One Choice (Hogan Brother's Book 2)

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One Choice (Hogan Brother's Book 2) Page 12

by KL Donn

  “So, Knuckles,” Tiny started in on Levi the minute he walked into the gym. “She got a sister or something? I’d like me a piece of that.” He laughed like it was a joke.

  Levi ignored the giant of a man and went straight to the changing rooms, fully intent on getting his workout over with and going to get Hayes. He didn’t have anything planned other than spending time with her. It’s all he wanted to do. Being around her gave him a fresh perspective on his life. She made him feel whole when for so long he was an empty shell.

  “She outta your system now or what?” Casper interrupted him.

  “Excuse me?” Levi turned, glaring at the man.

  “I can only assume the sappy look on your face when you walked in is because you banged the chick. You good now, or what?”

  “Fuck you, Casper.” No matter how much he itched to flatten the prick, he couldn’t. Yet.

  “Get your fucking head in the ring, Levi. She ain’t worth more than a ring bitch, and you know it.”

  His control snapped.

  Slamming Casper against the wall, he growled. “Call her a bitch one more fucking time, and I’ll end you.” Shock lit the man’s face like a fucking Christmas tree. “I told you before, she’s not to be messed with. She’ll be around as long as I am.” Dropping his arm from the man’s neck, Levi spun around to leave. Just as he reached the door, he said, “Don’t forget, Casper, you need me more than I need you,” before walking out.

  “You good?” Cam asked clapping him on the back.

  “I think I’m done,” Levi confessed to the other man.

  “Seriously? Even with the sponsors coming at you now?”

  “Yeah. I don’t know, man. This was never meant to be a long-term thing for me. And I fucking hate lying to my family.”

  “So, why do you?” Cam was genuinely puzzled about it.

  “They’d worry. Ma has enough shit on her plate after losing Dad. My brothers wouldn’t understand. Nox has everything. He wouldn’t get how empty I’ve felt.” The honest truth was, he couldn’t handle the disappointment he knew he would find in his big brother’s eyes when he found out.

  “And the younger one? He looks up to you, don’t he?” Cam was an only child. Levi got the feeling the man envied him having brothers.

  “Loch is soft, man. Violence would confuse the fuck out of him.”

  “All I’m saying is, give them a chance, Levi, you might be surprised.”

  Give them a chance.

  That phrase was the only thing Levi could think about as he trained. Sparring first with Tiny in the ring and then Cam. Working himself into exhaustion. He still wasn’t convinced his brothers would understand the driving need in him.

  Hell, half the time he didn’t understand it.

  Since meeting Hayes, the need to feel pain wasn’t as strong either. He half-hoped she would fill the void in his heart. In fact, he knew she could.

  Suddenly, everything was clear in his mind. He acknowledged what he needed to be happy. Nox had his shop and Soph, Loch was still figuring shit out. Him? He had Hayes and the life he could see with her.

  Three more fights remained on the contract he’d already signed, and then he was free. Fighting had never been meant as a long-term thing, at least, he hadn’t thought so. However, until Hayes, he’d had his doubts that he’d ever get out. Leaving now, while he was undefeated, was as good a time as any he figured.

  Looking at the clock, he saw the time and called it quits, much to Casper’s dismay. The man only gave a fuck about two things: easy pussy and money. Neither of which did he get for himself. He piggybacked off Levi, Cam, and Tiny when they won a fight.

  “Got a hot date?” Tiny called as Levi was heading out.

  “Fine as fuck!” he called back, not bothering to stop.

  The traffic gods were on his side as all the roads were clear, and the lights stayed green for him. He’d made it to Hayes’ house sooner than he told her he would, with time to spare.

  The scene that greeted him had his cock hardening and his libido skyrocketing. “God damn,” he muttered as he parked.

  She glanced over her shoulder when he slammed his door shut. Striding across the street, he made it to her before she could move from her bent position over the hood of a car. Her giggling as he wrapped his hands around her waist tightly and buried his head in her hair made him grin like the Joker.

  “Nothing fucking hotter than this, sugar.” His words were only loud enough for them to hear.

  “Hello,” a masculine voice said from behind them.

  Levi groaned before turning, hoping his massive erection wouldn’t be visible to his girl’s father.

  “Afternoon, sir.”

  “Glad to see you, Levi. Hayes says you’re quite the mechanic.” The man’s warm smile was shocking considering Levi had made his girl cry more than once.

  “On a good day.”

  “We’ve just finished up here. Perhaps, next time, you’d like to give me a hand instead of miss squirmy pants.” He looked back at Hayes, who was blushing and glaring at her father’s words.

  “Yes, sir. Be happy to.”

  “It’s Eric, son. I have a feeling you’ll be around quite a bit.” Winking at his daughter, the man went back inside as Hayes slammed the hood and began putting tools away.

  “Squirming, huh?” He smirked when she turned her scowl his way.

  “This stuff is disgusting. I don’t know how you do it every day.” She grumbled the whole time cleaning up. He watched fascinated as she moved around.

  When she finally made her way back to him, he saw the stain on the front of her dark blue tank top and couldn’t help the quiet laughter trying to break free.

  “Shut. Up. Levi.” She was fighting her own smile.

  “Come her, sugar.” He gripped her hand, pulling her into his body. Leaning down, he buried his head in her neck. Just breathing in her scent mixed with grease and oil was a big fucking turn on.

  “Levi,” she moaned out when he pressed her more firmly against his throbbing erection. He had a tentative control on his need to claim her again.

  “Hey, Hayes!” was called from somewhere in the distance, and he growled fiercely into her neck.

  “Hi, Johnny!” she responded back, her voice cracking when he nipped her throat.

  “Who the fuck is that?” Levi couldn’t help the snarl.

  Laughter colored her words as she answered. “My neighbor.”

  “Don’t sound so fucking happy when you say his name.” Before she could comment, his lips were on hers. Nipping, sucking, devouring.

  His hands roamed her back as she fought to give him what he wanted. Her. It was all he wanted. Hearing another man’s name slip from her sweet tongue made him crazy with the need to possess her. Her fingers played on his neck before delving into his hair. When she gave a sharp tug, he smiled against her lips. She was trying to show her dominance as well.

  Hayes was a force to be reckoned with, he was learning. She may be meek and quiet, but she sure as fuck knew how to get what she wanted. When she leaned her body completely into him, he realized it was her showing off who owned whom. She was claiming him in front of her neighbor and anyone else watching.

  “Eeek!” she suddenly screamed, pulling away from him as he realized her father was spraying them with a hose.

  “What are you two, dogs in heat?” The man laughed as Hayes tried hiding behind Levi.

  “No, you don’t, sweet cheeks.” He chuckled, picking her up, so she got the brunt of the water.

  She couldn’t believe they thought it was so damn funny! When her father had sprayed her in the back with the hose, Hayes thought for sure Levi would allow her to hide behind him. It wasn’t until she was dripping wet and her dad had gone back inside amidst the laughter that she realized Levi hadn’t sheltered her because her shirt was nearly see-through, and her nipples were peaked from the cold.

  His cocky smirk slipped away as water dripped into his eyes and was replaced with lust and the biting
of the corner of his lip. Her gaze traversed down his body to see his pants tented with his arousal.

  “The things I want to do to you right now.” His words were quiet.

  “Too bad for you, huh?” She teased him, running inside before he could say or do anything further.

  “Son of a bitch.” She heard the words from behind her.

  Peeking over her shoulder, Hayes caught Levi with his head bowed to his chest as he walked forward and knew he was fighting off his desire.

  “Thanks, Dad!” she yelled as she ran through the door and straight up to her room. It wasn’t until she was in the shower washing the oil from her body that she realized she’d left Levi alone with her parents.

  Deciding not to dry her hair but instead braid it on her way down the stairs after dressing in a loose t-shirt and shorts, she found her Dad and Levi sitting on the sofa watching Sportsnet. Noticing her watching them, Levi turned to her, his gaze roaming her body appreciatively. Lingering on her shorts. She saw the questions in his eyes at seeing her scars. Ordinarily, she didn’t wear anything that revealed them, preferring to stay concealed.

  Shrugging it off, she went into the kitchen to check on what her mom was up to. “Hello, Hayes,” she mumbled without looking at her. Her voice was strained, too.

  “You okay, Mom?”

  Sighing, the older woman turned to her, her face a mask of sadness and pain. Hayes sat at the counter, aware that she wasn’t going to like what she had to say.

  “I don’t like him.” Hayes blinked, shocked. Her mother liked everyone. “He’s dangerous; he’s made you cry. He’s older.” Huffing out a breath, she continued. “I don’t want him dragging you down some rabbit hole you can’t get out of, honey. We almost lost you once, I can’t do that again. After Ryder, then your accident, it broke me.” Tears hovered on her eyelashes.

  “Tell me how you really feel,” Hayes muttered, unsure how to take everything her mom had said. Looking to the woman who raised her, who taught her to be independent, grab life by the balls and never let go, she saw the burning fear hidden behind her tortured eyes. “I could love him, Mom. He pulls at me. From the first moment he ran me down, to the first time he made me cry. When he defended me. He makes me feel alive again.”

  Her mother’s eyes glazed over as she listened to Hayes. “I want you to have all that, honey, I really do. You’re so much older than your age, and I worry he’s younger than his. His cruel words nearly broke you. Again.”

  Frustrated, she told her, “I know, Mom, I was there. I felt it all. I would love for you to give him a chance. I need him.” She could hear the desperation in her own voice.

  A throat clearing had them both spinning to see Levi standing in the doorway, his eyes serious as he walked in the room. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, Mrs. Morrison, and I apologize for that. I won’t, however, apologize for who I am.” He moved behind Hayes, his hands searching out her shoulders. “I’m not perfect. I’m sure I’ll screw up more than I’ll ever be able to count. I’ll say the wrong thing, and lose my temper, and likely make you want to chop my balls off on more than one occasion.”

  “You’re not helping your case, Levi,” Hayes whispered up to him.

  “It’s alright, sugar. This is who I am, ma’am. I grew up watching and learning from parents who loved each other so thoroughly that they barely spent any time apart. I watched as my mother fell to her knees when my pops was diagnosed with lung cancer. Seeing her pick herself back up was a beautiful sight. She didn’t grieve before he left us, she gave him life. A life I’d kill to give Hayes. I can’t pretend to understand everything you and Eric felt when you lost one child and nearly the other all in one night. Frankly, I hope to never have to learn what that would do to my spirit.” He looked down to the girl in front of him with so much emotion reflected in his gaze. “Hayes brings me to life. I’ve witnessed my big brother fall in love the past couple of months and jealousy has eaten me alive that he found it before me. If your daughter lets me, I’ll give her the world.” Hayes’ father had joined them and was standing with her mother. “Hayes is mine. There’s no way around that. I’m not letting her go for anything.” He looked both of her parents in the eye. “Not even for you.”

  Her dad reached his hand across the counter, saying, “Welcome to the family, son.” A huge smile of approval overtook his face.

  “Well,” her mother wiped her hands on her apron as she walked around the counter, “you promise me something, Levi.”


  “Don’t break her heart.”

  His grin was nearly blinding. “Not in a million years, ma’am.”

  “You don’t let her give into her own monsters, either.” Hayes was a bit shocked when the woman met her eyes, a knowing look reflecting back. “She thinks I don’t see it, but I do.”

  He turned to her, his hands cupping her jaw. “I’ll slay every last one of them.” He leaned down to kiss her with that promise.

  “Don’t make me bring the hose inside,” her father warned, breaking them apart. Laughter filled the house for the rest of the evening.

  Chapter Eleven

  It’s never too late to apologize.

  “You’re sure you want to go in there?” Alyssa had been trying to talk Hayes out of going into Levi’s shop since picking her up, and she didn’t understand why.

  “What’s the big deal?”

  “Does he know you’re coming?” Lys refused to answer Hayes the million times she’d asked that question.

  As they parked, her friend turned in her seat to look Hayes in the eyes. “It’s different in a shop. It’s a real man’s world.”

  Not shocking. “I know.”

  She just shook her head, confusing Hayes further. “You want me to stay?”

  “I’ll be fine.” Slamming the car door, she made her way to the entrance where a neon Open sign was flashing.

  As she walked in, backpack slung over one shoulder, she was shocked to see the lovely young woman at the front counter. The person had long, curly blonde hair and wore such a feminine dress that Hayes felt like a boy compared to her. The woman looked like she belonged on the cover of magazines, not some car shop.

  “Hi!” Her smile was genuine as she greeted Hayes. “How can I help you?”

  “I’m looking for Levi.” Her nerves were getting the best of her now that she was actually there.

  “He’s not here yet.”

  Before the woman could say anything else or Hayes could ask if she knew when he’d be in, two men came through a side door laughing and pushing each other around. They stopped short at seeing them together.

  “Dayum,” the taller one said as he walked behind her.

  “Gonna introduce us to your friend, Soph?” the one with darker eyes asked.

  “Joey,” she pointed to the tall one still circling behind her, “Mac,” she nodded to the other man, “she was just looking for Levi.”

  “Fool’s probably at home banging some weekend chick,” Joey growled out behind her, making her heart clench. Too close for her comfort. Shifting from foot to foot, she hoped the woman—Soph—would help her out.

  “Back up, Joey.” Soph’s smile was gone and in its place frustration. Thankfully, he listened.

  “My bad.” His hands were in the air as he rounded the desk. “Levi doesn’t usually come in until around nine,” he explained, his eyes still roaming up and down her body. More in appreciation than lasciviousness. He still made her uncomfortable.

  “Ignore Joey, he has no filter,” Soph told her.

  Nodding her head, Hayes asked, “Nine?”

  “If he’s not with some chick,” Joey repeated.

  Her flinch at his words couldn’t be masked, nor could the tears that threatened. “Shut up and get back to work, Joey.” Soph’s voice was threaded with steel as she told him what to do.

  Both men left talking about Levi with some other woman. Soph just shook her head at their antics. Hayes felt like she was dying inside.

“He doesn’t do that,” the other woman said, obviously sensing Hayes’ pain. She was trying to comfort her.

  “Okay.” Looking around, she realized Lys might be right, she shouldn’t have come. “I’ve gotta go.” She turned to leave.

  “What’s your name? Can I tell him you stopped by?”

  “Umm, no, thanks.” And she was gone. She felt like such a fool for even thinking that surprising him was a good idea.

  It’s possible that the concept of being with him was dumb altogether. She was a high school girl. He was a full-grown man. What could he possibly want with her?

  When Levi woke up that morning, he’d missed having Hayes in his arms like crazy. He’d slept better with her in his bed than he had in years. He needed her by his side. However, he’d promised her parents he would wait at least two more weeks until graduation. It was going to be brutal.

  Stopping for coffee and muffins on the way in to the garage, he was earlier than usual as he entered the building. The bay doors were open out front, and Metallica could be heard blasting through the speakers while Joey and Asher worked on an old Mustang.

  “Morning, Soph.” He kissed her cheek as he walked past.

  “He’s so dead,” Mac muttered as he passed him.

  “Who’s what now?”

  “Shut up, Mac,” Soph hissed at him.

  Plopping the muffins on the counter, he looked between the two who had become thick as thieves the past few weeks as Soph filled out her little tyrant pumps and told everyone what to do and when. “Care to fill me in on why I’m so dead?”

  “Not you.” Mac whistled. Soph elbowed him.

  “Talk,” Levi commanded.

  Soph rushed to speak. “A girl came here this morning looking for you. I don’t know who she was, but dumb and dumber just had to open their mouths spewing a bunch of crap, and she was almost crying when she left.”

  It took a moment for Soph’s rapid fire words to catch up to his brain. He had a bad feeling in his gut. “’Bout your height, red hair, looks like a tomboy?” he asked her quietly. She nodded. “Who said what?” His words were snarled.


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