War of Mars: Jinks Montreal 4

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War of Mars: Jinks Montreal 4 Page 16

by Beth Hoyer

doing several misdiagnoses cases on purpose with some of the results in the death of a patient and that has happened too many times already.”

  He nodded his head as the nurse continued to whisper “We’ll look the other way if the Master gives the doctor something permanently deadly. We’ll make it look like it by the doctor’s own hand that killed him.”

  He frowned hearing her use the word Master as she pulled out a locket from underneath her clothes. Jinks stiffened recognizing it as the jewelry worn by members of the Master Organization and saw reverence in her eyes as she waved it then placed it back underneath her clothes. He nodded his head and then walked off sensing the nurse not following him.

  “Nurse’s looks of her appeared to be a hybrid of a Highlander and human appearing to be the High Council manipulating Jinks to my disgust.”

  He found the room with no difficulty to knock on the door and heard the command for entry which he entered the room slamming the door. Jinks frowned with annoyance seeing the doctor was a middle aged man with some grey in his hair while sitting at a desk that looked like it was carved out of very expensive wood. Jinks eyed the room’s contents with disgust running through him to recognize that some of the items were antiques and saw that all appeared to be very expensive from the looks of it.

  Jinks walked up to the desk as the doctor gave off a laugh with some amused look in his eyes before speaking sounding like laughter in the tone “Appears the son sent his father to do his dirty work. That son should know that he like his father can’t do anything to me period.”

  Jinks reached the desk to will the Master through and held up a hand ordering the doctor to choke gagging him. Jinks saw the doctor’s eyes become wide with shock as the doctor brought hands to his throat clawing it while gagging for air.

  He saw the doctor mouth words he lip read “I deserve to live as a medical doctor doing what I do!”

  Jinks ignored and curled his hand into a fist while still choking the male. Jinks saw the doctor stand up mentally ordered paralysis to hit the male who fell back into his chair while still choking loudly. Jinks eyed the doctor who rolled his eyes leaning back with head tipped back and form going still which his senses blared telling him it was a trick. He mentally kept the choking order while having his senses cued to the doctor’s life signs he sensed were fading till the doctor gave up a loud gasp and then he sensed the male’s life was gone. He mentally ordered the choking to stop seeing the doctor’s form remain still with no life detected from the body. Jinks willed the Master away from him and left the office walking to Samira’s room. He passed by the nurses’ station he assumed it was called to eye the nurses out of the corners of his eyes look at him with relief looks on their faces as he walked by. He went to Samira’s room and once inside took her arm and guided her clinging to him out of the room to the elevator which he took to the lobby which he guided her to the car and forced her inside.

  He spoke once he was inside the car “Driver, drive us to the Castle.”

  He heard an agreement from the driver who started up the car and drove it out of the parking lot. Jinks kept his arms around Samira who he heard cried tears sounding like she was relieved by her sounds. He kissed the side of her head as he kept his arms around her as she continued to cry tears. He eyed the scenery as the car drove to the penthouse building going inside to the garage room which stopped which he opened the car door and forced Samira out. He kept his arms around Samira as he guided her to the elevator taking it to the penthouse floor and once inside guided her to the dining room. On the way he heard a loud wailing noise that sounded like Victoria was screeching her cries and sounded upset from her voice tone. Jinks sighed and brought Samira inside the dining room to spot Robert holding a very squirming crying Victoria in his arms who had panic on his face. Jinks released his hold on Samira to go to Robert taking Victoria from him who showed relief on his face followed by shock as his wife grabbed him in a bear hug while crying tears. He held Victoria who placed arms around his neck and sensed her calming down from her crying bout. Jinks watched as Robert and Samira repeatedly kissed each other on the lips while still having arms around each other as they both had expressions of happiness and upset on their faces. He sighed as Victoria gave off noises sounding like she was happy to see him and sensed her being calm while he held her. He again sighed loudly as he figured to himself that Victoria was upset with him gone and wanted him back hence her crying bout and that she’s happy to have that wish granted by how she felt being held in his arms.

  “I feel like these memories I’m remembering are my own memories of myself as Jinks Montreal but I find this impossible! I haven’t been able to see much involving Victoria Montreal despite thinking her name repeatedly.

  Zerra keeps on interrupting my thinking to blare ‘Anything but that!’

  She sounds like she’s disappointed in me thinking this Victoria instead of thinking Jinks Montreal like I should. I’m not even sure of what’s going on with Zerra involving her purpose to thinking of Jinks Montreal as myself-

  Zerra interrupts ‘You’re him!’

  I as Brandis don’t comment a response instead thinks of more memories of Jinks Montreal instead.

  Victoria, Jinks’ daughter at age ten as remembered.

  Jinks get told “There is a Table meeting.” by Jacqueline after Jinks overheard telling his daughter “It’s forbidden to talk about your mother!” with an angry tone in response to Victoria’s question “What happened to my mother?”

  He sees Victoria run away and hears a door slam sound that tells him that she’s in her room.

  Jinks speak to Jacqueline “I’ll attend the meeting.” gets up going to the elevator.

  Jinks realizes that he doesn’t know what floor its on walks out to meet Gustav and spoke “Gustav I must asks which floor number is that table meeting.”

  Gustav speaks “The number thirteen is the floor as voice ordered by your special voice. The door is labeled Table room with the number one on it.”

  Jinks goes back into the elevator and voice orders it to go to the floor feeling the elevator go down which it stops to reveal a hallway with closed double doors on both sides. He enters the hallway to read door labels to spot the desired door yanks it open to see Table members are inside sitting around a table looking like their motionless. There’s army men holding guns aimed at the Table members as one is sitting at the table in front of a lap top computer.

  He sees a male dressed in a suit with his face and black eyes that don’t display emotion seeing him snarls “Your presence ruined my plan!”

  He walks further into the room only to hear two gun shots sounds from behind and feels pain in his back jerking his form to hit the floor. Jinks passes out unconscious to come to find his head cradled in someone’s lap.

  Someone is a female berating the male calling him “Simon you idiot! You shouldn’t have shot the vessel for the Master will attend to you!”

  He hears the male dubbed Simon snarl “I’m the Master! I was shooting an imposter! I’m the real thing not that man on the floor!”

  He wills the Darkness through to swing himself up in a karate move and sees Simon. Jinks wills the Master through to glare at the male seeing the army men’s eyes widen with shock followed by a familiar look as Simon spoke snarling “I orders imposter to be shot!”

  He sees the army men turn their guns aiming it at Simon and fire it full blast repeatedly at the male who appears to have holes all over his body and then falls to the ground as if shot dead.

  He speaks “I’m the Master. I won’t tolerate stunts like this happening again.” he hears “You have my assurances.” from the Table members and army people saying “This won’t happen again or we’ll pay for it with punishment.”

  He speaks “You army people are to get rid of Simon’s body.”

  Jinks then leaves the room to the elevator which he takes to the penthouse floor while feeling dizziness hitting him that passes.

  He leaves the
elevator to meet Gustav who is scrutiny him which he says “I’m fine.”

  Jinks walks a few steps and then sees the ground rushing up to meet him feels the floor on his cheek and shuts his eyes passing out unconscious.

  Jinks comes to feel himself sitting up in bed Darkness willed away from him while still wearing his pants and t-shirt partly up on him while arching his back. Jinks feel a small child like hand touching his back as he senses something is being pulled from him. Jinks feel it like a bullet come out of his back which makes him arch his back more. Jinks then feels another bullet come out before stopping his back arch to gasp panting for breath. He hears crunching noises sounding very loud on his left looks to spot four men with various hair color and hair lengths all with black eyes. Jinks recalled seeing them before along with the little girl standing next to him besides the bed with all white eyes. He stares at the men who seem to be angry about something as the girl pulls down his t-shirt and grabs his hand forcing him to get off the bed by her having some super strength. He stands as the girl still holding his hand leads him to the open bathroom doorway. Jinks follow her through to find he in a familiar room coming out of a gate followed by the four men. Jinks see Anubis standing nearby with his familiar Hawk head guards who don’t look

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