Justice Falling

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Justice Falling Page 2

by Audrey Carlan

  “Thank you.” I could hear her take a calming breath. “Um, right. Friends. Sure. I’ll schedule that appointment. Is there anything you need me to prepare for your meeting with Mr. Jensen? Anything at all? I owe you one,” she added sweetly.

  “I do love a spot of tea and a biscuit in the late afternoon,” I joked. Unfortunately, she took my words seriously. The Yanks really needed to lighten up.

  “Biscuits? There may be a local bread store that would have biscuits. I’ll do my best. We have tea and cookies, though.”

  “Oh love, you are too precious. I can hardly wait to make your acquaintance. While you’re preparing, look up the British terms for “biscuit,” We’ll discuss at four. Cheers!” I rang off and sat back into my chair.

  Curious thoughts about the sweet Ms. Cami filled my mind. I’d not been to Hank’s office in a while, and, now that I’d spoken with his lovely sounding receptionist, I looked forward to my four o’clock. Never hurt to make new friends, particularly if those new friends were sexy little vixens. I imagined her petite, blonde, and curvy with that breathy small voice.

  I finished my last meeting early and made it to the AIR Bright building with time to spare. When I stepped off the elevator and stole a glance through the glass, I plum lost my breath and the ability to walk. I stood stock still and watched the elegant beauty for a moment, taking in her edible attributes as she rounded her desk. If this was the precious Cami I’d spoke to, I was overjoyed at my good fortune. She was most certainly not petite or blonde. This woman was tall, at least five foot ten to my six foot three inch frame. Brown hair cascaded down her back. Not quite curls, but that wind-swept beachy look American girls did so well. The only word that came to mind was stunning.

  At twenty-eight, I considered myself a connoisseur of beautiful women. Never had to work to secure a woman’s affection and I’d been told plenty that my good looks were a menace. Even had a hoard of women claim to love me over the years. Not once did I feel a woman was out of my league.

  Until now.

  The woman’s body was to die for. I watched through the glass as she moved from her desk to a file cabinet and back. Her movements were quick, efficient, and laser-focused on her task. I hadn’t expected this woman when I’d arrived. Yes, she was young. That could be easily determined by her unlined, dewy pale skin. However, I wasn’t prepared for her to be gorgeous… magnificent, really. Her hair was the color of a roasting chestnut. Not quite brown, or blonde but more a comingling of all the colors that made Fall my favorite season.

  As I watched her work, my body warmed and my skin felt unbearably tight, confined by the three-piece suit I’d donned. She wore a mid-length skirt that barely kissed her knee. I’d heard them referred to as a pencil skirt, though I hadn’t the slightest bloody idea why. A pencil was a thin, straight, writing instrument. This woman was slight, yet curvy in all the places that counted, with the tiniest speck of a waist. Good God, the heels she had on were stiletto and sexy as Hell, connected to tight, toned calves. I could imagine those “shag me shoes” around my waist, the spike digging straight into the tender skin of my arse as I worked her over.

  Basically, she had the body of a Playboy model, her breasts undoubtedly large but covered demurely behind a fitted top that only showed a hint of pearlescent cleavage when she bent over to retrieve a document. Christ, the more I looked, the harder I got. It took Herculean effort to not stride in, set a hand to that body, and show her exactly what I’d like to do to her.

  I pulled my mind out of the gutter then straightened my back. I opened the door as she looked up, the perfect globes of her breasts straining against the material as she stared. Her lips were full and glistened like a wet, ripened strawberry. Edible as they looked, that wasn’t what drew me in. It was her eyes. They were green but almost yellow, catlike as they assessed me. A color I’d not ever seen, and I’ve dated a lot of women, stared into the eyes of many women as I shagged them into oblivion. Nothing in my past came close to these.

  She stood, and I almost cursed the loss of seeing directly down her shirt to her perfect tits, until she took it up a notch and smiled. A genuine, how do you do--nice to meet you--I’m a good person that actually gives a shite about other people, kind of smile. It made me feel vulnerable and a kick off my game. One thing I found out being an attorney in New York was you didn’t often meet a genuine person. She may be the one in the eight million that lived here. I endeavored to find out for sure.

  “Hello, welcome to Jensen Construction. I’m Cami. Mr. Walker, right?” she held out her hand. I grasped it with both of mine, turned it over and kissed her wrist. She gasped and tensed when my lips touched her.

  “Aren’t you just the most precious thing?” I placed one last kiss on her pale wrist. Her skin was so delicate I could see the lifeblood of her veins; the blue such a contrast to her white skin. Something carnal, animalistic in me twitched at the sight.

  Cami tilted her head as I let her hand go. Her eyes narrowed. “I’ve never had anyone kiss my wrist before. Is that a cultural thing?” Such an innocent. I almost felt poorly for how much I wanted to dirty her up.

  “No.” My eyes took in every inch of her spectacular body from the tips of her four-inch heels to the top of her flowing locks. “One look at you and I knew I needed to have my lips on you.” Her mouth opened and she bit her bottom full lip, sending a hot jolt of lust straight to my groin.

  “Okay. Well then.” She moved behind her desk, putting distance between us. She held one hand to her chest, her breathing heavier than when I’d come in. Smugly, I’d hoped it was me who made her heart beat faster. “Mr. Jensen isn’t back from his appointment yet. Have a seat.”

  Instead of sitting in the chairs along the walls, clearly the waiting area, I leaned a hip against her desk. Her cat-eyes scanned my body. She wasn’t running away. That was a good sign. Maybe she liked what she saw.

  “Tell me something, Cami?”

  “Yes, Mr. Walker?” Her voice was breathy like it was earlier on the phone. It tweaked my senses pleasurably. I could tell she was unnerved and I enjoyed it immensely.


  “Excuse me?”

  “Call me Nate. I want to hear my name come from those beautiful lips.”

  A rosy hue crept up her neck and pinked her cheeks. She was nervous yet still hadn’t bolted. “Um, okay, Nate,” she said, uncertainty lacing her words.

  “Better.” I grinned and she sat. I took that as an opportunity, walked around to the other side of her desk to invade her space further by sitting on the edge of her desk, close enough to touch her. The need to be next to her was ridiculous. It was as if an invisible tether pulled me toward her. “Now, tell me something that nobody knows about you?”

  “Huh?” Her russet colored eyebrows furrowed. “Like what?”

  “That’s for you to decide. I find it’s easier to get to know someone if you start with something that nobody knows.” She looked down and bit her lip again, possibly to avoid eye contact. Either way I needed her gaze on me. If I couldn’t have her whole body wrapped around me, I’d settle for the eyes.

  “Eyes on me, Cami.” With one finger, I tilted her chin to face me. She visibly trembled at my touch. Made me feel powerful. Driven to see it again, and often. “When you speak to me, I’d like to see your beautiful eyes. They’re bewitching.”

  “You’re making me nervous,” she admitted.

  “That was not my intent, love. I apologize.” I leaned back but didn’t leave the edge of her desk, still wanting to be near her. “Though I must admit, I’m intrigued by you. So, tell me something about yourself that nobody here…” I held my palms up and out to the side gesturing around the office, “…knows about you?” Even though this was my game, and one of the ways I usually sucked a woman into my charm, I was wholly unprepared for her reply.

  Cami worried her lip again, and then closed her eyes. “I used to be a gymnast.”

  I groaned, and swiped my fingers through my hair a few times. “
Are you trying to kill me?” Visions of her long, curvy body bending this way and that…naked…sweating. It was too much. I was hard as steel.

  Her shocked expression told me she was not being coy or forward as I’d thought. She really was as sweet as I’d pegged her over the phone. “No. Why would you say that?”

  “Because I’m trying really hard to keep my hands to myself, and when you tell me something like that … it’s almost impossible.”

  Chapter 2

  “Mr. Walker…” I pushed back on the rolling chair. I needed distance from this man. In his presence, I didn’t feel like myself. He put me in a jittery, skin-tingling place I wasn’t used to.


  I took a calming breath. “Nate. You’re extremely forward.”

  His lips twitched into a slow grin, a panty-melting, lip-biting, nails digging into the tender flesh of my palm type grin.

  “True. When I see something I want--” His light eyes scanned my shape, undressing me. “--I take it.”

  “Excuse me.” I stood quickly, and moved farther away from the desk and him, needing the distance. Nate stayed put, calmly leaning against the wooden surface. The dark gray pinstriped suit was elegant, and fitted to perfection on his long frame. It hinted at a tight body beneath, fully concealed in the three-piece designer label. “You know, you’ve got a lot of nerve. You don’t even know me.” I clenched my hands into fists to prevent him from noticing them shaking, desperately trying not to let him see just how much he affected me.

  Slowly, like an animal stalking his prey, he rounded the desk moving toward me. I took one step backwards then fought it, feeling ridiculous. It was broad daylight. He wasn’t going to hurt me. Nate reached out and traced an index finger down the side of my cheek. Gooseflesh rose along my arms, and I closed my eyes.

  “I want to know you better. Have dinner with me?”

  For about ten seconds, I stared at his beautiful face. Dark hair swept back in a sexy style, though I could tell he’d spent time running his fingers through it. Lightly tanned skin, shaped eyebrows the color of coffee perfectly matched his thick head of hair, mustache, and goatee. His lips were full and pouty. I couldn’t think of another term. He had a sculpted jaw and his facial hair was trimmed intricately. It made me want to kiss the lips surrounded by that halo of dark hair. It also made me curious as to how it would feel to have that hair scrape along my neck as he kissed me or between my breasts…my thighs.

  I shook my head, realizing I was daydreaming two feet from a beautiful male specimen who had asked me out on a date. A date. A real one.

  “Why?” I asked, shocked that this striking man wanted to spend time with me. He smiled, prepared to answer. I stopped him with an arm out, palm up. The synapses in my brain connected, providing intelligent information previously muddled by the strong presence in front of me. “Doesn’t matter.” I shook my head. “No, sorry. I’m not able to have dinner with you. Thank you for asking.”

  “Tomorrow perhaps?” He continued in that sexy British accent.

  It just wasn’t possible. I shook my head once more. “I appreciate the gesture Mr. Walker but I’m very busy. Thanks anyway.”

  “I don’t understand, love?” Nate put his hand on my shoulder. The warmth of his palm seeped into my skin. I leaned into it for a second, once again taken with his nearness.

  “You don’t have to understand. It’s just the way it is.” I slid his hand off my shoulder wishing it could be different. That I was different. My life…different.

  Hank strode into the office a huge smile on his face. Each time he visited with the OB/GYN he came back in the best mood.

  “How’s she doing?” I asked happily, needing to change the subject, and avoid Nathaniel’s advancement. Nate turned, and Hank grabbed the man’s hand for a friendly shake.

  “Perfect! Of course I was right on the dot about how much my baby has grown. Twenty six weeks,” he held out his big palms in a circle. “And a nicely shaped head of lettuce. My baby girl is growing, heart beat is extremely strong. Aspen is as happy as a clam.”

  “Why’s that?” I laughed. Hearing about the doctor’s visits from a man’s perspective was entertaining. I didn’t have that with Tanner’s biological father and thoroughly enjoyed Hank’s thoughts on the subject.

  “Yes mate, do tell.” Nate added.

  I was surprised Nate cared. He didn’t seem the type to be interested in another man’s growing family or the details along with it. He was confident, a bit overly so. A man used to getting what he wanted. He looked at me, and one brow rose in question. Just that motion was incredibly cool and sexy as hell.

  Hank shrugged and smiled. “She didn’t gain weight this round, so she said we’re celebrating tonight!”

  Both Nate and I laughed. His manly chuckle sent shivers skittering along my spine to settle warmly at the sensitive dip at my lower back.

  “Figure I’ll take her to dinner and be sneaky about fattening ‘er up a bit.” He put his fingers to his lips in a shushing motion. “But don’t tell her I said that. I want to make sure my baby girl and wife are getting everything they need. And the book said she was supposed to gain a couple pounds this time around.”

  “Mr. Jensen, its fine if she doesn’t gain. Pregnant women fluctuate. Look it up.” Hanks eyes focused on me as he scratched his hand along his five o’clock shadow.

  “You know I will. Now, Nate, partner. Thanks for coming. Cami sweetie, do you have everything ready on that issue?” Nate’s eyes squinted when Hank called me sweetie. It didn’t bother me. From him it was a term of endearment, not demeaning in the least. If I didn’t understand where Hank’s heart was, I’d correct him.

  “Yes, sir, right here.” I handed them both the packets. “Do you need me to take notes?”

  “Naw, go on home. I’m heading out right after Nate and I here clear up this little issue with some bad product shipped to the Howzer job last week. Bastard’s trying to get me to pay for poor product that crumpled under pressure.”

  I smiled and nodded, pulling together my things. Hank marched into his office still mumbling about the company that sent busted materials on an important job. It had set the build back three weeks which is why Nate was here in the first place. They needed to discuss suing them for lost dollars.

  “Just a moment, mate,” Nate said to Hank.

  I pulled my things together quickly, grabbed my purse out of the drawer, and threw the strap over my shoulder. I made it to the elevator before he caught up with me. I pressed the down button repeatedly, hoping the doors would open. No such luck.

  “Hey, Cami, wait up.” Nate closed a large hand around the crook of my elbow. I turned and looked into his blue eyes. He was so handsome. In different circumstances, I’d love to stare into those eyes all day. Nate licked his lips and tilted his head to the side. “Lunch, tomorrow. My treat.”

  “I can’t… “

  “You can, and you will. I’ll be here at twelve sharp.”

  I shook my head no, but he backed up with that sexy grin plastered across his unbearably gorgeous face.

  “Nate…really, it’s not a good idea.”

  “It’s a brilliant idea. Best I’ve had in a long time. Tomorrow, Precious.” He turned on his heel and opened the glass doors, firmly cutting off any protest I may have made.


  What was I going to do?

  I’d made it home in record time. Though I wouldn’t be able to tell you how I got there, as my mind completely focused on a certain sexy British lawyer who was determined to steamroll me into getting his way. Jin, my roommate and best friend, was making stir fry for dinner when I arrived. She wore a tiny coral-colored slip dress, so short it looked like a t-shirt on her petite frame. Just like our children, we were exact opposites. I’d regularly felt like an Amazon at five-ten standing next to her barely five foot two, and size zero frame. Her olive skin tone was a lovely compliment to her dark eyes and thick, shiny black hair that just skimmed the edge of her ass. I alwa
ys joked with her that she was a dead-ringer for Lucy Liu’s character in Charlie’s Angels. She said she wished she looked like Cameron Diaz’s character. Jin was Korean and completely obsessed with everything American.

  Like me, Jin didn’t really have any family. Together, we were our own little family. Jin watched the boys during the day so I could work for Jensen Construction, and then on the nights where I had my shift down at Gems. Jin introduced me to the gentleman’s club back when we met. Now she worked four nights a week and was their most popular stripper. Men liked sexy little Asian’s, but I held my own and did okay. At least I thought so.

  “Hi honey, I’m home,” I said while giving Jin’s cheek a friendly kiss.

  “Perfect timing. Dinner’s just about done. Can you get the boys?” she asked while loading plates with steaming veggies and chicken over a bed of jasmine rice.

  I made my way into the boys’ bedroom. My little man was sitting on the floor busily pushing his race car along the race track imprinted into the room’s area rug. His light brown hair fell in unruly waves around his head. Zachery, Jin’s son, was lying next to him coloring. His long jet black hair matched his mother’s and touched the coloring book as he drew. Even though Jin loved American culture, she didn’t cut his hair, letting it grow long and thick. I constantly teased her that he looked like a little girl when his hair was down, but she didn’t care.

  My heart filled with joy as I watched the boys play. The two were inseparable. If Tanner was in the kitchen, Zach was sure to be near. If Zach was in the room, Tanner would choose to play there. They just enjoyed each other’s company, and for boys four and five years old respectively, you’d think they’d fight or have jealousy issues. These two didn’t. It gave me hope that they’d be close friends throughout their lives, just like I was with Jin.

  “How’re my guys doing?”

  “Mommy!” and “Auntie!” were screamed simultaneously as the boys clamored at each hip. I crouched down and hugged them both, relishing in their fresh, just-bathed scent.


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