Drackon Mates-The Complete Series (Books 1-6): A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance

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Drackon Mates-The Complete Series (Books 1-6): A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance Page 69

by Maia Starr

  "Avery," he whispered to me as he pulled himself up from my body.

  "Yes, Ankon?” I whispered back.

  "Forget what I said earlier. I should not have said such things to you. That is my inner struggle. But I cannot fight this any longer. I have to break my vow to myself to be with you, even though you are a human female. It is what I want. It is what I want forever. It is you."

  "I understand why you made that vow to yourself. It makes sense to me. We will take it one step at a time. I want to be with you for as long as we can be. Everything else will fall into place," I said to him.

  He smiled and kissed me. We fell asleep.

  Chapter 13


  I found myself in an unbelievable position. I was in love with a human female. After spending my entire life vowing to not do this very thing, I had attracted it to myself. Being with Avery on the ship, I knew that I could no longer restrain my desire for her. It was overwhelming. Being alone with her meant that I could not take my hands off her. Once I knew that we were in a stretch of safety in space, I had to tell her about where I came from. Once I did so, I felt a weight lifted off me. I needed her to understand why I would make such a vow and why I had to tell her even though I knew it would hurt her. But the information about my parents did not stop the chemistry that had built between us over the months. It was more powerful than both of us. It consumed us.

  Once I was inside of her and claiming her, I knew that this was exactly where I was meant to be. I was in love with her. I knew then that my vow did not matter any longer. I would be with this human female no matter what happened. Lying beside her and apologizing to her after I coupled with her felt right. She was so understanding; she made everything easy for me.

  Months went by on our space journey and we were in a vortex of sex, love, and enjoying each other's company. A part of me wanted to run away with her in real terms. Meaning we would run away from our past. We would not go back to Kaethon. We would not go back to Earth.

  "What are you thinking about, my love?" Avery said to me as I stared out the window of the ship as I sat behind the steering device.

  "I was thinking about the choice," I said to her.

  "What choice is that?" she asked.

  "I enjoy being with you. I'm in love with you. What if we were not to go to Kaethon? What if we were to leave Kaethon and Earth behind us and find a new place where no one knows of us so that we can be together?" I said to her.

  She was silent and she looked at me. Then she said, "I have thought about the same thing. But I think that we would both become restless because we have a responsibility."

  The responsibility she spoke of was the twenty warriors that I had left behind on Earth. The responsibility she spoke of was still delivering the message to the Kalazaron race about the human’s demands. She was right. A part of me wanted to run away from it all; the other part of me knew that I had responsibilities as a Kalazaron warrior.

  "You're right, Avery. We are only a few days away from landing on Kaethon. I wish there was more I could tell you to prepare you for what you will see and experience. But you will just have to see it for yourself."

  "If I am with you, I am all right," she said as she gave me a hug and a kiss.

  A few days later, we landed at the Blue Mountain base. I had radioed in to let them know it was me in an Earth ship. All were surprised and anxious for information about what had happened to us.

  "Captain Ankon Brakin[SBM18], tell us what has happened. We thought you and your ship lost," the rebel leader said to me as we sat in a private council. I had Avery at my side.

  "The ship is lost. Soon after setting out on our mission to commandeer supplies from other ships, we were set upon by an Earth ship that captured us. They not only captured our warriors, but they captured the entire ship. The humans have grown more advanced. They captured me and the twenty warriors I set out with. They took us to Earth. There they made me sit with their leaders and asked that I bring a message to the capital city. After explaining that I was a rebel, they still gave me the message," I said to them.

  I continued to tell them about the humans’ proposition that if we continue to steal their ships, they would hunt down our ships. There was much commotion and arguing amongst the rebel leaders. It was to be expected. It was change.

  "I would like to make a motion that communications are open with the humans on Earth. I want to do all that I can to get the twenty warriors back to Kaethon. The only way to do that is to open communication," I said to them. Then I introduced Avery properly. They assumed that she was a human female slave that I had absconded with and now they would know the truth.

  "This human female is Ambassador Avery Jones. She is to be my wife here on Kaethon. She helped me escape. I am grateful to her. I love her. She put herself at great risk to help me escape. But on Earth, she was in a position of leadership and she can help us create peace with the humans if the council decides to go in that direction. I leave it to you."

  Chapter 14


  When we entered the atmosphere of Kaethon, it took my breath away. I was high on adrenaline as fear over took me. I was about to meet with the Kalazaron rebel warriors. It was a lot to take in. As I looked out the window of the ship while Ankon focused on flying, I was immediately enamored with the sights. It was beautiful. Everything was blue. The dirt was blue, and the sky was blue, the mountains were blue. It was a beautiful color to look at, and unlike anything that I could ever possibly see on Earth.

  "This is beautiful, Ankon. I did not expect it to be so stunning," I said to him with my mouth wide open as I took it all in.

  "I'm glad you approve," he said as he continued to fly the ship. It was a very dangerous situation to be in. We were in an Earth ship flying over a Kalazaron atmosphere. He had to pay close attention to his maneuvers. I focused all my attention on the sights of the blue planet. It was Earth-like, in a sense, but so otherworldly. I felt privileged to be able to see it.

  I knew that I was going to like it on the planet as far as the environment went. It was a natural beauty, just like Earth. I could see that I could call it home. But getting along with others at the rebel base might be another story. I was worried that they would not like me. In a sense, I was glad that I knew that there were other human females living there. But I was different. I was coming to them of my own free will. It made me nervous. They would have every right to be suspicious of me.

  Finally, we were at the rebel base, and I was relieved to know that Ankon had in fact told the United Planets Association the truth about where he was from and that there was indeed a rebel faction buried deep in the Blue Mountains. It was all there, just as he had described. Now Ankon was in front of his leaders’ council, just as he had been in front of mine months before. He recounted to them what had happened and introduced me in a way that shocked me.

  "This human female is Ambassador Avery Jones. She is to be my wife here on Kaethon. She helped me escape. I am grateful to her. I love her," he said.

  I turned to him as he spoke with my mouth open. I did not know that marriage was on his mind. I assumed that he was still struggling in some way to not be with me. I had worried about it for months on the trip to Kaethon. I still did not know when we arrived if he would keep his word to be with me. Or keep his word to himself that he had made long ago to not be with a human female. I never really knew with him, what was going on in his head. It was frightening.

  But hearing those words, that he wanted to make me his wife, was a relief. I felt excitement flood my mind and my heart. He wanted me to be his wife, to make it official in front of his Kalazaron warriors on the Blue Mountain. No one seemed to have any objections to this. Everyone was more concerned with the new status of the humans and their ability to capture their ships. It was a relief to me. I was almost not given any attention at all, and I liked that. I wanted to fit in with my new race of beings. It was already so hard to understand and fitting in would make it eas

  I could tell that this was a new era for the Kalazaron race. It was a new era for the humans as well. I was glad that I had come to Kaethon with Ankon. I knew that I would be needed. I knew that I could be essential in the work ahead for peace, after I found my place and settled in with them. I would have to build trust with this new race.

  After Ankon had spoken to his counsel, he led me around the Blue Mountain base and showed me around. Many were staring at me. I saw a few human females here and there and was glad for the company. Then Ankon showed me to his living quarters.

  "Did you mean what you said to the council about me? I am to be your wife? Did you just say that so that they would accept me? Or do you mean it, Ankon?" I asked as he led me up a flight of outdoor stairs toward his home, toward my new home. They were apartment-like dwellings stacked on top of each other and carved into the mountain. It was a sight to see. We climbed high, to the eighth floor.

  "Yes. I meant it. If you will have me," he said as he turned to me and smiled. He suddenly looked more attractive than he had ever looked before and I realized it was because he was in his element. He was home. He was more confident and at ease than ever. I liked this look on him. This was Captain Ankon Brakin, son of Jaylin Brakin and Serena Swands. He was a true Kalazaron warrior, and one of a kind.

  "And if you will have me, this will be your new home," he said as he pressed his palm against a panel and the door slid open. I walked in and inside was a simple but beautiful living quarters. It was spacious, with a main living area and kitchen, and a separate bedroom, and a washroom, with glorious, tall windows that looked out over the desert and mountains. It was spectacular.

  "I love it. It is beautiful. I am glad to make this my new home. I have so many questions that I have had all my life and now I will know some answers. I am with you, and I love you. I am meant to be here with you."

  He took my hands in his hands and said, "I believe you. I think you, of all human females, are essential to being here right now in this moment. You can help bring about this peace and save both the humans and the Kalazaron from a war. You are essential to that."

  "I hope you are right. I will do everything that I can to set things right if I can help. But do you not see that you are essential as well?"

  "In what way?" he asked.

  "In this way," I said, rubbing my hand down his chest toward the spiral on his belly button. “This marking, the spiral tattoo says it all. This is a combining of human and Kalazaron. This is what is happening now. The peace between human and Kalazaron will come from understanding each other. You have that. You have it more than anyone will ever understand. You are essential to the peace between the two. I know that you have a bigger part to play than you already have played in this. There's so much more to come in the future."

  He looked down at the spiral on his stomach, and for the first time he looked at it with a smile on his face, and not as an atrocity as he had called it before. I think he understood my reasoning, and for the first time, he felt proud that he was a hybrid of human and Kalazaron. It was a profound moment for both of us.

  "Well, now what, Captain?" I asked him playfully.

  "Now we turn this place into a good home. A home for a human and a Kalazaron living together in peace and love."

  THE END (P.S. See next page for your Free & Exclusive book!)

  Kalazaron Blue Planet Warriors COMPLETE Box Set(Books 1-6)

  Read for FREE on Kindle Unlimited or purchase for only 99 cents in the kindle store! Continue reading the FULL and COMPLETE Kalazaron Blue Planet Warriors Box Set!

  **Every book in this series can be a read as a standalone. Although it is not required, I recommend to start with book 1**

  About The Author

  Thank You for reading! I truly hope you enjoyed my book. I am a passionate writer that is OBESSED with Sci Fi Alien Romance. I have been writing since I was a little kid and never looked back! I look forward to interacting with all of you and bringing you new hot and steamy Sci Fi Alien Romance books.


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  P.S..If you are a passionate romance reader and love reading Sci Fi Alien Romance books. I would LOVE for you to join my ARC Team. My team is full of passionate readers that receive my books for FREE( prior to release!) in exchange for an honest review. I only have 10 spots so if you feel that person is you email me at [email protected]

  Thank You !

  Maia Starr


  Your Exclusive Prequel Bonus :

  Kalazaron Blue Planet Warriors



  * * *

  [SBM1]Between the two paragraphs, I feel that things are too heavy on description. I find this a lot in romance novels and short stories—the authors front load the physical description rather than spreading it throughout the manuscript. Frontloading makes it feel forced, not natural.

  [SBM2]The author should be mindful of repeating words too close to each other. Just a tip for the future.

  [SBM3]Should this be plural? The lounge in more than one room?

  [SBM4]I am changing this to lowercase except when used with a name or as an address, as that is standard and follows the rules set out by the Chicago Manual of Style. I figured I should explain since it might be more of a style choice to portray the culture of the ship.

  [SBM5]Too many references to leather-like but not sure what to replace it with.

  [SBM6]How is her hair still this long if they cut the knots that were around her face?

  [SBM7]In this case, the heavy description makes sense. I would remove their earlier description and allow this to serve as our introduction to her looks. Aside from the knots and hair color, those I would keep mention of earlier.

  [SBM8]The description of his body in relation to hers is wrong. He is at least two feet taller than her, so their bodies would not be lining up this way. I am guessing this is going to continue to be an issue.

  [SBM9]I am treating master like the other titles, but am not sure if that is best in this case. If not, it should be an easy fix using the find and replace and then quickly going through to make sure each instance is correct.

  [SBM10]I cannot make sense of this sentence. I’m sorry, I tried for several minutes.

  [SBM11]I am a bit confused. It is accepted that then men in this society will take lovers and rape/have sex with slaves. Why is this a problem?

  [SBM12]In the future, I suggest that the author not use the change in perspectives to take us back over events. It isn’t furthering the story. It feel more like the author is trying to make word count.

  [SBM13]The giant is only a foot taller than him; how would he run up his back?

  [SBM14]Why are they only investigating the capturing of human females? They also take the males, and they never release them either.

  [SBM15]I keep going back and forth on this. Part of me thinks this should be possessive. It is the association that belongs to the united planets. But then I think, no, it is just another way of saying the association of (as in consisting of, not belonging to) united planets. I am leaving it as is, but maybe think it over and see if you feel differently.

  [SBM16]Treating this the same way I have human female.

  [SBM17]This makes no sense to me.

  [SBM18]Is this spelled differently than his father’s name was earlier? I had told Word to ignore it but it was underlined here.



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