Justice Falling

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Justice Falling Page 17

by Audrey Carlan

  “You don’t have to do that. I don’t want to burden you--”

  I cut her off with a kiss. The giggling behind us stopped me from deepening the kiss. I cupped her cheeks and winked at the little guy happily waiting at the bar for breakfast. “I want to. It will give me time to get to know the lad,” I added.

  At that statement she melted, the line on her forehead disappeared and her features softened. I kissed her once more. “Go get ready for work. I’ll feed Tanner.”

  “You sure?” She seemed uncertain.

  “Sport, tell your mum to get ready for work. Us men can get to cooking breakfast.” I puffed my chest and hit it with my fists.

  “Yeah Mommy. Get going. Mr. Nate and I got this.” He clapped his hands together.

  I cooked him a plate of eggs and fruit. He gobbled them up so fast I worried he’d be sick but his Mum said that’s the way he always ate…with gusto. I liked that. Made me feel good that he liked the meal. I kissed his Mum goodbye and then dressed in a dark suit. I let him pick out a tie. He enjoyed my tie rack immensely, saying over and over that he couldn’t believe how many I had. Finally he picked a deep red one that went well with the suit and crisp white shirt I chose.

  As I was tying the knot, he sat on the bed, his little head down, deep in thought.

  “What’s up, sport?”

  He looked at my suit and then down again. “I want to be like you,” he said.

  I got down on one knee in front of him and ruffled his hair. He looked up, a quiet sadness in his eyes. “How so?”

  “I like your clothes. Never had clothes like that.”

  He gave me an idea. “Would you like to go to work with me today? My law office?”

  Tanner’s face lit and a bright smile replaced the frown. He nodded fast and repeatedly.

  “Right then. We best get you the proper attire. Come now. Let’s get you a suit.”

  His eyes widened and he grabbed my hand. Tanner’s hand was pint sized compared to mine and that over-protective feeling swept through me again. “For real?” he asked in that sweet boy timber.

  “Yes. Let’s go.”

  I called Emma on the way to the car park. She told me where to go to purchase children’s attire. Apparently Ralph Lauren had a children’s line, which included very manly mini-sized suits for wee ones. We had a smashing time working with the sales attendant, finding him just the right suit. It looked so similar to mine, he could be my own son. The thought warmed me and gave me a gushy feeling I’d experienced a lot lately.

  We entered Stone, Walker & Associates hand in hand. Emma’s mouth dropped to the floor.

  “And who is this little fella?” She crouched, her dark hair swinging over her shoulder.

  “I’m Tanner,” he answered, then cowered into my leg just enough that I could feel his nervous energy.

  Emma smiled. “And who is your Mummy?” she asked, her English accent thicker than mine or Collier’s since we’d been in the states for years and she’d just arrived months before. Tanner’s eyebrows scrunched together and he looked up at me. “What’s a mummy?”

  I laughed. “Well, it’s a dead body that’s been wrapped for preservation.” His eyes widened.

  “I don’t have any mummys. Sorry,” he answered deadpanned. I bit my tongue not to laugh out loud. Emma chuckled.

  “Well, isn’t he just precious,” she said and eyed me speculatively.

  “Sport, she means who is your mom. Camille Johnston is his mother, or mum, as we say in England.” Tanner nodded and Emma’s eyes widened.

  “When the conversation went crazy at lunch the other day and she mentioned being pregnant, the two never connected.” She shook her head. “Well it’s lovely to meet you, Tanner. I really like your Mum.”

  “She’s the prettiest and nicest Mommy in the whole world.” He smiled. “And she likes to kiss and sleep with Mr. Nate a lot!” he continued not realizing the bit of gossip he’d provided my sibling who would later torture me with it.

  I smacked my forehead. Now I knew why Camille did this gesture so often in his presence. “What Tanner means is…”

  Emma just laughed and waved it off. “No explanation needed. But this is too good. I can’t wait to find out what Mum has to say.”

  My hackles rose and I placed a hand on her shoulder. “Leave it be. This is new and Camille scares easily. Last thing I need is Mum getting involved.” Besides, I was keeping Mum in the loop to some extent. No need for her to know about stay overs.

  Emma bit her lip and tilted her head to the side. She looked at Tanner then at me. “Fine. I won’t meddle. You guys look adorable though. Let me take a picture.” She pulled out her iPhone and I placed Tanner in front of me, my hands on both his shoulders. We both smiled wide and she captured the image.

  “Send me a copy. While you’re at it. Have a couple copies printed and framed. I want that on my desk at work and one for Camille as a surprise.” I pulled out my phone and sent her the image of the three of us together and the one of just Camille. “I just sent you two more. I’d like the same. Make sure the framed images are visible on my desk.”

  Emma’s shook her head and put a hand on her hip. “Wow, you’re…I never thought I’d see the day when you’d be smitten. It’s really quite fabulous.”

  “Don’t you have work to do? Tanner and I have lots to do today. Right, sport?”

  His eyes lit at the mention of his name and he nodded excitedly. He was a really great kid. Kept quiet and only spoke when spoken to unless he was at home or in an environment that was familiar. Camille had done a wonderful job raising the boy alone.

  She shouldn’t have been alone. Tyler should have taken care of his responsibility. It seemed everyone had been right about the bloke. He was nothing but a womanizing bastard. I’d yet to deal with him but that would have to come. I needed to set the record straight and he needed to know he had a son.

  Chapter 14

  Nothing prepared me for the vision that entered the office at closing time. Nate strode in holding Tanner’s hand. They were both dressed in matching suits and smiles. If anyone had seen them, they would have assumed it was a proud father with his son.

  I stood with my mouth open, taking in their matching attire.

  “You look amazing.” I whispered, my gaze eating up every inch of one the loveliest images.

  “Mommy! Mr. Nate took me to work today. He’s a liar!” he said happily.

  Nate laughed and leaned against my desk. Full belly guffaws wracked his tall muscled frame.

  “Tanner, it’s lawyer, not liar,” I corrected, sighing. Nate still laughed hard.

  “Mommy, mommy. Guess what I did?” He didn’t let me answer. “I went to work. I saw Mr. Nate’s office. He has this big window.” Tanner stretched his arms out as wide as he could. “It’s like a wall. And you could see the whole wide world!” he squealed, bouncing up and down. “He even let me color on the whole window with light highters!”

  “Highlighters, sport.” Nate smiled.

  “Yeah! Light highters! I had yellow, and green, and pink and blue! And I color-did all over the window wall! We took a picture you have to see.” He tugged Nate’s pocket and dug his hand in. He pulled out Nate’s cell phone with no regard for personal boundaries. I worried my lip as Nate clicked a couple buttons and showed me the screen. As clear as day, you could see Tanner in front of his wall of art and the buildings and horizon through the glass. It seemed as though he traced the shapes of the skyscrapers with the bright colors. I was impressed that Nate would be so comfortable letting Tanner deface his office.

  Tanner moved from foot to foot until I told him it was amazing. I loved watching his exuberance. Nate put his hand on the boy’s head. Tanner calmed then looked up at Nate with an adoring smile across his little face. He was falling in love with Nate the same way I had.

  “The lad was very helpful actually. He went to court with me, held my briefcase which was a very important job.” Tanner nodded excitedly. “He sat perfectly quiet wh
ile I pleaded a case. We had lunch.”

  “We had the bestest ever tacos ever Mommy! I love tacos! And I met his brother. I forgotted his name, but he talked funny like Mr. Nate and gave me ice cream!”

  Nate laughed and pulled me into his chest. “Sorry I didn’t tell you I had him for the day, but I couldn’t bring myself to take him home. I did stop by your apartment to tell Jin I was keeping him for the day. She was surprised but okay with it. We wanted to surprise you. ”

  “I am surprised, that’s for sure. I can’t believe you did this! You know he’s going to get so attached…” I warned. I really wasn’t sure how connected Nate wanted to be with Tanner. Sure he said he loved me but I was a package deal. There was never going to be an “us” without Tanner included.

  “As he should. I told you, Precious. I’m not going anywhere. Get used to it. I want you both with me tonight.” I planned on finding a way out of it but he squashed that plan.

  “Jin already told me you’re not working tonight so you’re free. I have London and Collier and Emma coming for dinner. I want you and Tanner to get to know my family.” He went behind my desk, opened my drawer and pulled out my purse. “Let’s go.”

  “Nate, I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

  “Tanner? Would you like to spend the night at my house again? I have an Xbox and lots of games,” he offered.

  “Yes, oh yes. Mommy, Mr. Nate promised to teach me a car racing game. We picked it up at the game store. It’s Mario!”

  “Low blow…” I whispered so only Nate could hear.

  Nate shrugged and grinned. “Whatever it takes. I want you with me as often as possible. Both of you,” he gestured to Tanner and my heart filled with adoration and extreme love. He was pulling out all the stops and I couldn’t understand why. I was a nobody, but with Nate, I felt like a somebody.

  Later that evening I worried my fingers and sipped my wine when Nate opened the door. I heard male laughter and a round of back slaps. I walked around the kitchen and into the living room. Collier removed London’s coat as Nate removed Emma’s. A handsome tall man with brown hair and light eyes that were green as my own came to me and put out his hand. He seemed familiar in a way that you recalled a long lost friend or schoolmate.

  “I believe we met at lunch the other day but with all the ruckus--” He tipped his head to London and Collier. “--I didn’t get to really make your acquaintance. I’m Tripp Devereaux, London and Collier’s friend.”

  “It’s good to meet you, Tripp. Camille Johnston. Everyone calls me Cami.”

  “Everyone except me.” Nate grabbed my hips from behind, bringing me flush against his form while he nuzzled my neck. He laid a hot kiss on the spot he’s claimed as his and stuck his hand out to Tripp. “How goes it mate? I see you’ve met my girlfriend, Camille. You going stag this evening?”

  Tripp glanced at where Emma was chatting with Tanner. “I figured I’d keep Em company.”

  Nate’s eyebrows rose and I smiled. Tripp’s intent was clear, even if his words were clouded.

  Nate set Tanner up with the new video game in the media room just off the kitchen. I could see him sitting quietly as he played the game two rooms away. It was the perfect set up. We’d fed him some chicken nuggets and fruit before the group came so we’d have adult time. We planned on inviting him back for dessert before bed.

  I was surprised at how easily Nate made Tanner and me part of his everyday life. He didn’t seem bothered or burdened having a child around at all. Actually the very opposite seemed true. He made a point to include Tanner in conversations, joke with him, and overall connect with him on a “guy” level.

  We finished the dinner I helped Nate cook. Everyone devoured the filet mignon in a red wine reduction, seasoned veggies and a rice pilaf. “Hey, London, can I have word with you about the redesign. Camille, can you come over here, too? I have some ideas I’ve jotted down.”

  Both London and I excused ourselves from the group chatting around the living room table.

  “You’ve finally looked at some of the specs? I’m shocked!” London laughed.

  “Ha ha. I wanted to show you and Camille some ideas. Now that Camille and Tanner are going to be here regularly, I want to make some changes to the plan. This room--” he gestured to the room Tanner had used last night and would tonight.

  “You mean the workout room?” she asked.

  Nate shook his head. “Exactly. Gym’s a no go. I can use the building’s facilities. I want this one changed into a room for Tanner. He loves race cars and race inspired themes. I want you to go forward with that concept. That’s what he likes. Right, Precious?”

  “That’s his favorite thing but--”

  “Perfect! You’ll make the change, London? We need to make sure there are bunk beds or two beds in there. He has a best mate. I want him to have a place to sleep when we’re child caring.”

  London grinned. She pulled a piece of long black hair into her hand and twirled it around a finger. Her eyes were see-through gray and sparkled like diamonds. “Of course I can make the change. A child’s bedroom will be such fun. We’ll start work this week. Camille, are there any changes to the plans you’d like to see? We could easily change things to reflect a family home.”

  “Uh…I don’t know.” I was freaked out and beyond capable of speaking. Nate was moving so fast. I felt like a top, spinning out of control, slamming into one thing after another.

  “London, make whatever changes necessary to make sure Camille and Tanner are most comfortable here. Soon they’ll be living with me and I want them to feel at home.” Nate said.

  It took a couple of moments for his words to sink in.

  Living with me?

  “Excuse me. Nate, what?” My breath left my lungs in a whoosh. I was doing my best to not have a full blown panic attack.

  Nate pulled me into his arms. I went willingly, cuddling in his warmth. “Camille, you admitted you’re mine. You agreed you wouldn’t run. I told you I loved you. You don’t think I’m going to let you live so far from me, do you?”

  Confusion stole my breath. When he said it like that it almost sounded logical. I composed myself in the comfort of his embrace. “We have to talk about this. There’s so much we don’t know about each other. Then there’s Jin and Zach. She can’t live without my half of the rent.”

  “Oh my sweet. I will ensure Jin is well taken care of. I’ll pay the rent for a year, more if you’d like. Whatever will make you happy. Whatever will make you say yes.”

  Now he was asking. The food I’d consumed churned in my stomach as acid set fire to my chest. My heart pounded and I clung to Nate, trying to press down the fear bubbling just under the surface.

  “It’s too soon. We’ve only known each other a few weeks. You’re asking me to move in?” My voice rose and the rest of the room stopped talking and focused on us.

  “You wanker. You’re moving Cami in and didn’t mention it! Congrats, brother mine!” Collier came and clapped Nate on the back, his brown eyes dazzled with delight. I groaned and put my head in my hands.

  Emma jumped up and down and hugged us painfully. “This is…it’s just so perfect!” Her voice dispersed like a wave crashing against the shore.

  “Nothing’s been decided,” I whispered into Nate’s ear.

  “I can be very persuasive, Precious.”

  “And I can be very argumentative!” I shot back.

  “That I know. I’ll take my chances.” He grinned and kissed my temple. “We’ll discuss this later.”

  I nodded and crossed my arms over my chest defensively, annoyed that he got the last word and excited at the possibility of this actually happening. Living with the man I loved, Tanner with his own room, feeling the love of a man who cared for him…it was the stuff my dreams were made of. I just never expected it to ever happen to me.


  Camille was quiet the rest of the evening. After I dropped the bomb that I intended for her and Tanner to move in, she’d withdrew. Togethe
r, we went through the routine of putting Tanner to bed. There were many steps in the process including bath time, reading time, discussing the highs and lows of the day. For a moment in the hour long process I thought it would never end. Camille was thorough and didn’t stray because she wasn’t home. I appreciated that about her. It proved how stable she was, regardless of where she laid her head.

  I pulled her into the bedroom after I turned down the lights and double checked the locks on the doors.

  “We have to talk,” I said. She cut me off with her lips. They were warm, inviting and tasted of cherries. I licked the seam, deepening the kiss when she opened her mouth. Her arms came around me and her hands sunk into my hair. She ran her fingers through the strands as she tugged and nipped my lips. Before I knew what was happening, she had me on my back and was straddling my lap.

  “Precious, we need to talk…” I reminded her but quickly forgot when she unbuttoned my dress shirt and licked the flat discs of my nipples. It was a huge erogenous zone for me. My dick rose painfully against the fabric of my trousers. She continued licking, nipping and sucking her way along my chest, over each muscle of my abdomen.

  “You have an amazing body, Nate. I could lick you everywhere.” She moaned and jutted her pelvis against my thigh rubbing her center along the muscled quad. This was the first time she took the lead physically. I forced myself to just enjoy the sensations of having her mouth and tongue all over me as long as I could.

  Deft fingers unbuckled my belt then removed trousers and boxers in one swift move. My cock bobbed in front of her face, as if greeting her after being freed from the constricting garments. She slid her nose along the length then inhaled, moaning as she placed a hot opened mouth kiss at the base of my cock. With a tight fist she gripped the base and yanked up slowly. Chills ran from the bottom of my spine up and out every pore.

  “What do you want me to do?” My cock wept at the tip, ready for her mouth to cover me.


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