To Love Thy Neighbour

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To Love Thy Neighbour Page 35

by S M Mala

  ‘I’ve left them to be with you.’

  Leon thought he heard incorrectly.

  ‘Say that again?’ he asked, but this time very quietly, as if he wasn’t quite sure.

  ‘Angus and I aren’t working out. He’s not the man I thought he was. He’s nothing like you.’

  ‘He’s much older.’ He knew he was in no position to make any snide comments, given he was in love with a woman fifteen years his senior. ‘You can’t just walk out on your marriage.’ Leon took stock of the situation. ‘But then again, it’s you.’

  ‘Are you listening to anything I said?’

  ‘I’m with someone,’ he mumbled, a little self-doubt creeping in when he looked at her. There were still feelings for her, he couldn’t deny it, but something else bugged him. ‘Leave me alone. You’ve done for over five years, give or take your emails.’

  ‘I want us to be together,’ she said, starting to cry. ‘Be a proper family. She kept me away from you. It was her that forced me to go.’

  ‘What did you say?’

  ‘Your mum paid me to go away. She did this to us, not me!’

  ‘Be safe now.’

  Esme hugged her son tightly as he stood by his car. ‘Don’t speak to strangers and certainly don’t go to their houses. They can tie you up and do all sorts, you know.’

  ‘Mummy!’ laughed Alfie, kissing her forehead. ‘You are funny! It’s only a fortnight.’

  ‘And if your father rings, hang up.’

  ‘I can handle him.’

  ‘And text me every day.’ She grimaced at him rolling his eyes. ‘I worry.’

  ‘I love you,’ he said, patting her head as if trying to placate a puppy. ‘And you be very bad with Mr Handsome. He’s hot mother. Is he good?’

  ‘Alfie!’ she gasped, holding her hand to her chest. ‘What a thing to ask!’

  ‘From the expression on your face, he’s very good.’

  Her son got into his car and wound down the window.

  ‘I love you,’ she said.

  ‘You told me that about fifteen times. Don’t forget to water my plants.’

  ‘I won’t.’ Then she hesitated. ‘Who are you flying out with? You mentioned ‘we’ a few minutes ago.’ Esme bit her lip.


  ‘Ethan?’ She double blinked. ‘Ethan, Ethan?’

  ‘He’s name is just ‘Ethan’.’ Alfie laughed. ‘We get on.’

  ‘You never-.’

  ‘Got to go!’ he said, winding up the window then driving off.

  ‘Why that little sneaky so and so,’ she mumbled, before laughing out loudly.

  As Esme turned, she noticed that all the blinds in Leon’s home were down. He rarely did that, liking the sunshine to come through.

  Something didn’t seem right.

  It was nearly five, and he hadn’t come round.

  She walked back in and noticed Ralph pull up in his new sports car and nearly choked with laughter on spotting his new leather jacket… and Melanie coming out.

  They looked like the stereotypical pair of sugar daddy and brassy, younger woman.

  Shutting the door, she walked into the kitchen then noticed Leon sitting down on the grass, at the back of the garden. His head was in between his knees.

  Esme knew something was up. She ran and crouched down. He pulled his head up, and tears were streaming down his face.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ she asked, scared something had happened to Mali.

  ‘I got a visitor this afternoon.’


  His face said it all.

  Esme hugged the dear life out of him.

  ‘She said some things that have confused me,’ he sobbed into her chest. ‘I don’t know what to believe.’

  ‘Tell me.’

  So he proceeded to do so.

  And it hurt her far deeply than she cared to show.

  Bennylita offering for them to be together as a family.

  She had to try so hard not to cry on hearing him say it, fear taking over her heart.

  ‘And my mum,’ he said, stroking her face. ‘Ben said she forced her to keep away.’

  ‘To say the past few days haven’t been turbulent would be a lie.’ Esme looked down at the grass and then at him. ‘Whatever you decide, I’ll stand by your decision. You need to speak to her. If Bennylita can explain it all, then maybe that will help.’


  ‘She is the mother of your child. No matter what you think, she gave you Mali, one way or another. If you care for her I can’t stand in your way of happiness, can I?’

  ‘Didn’t you listen to what I said this morning?’ he asked, holding her face in his hands. ‘Are you still not listening?’

  ‘I love you,’ she said, unable to hold back from crying. ‘And I don’t want to lose you, but I’ll have to. If it’s to make you happy, I have no choice.’

  ‘One thing I’m sure about is that nothing or no-one is going to come between us.’ He let out a long, deep, breath. ‘Right now I have so much baggage.’ Leon moved closer and then kissed her gently on the mouth. Slowly, he pulled away. ‘I love you, and I really do.’

  ‘It was Esme’s knickers!’ they heard someone gasp. Barbara was standing at the end of Leon’s garden, with the gate prised open. ‘I don’t believe it!’

  ‘Oh God,’ Leon groaned, then looked like he was going to laugh. ‘Can this day get any worse?’

  ‘I don’t think so,’ she replied, looking at the shock on his mother’s face. ‘I think this is as bad as it gets.’

  ‘Don’t say anything.’

  Leon stood up, wiped his face and then pulled Esme up to her feet. ‘I don’t need a lecture or your opinion. I’m in love with Esme and she, thank God, is in love with me.’

  ‘But she’s older than you,’ Barbara said, then anxiously looked over at Esme.

  ‘And you’re older than dad. It runs in our veins.’ He scowled, knowing his idea of going to bed with Esme for much of the afternoon, evening and night were dashed. ‘Where’s Mali?’

  ‘Gone swimming with you father.’ Barbara stepped into Esme’s garden. ‘Did you say anything to him?’

  ‘I’ve not said a thing,’ she replied and Leon was confused by the exchange.

  ‘Bennylita has been here, hasn’t she?’

  ‘She came a couple of hours ago. Told me a few things then left.’ Leon put a protective arm around Esme. ‘I’m not going back to her.’

  Barbara burst into uncontrollable tears, slumping to the ground. They both rushed forward to make sure she was all right, Leon putting an arm around her waist to make her stand.

  ‘Bring her into my home,’ Esme said, supporting Barbara while they walked her in.

  He had never seen his mother look so upset. It made him wonder if she was devastated about him seeing Esme.

  ‘I’ll get you a stiff drink,’ Esme said, walking to her kitchen.

  Leon forced tissues into his mother’s face.

  ‘What else did she say?’ Barbara asked, gulping back her sobs. ‘Tell me.’

  ‘She said you forced her to leave me and Mali.’

  ‘That’s not true!’ she shouted out. ‘I could tell she wasn’t happy. Everyone could see she was making your life a living hell and was using you. When she had that sweet child, she came to me and offered for us to have her, in exchange for a lot of money. We did it. We had no choice because I was scared she’d take Mali away and we’d never see her again. She’s the type of madam that would.’

  Esme put down two large tumblers of brandy before stepping away. He caught her concerned glance before she walked out of the kitchen and sat on the patio.

  ‘I’ve had a pretty shit time recently. I thought I’d turned a corner, but it seems I walked into a massive wall.’ Leon let his mother go and shook his head. ‘Whatever I do is going to be wrong but I want to know the truth.’ He glanced at the back of Esme’s head. ‘I don’t want to hear two sides. I’m prepared to speak to Ben again, but you have to be i
n the room with me.’

  ‘I can’t! I can’t,’ she frantically replied, squeezing the dear life out of the tissue. ‘If I see her face to face, I don’t know if I will be able to control my actions.’

  Leon stood up and walked towards where Esme was sitting.

  ‘Your mother was crying the other week. She was on the phone to Bennylita,’ she whispered, starting to frown. ‘I told her to tell you what was going on. I don’t know the ins and outs. I was more worried about your mum than you.’ Esme looked into the room. ‘She’s in a terrible state. Please don’t make it any worse.’

  ‘How worse can this be?’

  Resting his head against the door frame, he glanced at both the women before closing his eyes.

  ‘On Friday, when I get my head around exactly what’s going on, we can meet up. Tell dad to speak to Mrs Almond to arrange it. And I take it you have Ben’s number?’ he asked his mother, who sheepishly nodded. ‘Esme, will you look after Mali for me?’

  ‘Of course I will.’

  He watched her stand up and walk back into the house, sitting down next to his mother.

  ‘Mrs Sachs, I don’t want to cause any problems. I am very much in love with your son, and I want him to be happy. You might not approve, but I’ll support him as best I can. He means too much to me, so does Mali. Please be happy for us.’

  And right then, his mother collapsed into Esme’s arms, sobbing her heart out.

  Even Leon couldn’t fathom whether she was happy or devastated about Esme’s statement.

  ‘I can’t do it.’

  Leon was shaking his head. ‘It’s too hard.’

  ‘Go inside the house.’

  They were parked in her small van, in the driveway of his parent’s home. Mali was inside. The plan was for Esme to have dinner with Mali and then take her home.

  ‘I’m going to find out something that’s going to hurt me,’ he said anxiously. ‘I don’t want to break this family.’

  ‘If you know your mother has your best interests at heart, then nothing will.’ She stroked his face and kissed him gently on the lips. ‘Try and stay focussed. Listen to what they have to say and then see what happens.’

  ‘I want it to go away.’ He lunged forward, grabbing her head, giving her a strong and passionate kiss. ‘I know you might be getting sick of hearing it, but I love you. I love being with you, talking to you. I even love the fact that you protected my mother when she’s not been exactly straight with me.’

  Esme could see Mali standing at the window, frantically waiving at them and screaming something out. The front door was flung open, and Stan came rushing to see them.

  ‘Be prepared for the onslaught,’ Leon mumbled, squeezing her thigh.

  They got out of the van and Mali came hurtling towards Leon, jumping into his arms before grabbing Esme’s neck, and planting a big, wet kiss on her cheek.

  ‘I saw you kiss!’ she shouted out excitedly. ‘Daddy, why did you look like you were eating Esme?’

  ‘Gawd help us!’ mumbled Stan, smiling at Leon then raising his eyebrows. ‘It seems today is full of surprises. Lucia is coming round later. Wants to talk to us.’

  Leon immediately looked at Esme. Mali was about to open her mouth, so he gently put his hand over it.

  ‘Don’t say anything,’ he said, looking at Mali, who was trying to pull his hand away. ‘You promise? Let Auntie Lucia speak to Grandpa and Nana.’

  The little head nodded up and down.

  He pulled his hand away.

  ‘I not tell the secret about Auntie Lucia being a lesbee.’

  ‘Mali, come with me,’ Esme said, grabbing the child out of Leon’s arms. ‘Will you bring her things later?’

  ‘What’s a lesbee? Some sort of insect?’ his father asked, but Esme whisked Mali away and put her into the van.

  ‘You have to keep the secret,’ Esme whispered. ‘You mustn’t mention anything. Your grandparents have a lot on their minds as well as daddy. You promise.’ Mali put her finger to her lips and nodded. Trying not to smile, she kissed her on the cheek. ‘You are such a good girl and I’ll get you double scoops of ice cream.’

  ‘With sprinkles?’


  She felt a hand on her back and stood up.

  ‘Be good for Esme,’ Leon said, kissing her forehead, Mali’s finger still stuck to her lips. ‘You can speak after you’ve driven off.’

  ‘Good luck,’ Esme said, carefully shutting the door and kissing his cheek, casually glancing at the house. ‘Don’t get angry. Just listen. And no flying off, leaving the country without me, do you hear?’

  ‘I’m coming home to make love to you all night,’ he whispered. ‘That’s the thing that keeps me happy.’

  ‘Considering that’s what we’ve been doing most of the time, I take it you’re a happy man.’

  ‘Stay here with me. I can’t do it alone.’

  ‘I need to do some girl talk with this little one,’ she said, seeing Mali’s legs start to shake out of impatience. ‘Call me later.’

  Getting into the car and buckling her seat belt, she drove off.

  When about to turn the corner, she noticed her walking down the road.

  There was no mistaking it was Bennylita but she didn’t want Mali to see, so Esme carefully turned another corner.

  Gulping hard, seeing the gorgeous woman, full of confidence and youth, Esme’s heart slumped.

  Then she glanced at Mali and realised it was sitting right next to her.

  As they drove off down the road, the little girl sang for a bit then stopped to look sheepishly at Esme.

  ‘Was that my mummy walking to the house?’

  Right then, Esme was lost for words.


  Barbara looked angrily at Bennylita. ‘I never paid you to leave him!’

  ‘Yes you did!’

  The first ten minutes had been amicable enough. Both women being polite but when Bennylita started laying into his mother, all hell broke loose. He glanced at his father, who seemed confused by it all.

  ‘If it weren't for your mother interfering, we would still be together!’ Bennylita said very loudly, bursting into tears. ‘The way your family have treated me is hurtful.’

  ‘Crocodile tears,’ his mother said, standing up. ‘You wanted to leave him, and we were scared you’d take the baby. You got your money but wanted more.’

  ‘Wanted more?’ Stanley asked, putting some nuts into his mouth. ‘But we paid you fair and square.’

  Leon watched on, remembering to stay calm but something was happening neither he nor his father was aware of.

  ‘My mother paid you money to keep away?’ Leon asked, staring at Bennylita. ‘On top of what you got to start afresh? Is that what you’re saying?’

  ‘She threatened to come and take Mali, arrange it with some of her friends,’ Barbara said, her hands shaking. ‘And I was scared.’

  ‘But you accepted the money and kept away, didn’t you?’ Leon was feeling his face getting hotter. ‘You couldn’t have wanted to see me that much.’

  ‘I love you, don’t you see that?’ Bennylita pleaded.

  All Leon could see was the duplicity that had been going on behind his back.

  ‘Mum, did you force Bennylita to leave me?’

  ‘I did not!’ his mother said, looking confused. ‘She didn’t love you. Any fool could see it.’

  ‘I never did,’ he said solemnly.

  Looking over at Bennylita, he recalled the same way she would look at him when she wanted something. After she had taken most of what he had, the look had gone.

  He wondered what it was now.

  ‘Where’s your husband and child?’ Stan asked, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

  ‘Back in Nerja.’

  ‘And you didn’t want to bring them with you?’

  ‘No,’ came the stern reply.

  ‘She’s left them,’ Leon said, putting his hands on his head.

  ‘Didn’t he have enough money
?’ his mother asked snootily. ‘I’d heard he’d fallen on hard times.’

  ‘Don’t you dare start with me!’ growled Bennylita, looking agitated. ‘If it weren’t for you mollycoddling Leon, we’d be together. No wonder he has continually failed on the relationship front with you sticking your nose in?’

  ‘Now young lady,’ Stan said, immediately standing up. ‘Don’t you speak to my wife like that under her own roof. Considering all the nonsense you put my son through, you’re lucky we’re giving you the time of day.’

  ‘I love him and she…’ Bennylita said, pointing to Barbara. ‘Is standing in our way!’ She turned to Leon. ‘I know you still love me. I can tell. We can make a fresh start with Mali and Leo.’

  ‘Is that his name?’ Leon asked, totally surprised.

  ‘We can be a family. You and I and the kids.’

  ‘Don’t you think your husband might have something to say about it?’ Stan asked, sitting back down and gently patting Leon’s hand. ‘And my son has met someone.’

  ‘Who?’ asked Bennylita. ‘Is it serious?’

  ‘It’s very serious,’ Leon said, standing up and taking a deep breath, trying not to show he was getting riled with both women. ‘I’m in love.’

  ‘I bet your mother doesn’t approve,’ sniffed Bennylita. ‘Leon, you’ll never find someone while your mother’s involved in your life. I expect she has taken over Mali, influencing her.’

  ‘Why did you pay her to keep away?’ Leon asked his mother, who seemed on the verge of exploding with anger and tears. ‘I can stand on my own two feet. Do you think I’d be stupid enough to go back with her after all that happened?’

  ‘Yes,’ came his mother’s reply, and he noticed the smug look on Bennylita’s face.

  ‘The thing is, nothing she could say would ever change my mind.’

  ‘I think there’s one thing that will,’ Bennylita said, standing up slowly. ‘If you’re not willing to make a go of it for me, then think about Mali. She needs a brother and sister.’ He watched her hesitation, before shaking her head defiantly. ‘I want to have another baby with you.’


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