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Sinful Page 6

by Skylar Cross

  She brings my drink to me, her fabulous cock swinging left to right like a hypnotizing pendulum.

  "Thanks," I say.

  But it comes out as thggggkkk.

  I clear my throat.

  "Thanks," I say with a laugh as I take the drink.

  "Cheers," she says as she clinks my glass and takes a swig of the drink.

  "Cheers," I say and drink some down.

  Yep, I'm in trouble now.

  Fuck it.

  I want this.

  I wanted it the night of the party. It's like Damien is my ultimate, my rock, my guiding compass. But everyone in his circle is part of this happy slutty vibe that floats through this property like a flying sex cherub shooting horny arrows at everyone he encounters. Pretty sure I've been hit several times.

  I get a flash of Isabella and I sucking off Jasmine's cock while Damien fucks my ass.

  "Let's sit on the couch," Jasmine says.

  I follow that scrumptious ass to a low settee with various multicolored pillows all over it.

  She sits down, her legs splayed much like Isabella's the night we sat outdoors on her patio.

  Only with Isabella it was camel toe. With Jasmine it's this monstrous shaft.

  God, it's almost down to her knee! And it's pointing right at me. Wait a sec. Was that... did I just see it throb?


  Jasmine looks at me, twirling her hair like girls do when they're attracted to someone. Very feminine. But oh yeah, wait a minute... she is a girl.

  I didn't notice it the first day I saw her, but those shoulders and arms are quite masculine. Maybe I wanted to see her as a girl that day because it was so strongly the image she presented.

  As I stare at Jasmine, I realize Isabella was right. This might be the perfect specimen of humanity. Masculine and feminine all rolled into one. Beautiful and strong. Dainty and rugged. The best of both worlds.


  As I stare at her... and I don't even try not to... I get why so many girls want her. She is so comfortable with herself, it's ridiculous.

  Shit, she even adjusts her dong a little. And scratches her balls. Right in front of me!


  "I have a confession to make," she says.

  "Yes?" I say, almost unable to breathe.

  "I heard some of your conversation with Damien. I didn't mean to. I was coming to find him but you two were in the middle of it so I thought it best to stay out of it."


  The more we stare at each other, the more I'm at a loss for words. Oh is the best I can do right now.

  "Damien isn't... your usual guy," she says, then takes another swig.

  "Hadn't noticed," I say.

  Ah, found some words. Sarcastic ones too. Good.

  I take another sip.

  "Ever since that day on the patio," she says, "he's different."

  My sphincter clenches and unclenches.

  "Different?" I say.

  "Yes," she says, "there's only one other time I ever saw him look at and speak to someone the way he did with you that day."

  Ooooh, I so want to know this! The Far Away girl maybe?

  "But I can't tell you," she says.


  "Only because it's not my place," she says. "Just trust me, he doesn't treat you like all the other girls. Who are mostly scenery to him now."

  I feel a warmth in my heart.

  "Really?" I say.

  "Yes," says Jasmine as she finishes her drink. "And you came dangerously close to fucking it up with him back there. Which is why I saved you."

  "Saved me?"

  "Yes." She flashes her eyelashes at me. "I gave you the gift of the flat tire."

  Now I'm confused. Or maybe it's the Grey Goose.

  "The gift of the flat tire?" I say.

  "Yes, I stuck a knife in your tire," she says.

  I know I should be mad at this, but the Grey Goose convinces me to chill and go with the flow.

  "Why... would... you... stick a knife in my tire?" I say. With difficulty.

  "Because Damien said that if you leave the property, the two of you are done."

  I roll my eyes into my head, trying to think. Thinking... ah, yes... I remember that.

  "And...?" I say.

  "And you haven't left the property yet, have you?" she says. "Besides, you were in no condition to drive. Especially in that storm. I'll buy you a new set of tires and have them installed before you leave. Although I'm not sure that car is worth it, honey."

  Now I want clothes. Somehow... some evil part of me... was going along with being seduced by Jasmine. Even to the point where I was temporarily... astonishingly... forgetting the spat with Damien.

  But now she tells me she did it for him and I find that... what?... disappointing?

  I finish my drink.


  "Oh," I say, "I thought maybe you did it for other reasons. But that makes sense. You did it for Damien."

  She smiles at me, staring deeply into my eyes.

  "Oh, don't kid yourself, girly girl," she says. "There are two reasons. I do want you to stick around because you're the best thing for him in years. That's number one. But there is a number two."

  I feel a warm wash spreading from my toes to my head, stopping at my pussy along the way.

  "Which is?" I say.

  She puts her emptied glass on the coffee table. Then she leans into me, an inch away from my face.

  "Because I..." she says then pauses.

  "Uh-huh?" I say as I find myself moving closer to her face.

  "...want to fuck you too," she says and kisses me.

  Thunder and lightning flash as our mouths press together. Not like Isabella at all. There's even a little stubble.

  God, she's forceful! She swishes her tongue deep into my mouth with power.

  I let go.

  God yes, I want this... person... to fuck me!

  I have no idea what he... or she... is, but I want him... I mean, I want her! I want her inside me. Around me. Licking me. Getting sucked by me. On top of me. Beneath me. Inside me.

  First up is apparently on top of me. I find myself under her on the couch, that massive beast, now rock hard, resting on my stomach.

  Oh my fucking God, it's like an animal between us!

  I sink my fingernails into the man-muscles around her back. She presses her weight on top of me, pinning me down.

  My cunt is on fire. I feel Jasmine's balls dangling over it.

  She continues to kiss me, her masculine aura penetrating my feminine psyche... yet with a sass that I recognize from Isabella, Tara, Tiffany, and... what's her name? Karina!

  Then her breasts are in my face. They smack me around.

  Her hand goes down to my pussy, spreading my lips wide with her fingers.

  At the same time, Jasmine's breasts and mine do a little dance together. God, they feel so real!

  I reach down and grab her hips, pushing her up a little. I feel The Beast slide down along my tummy.

  Then she's in my mouth again. Swirling. Pressing. Pinning me with her weight. Didn't think she'd be this heavy. But come to think of it, that's a lot of muscle and bone.

  Next thing I know it flops on my face.

  Yes, it.

  The Beast.

  Its gloriousness is all over me, around my nose, in my hair. It's alive. It moves. It throbs.

  From my perspective, it looks like a sinewy submarine with a ridgy cover that slides back and forth as it grinds on my face.

  I stick my tongue out to taste it.


  I see Jasmine's gorgeous face staring down at me over it. She's smiling.

  God, I love her eyes! So deep. So green.

  Then she lifts up The Beast and lets it fall onto my face.


  My clit pokes out of her hood, ready for action.

  I just don't know, though... this thing has its own fucking area code. I have no idea how I'm going to get it inside me. />
  Definitely not my ass. It'll break that for sure.

  I reach up with both hands and grab it, squeezing it into my face.

  I'm in fucking heaven! This is too good!

  I kiss it. I lick it. I suck the sides of it, the front of it, and the underside. I move my head to the right and let it fall next to my cheek. With my hands, I caress it like a long-lost lover. I stick my tongue out and lick up and down the side of it closest to me.

  Tastes like man. Musky. Salty.

  My God, I love cock!

  I love the way the foreskin dances up and down on the outside. I'm not used to that. Most guys I've known are circumcised. I kind of like this extra layer of loose skin. More to play with.

  She lifts The Beast up and lets it fall on my face again.


  Shit, how many pounds does this thing weigh?

  She laughs.

  I'm beyond tingles. My pussy is on edge now. She wants to meet The Beast up close and personal.

  Hang on, sis. My mouth isn't done yet. You'll get your turn.

  Jasmine moves back, letting the length of her slide down so the mouthwatering head is at my mouth.

  And there's that happy little slit that fed me happy cream the other day! I so want more of that man juice! Buckets. Sliding down my throat. Choking me. Going up my nostrils. Filling me with salty liquid heat.

  I take her head into my mouth. I swirl my tongue around the big knob, sticking the tip into the little folds under the foreskin's wrapping.

  Then I turn on a little suction.

  She moans.

  I feel The Beast jolt. I stick my tongue to its underside, making little up and down strokes right in the center.

  More moans.

  She slides herself forward, deeper into my mouth.

  My God, I'm going to choke!

  Not a bad way to go, though.

  I have to stretch my jaw muscles to get wide enough to allow it into my mouth.

  The Beast hits the back of my throat, but it's only halfway in. I seriously don't know what to do with this thing. And Damien says she's fucked him? In his ass? How could this get up anyone's ass?

  She pulls back while I apply more suction. Then she moves forward again.

  We develop a nice groove of back-and-forth beats. I'm not breathing very well. But who gives a fuck? Breathing is overrated anyway. This is better.

  I open my eyes and look up at her incredible body. God, I love those strong flat tummy muscles! So manly yet so feminine. How does she pull that off?

  I watch her face as I suck her cock. She's smiling while moaning. Her eyelids flutter.

  Gorgeous. So fucking gorgeous.

  And right now, right this moment, she's all mine!

  Can't help it. I touch my nub, making little circles.

  And I come.

  Boom, just like that.

  Apparently, I had been ready. All it took was the beautiful sight of Jasmine's splendiferous body above me while my throat is being pounded by this stunning rod of bliss.

  "Mmmm," she says as she realizes I just came. Must have been the bucking hips that gave it away.

  Oh, and the grunts. Did I mention I was grunting? Oh yeah, definitely grunting.

  Jasmine climbs off me, bringing her face down to mine again. She holds for a powerful moment and just stares into my eyes.

  We kiss passionately, our hands exploring each other's bodies in a wild frenzy. I rub her neck muscles, powerful and strong.

  Her dick and balls graze my pussy lips all the way up to my belly button.

  Then she flips me over.

  Roughly, I might add. Like she picked me up completely and dropped me down again.

  Then I feel her dong flop on my ass crack and back as she bites my neck.

  I scream in delight.

  Chapter 26

  "You like that, huh?" says Jasmine.

  "Mmm-hmmm," I say.

  She tongue probes my back, heading down to my crack. She stays on the outside of my ass, tonguing me with pressure all the way down both my legs.

  Then she bites the back of my ankles as she pushes them together.

  Next thing I know she's up at my ass, licking my backdoor furiously.

  Oh God, I love this!

  Her tongue darts in and out of my nether hole. Spreading. Pressing. Probing.

  Electrical zaps travel from my sphincter all around my body, then back to my clit where they light little sparky fires.

  They lick each others' anuses. Disgusting.

  Shut up, mom.

  I arch my ass up so Jasmine can get a better angle.

  I'm so ready for everything anal! I want to go exploring! It's all I've been thinking about lately. I've even been practicing while masturbating. I'm up to two fingers now. Which reminds me, I have to change my sheets before my mom gets to them.

  Not to mention Karina did a fantastic job on my asshole the other day with her tongue. Such an amazing sensation! Pure joy. She really got into it, too.

  But wait a minute... hold on! There's no way my asshole is ready for The Beast!

  I'll say something if she tries, but for now I'll just lie here butt-up and enjoy this incredible rimjob.

  Jasmine is amazing. Knows her fucking way around an asshole, that's for damn sure.

  She's way up there now. God, how long is her tongue? I swear I can feel her tickling my intestines.

  Then I feel little licks somewhere. Not sure where, but everything loosens up even more. I feel like a wide open tunnel has opened up.

  I make a noise that doesn't sound like anything I've ever made before. Completely involuntary. Part moan, part exhaling growl.

  "Are you all right?" Jasmine says.

  "Uh-huh," I say, stupefied by the incredible sensation. "Don't... stop..."

  She gets her tongue back in there and hits the spot again.

  I shake.

  I mean, I fucking shake! It's like a full-body twitch.

  She laughs.

  She pulls me up so I'm kneeling with my butt up in the air.

  "Hold your cheeks open!" she says.

  I reach back and pull them apart. I sense my asshole opening up all on its own.

  Then her tongue is back.

  Oh my fucking God!

  I never... ever... never... I mean, ever... thought anal could be this good.

  It's not like an orgasm. It's... I don't know how to describe it... like something else. Something fantastic. Something amazing. Can't be expressed in words. Meaning of life? I dunno.

  Isabella's words come back to me.

  It's not like a regular orgasm. It's more like a plateau that you hit. A plateau of nonstop pleasure that just goes on... and on... and on... I sometimes wonder how long it could go on.

  Oh, so maybe this is what she was talking about. Oooh, I'm getting it.

  Then my mother's words come back to me.

  The anus was never meant for sex. Disgusting perverts. Men who dress up as women. Women who dress up as men.

  Shut up, Mom! This is the real me. Yes, I'm getting anal delight from a transsexual. Big fucking deal. I'm not killing anyone! I'm not hurting anyone! Just having a little sexy fun, for once!

  I push my mother's voice out of my head as I give in to the rhapsody Jasmine's tongue is playing on my inner sphincter and rectum.

  Pure paradise. An even flow of sensation. Just holds there. Stays there. Floating on a cloud.

  We continue this way for what seems a hundred years or so. There seems to be no end to it. It's like an on button that doesn't shut off until you stop.

  Eventually, though, Jasmine stops. While I could have stayed like that for eternity, all good things must come to an end, I suppose.

  "Wait here," Jasmine says. "I'll be right back."

  Oh, right... like I'm going somewhere. Where do you think I'm going half-drunk (okay, three-quarters drunk) with my ass up in the air and my cheeks spread like this? You think I'm going to leave? Seriously? Fuck no.

  She's back

  Oh my God!

  She has anal beads!

  Oh, I've seen those in the adult store! But these are big. Not huge, but not tiny either. They're bright pink.

  I feel something dribbling all over my ass.


  My pussy is on fire again. Oh fuck, my entire body is on fire! I'm so loving this.

  Jasmine's fingers dip into my backdoor, spreading wet coolness all around. And around. And around.

  That's one happy asshole!

  Next thing I know Jasmine's face is beside me. She takes the first of the bright pink balls on a string and holds it directly between our two mouths. She wraps her mouth around it and so do I. Our lips touch at one point as we suck on it.

  Then she disappears and I feel the ball knocking on my back door.

  My anus spreads delightfully as Jasmine presses the ball inward.

  Mmmmmmmmmm... so good.

  The stretch is amazing. I feel myself opening up... so free... so me... I love myself!

  I scream as my hole stretches to accommodate the ball completely. There is a little pain at its widest part, but a good kind of pain.

  Now I get what Isabella was feeling when she was telling me to press forward with my fist.

  But she's way ahead of me. I'm only at these medium-sized balls.

  But who gives a shit?

  This is incredible! I love it.


  The ball shoots into me and my ass closes.

  I shudder.

  Goosebumps all over me.

  "You okay?" says Jasmine.

  "Yes," I say, "that was just so good!"

  "Mmmm," she says.

  A TV screen flickers to life to my right. I look over. A girl's butt with four pink balls hanging out of it flashes onto the screen.

  "Ha!" I say.

  I look back. Jasmine has a tiny camera on a tiny tripod set up. When did she do that? Did I blackout or something?

  "Now watch," she says.

  I look at the TV screen.

  I see manly black hands take the next bright pink ball and push it up to the perky bright asshole on the screen. Is that really me? At the same time, I feel the spread.

  Easier this time. My butt is hungry. Number two just plops right in.

  I can't describe the sensation of watching it on the TV screen while simultaneously feeling it. The only word I can think of is surreal.

  Then I watch and feel as the next one goes in. Then the next one.


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