Sanctuary 2 (The Foliage Series Book 4)

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Sanctuary 2 (The Foliage Series Book 4) Page 6

by Aline Riva

  He had been through worse having half his body replaced by android parts. He had gone through every shade of hell recovering from that heavy modification... Then his gaze shifted to the sliver rings set into his nipples and he smiled as new resolve burned in his eyes– until Dixon had arranged for him to be fitted with the sensor pads under his groin plate, those rings had been his only source of stimulation, and having those piercings done, that had been a pain he didn't need in his upper, human body and had been a real bitch to go through, too... There were many pains worse than a chemical lifting agent to take the ink from his skin, and he knew every single one of them because he had tasted pain in many shades on many occasions.

  “You've definitely been through worse,” he said to his reflection, then he held the towel to his chest once more, closing his eyes as he waited for the pain to fade as he looked to his heart for strength, he pictured the face of Elise, recalling the sound of his daughter's laughter as he reminded himself of all the reasons he needed to hold on and hope for a way out of this place...

  The mood in the Wired Circuit was sombre as Flynn and his wife served customers and people talked quietly about Felix Lynch, keeping their freedom fighter cyborg in their hearts and minds as they considered the sacrifice he was making for the good of the Valley. Upstairs in the living area, Fi looked sadly out the kitchen window where in the distance, she saw the road that led to the gates that led out of the Valley.

  “I miss my Dad,” she said quietly.

  Elise put her arm around her shoulder as she looked down at her daughter.

  “So do I,” she said, and the human-android hybrid's eyes clouded with worry as she looked to the skies, wishing she could see from here to Freedom, just to know Felix was not being treated badly.

  “It's going to take time,” she added, “The Premier has to make a decision and he won't do that right away. But Blake Riley is a good king and he knows how to negotiate. That's why he's in charge of the Valley, Fi – he will do all he can to make sure the Premier keeps his promise and lets your Dad come home.”

  Fi turned from the window and went over to the table and sat down, and Elise followed her, standing there looking over her shoulder as her daughter sorted through a pile of brightly coloured pictures she had made with pencils. Before they had just been pictures that she liked to see about the house because Fi liked to draw – but now those family images made by her nine year old daughter made her heart ache as she wished Felix was back home where he belonged.

  Then she saw a picture that caught her eye, and she indicated to it.

  “What's that?” she asked, pointing to a drawing of a house that she did not recognise.

  Fi looked up at her.

  “That's where I want us to live one day, when Dad comes home...just one house, because we live in the pub and the motor home.”

  Her remark made Elise smile.

  “Dad runs the pub with Flynn,” she reminded her, “And he keeps the motor home because he likes it....because it reminds him of the old days. That's why he got it repaired and did lots of work on it....But you do have a point, Fi...yes... Maybe when Dad comes home we might move into what you call a proper house. I'll have to talk to him about it.”

  Elise picked up a pencil and started shading in a tree next to the house.

  “Travis lives at the palace,” she said.

  “That's because Ash is Blake Riley's best friend and he has lots of rooms there,” she told her.

  “I wish we lived in the palace,” Fi replied.

  Then she turned her head, looking at her mother who had walked over to the window and now stood there with her back turned, staring out through the glass.

  “Mum? Did you hear me?”

  Elise remained motionless. Fi got up from the table and went over to join her, looking up at her as she continued to stare out of the window.


  Still Elise was looking far off across the treetops, but now her head was turned slightly to the hillside of Sanctuary Town.

  “Mum?” Fi gave her arm a tug and Elise turned her head and looked down at her, as Fi looked back at her slightly puzzled.

  “What's the matter, Mum?” she asked.

  “Nothing,” Elise replied, “I was just thinking.”

  “About Dad? About if he doesn't come home?”

  Elise looked into her daughter's eyes, and at that moment, Fi was not quite sure why her Mum looked a little different, it was there in her eyes, in her whole expression, but she was not sure what it meant.

  “He will come home,” Elise vowed, “What ever it takes, he will come home. And I promise you no matter what happens, you have nothing to fear, okay?”

  Then she gave her daughter a hug and again turned her head, not looking to the direction of the Valley gates any more, but towards Sanctuary hillside and the skies beyond it as somewhere deep in her hybrid mind, human thoughts and fears collided in her part android mind as she thought of the man she loved and ached for his return.

  As he walked into the mansion house owned by Blake Riley, Kade Silk glanced at his reflection as he passed a large, gold framed mirror, feeling proud of how far he'd come since the days back when he had quit the city guard and started practising to take on the style of the world's first cyborg celebrity. Now he was in the palace, summoned by one of Riley's guards, because the Ash Jekel wanted to see him. It felt so unreal to be walking across the marble floor of the white and gold wide reception area as he looked about the place and wondered if he ought to wait or simply look around...

  Then a woman walked to the top of the stairway. She looked down at the man in the fine suit with the engraved veneer at the side of his head that was so like her husband's, then Joy Jekel beckoned to him.

  “This way, Silk,” she said.

  He hurried up the stairs and met her at the top and smiled warmly.

  “I've been trying to catch Ash at rehearsals but he's not been about for a couple of days...I wanted to ask about taking a proper role in the festival this year. I'd love to get my chance to go out there on stage -”

  “And you'll get your chance, I'd better let my husband explain...and Kade...”

  “Yes?” he said.

  Joy glared at him, and in that moment he knew exactly why she had once been a rebel fighter – she had fire in her eyes that wiped the smile off his face.

  “I know you've got a big mouth,” she warned, “Everyone knows how you brag about shagging the Premier's wife – but if you say a word about why Ash needs your help before he makes his announcement, I'll rip you a hole where you don't need one, okay?”

  Kade held his hands up.

  “Oi...You don't have to be so aggressive! Okay, I get it, I won't say a can I see Ash, please?”

  “He's in there,” she said, glancing to a closed bedroom door, “I'll leave you to it - and you'd better keep your mouth shut!”

  “I swear I will!” he insisted, then he shook his head, guessing all he had heard about Joy in the days of conflict had certainly been true... If this was her good side, he never wanted to see the bad side of her...

  Kade opened the door and went into the grand palatial bedroom and shut the door behind him, smiling as he thought how he had suddenly come up in the world to be invited here.

  “Thanks for coming, Kade,” Jekel said weakly.

  The smile vanished from his face as Kade looked in shock at the man who had long been his idol – he was wrapped in a silk robe and leaning back against pillows as he sat on top of the covers of his bed as a line ran into his arm filled with blue liquid, and Jekel looked terrible, he was pale and perspiring and pain reflected in his eyes.

  “It's not too bad at the moment,” he said weakly, “You'd better sit down Kade, I need to explain something to you before the pain kicks in again.”

  Kade sat down on a chair next to his bed and looked at Jekel, still feeling shocked to see him so unwell.

  “What's wrong with you? I saw you at rehearsals a few days back and y
ou were fine!”

  “You know I was wounded in the battle for Sanctuary?”

  Kade nodded.

  “Well, I had an extra wire fitted into the cluster at the base of my brain and now its burning out. I'm on these meds to try and reduce the damage when the burnout happens. So I'm going to need you on stage this year – you might have to help me out. And if I really can't go on, you can take over. I know you've always wanted your shot at being host and you can have it now. I'm so ill I can't begin to tell you how much pain I'm in.”

  “Oh god, that's terrible, I'm so sorry,” he replied in a hushed voice, feeling genuinely shocked. As Kade looked at him, he wanted to be thrilled for this chance, but instead all he felt was compassion for Jekel, along with a huge wave of emotion as he worried for him, even though they had never really got along in the past, with Jekel seeing him as a rival and a wannabe...

  “So can you do it? Can you do it if I need you to?” Jekel asked.

  “I thought you hated me.”

  “Don't be stupid, Kade! I just didn't like that you stole my style, that's all.”

  Kade noticed dark shadows under Jekel's eyes and shook his head.

  “You got me all wrong. I admired you. After I became a cyborg I thought my life was over. I quit my job too because it's no fun being a cyborg in a place like Freedom City! Seeing you on that stage gave me hope. I spent three years copying your style before I came to the Valley.”

  “And I'm hoping if you do get more attention because of this chance, you won't be bragging publicly about you and the Premier's wife,” Jekel added, “These are difficult times politically. Felix Lynch is a friend of mine, and I don't know if I'll ever see him again.”

  Kade fell silent for a moment as he thought about the situation in Freedom.

  “I'm not really into politics, but I know I want Felix back here where he belongs. I don't personally think what he did is a crime. All cyborgs need cybernetic fluid. My work was done illegally in Freedom thanks to my mother being Vice Premier. I didn't mind her using me to make a point about how cyborg modification doesn't define a person – but in the end I just couldn't cope with the prejudice, so I came here to the Valley, and now I feel I belong.”

  “Have you got any kids, Kade?” Jekel asked.

  “No way! I like being single too much. And of course, Steph is married to the Premier – but we see each other when we can. It suits me. I'm not too good at commitment.”

  Jekel briefly closed his eyes as pain registered on his face and he tried to breathe through the worst of it, as for a few awkward moments, Kade felt powerless to help.

  “Can I get you anything for the pain?” he asked.

  Jekel shook his head.

  “Nothing, there's too many side effects - I'm only resorting to that when its festival time,” then he laughed softly, “You copy my style so much but you're nothing like me at all. I'm a family man, I'm happily married, too.”

  “I do love Steph,” Kade replied, “But she's got her life in Freedom. She's there right now...” then he suddenly looked worried, “And so is Felix Lynch!”

  Jekel was still sweating as he felt the chemicals in his body affect his thermal regulator, and he breathed out heavily and tried to ignore the pain as he focussed on Kade's strange remark.

  “He's in prison, they'll have him in maximum security...I doubt anyone could get to see him right now – why are you so worried?”

  Kade gave a sigh and began to explain.

  “Steph's got a real thing for cyborgs, especially Lynch! I knew she had collection of pictures of him – I mean, not just images...records about his cybernetic work...I soon found out why...I bet even prison bars won't stop her from getting to him, she can get a pass for anywhere! She'll write herself one if she has to!”

  Jekel tried to ignore the aches in his bones as he got more comfortable and looked intently at Kade.

  “She's got a thing for him? Are you sure?”

  “I found out in the worst possible way,” he replied, “I got into this chat and flirt profit making scheme that goes over the VIP line...”

  By the time Joy had returned to the room, she was pleasantly surprised to see Kade's visit had done wonders for her husband, who was still laughing despite his discomfort as Kade finished relating his tale.

  “...And I didn't know it was Steph, and she didn't know it was me – when we saw each other it was a real shock!”

  “What are you going to do next time you see her?”he asked.

  Kade put on his best impression of the General's voice.

  “I'll have to take her in the bedroom and be Felix Lynch!” he said, and both men laughed again.

  “Am I missing something?” asked Joy.

  “No,” they said in unison, and Joy smiled.

  “Okay then,” she replied, “I'll leave you two alone to chat.” And then she left the room, feeling rather surprised that a visit from Kade Silk could have raised Jekel's spirits so well.

  When it happened, the residents of Freedom were not expecting it:

  The large screens set up around the city to broadcast the Premier's speeches jumped to life. Every TV set switched on at the time changed to an identical image, and as Felix Lynch sat in his cell, the monitor on the table turned from static snow to the same sight every other person in Freedom saw as the hackers sent their message:

  “We are the voice of the organically pure,” stated an electronically masked voice as lips spoke in unison, as faces were hidden by shadow.

  Felix sat up on his bed watching the bizarre sight on the screen, knowing if they could break into a prison channel, these people could get anywhere...

  “We are the defenders of pure flesh, we are End Cyborg Life,” the broadcast continued, “The Freedom City Government have violated our faith in their system by handing liberty to the sector known as Cyborg Valley. We will not accept these terms. We will not accept liberty for part machine life forms. All cyborg life must be eradicated along with those who support its cause.”

  And then in the distance a boom sounded, then another, and on the second, Lynch felt the floor of his cell vibrate, and his years of combat and conflicts whilst serving as a military man told him instantly that he had just heard two bombs explode nearby – in the heart of the city. He stared in alarm at the screen, knowing his decision to try and bring peace to Cyborg Valley had just unleashed a new threat - one that could place all of the new world in mortal danger....

  “No...” he whispered, knowing if they hit the city first, it was a logical conclusion that Cyborg Valley would be next....

  Chapter 4 : Tall Shadows

  Josh was running, he slammed into a worker from the floor below and didn't glance back as she in turn slammed into a wall and was helped up by a colleague as he raced towards the security centre.


  As he crashed through the open doorway and the staff looked up at him, General Temple, who had been summoned in the event of the emergency and had just made his way through the smoke and chaos and shattered debris of buildings and body parts and the blood of the injured, looked at him with an expression of shock on his face.

  “Sir, we can't trace it, we only have basic tech and half of that is barely working!”

  There was a look of rage in his eyes as Josh looked around the security centre.

  “Someone find them!” he shouted, “They have to be stopped!”

  Temple hurried over to him, grabbed his arm and pulled him aside from the workers, over to a window where down in the city below, smoke was still rising from the devastation as rescuers tried to reach the wounded.

  “Premier,” he said, lowering his voice, “End Cyborg Life have been planning this for many years... no doubt pooling their resources for this strike. It would only take a handful of individuals with old world hacking expertise, a few also with perhaps former military experience, then it would have taken time to set up...the hacking, the bombings...This has
been building since the day the first cyborg was created by the joining of human flesh to android tech! And the warnings have gone on for years and we did nothing – you did nothing! Face it, Premier... you struck a deal with the Valley to stop this - it has ended in disaster. It was a terrible gamble! Either turn this situation around fast or the rest of the circle will do it for you – we need a leader who can avoid bad decisions like this one and its consequences!”

  Josh glared at him.

  “And as head of security, you should have seen this coming!”

  Josh turned away and walked off in anger as Temple watched him leave, silently vowing he would still be head of security when the day came to see the Premier fall from grace...

  As the news reports of the bombings in Freedom were broadcast through to Cyborg Valley, as the residents looked on in horror at the news, in the Wired Circuit as the images of the devastation flickered and rolled and Flynn thumped the top of the old fashioned box television, the grainy image finally cleared a little and as drinkers looked on and spoke quietly amongst themselves, Kait turned away in disgust as she leant against the bar.

  “If you ask me,” she said as Flynn went behind the bar to join her, “They don't deserve our sympathy! Not after the situation Felix Lynch is in!”

  Flynn looked sharply at his wife.

  “No Kait, they do!” he insisted, “This was done by End Cyborg Life, because Freedom gave us our liberty back!”


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