War of Mars: Jinks Montreal 4

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War of Mars: Jinks Montreal 4 Page 59

by Beth Hoyer

watched as Victoria woke up jerking her eyes open as Mavis leaned down appearing to be whispering words to her which he turned his attention towards the federal agent who walked up to one of the army people and thrust the gun towards the soldier who took it and hoist it on his back by strap. Jinks felt himself tired leaned back in the chair sensing it was a wheelchair placed his hands on his lap and shut his eyes sensing himself passing out unconscious. He came to discover himself on a beach facing Lance who looked angry by the black eyed glare aimed at the Meritanians who looked sheepish by the expressions on their faces.

  He heard Lance speak “You sent that mind walking gonoid manoid thing to the ship to cause havoc on it by transporting it from the jungle islands in Australia Atoll to the ship.”

  He frowned as Lance paused before speaking sounding angry “I’m disgusted that you encouraged Miss Batty you dubbed that thing to go after Horus as some mating object. Lucky for Horus there was a Human mind walker aboard who wasn’t fooled by the joke Miss Batty was playing on people there who had to bring her down. I’m not amused by your joke that you played on Horus. I insist you leave Horus alone and out of being the butt of your jokes period.”

  Jinks felt he disgusted to glare at the Meritanians as Lance paused to give off a loud roaring sound followed by feeling vibrations of the earthshaking all around him. Jinks glanced at Lance to see his father was controlling the earth by the hand positions and lightening flashing around him. He looked at the Meritanians who had looks of pain on their faces and felt he taking pity on them. He reached forwards and clasped his father’s hands cutting off the earthshaking power.

  He spoke “Alright father, they get the message and won’t do that stunt again.”

  Jinks heard his father give off a harrumph followed by saying in a calm voice “I’m fine now so get your hands off of I will ya?”

  He obeyed to glare at the Meritanians who looked bewildered staring at him.

  He heard Lance speak still sounding irritated “Do that stunt on Horus again and I’ll hit you where it hurts and I mean it. Leave Horus out of your jokes period! I won’t tolerate them happening.”

  He saw the Meritanians all nod their heads while appearing to look confused staring at him. Jinks folded his arms and looked at Lance who did the same with his arms and looked at him with Human blue eyes instead of all black eyes.

  Lance spoke “I should add that the Human mind walker had an ulterior motive knocking you out and getting you aboard that warship and threatening your daughter. Those people wanted to use your earthshaking power to free a trapped in some hill cave submersible underwater vehicle with people aboard by widening a crack on top of the hill to form it large enough for the thing to get out-”

  He interrupted “Argh why couldn’t they tell me that instead of threatening my daughter? I would have done it anyway without the threatening.”

  Lance spoke ignoring his remark “That vehicle is free from being trapped and is being towed to the surface by a Shadonian underwater vehicle which the warship while haul it aboard and go to the nearest sea port to get that thing fixed along with the people aboard that feeling lucky to be alive from you freeing their vehicle.”

  He gave up a sound of disgust as Lance paused then continued to speak “I should add that the Meritanians transported Miss Batty aboard that warship as some joke which I found out due to being suspicious about them laughing about something without saying what it was. I figured out the joke when you saw Miss Batty and felt her mind walking power and I sensed what the Meritanians were doing by their words encouraging that thing to see you as some mating object. This has me annoyed that they are playing jokes on you which I find unacceptable behavior and won’t tolerate it period.”

  He heard Ramses speak “Give us a break will ya?”

  Jinks formed a glare on his face as Lance did the same his father showing black eyes as he willed the Master through. He turned his form towards the Meritanians that appearing to grimace from looking at him and Lance he sensed was looking at the plants.

  He spoke sounding angry “You were saying Meritanians?”

  He heard Lance echo his words also sounding angry.

  He glared at the Meritanians who formed grimace looks on their faces followed by Ramses speaking “Oh come on it was a just a joke. Can’t you take a joke?”

  Jinks willed the earth to shake and felt the vibrations around him as the Meritanians formed pain on their faces while tipping their forms sideways back and forth.

  He heard Lance yell “Don’t you dare do any jokes on us again! Get it?!”

  He felt a hand on his shoulder and heard Ajax’s voice speaking “Alright you can stop that now. Mister Patsy and his sisters get the joke.”

  He willed the earth to stop as Ramses snarled sounding angry while seeing the look on the Meritanians’ faces “I’m not called Mister Patsy! The name is Ramses and don’t you forget it!”

  Jinks looked at Ajax standing on his right who removed his hand off his shoulder.

  He glared at Ajax who spoke “Ramses and his sisters since the High Council’s demise have been going amok playing all sorts of jokes on people. That includes transporting gonoids from the Australia Atoll islands to places in the home base that have been causing damage urged by the plants to do it.”

  Jinks growled an angry sound as he heard Lance do the same as Ajax paused before adding “We’re busy trying to get others to replace the High Council that passed away but the Meritanians have kept us too busy to do that due to their damaging jokes they’ve caused with them transporting all sorts of gonoids to the home base leaving us the job of getting rid of the gonoids who are causing all sorts of damage from running amok.”

  He heard Lance snarl as Ajax paused “They played that joke on Horus by transporting some bat manoid creature aboard a sea ship and urged that thing to see your father as a mating object which a mind walker aboard had to put that gonoid down permanently.”

  He saw disgust form on Ajax’s face as he heard Ramses speak sounding sarcastic “No uh I’m not doing that. Get rid of that thing yourself. I’m not doing that job period.”

  He looked at the Meritanians to see them having their heads bowed as Ramses continued to speak still sounding sarcastic “Oh fine, you asked for it smarty.”

  He frowned as the Meritanians lifted up their heads while giving off sounds of hysterical laughter. Jinks heard Ajax give off a howling sound which cut the Meritanians to look in his direction with glares on their faces.

  He heard Ajax speak “Want to explain the joke you played this time?”

  He stared at the Meritanians who gave up harrumph sounds before Ramses spoke “Nothing but dumping some busy body in the ocean. Who does this bonehead think he is ordering us to do things? The dumping serves him right for asking us to fix a problem when he can fix it himself.”

  Jinks groaned a soft sound as the Meritanians again gave off hysterical laughter while hearing Ajax groan besides him.

  He heard Lance on the other side of him speak sounding annoyed “What will get through the Meritanians that their jokes aren’t tolerated?”

  Jinks looked at Lance as he heard the Meritanians cut off their laughter and gave up hissing sounds which he saw a metal gate arch appear behind his father followed by ropes grabbing him. Jinks saw Lance struggle against the ropes as he was pulled through the gate which faded from view.

  He eyed the Meritanians which Ramses spoke “That should teach him a lesson to shut up.”

  Ajax he heard spoke “Bad move Patsies. It’ll make him more furious with you.”

  He frowned as Ramses spoke with sarcasm “Lance can’t do a thing to us because all we have to do is play more jokes on Horus who’ll suffer if he keeps torturing us.”

  Jinks heard a roaring sound looked at his left to see Lance come out of the ground looking furious with all black eyes boring at the Meritanians as he sensed a weird feeling behind him. He frowned as the feeling seemed familiar hitting him.

  He heard R
amses speak “Touch us and we’ll dump Horus in the ocean among gonoids where he’ll have to fight to survive till some boat picks him up which won’t happen.”

  Jinks spoke as memories of the Elementals and King Winter flashed in his mind along with recognizing the feeling “What about King Winter and the Elementals? What are you going to do if they hit you with their powers?”

  He heard Lance give off a harrumph as Ramses spoke “Hah they can’t do a thing to us. Water is our ally for we live underwater and so is rain which gives us nourishment and is the same as the sun’s heat from an eater giant in the sky. The cold can’t touch us for we get our warmth from being underwater and can avoid the snow storming on the surface.”

  Jinks frowned as the Meritanians gave off laughter sounds and he spoke “Lightening from sky storms? What about that along with ice?”

  He frowned as the Meritanians cut off their laughter to glare at him as Ramses spoke “Don’t think of talking to the Elementals about that for we’ll hear you and will make sure you shut up.”

  He shrugged sensing the feeling become stronger behind him as he spoke “Oh fine I don’t need to do that right Lance?”

  Jinks looked at Lance who was glaring at the Meritanians with all black eyes as he tapped his father on the shoulder who looked at him.

  Jinks repeated his question seeing Lance become confused with eyes turning Human blue while staring at

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