Cap_A Reed Security Romance

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Cap_A Reed Security Romance Page 26

by Giulia Lagomarsino

“What? But I helped deliver Caitlin. Doesn’t that automatically get me best man status?”

  Maggie and Sinner both took turns covering each other as they fired off shot after shot. It was as if they were a team that consistently worked together. What the hell?

  “Cap, we’re coming in heavy. Cease fire,” Chance said through his mic. I relayed the cease fire to Red’s team and then Chance’s team came through big time. By the time they were done, there wasn’t a single person still standing behind those cars.

  “See? Am I not the best man for the job or what?” Sinner stood in front of me with his arms stretched wide, as if displaying his awesome achievement.

  “You successfully achieved almost getting my fiancé killed on her wedding day,” I shot back.

  “One, that’s just not fair. I didn’t almost get her killed. I just made sure that she could use those guys for target practice in a safe and controlled environment. And two, she drove me here. I just came along for the ride and made sure she shot the right people.”

  “You call hiding behind burning cars safe and controlled?”

  “They wouldn’t have blown. I’m almost eighty percent certain of that. Besides, she was with me. What could go wrong?”

  “I hope you remember the last time someone said that,” I said looking over at Maggie, reminding him that she said that the day she went into labor.

  He scratched the back of his head thoughtfully. “Bad choice of words.”

  I surveyed the wreckage, thankful that no one tried driving down this road. “Chance, Alec, do a sweep and see what the damage is.”

  Red walked up to me and held out his hand. “Thanks for the assist. That could have turned out a hell of a lot differently. You’ve got one hell of a woman there,” he nodded over to Maggie.

  I turned to see her laughing with Sinner about something, surprised that I wasn’t upset this had ruined our wedding day. “Yeah, she’s one hell of a pain in the ass. We’re supposed to be getting married today.”

  He grinned. “Couples that kill together, stay together.”

  “Whatever, fucker. Tell Cash he owes me one.” I walked back over to Maggie and held my hand out to her. “Come on, Freckles. We have shit to do.”

  “I’m tired. Can we just go home now?”

  “You didn’t tell her?” I looked to Sinner.

  He shrugged. “I was getting around to it.”

  “Maggie, we’re supposed to be getting married..” I looked down at my watch and swore. “Now. Get your ass up. We have people waiting for us.”

  Maggie jumped up looking panicked. “I completely forgot. Oh, shit. We can’t get married looking like this.” Maggie had dirt smeared across her face and her white t-shirt was now more of a grey color. Her pants had some fresh holes in them and her hair was a disaster, but she had never looked more beautiful to me.

  “We don’t have a choice. The wedding is starting in five minutes and we have guests waiting.”

  “Wait, what about my story?” Maggie asked.

  “Your story can wait until tomorrow.” She narrowed her eyes at me. “Fine, tonight, but I at least get to consummate our marriage before you get back to your story.”

  She grinned, “I knew you’d see things my way.”

  “As if there’s another way to see things.”

  I headed back to the SUV with Maggie and Sinner. “Everyone listen up. The wedding is about to start. Get your asses over there now.”


  We sped back to Ryan’s house where the wedding was being held. We were hesitant about having the wedding there since he was supposed to marry Cassandra there, but he insisted, saying that it was perfect for a wedding and he wanted to do this for us. Six SUV’s roared into his driveway, parking wherever we could and all of us ran to the back yard where white chairs were set up with all of the guests waiting. We were only a half hour late for the wedding, so that wasn’t too bad.

  Everyone turned and gasped when they saw all of us standing at the back of the chairs. There were over twenty of us dressed in tactical gear with guns and knifes strapped to our legs. Well, I wasn’t wearing tactical gear, but I did have a gun at the small of my back. Every single one of the guys and the girls looked like they had just been to war, which we kind of had and we were definitely out of place for a wedding.

  “Do we all have the wrong date?” I heard someone ask.

  “Maybe they forgot today was the wedding,” another person said.

  “Who forgets their wedding?” the other person responded.

  I pursed my lips in irritation that I obviously was one of those people as Sebastian chuckled. I wanted to be angry with him, but when I looked at him, my anger caught in my throat. Sebastian was the sexiest man I had ever seen and no more so than right now. He was in his tactical gear with guns strapped to his muscled thighs and in his shoulder holsters. His arms bulged beneath his t-shirt and I even found his bullet proof vest to be damn sexy right now. He hadn’t shaved yet today, so his dirt streaked face was even more sexy with the short beard he was sporting. His dark brown eyes twinkled when he caught me checking out his body, like it was the first time I was seeing him.

  I shrugged off his smirk. “You look so hot right now. I say we skip the wedding and go straight to the honeymoon.”

  He shook his head slightly as he smiled. “I thought you wanted to get back to your story?”

  “I could be persuaded to delay it for a few hours. Maybe even the whole night.”

  His arm snaked around my waist and he pulled me flush with him. “I could be convinced to do just about anything right now.” My eyes widened as I felt him start to harden against me.

  “Uh, guys? You might want to save the sex talk and subsequent fucking for when you don’t have a hundred guests staring at you,” Derek muttered.

  Sebastian’s eyes flicked to the crowd and then trailed down my body. “We have a bit of a problem. If I pull you away from me, everyone here is going to know how bad I want to fuck you right now.”

  I snickered and bit my lip as I tried to stop myself from all out laughing at his predicament.

  “I know that look, Harry. You gave me that look last night right before-”

  “Aggie, not everyone here wants to know what we did last night,” Harry grumbled.

  “That did it. I’m good to go now,” Sebastian said with a mixture of happiness and disgust. I couldn’t help but laugh at that.

  Behind us, every member of Reed Security and even Red’s team, were standing decked out in their tactical gear. This definitely wasn’t what people were expecting from our wedding, but what the hell. We’d make it work.

  Sebastian leaned in and whispered to me, “Your grandpa looks like he’s going to kill me.”

  “I guess we should just walk down the aisle, right?” I whispered back. Sebastian linked his arm with mine and started walking a little faster than normal down the aisle. The music cued and didn’t at all match our pace. We smiled and said hello to people as we passed and then stood up in our places. Cole was standing in his position as best man with the other guys behind him. The ladies were all by my side, with Becky in the front row holding Caitlin.

  “Are you sure you want to do this today?” Sebastian asked. We were filthy and neither of us looked like we were getting married, but the pictures would be memorable.

  I smiled up at him and took his hand in mine. “We just kicked ass and took out the bad guys. We’ve got this.”

  Ratings on Amazon help me to spread the word about my books and allow me to keep writing. Please take a moment and write an honest review of this book on Amazon. Watch for upcoming books in the next series, Reed Security.

  For The Love Of A Good Woman Series:

  Jack: A romantic comedy

  Cole: A romantic thriller

  Logan: A revenge novel

  Drew: A new beginnings romance

  Sebastian: A mystery/thriller romance

  Sean: A Love Triangle Romance

  Ryan: A Contemporar
y Romance

  The Reed Security Series:

  Sinner: A Reed Security Romance

  Cap: A Reed Security Romance, May 2018

  Cazzo: A Reed Security Romance, June 2018

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