Justice Falling

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Justice Falling Page 13

by Audrey Carlan

  “No, baby. No,” Camille addressed his nonstop questions.

  Fast as lightening he turned to me once more. “Do you have lots of gold coins? Can I have one? I’d keep it berry safe and keep it in my treasure box!” he squealed.

  I didn’t know where to start. This child, Camille’s child, was beautiful and bouncing with joy and happiness. His blue eyes bore into mine waiting for a response.

  “Well? You have gold?” he stuck out his little hand innocently.

  “Tanner!” Camille scolded. I held up a hand to stop her from coming over, fascinated by this full of life young boy.

  “Tell you what. The next time I see you, I will have a real gold coin for you.” His little eyes lit up like a firecracker.

  “You promise!” He screamed.

  I put a hand up to my ear to stave off his piercing squeal. “Yes, sport, I promise. Now tell me, how old are you?”


  “You are not five, Tanner, don’t lie,” Camille warned.

  The little boy rolled his eyes. “Okay, so I’m kinda four, but I’m gonna be five! We just cele-a-bated my birfday!” His words were jumbled but I could tell he was smart. Really bright for a four year old.

  “That was your half-birthday we celebrated, Tan Man. Remember… ice-cream on half-birthday’s, cake on real birthdays.”

  His little lips pinched together and he put a hand to his head. “ I forgotted. But I’m gonna be five soon!” He yelped with glee. Camille sighed.

  When I thought the situation couldn’t get any stranger, a petite Asian woman entered the room wearing nothing but sexy lingerie and a silk robe open at the waist. My eyes took in the blue and black corset, stockings and shag me heels before I could look away. What the fuck was going on here?

  The woman hadn’t noticed me. She was looking at her outfit and pulling her long black hair back. “Cam, how does this look for toni…” her words trailed off as she lifted her head and our eyes met. She twirled around, clasping the edges of her robe, frantically tying them shut. “Oh my God, Oh my God.”

  “That was quite an entrance.” I chuckled, trying to lighten whatever had just happened.

  “Cam didn’t tell me we had a visitor,” she said through a clenched jaw. She narrowed her brow at her friend.

  “I gathered that.” I held out a hand. “I’m Nate by the way. Camille’s boyfriend. It’s Jin right?”

  “Uh, yeah. Boyfriend?” Her gaze shot to Camille. I didn’t turn to see what silent girl gestures she was doing behind my back.

  “Yes, her boyfriend,” I assured her.

  “O-kay.” Her eyes widened as she clutched her robe tighter.

  “Mommy, what’s going on?” Another child’s voice entered the conversation. I looked down and saw a black-haired Asian child clutching Jin’s robe.

  “Nothing Zach. Auntie has a visitor. Go back to bed.” The boy was the same height and size as Tanner.

  “But he gets to stay up!” Zach wailed and stomped a foot.

  “What?” She spotted Tanner hiding behind Camille. “Tanner, get your little booty over here right now. You know you’re supposed to be in bed. Auntie Jin is getting ready for work and Mommy has a visitor. Come on.” Her arm pointed down the small hallway.

  Camille leaned down, hugged her son then kissed his forehead. “I love you, baby. Sleep tight okay. Mommy will be here when you wake up.”

  And there it was. Mommy will be here when you wake up. The reason why Camille left my bed. She had to get back to her son. Her four year old son. Four and a half. Oh shite. That meant…no. Fucking no! I stood and waited until the children were around the corner.

  “Nice meeting you, Nate.” Jin said over her shoulder and hustled the boys off. I turned and stared at Camille.

  “He’s four and a half?”

  “Yes,” Camille whispered.

  “He’s Tyler’s son?” I asked the question knowing the answer. Camille nodded and closed her eyes on a heavy breath.

  I stared at her. The most beautiful, kind, sweet, intelligent woman I had ever known. The only woman who had ever gotten under my skin. My girlfriend. The first woman I’d ever given that title to had a four year old son who belonged to my best mate. Sod all! If that wasn’t enough, she could be pregnant with my own child.

  “I have to go.” I said through clenched teeth, not sure what to do but positive I couldn’t be here right now.

  “Yeah, it’s best if you do. Goodbye, Nate.” Tears slipped down her cheeks. I wanted nothing more than to catapult to her, kiss them away and make it better for her but she’d been lying to me. Lying for a couple weeks now. I needed time to process what happened and deal with it.

  “I’ll be in touch.” I assured her placing my hand on the door handle.

  “Whatever you say, Nate,” she whispered. Her shoulders sagged as tears spilled down her cheeks and fell into tiny puddles on the wood floor next to her bare feet. I stormed over, pulled her body against mine, cupped the sides of her cheeks and held her gaze.

  “You’re still mine. You wait for me to process this. Then we’ll talk. Stop fucking running. Got it?”

  Her lips trembled and more tears poured from her emerald eyes. They were greener than any of the lush landscapes back home. She was undoubtedly breathtaking when she cried. I couldn’t stop myself from kissing her. Her lips tasted of the salt from her tears and my sweet Camille.

  “You’ll wait. Say yes, Precious,” I urged, not willing to let her go until she agreed.

  “Yes, Precious.” A tiny grin crooked at the corner of her mouth. Christ she was heart-breakingly beautiful.

  “I trust you,” I said with finality then kissed her once more.

  “You shouldn’t,” she warned and closed her eyes.

  “Don’t make me regret it.” I took one more taste of her lips, holding onto her far longer than I should. Having her close, my lips on hers, wasn’t giving me the space I needed to deal with the shite storm that bore over us this evening. Another peck, a little nibble that gifted me the mewl, and I pulled away. “Christ you’re fucking delicious. I have to go. Later, we talk.”

  I left her standing dazed, teary-eyed and so God damned beautiful she made my eyes hurt and my heart bleed. I was royally screwed.

  Chapter 11

  Three days had passed. Three excruciating days filled with fear, uncertainty and defeat. Nate didn’t want me. If he did, he would have already come for me, made contact somehow.

  Jin urged me to give it time. She explained that three days didn’t mean it was over. It just meant that he wasn’t done processing. No news is good news, she said. I didn’t agree.

  I untangled the strings of the bikini triangle-style bra. Only this wasn’t your average triangle top bikini. Usually fabric covered the breast completely. This one did the exact opposite, encasing my full D-cup with half-inch satin strings that met at each point on the triangle and spider-webbed out into a perfect circle where my nipple could fit through. It drove the men absolutely wild , ensuring me a G-string full of stellar tips. Tonight the pick-me up to my confidence was warranted. I needed someone to want me. Even if it wasn’t the man I wanted.

  “Damn, you’re going to rake in the cash tonight.” Jin eyed the matching string bikini bottoms, garters, and fishnets. I grinned, more for her benefit then mine. It was all about playing up the dark side of erotic dancing this evening. Fit my mood perfectly.

  Tonight, I’d be Mistress Black, smacking my own ass with a riding crop, making sure it turned nice and red before I turned it on a couple audience members. I always knew which ones were into the kink. The second my whip made an appearance their eyes would smolder. They were the heavy hitters, rich as could be, willing to pay a nice chunk for me to give them a couple solid swats from my crop. Half of them would try to disrobe so I could spank their bare fannies, even though it was forbidden. Employees were the only people permitted to take their clothes off. Gems was a gentlemen’s club, not a brothel or a whore house. The owners made their money off
the illusion of sex not the real deal.

  My cell phone rang as I applied a thick layer of candy apple red, long-lasting lipstick.

  “Aren’t you going to answer that?” Jin asked looking at the screen.

  “Nope. It’s probably Oliver again.” I rolled my eyes. “Aspen or Hank has a big mouth. Ever since the phone call at the office the other day, he’s been all over me wanting the “deets” as he calls it.”

  “Then why does it say Nate Walker is calling?” Jin grinned and answered. My mouth went dry and I lost all ability to breathe. He finally called. A new fear splintered out my limbs like a windshield did upon taking on damage.

  “Hey, Nate. Yeah she’s here. How are you?” What game was my friend playing? I held out my hand to take the phone, wiggling my fingers to hurry her. She shooed me away.

  “Right now she’s getting ready for work.” Her eyes took in my barely dressed form. “Yeah, she works at the same club I work for. I’ve served a drink or two in my day…well, uh, it was nice chatting with you.” I could tell that Nate’s questioning took on a subject she wasn’t prepared to answer. Mainly what we did at this “club”. “Time to get the boys. Be good to our girl.” She held out the phone and winked at me.

  “It’s Nate.” She smiled wide.

  “I gathered that.” I held the phone to my chest. “You are so dead,” I whispered.

  “Not the first time you’ve said that, won’t be the last.” She flipped her shiny hair over her shoulder and left the room closing the door behind her. I took a deep breath then held the phone to my ear, needing to hear his voice but dreading what he had to say.

  “Hey,” I spoke quietly.

  “Good evening, Precious.” His use of the much loved endearment had my heart thudding in my chest. “I told you I’d call.”

  “So you did.” I tried not to sound weak but my voice shook.

  “I missed you.” His voice was smooth as silk and just as soft. I closed my eyes and took a breath, not capable of uttering a word. “I’ve had some time to think.” He took a long breath. “Think about us. And you know what I’ve decided?”

  Everything that could be depended on this decision. “Tell me,” I whispered not trusting my voice. I held my hand to my heart. It thumped so loudly in my chest I worried he might be able to hear it.

  “That you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known.” I choked on the emotion his words hammered through my consciousness. He heard my reaction. “That I want to know you better. Every part of you. Including your wants, dreams, desires.” His tone took on that gravelly sound that shot a bolt of pleasure between my thighs.

  “I want to know and be a part of everything in your life, Camille, get to know Jin, and, most importantly, Tanner.” That was it. I couldn’t stop them. The tears poured down my cheeks ruining my makeup. I didn’t care. He wanted to know Tanner. “How does that sound, Precious.”

  “Sounds…like a d-d-dream come t-true,” I stuttered through my tears.

  “Don’t cry love, I’m not there to kiss away your tears.”

  “I wish you were,” I said without thinking.

  “I can be there in fifteen minutes--”

  I cut him off. “You can’t. I have to work tonight.”

  A long drawn out inhale and exhale was the only sound I could hear through the line. “Then I’ll come to the club where you work.”

  A cold sweat broke across my skin. Nate at Gems was not an option. “No! You can’t!” I said too forcefully. An Alpha like Nate didn’t take too kindly to orders or boundaries for that matter. If his track record was anything to go by, if it involved me, he’d push his way in regardless of being invited. It’s what made that place in me thrum and go molten all over.

  “And why not?” His voice had a scary edge. One I hadn’t heard before.

  “I wouldn’t be able to concentrate with you there.” That wasn’t exactly a lie. If Nate was there, all thoughts of dancing in front of other men for money would float away and disappear like a wish said into a breeze.

  His laughter ringing through the receiver was glorious. The best sound I’d heard all week. “Alright, love, you win. For now. I want to take you out. You and Tanner.”

  You and Tanner. Could any words ever sound sweeter? Nate Walker wanted to take me and my son out.

  “I’d like nothing more,” I said honestly.

  “Alright then. Saturday?”

  I shook my head then realized he couldn’t see. “I watch Zach on Saturday. How about Sunday?”

  “You’re going to make me wait three more days to see you? That’s downright brutal.”

  I laughed, stood and started to fiddle with my makeup, clearing away the remnants of smudged mascara.

  “Lunch tomorrow?” he said with longing. If he were here, I’d wrap my arms around him and never let him go.

  Unfortunately, he was going to hate my answer. “I have lunch plans with Aspen and Oliver.”

  “Not for long…” he deadpanned.

  “How about you come with us? I’m sure they wouldn’t mind.” Actually I was downright certain they’d be delighted. The entire reason for the lunch was so that Aspen and Oliver could grill me about Nate. With Nate there, they’d be on their best behaviors but could still enjoy watching me squirm.

  “Smashing! I’ll see you tomorrow, Precious. Until then, I’ll be thinking of your soft lips, and how I want to kiss them. About your sexy body lying under mine.” He took a deep breath and I could feel him exhale as if he was laying over me, my body naked, his breath skating over my feverish skin.

  “Nate…not fair,” I warned.

  “It’s not fair that I have to wait to touch you, wrap my arms around you, and show you exactly what I’m feeling.”

  “And what are you feeling?” I asked wracked with fear of his answer.

  “Love, Precious.” Hearing those words shook me to my core. No man had ever insinuated that he loved me. In the month I was with Tyler, he’d never once told me he loved me, though I’d believed I loved him. I was wrong. So, so wrong. Nothing compared to hearing the words from the man I was falling for.

  Still it was too much, too soon. “Nate you don’t know that.”

  “Has to be. I’ve never felt anything like this for a woman. Ever. Only you.”

  “It’s too soon. You barely know me.”

  He wasn’t having it. “I know enough. I know that after three days without you, I don’t want to be without you anymore. Not knowing if you were okay. What you were doing. How you were. Kiss your lips. Stare into those emerald eyes that make my heart pound.” His voice calmed, slowed, “It hurt, Camille. No more. You’re mine. We’re seeing this thing through.”

  “Through what?” I asked though uncertain I wanted to know the answer.

  “Through forever. I’ll accept nothing less.”


  Lunch turned into an event. When I texted Oliver that I was coming to lunch with them, he informed me Hank was coming along. Hank called me and gave me the weirdest third degree about not playing with Camille’s heart. I assured him that my intentions were honorable even though my track record had not been.

  He was shocked to hear that Camille had a child. I tried to downplay it even though I wasn’t sure how I felt about it myself. I liked kids, but had no idea what it was going to be like to have one around all the time. It definitely added limitations on the times I could take Camille out, spend time alone with her, and get her back in my bed, for the love of God.

  Once I arrived at “The Place,” the staple restaurant for our group, I was delighted to see Collier and his girlfriend, London, sitting at a table with Hank, Aspen, Oliver, Dean, Tripp, and my sister Emma. It looked like the whole gang was there. I made my way through the wrought iron patio gate and walked up behind Camille. She hadn’t seen me yet. I knelt behind her, placed my hands on her shoulders and nuzzled her neck. Her shoulders tightened for a second before I swept her hair away, and kissed the side of her neck where shoulder and head met. That s
pot on her body smelled wonderful and was incredibly addicting.

  “Hello love,” I whispered against her ear. She turned toward me. Her eyes sparkled green with the bits of gold standing out against her yellow blouse. Her smile was a bright true ray of sunshine. I couldn’t bear not kissing it. I leaned in and took her lips in a slow, lazy kiss. She hummed along my lips and placed a cool hand against my cheek. The gesture was so simple yet meant so much. It touched me, deep down where the hope that I’d ever find the woman for me was buried and forced it to the surface.

  “Bugger all, you two! Get a room,” Collier joked then tossed a napkin, knocking me in the head. I pulled away, smiling. I petted my girl’s perfect bottom lip now reddened from my kiss.

  “I missed you,” I said, cupping her jaw.

  “I missed you more.” She smiled shyly. It was beautiful, lovely and all for me. I was on top of the world. I took the seat next to her and clasped her hand, twining our fingers firmly together, then set them on my thigh. She grinned and swept a lock of unruly hair behind her ear. Christ, she was a vision.

  My brother Collier caught my eye and nodded his head. He mouthed the word “stunning” and tilted his head toward her. I grinned wide, put my hand around her chair, and tugged Camille a little closer to kiss her temple. He shook his head with a huge smile. That’s right big brother, I’ve taken the plunge.

  London’s eyes darted to Collier’s then to mine. She clasped her hands in front of her and giggled with barely contained glee.

  Over the next fifteen minutes everyone ordered their food and boisterously talking over one another, as usual. I loved having Camille participate, being a part of what I considered my dearest friends. For the first time, I wasn’t alone. I had someone to share in this joy. It was bloody awesome.

  After the food was delivered, Collier and London kept winking at each other, sharing secrets in each other’s ear in between bites of their lunch. Then I spotted something I never expected. London’s left hand held a thin gold band on her ring finger. No diamond, nothing special about it but the same flash of gold glinted on my brother’s hand.


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