Crooked G's

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Crooked G's Page 2

by S. K. Collins

  “Something isn’t right,” she whispered.

  Police officers cleared onlookers from the street as a tactical team van pulled up to the scene. Shakita’s heart started to pound as she thought about Kam still being in the building. She was convinced he wouldn’t come out willingly and would fight to his last breath. Tears escaped her eyes as the tactical team entered the building with their guns drawn. She prayed that Kam could somehow find a way to escape the surefire ending. She wanted to help him any way possible. It was almost too late for him to surrender, and she was the only one he would listen to. Kam trusted her over anyone in the world. She was putting herself at risk of being caught, but she didn’t care. She had to get to him.

  She started to run toward the crowd of officers hoping she could stop them. Before she could even take a step, her ears informed her that she was too late. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! The erupting sound of guns being fired caused her heart to drop to her stomach. Gun blast after gun blast continued to echo from the building until they suddenly ceased.

  “It’s over. We got ’em,” one of the officers said to his team after he received confirmation over his walkie-talkie. Shakita fell to her knees as pain flooded her heart.

  Everything had happened too fast for Shakita to fully accept that it was real. Then the sight of a morgue van that pulled onto the scene undoubtedly let her know that Kam’s existence had been lost forever. Shakita cried uncontrollably knowing that Kam had died for nothing. The heist had produced no winners, and Kam’s tragic death made it completely evident. She then remembered the watch that was stuffed in her pocket. Shakita had the only unaccounted for piece of jewelry left from the heist, and had no choice but to get rid of it. She wiped her face and quickly got off the ground. She walked to her truck that was parked a few blocks away and never looked back.

  The next morning, Shakita pulled up to Pawnbrokers Unlimited. She flipped down the visor and then sadly looked in the mirror. She moved her fingers through her blonde-highlighted hair and sighed at the thought of needing another color treatment. Her milky-tan skin felt slightly desiccated, so she reached in her purse to retrieve a container of Nivea moisturizing crème. She rejuvenated her skin and then placed her sunglasses over her sunken eyes. She stepped out of her truck and headed straight toward the entrance. The metal newspaper holder grabbed her attention before she entered the pawn shop. She kneeled down and read the top story on the Washington Post. “It was a setup,” Shakita whispered in awe. The headlining article caused tears to stream down her cheeks.

  “We were never supposed to make it.”

  Shakita continued to read the story. She was astonished to discover that the people Kam were supposed to make the exchange with were undercover cops. She finished reading the story and was assured that no other collaborators were being sought. She didn’t understand how she avoided being caught, but she was extremely thankful.

  “Can I help you?” the chubby, light-skinned owner of the shop asked as Shakita approached the counter.

  “Yes you can. I want to get cash for a piece of jewelry I no longer have a need for.”

  “Sure thing, baby girl. What you got?”

  Shakita pulled the watch out of her purse and placed it on the glass counter. The man curiously looked at the watch and then back at Shakita.

  “This wouldn’t happen to be stolen from anywhere, would it?” the man suspiciously asked. “If it is, I don’t want any part of it.”

  “No, it’s not stolen. It was a gift from my cheating ex-boyfriend. I don’t want anything to do with him or this watch.”

  The man looked at Shakita with doubtful eyes. He was highly aware about all the jewelry store robberies over the past few weeks and didn’t want any unnecessary attention drawn to his business. He quickly glanced at Shakita’s overall appearance. He saw, without a doubt, her raw beauty had gotten her a lot of costly things. It was way too often that scorned women came into his shop to sell their once precious items. He saw that Shakita was another hurt soul trying to seek vengeance for her broken heart. He decided to help her. “I’ll give you five thousand for it.”

  “You can’t be serious. Five thousand dollars? Do you know how much this watch is worth?” she asked, feeling insulted by his offer.

  “Yeah, I know how much it’s worth. To me it’s worth five thousand. To you it should be worth less than that. I think the cheaper you sell it, the more you’d piss your ex-boyfriend off. That is your purpose, right?”

  “I know what you’re trying to do and I won’t let you take advantage of me. You can easily get twenty-five for this watch. I want ten or I’ll just go somewhere else,” Shakita threatened. She reached down to pick up the watch, but the owner quickly gave her a counter-offer.

  “I’ll give you eighty-five hundred. I respect your hustle, but that’s the highest I can go. I guarantee you no one around will give anywhere near that much. Go ’head and shop it around, but if you come back here, my offer will go down to three thousand. The choice is yours.”

  Shakita didn’t have time to hit every pawn shop in town hoping to get a better offer. She needed money fast and had to make a decision. The watch was the only thing that would forever connect her to Kam. If she parted ways with the watch, she would be left with nothing to symbolize their bond. All she would have left to remember him by were her cherished memories. She sighed deeply coming to terms with the choice she would have to make. If her conditions didn’t progress, it would be inevitable for her to keep the watch regardless. If that happened, she’d be forced to sell it for an even lower amount.

  She pushed the watch closer to him confirming her decision. He quickly picked up the watch and gave her a nod that she was doing the right thing.

  “I’ll be back with your cash and receipt,” he said as he walked to the back of the shop.

  Shakita rested her elbows on the glass counter and placed her hands under her chin. She felt stupid for what she’d done, but it was the only logical solution to fix her problem. The owner came back with her money along with the receipt. He counted every bill out loud to show her she wasn’t getting cheated. “Thanks,” she said placidly.

  She hurried out of the shop not wanting to tear up in front of the store owner. She wiped her swollen eyes all the way until she got into her truck. She stared miserably at the shop as she thought of Kam. The keepsake that they briefly shared, which signified their irrefutable connection, would soon be sold to someone else. She assured herself that once she won a jackpot, she would return to reclaim the watch. Time was her only ally and she prayed she had enough of it to make all her efforts count. With a fresh stack of money in her possession, she felt the tide would surely turn in her glorious favor. She cracked a weak smile as she headed to Hollywood Casino.

  Shakita pushed herself away from the crap table and rushed into one of the casino bathrooms. She screamed and pounded her fist against the wall, outraged and disillusioned about what had taken place. Two Caucasian women quickly exited the bathroom as Shakita continued her emotional rant. She was sickened to her stomach and heartbroken that she had failed to win once again. Not only had she sold the watch that Kam had given her, but the amount she received for it had been completely diminished. She was back to being broke and felt like the most ill-fated person in the world.

  “If I would have just kept my stupid ass at the slot machines instead of fucking around with that damn crap table bullshit, I would still be out there fucking playing. I could be up right fucking now.” She screamed in her head. Her chest heaved up and down as she paced the bathroom floor.

  She then dug into her purse and pulled out a cigarette. Smoking had been prohibited in all non-gaming areas of the casino, but Shakita didn’t care. Getting fined was the least of her worries. Her back slid down the cold wall as the nerve relaxant started to take effect.

  She flicked her ashes onto the floor as she dwelled heavily on what she was going to do next. She needed money badly, and her avenues of opportunity were drying up fast. Now that she wa
s without Kam, there were only two other people she could rely on. She would first go to her best friend, Latrice, for support. If and only if it really got chaotic for her, she would be forced to ask that certain individual for assistance. They would remain her ace-in-the-hole unless she was out of options. She swallowed hard, hoping that her predicament would never get to that drastic level.

  “All I got to do is ask her to let me hold a few dollars until I get back up,” Shakita said softly as she lifted herself off the floor.

  She quickly headed to Latrice’s house hoping her friend would be able to lend a helping hand. Her electricity had been disconnected in her apartment, and she had already been served an eviction notice on top of her other bills. Gambling had truly put everything she had in jeopardy, once again.


  Latrice stared blankly at the ceiling, as Bay dug into her flesh with his overbearing and powerful stroke. The harder he pumped, the more her face tensed in agony. She enjoyed rough sex, but not with Bay. He always unnecessarily took it to another level, somewhat violent. He was a sadist. Bruised knees, bite marks, and bleeding nipples were always part of the outcome. Whenever she complained, more intense pain would be inflicted upon her. Remaining silent and submissive would be her best option. All she ever wanted to do was survive the brutal sex acts, and make him content in the process.

  “Open that pussy up for me, girl,” Bay said as he pumped harder. He clasped his hand around her neck and then pinned her left leg up to her shoulder. Latrice grunted as her breathing became compromised. She started to drool all over Bay’s hand, fighting to get air into her lungs.

  “Come on, girl. If you could get this pussy as wet as your fucking mouth, I might be able to bust, damn!”

  Latrice blocked out his callous insult, as she began to lose consciousness. Her eyes twitched, as she choked on the saliva that was trapped in her throat. Right before she blacked out, Bay released the grip on her neck.

  “Roll over,” he commanded as he wiped all the slobber off his hand and onto the sheets.

  Latrice coughed uncontrollably as she fought to restore her breathing. Tears flooded her eyes as snot poured out of her nose.

  “Come on, girl. Stop acting like you can’t handle this shit. Now turn your ass over,” he commanded, smacking her thigh.

  Latrice slowly turned over on her back as she continued to cough. She had little time to recover, before Bay forced his length back inside her. He held her face down into the pillow as he punished her with strong back shots. Sweat poured off her brow as she continued to endure the severe pain. Bay grunted loudly as he compressed all his weight on top of Latrice’s back. His massive frame suffocated her petite body. She felt as if her lungs were touching her spine. His deep groans signaled he was almost ready to bust. All she had to do was hold on a little bit longer, and the demoralizing act would be over.

  “Here it comes, baby. Here it…” Bay’s words trailed off as he released himself all over Latrice’s backside. He slowly rolled off of her while trying to catch his breath. Latrice felt as if a car had merely been lifted off her body. She strived to revitalize herself.

  “Damn. Doing three months in the shit hole is going to be rougher than a motherfucka for me. I’ve never gone that long without any pussy. I wish we could do it again, but I got to go,” Bay stated as he reached on the floor for his jeans.

  Latrice rejoiced quietly at the thought of Bay going to jail. Three months wasn’t long enough for her, but any amount of time away from him, would help repair her battered core. Her love and detestation for him were equal. She wanted to be his only girl, but hated the level of degradation and womanizing that came along with the dramatized relationship. She hoped after their time apart, she would finally have enough strength to demand more from him.

  Latrice’s thoughts were interrupted when Bay’s phone rang from on top of the nightstand. She grabbed the phone and tried to hand it to him, but without warning, her face met the back of his hand.

  “Why the fuck you pick up my shit? Don’t touch my shit. You don’t know who could be hitting me up. Nosey-ass bitch.” He shook his head and then answered the phone. “Hello. Yeah, what’s up my, nigga. All right, I’ll be down in a minute.” He hung up the phone, then looked over at Latrice as blood trickled from her nose. “You brought that upon yourself. Nobody told you to touch my shit.”

  “I didn’t even look at it. On top of that I don’t care who calls you. You be the one tripping off of shit like that. Not me.”

  Bay put his shirt back on and waved her off, as if what she was saying didn’t matter. Latrice felt slighted as blood continued to pour from her nose. She sighed out of frustration as blood droplets absorbed into her favorite silk sheets. She decided to use the tainted fabric to suppress the bleeding. She looked up at Bay as her eyes filled with tears.

  “Why do you treat me like this? I do everything you ask of me, but yet, you treat me like I’m out to get you. I don’t deserve this, Bay. Not at all.”

  Bay walked over to her and stood directly over top of her. He arched his brow as he stared into her saddened eyes. “You should be lucky with the amount of attention you get from me. Those other hoes don’t get shit but dick and hair money. You don’t have to remind me that you’ll do anything for me. I already know that. I trust you like shit, girl. All the shit you did for me over the years to keep me out of prison, I respect that. I even trust you over my own niggas when it comes to my money. I don’t ever have to worry about no snake shit with you. You’re my little angel.” He then brushed her face lightly with his hand, causing Latrice to tense up slightly.

  “When I get out, we’re going to start this label and everything is going to be straight. I need you to be strong right now. You’re all I got to depend on. I’m sorry that I hit you, but don’t make that an issue for us. You understand what I’m saying?”

  Latrice nodded, confirming she understood. She hated his apology, but knew with Bay, that’s the best she would get from him. He was a hardened thug and never displayed vulnerability to anyone. No matter how much he was at fault.

  “A’ight, I got to get up out of here, so I can get this fucking time over with. I’m going to call you as often as I can. I need you to be here to catch my calls. Okay?”

  “Yeah, I gotchu,” she replied softly.

  Bay kissed her forehead and then headed for the door. He turned around and gave her a fierce glare.

  “Don’t let anything happen to my money. You protect that shit with your life.”

  “Don’t worry, Bay. Just go do your time and everything will be in order once you get out,” Latrice assured.

  Bay simply nodded and left out the door. Latrice didn’t even wait long enough to see if he was really gone before she started to cry. Bay had completely destroyed her sense of worth. She didn’t like the weak woman she had become. She prayed that during the time Bay was locked up, she would find herself again. She no longer wanted him to dictate her every decision. Latrice wanted to have as much power as Bay did with the record label. Some drastic changes in her life would have to be made, especially if she wanted to be a boss. She had to come up with a game plan.

  Shakita walked into Latrice’s apartment building right as Bay was leaving out. Their eyes coldly met as he descended down the steps. The abhorrence they shared for each other was clearly evident. She despised him for how he treated Latrice, and Bay hated her for how she played Latrice against him.

  “Kita. Don’t be having my girl out here fucking with no niggas while I’m gone. I know how your crazy ass gets down.”

  “Whatever, Bay.” She rolled her eyes and tried to brush past him, but he grabbed her arm.

  “Don’t fuck with me, girl. I’ll have your lil’ dumb ass go missing,” Bay hissed.

  Shakita’s heart pumped with fear. Bay had always threatened her but never to this extent. The thought of her getting killed for interfering with their relationship had gone way too far.

  Bay finally released her arm and then l
aughed all the way out the door. Damn, I hate that motherfucka, she said to herself as she quickly climbed the steps. She reached Latrice’s door and banged on it as hard as she could.

  Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

  “Bay must’ve forgot to tell me something,” she said softly as she approached the door. When Latrice opened the door, she was surprised to see Shakita.

  Shakita looked at Latrice’s blood-smeared face in shock.

  “What the fuck did he do to you?”

  Latrice’s face became flushed. Shakita was the last person she expected to see.

  “Why did he hit you this time, Latrice?”

  “I really don’t want to talk about it,” she cried softly. She covered her face and then sat on the couch. She was so embarrassed. She always had to make up an excuse for Bay’s abusive behavior.

  “Him hitting you every week is getting real old. You need to press charges on his ass like that other bitch, so he could stay in jail longer.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  “Yes you can. Don’t be scared. I’ll even go down there with you.”

  “No, I can’t do that. I need him to come out.”

  “Come out for what? He needs to stop hitting on you. Why do you feel like you need a man like him?”

  “I don’t need him for what you think. We’re going to go ahead and start that record label together.”


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