does something like this happen?” He shoved his hands into his jeans then decided he’d better put on shoes and a clean shirt if he was going to be entertaining his lawyer and the local law enforcement. When he went upstairs, Amber was up, combing her hair in his bathroom.

  “I hear my brother downstairs.” She turned towards him and he could see that her eyes were a little clearer, but still red around the rims. Taking her in his arms, he placed a kiss on her forehead and was pleased when there was no sign of fever on her skin.

  “Yes, there’s been a ... situation that’s come up.”

  She pulled back and looked at him. “More pictures?”

  His eyes narrowed on her. “How did you know?”

  She closed her eyes, took a step back, and wrapped her arms around herself. “I’ve been getting them for a while now.”

  Chapter 14

/>   Amber had never been reprimanded more in her life. Not only by her brother, but by Tom, his lawyer Roy, and a female officer. She sat in Tom’s living room on his sofa and listened to everyone tell her all the wrong moves she’d made. Her head hurt, she still felt a little shaky, and she was quickly growing more agitated at listening to everyone talk at once, until Laura stepped into the room.

  “You called Laura?” She turned to Tom, who just shook his head.

  “She called me,” Aiden said, stepping forward. “When you didn’t come home last night and you weren’t answering her text messages.”

  Just then, she remembered she’d left everything back at her trailer downtown. Her purse, her phone, she was even still wearing the outfit she’d filmed in the day before. Washed and dried, thanks to Tom.

  “Honey,” Laura rushed across the room. “Are you okay?” Laura knelt before her, grabbing her into a light hug. “What’s all this about another threatening note?”

  Amber glanced over at Tom, who produced the envelope that had been handed around. The police wanted to take it as evidence, but Amber didn’t want to release the photos. Just in case. She knew Laura could handle the mess, and to be honest, wasn’t sure why she hadn’t called her agent first thing after Tom had told her about the photos last night. Chalk it up to not feeling well.

  “It’s the same as before,” she told Laura, who quickly stood and took the envelope.

  “I have a man on this.” Laura turned to the police. “We’ll file a complaint through normal channels. You’re free to go.” She stopped them at the door. “I trust that this matter, and Miss Scott’s name, will all remain confidential?”

  The two officers glanced at one another, and then nodded before leaving.

  When Laura turned to Tom and Aiden, she tucked the envelope under her arm. “I’m pretty sure we won’t need a ... lawyer.” She glanced over at Roy.

  “He’s a family friend,” Tom said, but Roy quickly excused himself.

  “If you need anything”—he walked over and planted a friendly kiss on Amber’s cheek— “you know you can always call me.”

  She smiled and nodded. “I’ve got you on speed dial.” She had added him to her contacts after a small fender bender he’d helped her through a few years back.

  “Now what?” Aiden asked Laura. “How long has this been going on?” Amber’s brother turned to her.

  “We received the first note shortly after Amber was given the lead in Unique Designs.”

  “Her first movie?” he asked. “That would be—”

  “Almost two years ago,” Laura added.

  Tom turned to her with a scowl. So did her brother.

  “Okay, I should have told you.” She rolled her eyes, holding up her hands. “But, we had it handled. Besides, we were pretty sure it was Ryder Sterlington.”

  “Who?” her brother asked.

  “Paparazzi,” Laura supplied, frowning.

  “This”—Aiden took the envelope from Laura— “says, and I quote, ‘If you touch him again, I’ll kill you both.’” Then he threw the letter, along with several new photos of last night’s shoot down on the coffee table.

  Laura glanced at Amber, who knew what her friend was asking, and nodded that she could tell the rest of the story.

  “We are fully aware of the threats. So is Mr. Burgess.”

  “Is it his wife?” Tom asked.

  “No,” Amber jumped in. “I don’t think so.” She turned to Laura. “I mean, we believe it’s unrelated to his marriage.”

  “Why would you think that?” her brother asked.

  Amber sighed when Laura just sat down and looked at her, waiting for her to tell the story.

  “Because, Marcus has had a stalker for a few years. The woman is ...”

  “Batshit crazy,” Laura added, sitting down beside Amber.

  Both Tom and her brother’s eyes narrowed.

  “Miss Cummings, the stalker, is under a clear restraining order, and so far seems to be abiding by it,” Laura started. Amber glanced over at her and gave her a look. One that said, “Shut up!”

  “What?” Laura leaned back and pulled out the photos and letter, then whistled lowly.

  “That’s a start,” Tom said under his breath. Still looking like someone had punched him in the gut.

  “You’re moving in with Kristen and me,” Aiden said, unfolding his arms and moving towards her.

  “No,” she said slowly, crossing her legs. “I’m not.”

  Her brother’s eyes narrowed. “Yes, you are. It’s not like it’s a big move, just a few blocks—”

  “Aiden, I’m staying where I am.” She sighed. “What’s the point of me taking up your room? Besides, you’re so busy getting ready for the baby—”

  “Not busy enough to let my little sister stay in harm’s way,” he broke in.

  She glared back at him.

  “She can stay here,” Tom said out of the blue.

  “No.” She almost growled it out. Standing up, she was pleased when she didn’t feel like passing out, much like she had earlier that morning. Still, her head was dull and she was fighting a major headache. She desperately wished for a few more aspirin and a couple more minutes of silence. “What don’t you two get about that I don’t like to be told what to do?” She crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. There’s new security at my building, and even more on the set.”

  “I can stay longer,” Laura chimed in, earning her another glare.

  “Seriously?” she mouthed to her friend, who just shrugged in reply.

  “I’ll hire a car each day to take me back and forth to work, there’s security at my building, and Marcus hired more for the set,” she said, earning a slight frown from Laura.

  “I don’t like it,” Tom said, moving closer to her. “But, I understand your need to stay downtown.”

  She smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist. Feeling his warmth seep into her chilled body. Smiling over at her brother, she was just about to tell him that everything was handled, when Tom spoke again.

  “That’s why I’m moving in with you,” he said.

  Tom felt Amber’s body tense and knew another argument was going to happen. He just wished they could be alone to discuss this next move. So, instead of giving her a chance to talk, he took her by the shoulders and forced her to sit once more. “You look really pale—maybe you two should give her some more time to rest.” He moved away and walked Aiden and Laura to the front door.

  “Promise me you’ll stay with her,” Aiden said, glancing down at his watch.

  “You got it.” He shook his friend’s hand.

  “Looks like I’ll be leaving early,” Laura said, frowning. “I’ll be out by tomorrow.” She glanced back into the room and called out a good-bye to Amber, who just glared at her friend like she’d been betrayed. “Have fun with convincing her to let you stay.” She leaned closer to him. “I can stay longer, as long as it takes to find this ... person. Just let me know.” She waved the envelope of photos at him, then turned and left.

  Aiden shook his head. “I don’t care what you do, just watch out for her. I don’t like this mess,” he said. “Keep me posted.”

  He nodded, and then shut the door behind them. He took a few deep breaths, then turned back into the room and decided to try it a different way.

  Once he got over to her, he picked Amber up in his arms. When she shifted and tried to jerk away, he tugged her closer and held on as he carried her back up the stairs.

  “Where are we going?” she said between gritted teeth.

  “To bed”—he smiled— “so I can show you why I want to move in with you for the next few months.”

  By the next morning, he had a small bag packed and was driving towards Amber’s building as she sat next to him with a smile on her face. When they got there, Laura was cleared out and a large basket of muffins sat on the countertop with a note. He tried to look over Amber’s shoulder, but she turned away and smil
ed as she read quietly.

  “So?” he asked, taking a chocolate chip muffin and biting it in half. They were good. Really good. He leaned his hip against the counter. “Do I pass the test?”

  She looked up at him with question.

  “Come on,” he said between bites. “What does she say about me?”

  Amber chuckled and tucked the note back into the envelope. “Lots.” She turned towards her room. “I’m hitting the shower—then I have to be on set by eleven.”

  She disappeared to the back room, with the note.

  Taking his bag, he tossed it into her closet as he heard her shower start to run. Shrugging, he decided he could use another shower, but then noticed the pool and changed into swim shorts instead.

  When he stepped out onto the roof, he felt a slight breeze, but knew that after a few laps, he’d be warm enough. He’d really missed having a pool. His townhouse wasn’t part of a complex and didn’t have enough room in the backyard to build one. He’d had a gym membership for a while, but after business started getting too busy, he’d cancelled it.

  Now, after lap fifteen, he realized he’d slacked off too much and seriously thought about getting another gym membership.

  When he saw Amber standing by the side of the pool, he stopped.

  “I’m heading out soon,” she said, her eyes traveling over his chest and arms. Yup, going to call the gym once he got out of the pool.

  “Okay,” he said, watching her.

  “You”—she shook her head— “you’re not going to insist on taking me?”

  He chuckled. “Like I said, I’m not here to babysit you.” He leaned back to give her a better view. “You are going to take a car? Right?”

  She nodded, her eyes running lower to the top of his shorts.

  “Are you sure you don’t have time to jump in here with me?” he asked softly.

  Her eyes moved up to his and she smiled. “If only.” He watched her swallow. “I should be back around eleven.”

  He nodded. “Want me to make anything?”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “Like in ... dinner?”


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