War of Mars: Jinks Montreal 4

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War of Mars: Jinks Montreal 4 Page 44

by Beth Hoyer

eyes as she met his eyes staring at her.

  Victoria spoke “It’ll be alright Dad. I sort of get your feelings about how I came to exist from viewing the recording.”

  He kept his mouth shut to nod a short bob towards her as he turned his face away while lowering his hands clasping them in front of him. He shifted his eyes to stare out the window letting his mind become blank as he felt Victoria’s hand on his shoulder gripping the area. He unclasped his hands to bring one of them on top of his daughter’s hand on his shoulder to grip it in a gentle grip before releasing his hold to again clasp his hands in front of him. Jinks bowed his head to stare at his hands seeing them still young looking with no wrinkles on them. His eyes shifted to his nails seeing that they were short and that they remained the same as ever since he came into his father’s body. He heard the sound of the kitchen doors banging and felt his daughter release her hold on his shoulder giving off a gasp sound.

  He frowned as Barry’s voice sounded behind him “Jinks come with me. Some place I want to take you to.”

  He forced himself to get up from the table to stand facing Barry standing in front of the doors with Tatiana next to the Builder. He saw Barry’s expression was serious while Tatiana appeared to be frowning. Sighing he followed the Builders out of the kitchen to the elevator and watched Barry press the button leading to the garage room. He frowned as the elevator went down with a humming sound while hearing dings sounds as it passed floors. He heard nothing from Barry or Tatiana as the elevator reached the garage room and he wordlessly followed the Builders out walking among cars till they paused. He saw that the Builders stopped near a sedan with tinted windows with a Highlander driver standing next to it opening the car door.

  He heard Barry speak “The driver has been instructed on where to take you. You’ll find a guide at the destination that’ll lead you to where you’re to go.”

  Jinks sighed keeping his mouth shut and got into the car to sit which he felt the driver close the door behind him. He hunted for the seat belt putting it on his form as the driver got into the car. Jinks listened to the driver putting on his seat belt followed by verbally ordering the car to start up and felt the motions of the vehicle becoming to life. He turned his attention to stare out the window as the driver drove the car out of the garage room going into the street and driving away from the building. Jinks watched the scenery absent mildly eyes not registering things in his viewing sight as he let his mind become blank. He stiffened as the scene changed appearing to be familiar as the driver stopped the car before getting out and he sensed the door open in front of him. Jinks got out of the car looking around while hearing the car door slam behind him followed by a car door opening and closed and heard the car drive away. He stared at the scene showing some kind of road with an outdoor market on it with Asians scattered around appearing to be selling their ware along with some of them appearing to be buying items from the booths. He frowned recognizing the scene as a part of Chinatown in the city continued to look around while noticing that the Asians appeared to sense him standing there by them glancing in his direction before looking away. He heard a throat clearing noise besides him at his left looked to see an Asian Human man with white hair looking familiar with a cane in his right hand while wearing some black karate uniform with a black belt around his waist standing next to him.

  He frowned as the man spoke sounding familiar “Come with me I’ll take you to where you’re to go.”

  Jinks nodded his head towards the man and wordlessly followed him down the market’s street passed by Asians who appeared to stare at him as he walked by them. He saw that they displayed different ranges of emotions on their faces and eyes as they stared at him walking by. He followed the man walking who abruptly turned to his right to walk up a set of stone steps which he followed to see a young Asian Human male wearing an orange Karate uniform standing at the top with a blank expression on his face that stepped aside as if allowing the older man to walk passed him. He saw an opening and followed the male through a doorway that led him through several corridors passed closed doors and open doorways till they entered a somewhat large room before pausing from walking. Jinks saw a large golden statue of a male figure at one end of the room appearing to be in a crossed legged position while wearing some sort of headdress on his head.

  He frowned as the man spoke “Go kneel and mediate to clear your mind. There’s work to be done that requires a clear mind.”

  He frowned but obeyed to go into the middle of the room to kneel shutting his eyes. He found his mind too cluttered to ghost walk forced himself to mediate from breathing techniques. Jinks heard sounds sounding all around him sounding like multiple voices were chanting gibberish but kept himself mediating to feel himself sleepy forced himself to remain kneeling as he bowed his head surrendering to the sleepiness.

  Jinks jerked from the sleepiness from his senses blaring warning behind him. He jerked open his eyes and quickly spun around to grab a spear handle held in the hands of an Asian male looking like he was young aged wearing a black karate uniform appearing to look angry. He eyed the male that jerked the spear in but couldn’t budge it from his ironclad grip on it. Jinks narrowed his eyes staring at the male who released the spear and he tossed it aside before turning around to resume mediating. His senses blared warning again as he opened his eyes to thrust up his hands near his head catching the wrists of the male standing in front of him. The male he stared at jerked from his ironclad grip which he thrust away from him to shut his eyes and resume mediating. He opened his eyes after hearing a yell sound in foreign language he assumed to see about five males wearing orange karate uniforms run into his eyes sight forming karate fighting poses aimed at him. Jinks forced himself to his feet as the male in black karate uniform standing on his left pointed a finger at him and spoke in foreign language. He saw the males in orange uniforms edge closer towards him whom he mentally waved his hands ordering paralysis to hit their feet and saw the males become confused while looking down. He listened as the males in orange scattered spoke in foreign language sounding freaked out to the male in black who roared an angry sound then charged at him. Jinks waved his hands mentally ordering paralysis to hit the male and saw that his order wasn’t working as the male attacked him with legs and fists flying which he used his hands and legs to block the attacks. Jinks mentally recalled his karate and fighting in tournaments met the male with equal movements counterattacking the male’s attack and knocked him onto the floor. He backed up waiting as the male gave off some growling sound and with karate swung up move got up from the floor charging towards him. Jinks again met the male’s attack with his karate and again knocked the male onto the floor which he backed up waiting as the male got up charging at him again. Jinks felt himself getting annoyed with the male’s attitude to grab the male by the neck with one hand and lifted the fighter up to dangle his feet. Jinks saw the male’s eyes widen with shock in them as he willed the Master through him to narrow his eyes glaring at the male who gagged out in foreign language.

  It took him a second to figure out the male said “I yield to you.”

  Jinks slowly lowered the male till his feet were touching the ground and released his hold on the male’s neck that got on one knee and bowed towards him while speaking in foreign language.

  It took him another second to figure out that the male said “I respect your authority over me and will take your wisdom.”

  He eyed the males in orange seeing that they appeared to be shocked as he waved a hand and mentally ordered the paralysis away from their feet to see them kneel on one knee while bowing their forms repeating the male in black’s words. Jinks willed away the Master as he heard a clapping sound blinked his eyes to discover himself kneeling in the room and the males were gone and facing him kneeling was the old Asian male who slowly opened his eyes to stare at him with some relieved expression in his eyes and expression. Jinks frowned stiffening as he realized that the young male in the black karate uniform was the old male
judging by the face looking identical despite the oldness to it in the old male’s face.

  Jinks stared at the old Asian who spoke in Summeran “You have relieved me of a terrible burden that has plagued me. Allow me to help you relieve you of yours.”

  Jinks frowned and opened his mouth and found himself speaking “I had a mate who I lost to death and allowed grief to control me. I managed to get better but was still upset. I met a woman in a lobby of my home who gave me a sympathy card for my mate’s loss. I had a breakdown in front of her and once calm forced the woman into the elevator and came onto her sexually. She resisted but I used my God like status with her as a believer to submit and then tossed her aside. I was later informed by one of my servants in my residence that she was carrying my daughter and brought me to where she was in my home. I was also told that she had a mate who had beliefs that the father of the child by the female raises the child with no help from her or her mate. I have managed to figure out that raising my daughter gave me a purpose in life that I don’t regret but I regret the way I treated the child’s mother to

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