War of Mars: Jinks Montreal 4

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War of Mars: Jinks Montreal 4 Page 14

by Beth Hoyer

from California targeted Thomas to be her husband had him drugged and raped him to get expecting with his baby on orders of someone I’m not sure who. This joke was successful then her father found out about this insisted that Thomas marry his daughter and divorce after the child is eighteen or pay her a high price child support payments till the child was age of choice of nineteen. Thomas tried to use the courts to get out of this but the judge sided with the socialite’s father insisted that the agreement be honored. Thomas had no choice but to marry the daughter due to that the judge set the child support payments at a high price. He couldn’t afford to pay and that the socialite got her wish and has him as her husband.”

  He frowns hearing that as Lance continues to speak “During the court trial the subject of Elsa came up.

  Thomas insisted ‘I was going to ask her to marry me. I mentioned that she needed someone to be there for her. She doesn’t have anyone to rely on due to having too many bad things happening to her over the years.’

  Thomas was hoping to bring some good things to Elsa by marrying her.”

  He feels himself frowning further as Lance continues to speak “The socialite’s father recently hired a private detective to do background checking on Elsa. This happened after Thomas talked to him explaining some of the bad things that happened to Elsa in her life happen to her attending college and living in an apartment that caught fire due to arson. She fingered as the arsonist when she was currently attending class at the time. The people who she was in class with weren’t very forthcoming on being her alibi. The college wound up kicking her out due to that they were embarrassed from the incident. Also her father wound up moving away and didn’t leave an address for Elsa to contact him. This left Elsa living on the streets in a city with the clothes on her back. She had money left in her bank that was stolen by some girl who stole a check from her bag and wrote out the exact money amount in the check leaving Elsa without any money and living on the streets. Elsa tried to get food from soup kitchens in the city but was kicked out by staff members repeatedly along with forced out by police officers due to her appearance of being a kid. The soup kitchens wouldn’t let Elsa explain that she wasn’t a kid but an adult who’s homeless. People refused to listen to her explain that or see her driver’s license she tried to show to them. Elsa’s luck changed when Yanet got engaged and mailed her an engagement party invitation.

  The invitation got returned back with someone’s handwriting on it saying ‘Return to sender no such person at the address.’

  Yanet figured something was wrong contacted the college who told her of the apartment catching fire and that she was kicked out as a result of that despite not actually doing the crime. Yanet tried to contact Elsa’s father couldn’t get through via phone due to the line disconnected and tried the mail which she got sent back saying he moved and didn’t send an address. Yanet for some reason figured something was terribly wrong with Elsa contacted the city’s police department declaring Elsa missing by claiming that she lost contact with her and wanted to know what was going on. The city’s police after three days of stalling and Yanet’s repeated nagging searched the city for Elsa and found her sleeping on a bench. They brought her to the precinct and contacted Yanet about that who came and was upset to find out about what happened to Elsa brought her to her home in another town. She helped Elsa get back on her feet as in finding a job, a place to live and transportation to places in a city for getting food and needed items. Unfortunately, days before the wedding Elsa got an eviction notice from her landlord who wanted her out because other tenants were complaining about Elsa being a nuisance. The real reason was she was making them look bad to their friends who were picking on them for living in the same apartment building with a deaf girl their friends thought she was retarded and mental ill. Thomas had an apartment in another city that had room for Elsa to live with him brought her to his apartment and had been driving her to her job which was a factory like job before he went to his job at a community college library as a librarian. He caught the eye of the socialite visiting the college because she saw his brother in the newspaper with Yanet and read that he had a twin brother working at the college. The socialite went to check him out and tried to get Thomas to date her which he rebuffed her advances by saying that he was engaged. The socialite in question had some people kidnap Thomas, as in drugging him and brought him to a hotel room where she used him to father her child and now Thomas is married to her. As for Elsa, she’s lucky that the socialite’s father owns the apartment building she lives in as the landlord. There’ll be a chance that she won’t get kicked out due to that the father is a softy when it comes to people’s suffering. The father might be sympathized towards her enough to help her with her problems and will probably rebuff people telling him all sorts of lies about Elsa due to her deafness and her appearance. The father in question since the hiring of a private detective has kept a close eye on Elsa through other people loyal to him spying on her just to see for himself what is true about Elsa. This is from him hearing tenants in the building complain about Elsa being a nuisance and demanding that she move out which he has balked doing it. The father has heard reports from Highlanders originally from the group Scotland that the tenants’ friends have been making fun of the tenants for living in the same apartment building with a deaf girl the friends found without bothering to get to know Elsa, retarded and mental ill. That including that some of the friends have refused to visit the tenant or have friendship with that tenant by giving that tenant an ultimatum which is have Elsa out of the building as in moved out or forget being friends with them. The tenants in question have spoken all sorts of lies to the father being the landlord just to keep their friendship with their friends and to get Elsa moved out. The landlord in question is currently in process working to evict those tenants for their behavior towards Elsa which he finds not acceptable. The landlord sympathizing with Elsa’s situation is from having a grandmother who was deaf herself who’s situation before the landlord’s father was born was what Elsa is suffering from is similar to her as in being kicked out of apartment buildings. Landlords believing in tenants’ lies about her and that from the tenants having friends who believed the same thing the current tenants’ friends believed about Elsa.”

  Jinks frown hearing that as Lance continues to talk “I thinks that Elsa’s attempt to take her life and you saving her will get her to talk every single bad thing happened to her in her life to someone called a counselor hired by the landlord who’ll record the conversation. They’ll give the recording to the landlord to listen to who’ll work on helping Elsa in getting her to see that life is worth living. The Meritanians say with hints of High Council’s help that the counselor was hired to see Elsa for as long as Elsa needs counseling for her problems till she’s ok enough to function by she without needing counseling.”

  Jinks forms a frown on his lips as Lance pauses which he hears Ramses speak his familiar question finds his eyes forced shut.

  Jinks woke up hearing Victoria crying which he figures that the baby is hungry from the sound of her wailing. Jinks goes to get a bottle of milk from the fridge in the room then goes to the baby to pick her up and sits in the wingback chair to cradle the baby towards him and feeds her milk from the bottle.

  He sits frowning while thinking of what Lance told him of Elsa and thinks to he “I’ll hope that Elsa will stop having bad things happening to her but something positive. She hopefully would be thinking positive instead of negatively enough to have something negative happen to her.”

  He continues to relay the conversation in his mind till Victoria squirms in his arms. Jinks see that the bottle is empty and she’s trying to spit the nipple out of her mouth. Jinks takes out and puts the bottle on the table then burps the baby then puts her in the crib finding her falling asleep with his hand on her stomach. He gently rubs her forehead then goes back to bed to fall asleep and passes out unconscious and wakes up to hear Victoria crying again with the alarm blaring its noises. Jinks hear
s that she’s upset from the alarm’s sound judging by the crankiness of her voice which he figures that she was trying to sleep and the alarm woke her up. He glares at the clock to see the alarm shut itself off then goes to Victoria to lift her up and rocks her gently putting her asleep. Jinks put her back into the crib then goes into the bathroom to shower and get dressed. Jinks comes out to hear nothing from Victoria but goes to the crib to lift her up and carries her out of the room to meet Gustav standing there. Jinks goes to the dining room and places the baby in a bassinet then sits waiting for his food which he is given the food and he eats it finding he terribly hungry. He finished goes to the TV room to sit leaning back on the couch with Victoria still held in his arms she still asleep. He frowns to think about Elsa feels sleepiness shuts his eyes and dreams of facing Lance.

  Lance who tells him “Elsa once awake at the hospital some time ago admitted meeting you she referred as the Master. Unsure of why’s she’s not mentioning names. She confessed to what happened at the meeting including that his

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