War of Mars: Jinks Montreal 4

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War of Mars: Jinks Montreal 4 Page 25

by Beth Hoyer

picked up King’s Times and began reading it only to find an editorial with the same subject in the article.

  His senses again blares an alarm which he figured “The articles seem to be talking about me.”

  The articles annoyed him as he put down the newspaper and got up going to the TV room to verbally turn the TV on to a local news channel.

  He felt himself bored with the news report talking “We’re about a new medical procedure recently approved to take parts of body organs from donors dead or alive. The organs are to put the part into the patient to repair damage to organs with no problems of rejecting or having to take anti rejection medicine for life. This is mostly receiving a donated organ crafted to be tailored to the victim’s body. “

  Jinks felt he bored stared at the wall as the news report continued till they started talking about something else saying “Human God found!”

  Jinks jerked his eyes towards the TV to see the reporters talking “There’s local tabloid newspapers blaring reports of a Human male not yet identified but suspected to be deity like with abilities that was impossible to explain.”

  He stiffened as his senses again blares an alarm while listening to the TV hearing them adds “The tabloids have been blaring that for awhile which has become popular among people living in the city of New York City.”

  Jinks groaned loudly as the TV continued to talk “The tabloids’ newspaper editors when pressed for comments have been insisting ‘This is true!’ by saying ‘We have witness testimonies and evidence from people from the past that recently came out admitting this suspicion on a Human male.’

  The editors have been tightlipped on the male’s identity.”

  He sat up straight as the broadcast mentioned “We asking the editors about the evidence they have which all except one were tightlipped with the one admitting ‘Part of the evidence we have is very old.’

  That editor became tightlipped when pressed to explain.”

  Jinks groan hearing the broadcast as it changed to something else focusing on entertaining movies which he ordered the TV off and got up figuring that he’ll go to the kitchen. He went to the kitchen and inside paused to see Victoria sitting at the bench table dressed in her bathrobe with pajama pants peeking and messy hair eating breakfast back to him. He sat down next to her back to the table and folded his arms. He heard a ringing noise loudly sounding like a phone spotted Jacqueline going to a console on the wall lifting up a headset from a hook and putting it on her head.

  He listened as he heard her speak “Montreal residence.”

  He frowned staring at Jacqueline seeing her hands become fists and heard her yell “no comment!”

  He frowned further as she yanked off the headset thrusting it on the hook with such force before going to her husband to whisper words while covering her mouth before darting out of the kitchen slamming the swinging doors.

  Jinks spoke “John, who was that on the phone?”

  He frowned as the cook gave him a glare while narrowing his eyes and moving his mouth which he lips read “Not in front of Victoria.”

  Jinks saw the cook turn his attention towards the stove as he turned his attention towards Victoria.

  He recalled the school principal mentioning “The school dance happening in the evening of a dated day as told.”

  He spoke “Victoria, I was informed yesterday that there’s a school dance happening at the school at seven o’clock. I was asked to help chaperone the dance with the principal and another.”

  He paused as Victoria looked at him speaking “Mavis a friend of mine asked me to go with him to the dance. I said yes after he did some convincing saying that the both of us being at the dance will spite the students who out casted us. We’ll make sure we both have a good time there.”

  Jinks spoke “You’ll have a good time Victoria. Oh how do you expect me to treat you there?”

  He saw her frown before she spoke “Just refrain from blabbing to people that I’m your daughter act like you don’t know me and don’t answer people’s questions when they bring up the subject.”

  His senses blared a warning as she turned her attention to the food while staring out the window which he recalled the TV broadcast and wondered if she knew anything about it or suspect him being the person their talking about.

  He spoke “Victoria.”

  Jinks waited as she looked at him whom he added “Have you heard of this rumor going around about a Human male suspected to be not human?”

  He frowned seeing her eyes widen with shock in them and then she spoke “I’ve heard of the rumor and figured out that it was you.”

  He groans softly to speak “I read this in the newspapers and seen the TV broadcast about it. I like to know what you think about it for the TV broadcast mentions that it’s popular among city’s people.”

  He saw her frown before speaking with an edge in her voice “the news is just some fad hitting people that will lose interests in it and it’ll go away.’

  Jinks frown as she turned her head away concentrating on her food.

  He heard a throat clearing noise sounding which he looked to see John who mouthed “That was what I wanted to talk to you about.”

  Jinks frowned as the cook resumed cooking on the stove as Jacqueline arrived with Gustav who had a glare on his face.

  He frowned forming it on his lips as Gustav spoke “Jacqueline told me that someone from a newspaper she’s aware that it’s a tabloid asked to talk to you who she figured out why and hung up on the person then went to inform the rest of us of that.”

  Jinks spoke “Would this have something to do with the tabloids blaring articles about a Human male suspected to not be Human with unexplained abilities? I got it straight from the editorial articles in the newspaper and seeing a broadcast on the TV. I heard its some popular fad hitting people around the city.”

  He heard Victoria give off a cough sound like she was choking on her food and looked at her. He saw she looked shocked by the expression on her face.

  He spoke “Victoria, have people been talking to you about suspecting me for being that person?”

  He saw her eyes widen and spoke “I like to know what’s up with you acting like this.”

  Jinks heard a groan come from Victoria who spoke “I heard the story in school from overhearing some girls’ talk but didn’t believe it at first. While outside of the school I felt like I was being filmed by camera and the driver has reported some van following. He would drive all over the place just to lose the van before driving me home. This happened since the rumor started with the following and filming has been kept up since starting two weeks ago. The principal before school told me to tell you that news reporters have shown up at the school asking about me before being kicked out by security.”

  Jinks frown nodding his head as Victoria continued talking “One of my teachers in computer class taught us students the search engine on the internet to use for finding things. I used after school while waiting for the driver to arrive. I was practicing what I learned and typed your name to discover numerous articles on you which I skimmed some of them. There were articles mentioning a former King with the name and there was a picture a male looking exactly like you in one of those articles along with articles on a karate champion with the same name years before I was born and before the former King took office. I found a picture of the karate champion looking exactly like you and I figured out that the rumor was true and focused on you.”

  He gave off a sound of disgust as his daughter kept talking “Day, Missus Israel invited me over to her house I felt a creepy feeling of being watched and saw a Highlander standing nearby outside staring at me with a narrowed eyed look that creep me out to figure that he was scanning my mind. The highlander kept staring at me even when I got into Missus Israel’s car. I looked through the side mirror to see a van following the car for some time. I pointed out to Missus Israel who stopped the car and got out walking straight to the van. The van in question made a U turn an
d took off and there hasn’t been any suspicious vehicles following till I reach Missus Israel’s house but arriving there felt me being filmed. Missus Israel’s daughter seemed too excited to meet me and was asking questions about my life which I wasn’t forthcoming with. Missus Israel after catching me crying in the bathroom admitted that she had an ulterior motive to inviting me over to her house after I admitted the outcast problem. She admitted that she heard a rumor around school from eavesdropping people’s talk about them talking about some male being not human. She figured it was my father due to some news reporters she met asking about me for details while on the way to her car some days ago. According to her she balked talking when it was apparent the reporters were indicating on something else and was recently by some teachers saying that I was appearing to be sleepy in class with dark circles underneath my eyes and my school work wasn’t up to normal standards. She told me she wondered if the rumor she suspected had to do with my father was bothering me which she saw it wasn’t.”

  He frowned as Victoria became silent and heard Jacqueline speak “Victoria admitted this situation to me during a private talk and was upset about it thinking it’s why the students at school out casted her. I in the morning called Missus Israel to discuss the subject. I had a length talk with her who admitted that the school had a teacher only meeting three days ago when she

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