One Choice (Hogan Brother's Book 2)

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One Choice (Hogan Brother's Book 2) Page 9

by KL Donn

  Great. Now she was insecure again. The man had her in knots, and she wasn’t sure what to do about it. She should be focusing on her last few weeks of school, not some boy. Well, man, actually. Levi was definitely all man.

  Just the thought of him made her shiver.

  “Crap on a cracker,” she muttered. Deciding she’d just leave, she shoved her books into her backpack and wandered to her locker intent on finding her own way to his gym. Dustin stopped her as she stepped outside, derailing her plans. “Oh, hey, Dustin.” If playing nice meant she could leave sooner, she’d do it.

  “You got a date for prom yet?” he asked her. When his finger moved to trail down her arm, she stepped away from him. Not only because Levi told her not to let him touch her, but also because she didn’t like his hands on her.

  He scowled at her move but said nothing.

  “No, I don’t know if I’m going.” She wasn’t paying attention to him, rather looking up and down the street for Levi’s black Charger.

  “I’d be happy to take you.” He grabbed her hand, drawing her gaze his way. “We could get a hotel room, order room service.” He bit his lip while looking her body up and down in what he probably thought was a seductive look but, in reality, made her skin crawl. “Whatever you want.” He whispered the last part as he took a step closer.

  “I said no, Dustin.” Her voice brooked no room for argument but argue he did.

  “This because of that fucking fighter?” he snarled. She took a step back, pulling her arm away as she did. His aggression was too much for her.

  “No. It’s because I don’t like you like that, and it’d be a waste of time for us both.” Probably not the right thing to say when they were outside, mostly alone.

  “You’re a fucking cock tease cripple.” He smirked at the shock on her face from his comment.

  “The fuck you say!” Levi roared, pulling Dustin clear from her.

  “Levi, please,” she begged, pulling on his arm as he took a step closer to Dustin who was now cowering against the school wall.

  The bell rang, and soon, students and teachers were piling out of the school, turning the small argument into something much bigger.

  “Listen here, you little punk. She ain’t going with you because you’re a drunk prick, and she’s too fucking classy for that shit.” Dustin attempted to say something, but Levi spoke right over him. “She’s also not going with you because she’s mine. Has been from the moment our eyes met. I catch you touching her again when she has clearly said no, and I will come for you. There will be nowhere you can hide from me. We clear?” Dustin nodded. Levi leaned forward, whispering so only the three of them could hear. “If she has one mark on her from your grip, I will string you up that flagpole by your asshole. Feel me, bro?”

  “Levi,” she called him again.

  He turned to her as Dustin scampered off to hide in some hole, his smile devastating. Like he hadn’t just threatened a high school student.

  “Hey, sugar,” he murmured, pulling her into him, and just like that, her body heated to the core.

  Her hand moved up to his temple as a lock of hair fell forward. “Hi,” she answered, loving the feel of his hands caressing her back.

  “You alright, Hayes?” Brett asked, walking forward.

  Levi tensed at his voice. “Fine, Brett, thanks for asking.”

  Tucking her under his arm, Levi extended a hand to him. “Levi, how you doing?”

  “Brett.” They shook hands, a look of respect passing between them. “Saw you at the fight last weekend. You’re a badass.”

  Levi shrugged like it was nothing, “Thanks. There’s another tomorrow night. Same place. Meet me at seven, and I’ll get you in.”

  “Sweet, thanks, man.” She watched as an intensity entered Brett’s gaze. Looking behind her, she figured Lys had to be nearby. Instead, what she saw was a transfer student from a few months ago. The girl was a mess on the outside, but Hayes knew she was smart as a whip and used her messy attire as a shield to ward people away from her. They had Anatomy together, and she’d never spoken more than a few words.

  “I think her name’s Allegra,” she told Brett just as Lys joined them. The panic in his eyes was bright as their gazes collided.

  “Hey, guys!” Lys was always so damn happy.

  Hayes’ stare was still glued with Brett’s, and she shook her head so he knew she’d keep her mouth shut. From talks with Lys, she knew they’d never done anything more than kiss. They mostly hung out, so they had someone around to alleviate boredom. But seeing Brett look at Allegra the same way Levi had often looked at her, she had to wonder what was going on.

  “You guys still going to the gym?” Lys asked.

  “You bet,” she smiled at her friend.

  “Cool beans. I wish I had your determination, but I swear, I’m stuck being lazy.” She laughed at herself.

  “You’re welcome to join us,” Levi offered, and she wanted to deck him.

  She loved Lys; the girl had been a godsend when she’d arrived at school eighteen months ago. But the girl could talk the ear off a snake.

  “Really?” He nodded. She mulled it over. “Not today. I’ve got some stuff to do for prom still. Next week?” Hayes blew out a relieved breath.

  “Anytime,” Levi told her.

  As they parted ways, her mind wandered back to what he’d said to Dustin. How she’d been his since the moment their eyes met. It confused her because she’d been a jerk to him that day.

  “You really think I’m yours?” Hayes asked as they drove, watching Levi. Looking for any deception in his movements.

  “Hayes,” his voice was low but heavy with something she couldn’t quite describe. Grabbing her hand, he brought it to his lips, kissing her palm. “I don’t think it, I know it.”

  The air whooshed from her lungs in a single breath. He was staking his claim, and they’d never been on a date.

  Who did that? The simple answer was…Levi Hogan.

  It was hard not beating that punk to a pulp when Levi had seen the fear in Hayes’ gaze as he’d stepped towards her. Her no at whatever Dustin had asked had been clear. He wasn’t sure what the younger man had asked her, but he should have understood her response the first time.

  The only reason Levi hadn’t laid waste to the boy was because Hayes had called to him. She didn’t need to see him demolish some punk and go to jail because he hadn’t staked his own claim on his girl. He’d done it now, and in a very public way to her peers. Anyone messed with her after that, and it’d be their own fault for inciting his fury. He wouldn’t hesitate to give someone a lesson in manners.

  They stopped at a little Chinese place on the way to the gym. Not really on his diet, but it made Hayes happy. Being a Friday night, he knew the gym would be busier than the day before.

  “There’s gonna be more guys here,” he warned her.

  She smiled. “I’ve trained with men all my life, Levi. It’ll be fine.”

  She climbed out of the car before he could question her on the training with men. She still hadn’t opened up too much about her past, and it was driving him crazy. He wanted to know everything about her.

  They walked in together, his arm around her shoulder, a knowing look on her face. The music was loud as they entered, and the grunting sounded more like an orgy than a gym full of men. As they passed through the reception area, Casper could be heard yelling at someone in his office, and they chose to ignore the man.

  “He yells a lot,” Hayes commented making him laugh.

  “Hey, kid!” Cam called from his spot by the bags. All eyes were drawn to them at his greeting.

  “Thanks, man,” Levi called back.

  “How’s the leg, girl?” Cam asked, walking towards them.

  “Levi has magic hands.” She smiled. Levi scowled. Cam laughed.

  He was regretting his decision to bring her.

  Cory and Tank were in the ring sparring and stopped when they saw Hayes. “Dayum.” Cory whistled. “Who’s t
he chick?” He jumped out of the ring and strutted over like a peacock.

  “Awe,” Hayes cooed. “You didn’t tell me you had a rooster in here.” She dismissed the man before he could get more than five feet towards them.

  Tank and Cam howled with laughter.

  “Bitch,” Cory snapped, ripping his gear off.

  Levi went to lunge at him, not willing to put up with any shit where Hayes was concerned, but she beat him to the punch. “Act like a bitch, you get treated like a bitch.” Her attitude changed as she walked closer to him. “Name’s Hayes Morrison. It’s a pleasure to meet you, but if you’re going to be a dick to me, I’ll be a bitch to you. If you’d like to be a human being, I’ll be a friend.” She stepped closer. “If you’d like to continue with the nasty looks, my brother was in the Navy. I know a trick or two.” She winked as she walked past the speechless man. Her threat clear.

  Levi was curious what she knew, what her brother had undoubtedly taught her. Passing Cory, he slapped him on the shoulder. “Speechless is a good look on you.”

  “She’s half my size,” he grumbled.

  “Navy, huh?” Levi asked as he caught up to her.

  She looked at him, guilt written in her features. “I’m sorry.”

  He was confused. “For what?”

  “I haven’t told you anything about Ryder. But that jerk makes me mad, and I spill the most important part about him.” Her head hung in shame.

  “Oh, sugar, no. You put a guy who is easily twice your weight in his place. That’s funny as hell.” She looked up to him. “I know that when you’re ready, you’ll tell me about him. You’ve mentioned a Ryder before but nothing else, so I can admit I was a jealous fool. Knowing he’s your brother kind of makes me happy as fuck.”

  “Was,” she mumbled as tears pooled in her eyes.


  “Ah fuck.” He pulled her into his arms again. She didn’t need to say it for him to know the man had died.

  “He’d be your age now,” she whispered. “I think he’d have liked you.”

  “You tease him about the swearing, too?” he asked her.

  “All the time. He’d do it just so I’d bust his balls.”

  “You know,” he joked, “you swore, a couple times. I get a free pass, right?” She laughed at his earnestness.

  “I guess so.” Wiping the tears from her eyes, she asked, “Is that guy always like that?”

  “Pretty much, yeah. We don’t get along much.” He knew it was only going to get worse from there on out.

  “What a dick.” He raised his brow at her word, and she laughed.

  “You get a pass for the weekend.” She smiled, and he couldn’t help the kiss he gave her.

  Wolf whistling had him pulling back and shooting the fools a glare cold enough to incite death. If only the ground would open up and swallow them.

  “You wanna get changed in there?” He pointed her towards the massage room. She looked towards the door as if begging him not to go anywhere. “I’ll be right here, sugar.”

  “She’s a cute one,” Tank said from behind him.

  Turning around, he gauged Tank for his meaning. The man had the name for a reason. He was nearly as wide as he was tall. His muscles had muscles. He was a good guy, for the most part, but a total player.

  “She is.” Levi agreed.

  “Don’t let her go,” was all he said before walking away.

  The door behind him opened, so he turned to say something to her when his breath stalled in his lungs. A whistle sounded behind him, and he knew immediately that it was Cam by the laughter that followed.

  “Christ, Hayes,” he said. He was fighting between lust and anger at her outfit. Tiny shorts that he could wrap around his hand and have no room to fit anything else. A sports bra that, well, yeah. He could understand how she’d be more comfortable in it. The nail in the coffin was the braid.

  He’d never considered himself to be a sucker for a woman’s hair, but god almighty, the fucking braid. It was one of those that wrapped from one side of her head to the other. Perfect. Alluring. He wanted to wrap it around his hand while she rode him hard.

  “Levi?” She called his name.

  “Sugar?” He hooked a finger into the front of her shorts, pulling her to him. “You trying to kill me?”

  She blushed. “It’s what I always train in.”

  “I feel you”—boy did he feel her—“but sugar, you’ve never trained with your man before.” Another whistle came from behind them. “Swear to hell, Cam, if you don’t shut the fuck up, I’ma shut you up!”

  She laughed.

  “Come on.” She pulled him behind her, going straight for the treadmill. “Warm up first.” She smiled back at him, and he was a goner.

  They worked through nearly every machine in the gym. Her wanting to get back into shape, him because Casper rode his ass. Before he knew it, it was nearing nine o’clock, and as much as he hated the idea, he had to get her home.

  He finished massaging her leg to help work out any kinks she might incur from her workout. He hadn’t let her work her leg more than what he thought was needed to help strengthen it, but she’d worked the hell out of her core. If she weren’t hurting in the morning, he’d be shocked.

  When they pulled up to her house, all the lights were out except the porch light. “Parents go to bed early?” he asked as they made it to her door.

  “Sometimes, I guess.” She seemed nervous.

  “I’ll be training most of tomorrow for the fight,” he told her.

  “Could I come?” She seemed shy about asking even though he’d invited her friend Brett.

  “I’d like that.” He spoke softly as she stepped into him.

  Leaning up on her tip toes, their lips met, her hands resting on his chest as his moved to her back, pulling her tightly to his front.

  Their kiss was sweet, lingering. Nothing he was used to but everything she was. “I’d like to spend tomorrow night with you,” she whispered against his lips, shocking him.

  “Sugar.” His tone had a warning. “You’re not ready for that.”

  Chapter Eight

  The heart will fight for what it wants above all else.

  Brett and Lys were picking Hayes up for Levi’s fight that night. His lips had said no to her spending the night with him, but his eyes had screamed yes. She wouldn’t force herself on him. She wasn’t going to be that needy girl, but she wanted to spend time with him.

  There was no doubt they had an electric chemistry, but every time they were together, they were basically supervised. Baring her soul to him at the gym wasn’t exactly easy.

  When Levi spoke about fighting, he had a look in his eyes. Haunted, pain-filled. Hayes wanted to learn more, except she knew that if he were anything like her brother, he would hide the pain from everyone. Getting him to talk about it in front of his competitors wouldn’t exactly be a cakewalk.

  “Mom, Dad, I’m leaving!” she called to them as she ran down the stairs from her room after seeing Brett pull up.

  “Have fun, honey,” her mom answered.

  “Call if you need me to pick you up.” Her dad gave the same response he did whenever she went out.

  “I may not be home tonight.” She held her breath waiting for them to say something.

  “Staying at Alyssa’s?” her mom asked walking into the entry way.

  Most kids would lie to their parents and say yes, avoid the lecture. She’d never lied to her parents about her actions before and knew if she did now, she’d regret it.

  “I’m staying the night at Levi’s,” she told them honestly. Even if he hadn’t agreed yet.

  “Come again?” her dad asked.

  Taking a deep breath, say said, “I’m staying with Levi tonight.” Her gut was in knots as they looked at each other.

  Silent communication was spoken as they maintained eye contact. “Alright, honey,” her mom finally said with a bright smile. “Be safe,” was her subtle way of saying use protection. She kissed Ha
yes on the cheek and went back to whatever they’d been doing.

  Her father stayed behind. “You sure you’re ready for that, Hayes? He had you shattered for days.”

  Pushing her embarrassment to the side, she told him, “I’m not ready for that yet, Dad, but I need to learn more about him. We’re always with a crowd, and I just want to know if this feeling he evokes in me is real, or rather me wanting it to be real.”

  He studied her for a moment, his voice low when he answered. “Be true to yourself, Hayes, and you’ll be fine.”

  Grinning, she hugged him and kissed his cheek. “I’ll text you his address later.” He nodded his approval, and she was out the door.

  Lys squealed like the excited girl she was, and for once, the sound didn’t annoy Hayes. So, she did something to shock the heck out of the girl and squealed right back and hugged her as she stood on the sidewalk. The poor girl went silent, in shock. “Geez, Lys, if I knew that’s all it took to calm you down, I’d have done it months ago.”

  “You squealed,” she pointed out still unmoving.

  “That’s the high-pitched frequency you use, right?”

  Shoving Hayes, Lys pointed to the car and scowled, saying, “Get in,” before breaking out into a fit of laughter.

  They talked the entire way there about all the stupid little things Hayes had always wanted to be part of but didn’t have the energy to be involved in. They talked football and prom, who was dating who, and Dustin’s bruised ego after Levi gave him a piece of his mind.

  “I still can’t believe he claimed you like a caveman in front of the whole school.” She sighed. Hayes would never admit, but he wormed his way into her heart with that move.

  When she was younger, Ryder had always told her that real love, the love that consumed your entire mind and soul would bring out a person’s baser instincts. That when she found that, she’d turn into something she’d never recognize.


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