War of Mars: Jinks Montreal 4

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War of Mars: Jinks Montreal 4 Page 52

by Beth Hoyer

at the beginning of the sentence. He jerked gasping out as pain hit his back very hard feeling like electrical charges hitting him there.

  Jinks groaned mentally thinking to he “They figured out that you got the crown back and want to steal it away again hence they insisting on talking to you.”

  He heard nothing from Lance as he again felt charges of pain hit his back making his knees weak enough to lose his standing ability. He felt the Hawk head guards hold him up by hands adjusting their positions on his arms. Jinks heard the Master sounding in his mind roaring angry noises refrained himself from willing it through as he again felt pain hit his back.

  He heard from Shad “Terra dump Horus in the ocean in the cold kingdom.”

  He stiffened as he heard a familiar roaring noise of anger sounding in Lance’s voice and felt the earth shake violently all around him making him stumble his footing.

  He heard Ramses’ voice yell “Alright, alright! You can stop doing that now! We won’t dump him in the ocean as ordered seeing how it ticks you off!”

  He felt the headache go away as Ramses went silent followed by the vibrations of the earthquake halted. Jinks frowned as the scene changed to discover him floating underwater. He looked around looking up to see the sunlight shining brightly with ice floats floating in view. He forced himself to swim up towards the sunlight pushing aside floating ice and reached the surface breaking through to breathe the cold air with a gasp. He climbed onto an ice float feeling he shivering from the cold and forced himself to kneel looking around. He saw numerous ices floating in the water along with something appearing to be a boat heading his direction on the horizon. He frowned as the boat became nearer and nearer showing it as some fishing vessel barge that was heading towards him. He stood up balancing on the ice float as the boat abruptly turned to its side as it neared him followed by stopping with a rope thrown overboard.

  He heard a loud amplified voice sounding male speaking “Hey stranger, you want a ride? Get to the rope and we’ll pull you in.”

  He obeyed letting himself jump into the water and swam towards the rope knocking aside floating ice and reached it to grab his hands on it. He felt himself hauled towards the boat and climbed up the on the side with his feet walking on it hands still holding the rope as he was pulled up. He saw figures wearing parkas and thick pants reached out gloved hands towards him and hauled him overboard onto the boat. He heard a feminine voice order him to follow by one of the parka people gesturing him to tag along which he obeyed. He followed the figure reaching a door that opened it and then went down sets of stairs while hearing the door slam behind him. He felt warmth hit hard sighed from it as the figure reached a hallway and led him pass doors to a door yanking it open and gestured for him to go inside.

  He obeyed seeing it was a bedroom and heard the feminine voice speaking behind him “You’ll find everything in there for keeping yourself warm. Just don’t leave the room till we determine you’re not sick with the shivers.”

  He nodded his head as the female he assumed slammed the door shut and he explored the room finding clothes and towels in a dresser nailed to the wall. He yanked off his clothes and shoes piling them on the floor and dried himself with a towel. Then examined the clothes seeing that they were too small and appeared feminine and wouldn’t fit him. Sighing he grabbed his clothes and twisted out the water in them but found them still too wet for wearing. Groaning he went to the bed and yanked off the blanket putting it around him covering his sensitive part then sat down leaning against the wall eyes aimed at the door. He felt the rumbling vibrations of the boat moving through the water while hearing faint ping noises that sounded like ice floats were bouncing off the boat. He stiffened feeling himself filmed looked around the room eyes at the ceiling to spot in the corners were camera domes with red dot lights glaring from them. Sighing he heard the door open followed by a parka figure walking into the room that paused seeing him sitting on the bed.

  He spoke “Sorry the clothes are too small for me. You got anything to dry my clothes with?”

  He frowned as the figure removed the hood showing a head covered with a ski mask and golden Human eyes that stripped off the mask showing a feminine face with long black hair tied back and tan skin.

  He frowned as the female spoke showing fanged teeth and sounding like she had an accent he couldn’t place it “Well I guess the heaters here will have to do the drying. We don’t have anything for drying clothes just for washing.”

  He shrugged and felt himself compelled to introduce himself “The name’s Jinks Montreal. You are?”

  He stared at the female who frowned visibly on her face with a narrowed eyed look as if calculating something that made him stiffened.

  He kept his eyes on her as she spoke “The name’s Corina. You don’t seem Human from the smell and the way you’re acting from being in the water with temperatures cold enough to make a normal healthy Human sick with the shivers enough to knock them out cold if you get my meaning.”

  He nodded his head as she cocked her head with eyes narrowed at him and saw a questioning look form on her face aimed at him.

  He sighed and spoke “Alright I admit it. I’m not entirely human from the looks of me looking like one.”

  Jinks frowned as she nodded her head and she spoke “You want to explain how you got yourself in the ocean in King Winter’s Kingdom?”

  He sighed and spoke “You ever heard of three mind walking plants dubbed Meritanians?”

  He saw a look of disgust on Corina’s face as she spoke “Erra, Terra and Ramses transported you here.”

  He stiffened hearing that as Corina added “Oh wait till the Captain hears of this stunt the plants pulled this time. The plants are always dumping people within range of the ship and manipulating us to pick them up forcing us to transport them to the nearest Human controlled seaport and they won’t stop doing that.”

  He frowned hearing Corina’s words as he got a communication from Lance speaking “That was my idea which the Meritanians seem to like doing it from them laughing about it.”

  He felt himself shrugging as Corina spoke “Wait here while I’ll get you something to wear.”

  He watched as Corina ditched her parka coat showing her bare hands and wearing turtleneck top and thick pants with boots on and left the room leaving the door open.

  He heard her yell while out of the room “Steve, guess what the plants did this time?!”

  Jinks didn’t hear Steve’s reply but a loud roaring sound of anger stiffened hearing the sound as a face peered into the room from behind the door frame outside the room. He frowned seeing the face was similar to Corina’s by the looks of it with identical golden eyes, tan skin and black hair that appeared to be pulled back.

  He spoke in a questioning tone “Hello?”

  Jinks saw the face’s eyes widen before disappearing from view. He sighed sat up straight to put his feet on the floor and eyed his clothes seeing that they still looked wet. He adjusted the blanket around his form covering him up to the neck leaving his feet shown. He sighed again as he eyed the camera domes and then looked at the doorway as Corina arrived carrying a bundle of clothing in her hands which she set on the bed next to him.

  He stared at her as she spoke “Here you go. The clothes should fit you I hope while we travel to Sea City Isle so you can go where you need to go.”

  He nodded his head as she walked out of the room without a backwards glance and slammed the door shut behind her. Sighing he released the blanket around him and stood up picking at the clothes seeing that they were white underwear shorts, thick woolen black socks, a long sleeve button woolen black top and black thick jeans including green slipper like shoes.

  He grumbled to himself “I can’t get away from wearing black clothing.”

  He heard nothing from Lance as he pulled on the underwear shorts finding it fit him and felt the clothes a bit loose on his form but still enough to fit him along with the slippers feeling like they fit his feet. S
ighing he picked up wet clothes on the floor and wrung them out again still finding them still wet with water coming out. He gave his sneakers a glare seeing them looking wet and then tossed his clothes onto the floor with disgust running through him. He stalked towards the door and with some maneuvering managed to open it to see Corina standing in the hallway with arms folded looking disgusted.

  He frowned as Corina spoke out loud sounding distracted “Ugh.”

  He cleared his throat as Corina looked at him shaking her head and speaking “Oh good that you’re dressed so come along Jinks.”

  He followed her taking a route to a door which she yanked open showing a large living and dining room combination with doors in the walls and people gathered inside that halted their talk seeing him. He frowned seeing that the people were all like Corina with golden eyes, fanged teeth bared at him, tan skin and black hair in various shades of hairdos.

  He heard a harrumph from Corina followed by her speaking “Oh don’t look at him like that! He’s not Human judging by the smell of him along with him not shivering from the shivers despite being in the water.”

  He heard a male voice sounding annoyed “Don’t tell me that the Meritanians dumped him here.”

  He looked at the speaker a male with long hair pulled back and a glare on his face having arms folded standing in front

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