Following The Light (Out of the Dark Book 3)

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Following The Light (Out of the Dark Book 3) Page 6

by Arlene Gonzales

“Well, sometimes things have a way of working themselves out. In the meantime, Julie can take over his files and oversee his work, interviews, and photo shoots.”

  Aiden leans forward in his chair. “We appreciate this, Michael. I for one am very grateful to you for understanding. I just would not be comfortable with my wife having to work with him knowing how he feels about her. Now we really must get going—we need to meet up with Brandy to discuss the plans for the wedding. Plus, the next photo shoot with the Givenchy people.”

  Hand in hand, we start to walk out. I turn and go back to Michael, giving him a quick hug. “Thank you for how much you have done for me, for us. For being an amazing boss and person. For agreeing to walk me down the aisle on my wedding day in Italy.”

  He pats me on the hand. “You are very welcome. Now go plan your wedding. Will you be coming into work tomorrow?”

  Smiling, I tell him, “Bright and early.”


  Anthony drives us to Phoenix Park. It has become one of my favorite bar and grills. Upon entering, I see Julie, a waitress who dislikes me because she thinks I took Chris away from her. How can I take someone away who was never yours to begin with? I look directly at her so she knows that I see her, then shake my head and chuckle a little. She narrows her eyes and quickly turns away. I guess I made my point.

  Aiden places his hand on my back. “Baby, who was that?”

  “Oh, nobody, just one of the waitresses that works here.”

  “Well, she didn’t seem too pleased to see you.”

  “Maybe she’s jealous because I’m with you. Her loss, huh?”

  “Amore mio, exactly.”

  God, why did I just lie to my husband? Great, Lexie, that’s twice today already, and it’s still early. What happened to no more lies or secrets? Jeez, I’m going to hell.

  No, just shake it off. I’m sure she is a little jealous of me being with Aiden. I mean, who wouldn’t be? Yeah, keep telling yourself whatever you need to in order to make yourself feel better, Lexie.

  Reaching the table where Brandy is already seated, Aiden pulls out my chair and is about to sit down when a couple of girls walk over.

  “Could we have your autograph, Mr. Steffan?”

  Always the gentleman, he smiles and agrees. Each girl hands him a piece of paper. He asks their names and signs for them. Afterward, they ask if they can take a picture with him. Again, he says yes. They pull their cell phones out and take turns taking the pictures. One of them looks at me and asks if I would be willing to take a picture of the three of them.

  “Yes, of course I will.”

  Brandy rolls her eyes. I can hear her say under her breath, “Take your time. I’m just starving here.”

  I take the picture of the three of them, then give the girl back her phone. They both turn to walk away. As they do, I recognize them as the two girls who were looking at the billboard of Aiden, the one where he’s wearing those jeans that hug his ass so nicely. That was the morning I was jogging to clear my head after the week-long photo shoot. I search my mind, trying to remember their names. Oh yes, Debra and Dianne. That day, they were talking about what he would be like in bed. Asking each other if he was that good-looking in person. I was so tempted to tell them that he was a lion in bed. Everything they could imagine and more. The good girl in me won out and I simply walked away.

  Today, I’m not so sure. Aiden and I have gone through so much to be together. I’ll fight like a lioness to keep what’s mine. He’s my husband.

  Aiden touches my hand. “Is everything okay, Alexis?”

  Brandy chimes in, “Lexie, you zoned out for a minute.”

  I hadn’t realized I was staring into space. “Oh, it was nothing. I just have the wedding on my mind.”

  The waitress takes our orders. Once she is gone, Brandy pulls out a pad and pen. I tell her that the color of the dresses is a light purple and fill her in on the choice of flowers we want, plus how I will be the one shopping for the gifts for the wedding party.

  “Do you have the invitations yet? Have you picked the one you want?”

  “No, we haven’t.”

  She pulls out her tablet and starts to scroll through it. “Okay, I have a few printing stores here that I can call to see the designs they have on such short notice. You do know giving them only a few weeks to come up with a design you both like will be costly?”

  “I don’t care what it costs. I want only the best for my wife.”

  I look at him, smiling. “I love you, Aiden.”

  “And I you, baby.”

  “Oh god, it’s nauseating being around you two.” She laughs and shakes her head.

  “Um, Brandy, would you consider being one of my bridesmaids? If you can’t or don’t feel comfortable doing it, I understand.”

  Her eyes widen with excitement. “Oh my god, yessss. I would love to be one of your bridesmaids!” She stands, reaching over the table, and gives me a quick hug. As the waitress comes with our food, she sits back down. Still with a huge smile, she tells us how honored she is to be included in the wedding. “I’ll make sure that everything is absolutely perfect for your big day.”

  “The wedding will take place at the church back home in Italy. It’s the one my parents have been going to their whole married lives.” I watch as he talks about his parents in such a loving way. He then asks, “Brandy, do you have the schedule of their arrival? You were able to book them first-class seats, right?”

  “Aiden, have I ever let you down?”

  I giggle. “You’re probably the only non-family member who can get away with talking like that to him.”

  “Your parents and Ysabel land on Friday at one fifteen in the afternoon on Flight 1960, American Airlines, Gate A326.”

  “Remind me again on Thursday.”

  “Of course I will, Aiden.”

  I know Aiden and Johnny have both told me not to worry about meeting them—that they will love me. Still, I get a knot in the pit of my stomach. These are my new in-laws, my new family, and I want to make a good impression on them. I have an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love for the woman who saved my husband when he was only nine. If it wasn’t for her, the world would have never known him. I would have never known him. For this reason and more, it’s important to me that she knows I am the perfect wife to her son.

  After we finish our meal and get more details of the big day worked out, Brandy tells us that she will go to a couple of the printing stores and pick out a few selections for us to look at. She’ll meet up with us this evening, so we can decide on one we think will be the best. I let her know that we’re on our way to see the doctor about my headaches and ask her to come by the penthouse for dinner.

  On our way out, we pass the table with the two girls. They are whispering to each other, giggling and watching us. I stop, lean down, and say in a low voice, “He’s a lion in bed.”

  Their mouths drop with gasps, eyes wide as can be. I straighten up and keep walking. Brandy has a look on her face that tells me at any second she is going to burst into laughter. As we exit, she lets it out. “I knew I liked you.”

  Aiden puts his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in closely. “Baby, you do know you have nothing to worry about? Nobody compares to your beauty, to your heart, and your zest for life.”

  I smile. “Yup, I know.”

  Brandy goes to her car. She is on a mission to find the perfect invitation. She’s also going to The New York Times to run a full-page ad about our wedding. “Aiden, they are more than likely going to want to interview you both.”

  “See if they are willing to do it on a weekend. Alexis goes back to work tomorrow.”

  Anthony opens the door for us to slide in, then pulls out into traffic.

  Chapter 7

  Arriving at Dr. Shaw’s office, we walk in hand in hand. Aiden sees that I’m anxious. “Everything will be fine, baby; it’s probably just nerves or tiredness.”

  I put on my best smile. “Yeah, I know.” Inside I have a sinking
feeling it’s more than just nerves. I haven’t told him just how bad the headaches are.

  The nurse sees Aiden and right on cue has the biggest smile. “Mr. Steffan, I am a huge fan of yours. My husband wears your cologne, Givenchy for Gentlemen.”

  Aiden, being gracious, says, “Well, it’s not really my cologne. I just model for their ads, but it is the only one I wear. My wife loves it.”

  She turns her smile on me. “I’m very pleased to meet both of you. Follow me—you can wait in the doctor’s private office. He had an emergency at the hospital, but is on his way now. It will only be a few minutes, I assure you.”

  We sit on the chairs in front of his desk. It’s not long before the doctor walks in. “Well, if it isn’t my favorite couple.” We both stand. He shakes Aiden’s hand first, then gives me a hug. “So tell me: How are the newlyweds doing? I saw the nuptials on Good Morning America. By the way, congratulations to the both of you. Please sit down.”

  He hangs up his jacket on the coat rack by the door, then goes around to sit behind his desk. “Now tell me, what can I do for the two of you? I know when I spoke to you on the phone, Aiden, you said Alexis was having some headaches.”

  Aiden says, “I suppose I should let Alexis tell you about how she is feeling.”

  “Dr. Shaw, a few days ago I started getting really bad—in fact, severe—headaches. When they come, I get dizzy and lightheaded. Noise and light make them hurt even more. It’s as if someone is pounding on the back of my head. I also get nauseated.”

  “Alexis, is there a chance you could be pregnant?”

  Aiden turns to me with his eyes wider than I’ve ever seen them. He gets the biggest grin. “Is there something you want to tell me?”

  I look between them. “No, no, I’m not pregnant. It’s impossible. I just had a period a couple of days before we got married.” The smile is gone from his face. I caress his hand. “We have plenty of time for that after the wedding.”

  “All right, let’s get you into one of the exam rooms. The nurse will escort you there. I just need to make a quick call and be right with you.”

  We are led into the exam room, where Aiden sits on the chair and I get up on the examination table. The door opens and in comes Dr. Shaw. He listens to my heart and feels under my jaw, working his fingers gently all along my jawline. He looks into my mouth, then ears, and asks me questions about my eating habits and whether I’m getting enough rest. Am I drinking enough water? He then tells me to look straight ahead so he can check my pupils. When he flashes the light into my eyes, I get a shooting pain—one so hard that I grab my head with both my hands. Squinting my eyes shut, I let out a cry.

  Aiden stands quickly and rushes to my side. “Alexis! Please, Dr. Shaw, help her. She’s in pain. What’s wrong with her?”

  “Alexis, lie down.” He turns to Aiden. “I’m going to need to admit her into the hospital so we can run some tests. I’ll need to do a head scan, an MRI. That way I’ll know more about what we are dealing with. I’m going to get my nurse Ava to call for the ambulance.” He lays a hand on my shoulder and talks in a low voice. “Alexis, it’s going to be all right. I will call the hospital myself right now and tell them you are en route. They’ll have a room ready for you. I just need to move some things around, and I will be there shortly.” With that, he walks out.

  Aiden leans down and gently hugs me. I am in tears from the pain.

  “Baby, it’s going to be fine. I’m right here with you.”

  Still holding my head and trembling from the excruciating pain, I couldn’t hide how bad it’s hurting even if I tried. “It’s so bad. It feels like someone’s hitting me on the head with a hammer. Oh god, make it stop.”

  Feeling something wet running down the side of my neck, I wipe it. “Aiden, I’m bleeding. Where is it coming from?”

  “Oh god. Baby, hold on.” He tears off a piece of the paper that is on the table and starts to wipe off the blood. “Amore, it’s coming from your ear.” He opens the door and screams for the doctor to come and help me. In an instant, both Dr. Shaw and Ava are in the room.

  “Alexis, the ambulance is on the way.” He pulls Aiden aside. “Could it be from the beating she took from Frank when he kidnapped her and her friend?”

  “I don’t know, but please help her. Please, Doctor, she’s in so much pain. Why are her ears bleeding? What is wrong with her?”

  “Aiden, you need to calm down. You getting this upset is not helping her. As soon as we get her to the hospital, we are going to do everything possible to help her.”

  When the paramedics arrive, they lay me on the stretcher and wheel me out to the ambulance. Aiden walks beside me, holding my hand. He’s trying his best to appear calm, but I know he is anything but calm. Outside, the sunlight makes the pain hit me harder. I curl up in a fetal position, moaning and crying out. I keep telling myself to calm down. I don’t want to scare Aiden more than he is already.

  Fortunately for us, the hospital is just a short ride away—although with New York traffic the way it is, the drive takes a bit longer. Even with the sirens blaring, there is just so much traffic. I want to yell at them to turn them off because they’re hurting my head. What should have been a fifteen-minute drive turns into a much longer one. Finally, we reach the hospital, where I am wheeled into the emergency room. They usher Aiden out. I can hear him yelling.

  “Ti amo, Alexis. Baby, I’m going to be right here.”

  There are people all around me, poking and prodding me. Everyone seems to be talking at the same time. It seems like time is standing still, as if I’m in a dream. Like I’m floating above them looking down.

  “Alexis, it’s Dr. Shaw. We’re going to give you something for the pain.”

  The agony is leaving me now. I fall into a deep sleep.


  I can hear faint noises, then I feel a hand on me.

  “Aiden, you look tired. You should go home and get some rest.”

  “I’m fine. I want to be here when she wakes up.”

  “Well, why don’t you at least go down to get some coffee with Johnny? I’ll stay here with her.” It’s Shannon’s voice that I hear.

  Then comes Johnny’s. “Yes, Aiden, let’s go get you something to eat. You need to keep up your strength or you won’t be any good to her if you get sick.”

  “All right, all right. Shannon, if she wakes up, call me right away. I mean it: the minute she wakes up.”

  “I promise, the minute she wakes up I’ll call you. Now go.”

  The voices fade. Again, there’s a soft touch. I want to say something, but my mouth feels dry. Hard as I try, there are no words coming out. My body feels numb. Shannon is talking to me. “Lexie, I’m here for you. Aiden has been here all night—you know him. He refuses to leave your side. Johnny and I finally got him to go down to the cafeteria to get something to eat.”

  The feeling of moisture on my arm. Am I bleeding again? God, what is going on? Wait, no, it can’t be that. Shannon’s voice is shaky—she’s crying.

  “Lexie, you better not leave me. Please, I…I need you. Aiden needs you. You’re married to your soulmate. Now you’re going to have the biggest wedding Italy has ever seen. We still need to pick out the perfect wedding dress for you. I love you. Fight for me, fight for Aiden, dammit, fight for yourself.”

  Oh, Shannon, I’m right here. I’m fighting to come back to you, I am. Don’t count me out. I’m attempting to move my arms, to turn my head. Come on, open your eyes, Lexie. Show her that you can hear her. That you didn’t fight these last few years to find happiness again just to let this illness take you down. Then another voice is speaking to me.

  What? Who is that? That voice sounds so familiar, but it can’t be him. Say something again, I beg. I’m running through this haze; it’s an endless room. No color, just white everywhere. Where are you? Erik, is that you? I can’t see through the tears. I want to wipe my eyes, but my hands won’t move. Fuck, somebody help me!

  There is a hand on my sho
ulder, and my heart stops. Slowly, I turn. Then I gasp, not believing what I’m seeing. Erik! I throw my arms around him.

  “Hey, baby sister.”

  “I thought you were dead. Wait, you died in my arms. How can you be here now? What is happening, Erik? Am I dead too?”

  He pulls back, and it’s as if I am staring into my own eyes because we look so much alike. He has the same green eyes, the same wavy blond hair. The only difference is that Erik is darker skinned plus he has two dimples on his cheeks whereas I only have the one on my chin. We could be twins.

  “You need to listen to me right now, Lexie.”

  I know I have to listen to him, but I can’t seem to stop crying. I pull him in for another hug. I don’t want to let him go. I’m so scared that if I release him, he’ll be gone again. The tears are streaming down my face.

  In the distance, there are other voices. I’m being torn between two different worlds. I squeeze Erik harder. My love for Aiden and Shannon is pulling me in one direction and my love for my brother is pulling me in another.

  “Wait, where are Mom and Dad? Erik, where are they?”

  “They’re waiting for you, Lexie. You need to come home, baby sister. Don’t leave us—we love and need you. Remember, we’re supposed to grow old and have our own families. Our kids are supposed to play together.”

  Confused, I break my hold on him.

  “Grow old!” he says. “Have kids and families of our own.”

  The other voices are becoming louder, clearer. “Alexis, please, baby, come back to me.” The side of my face and neck are getting wet. He’s crying. Because of me he is hurting and crying again. I want to hug him, tell him that I’m here, not to worry. On the other hand, I don’t want to leave the world where I still have Erik.

  I can hear Shannon’s voice. “Look, Aiden. There are tears coming out of her eyes.” She whispers into my ear, “Lexie, come back to us. Please, we all need you.”

  Aiden tells Johnny to go get the nurse.

  “Erik, I don’t want to hurt Aiden or Shannon, but I can’t let you go. I’ve missed you so much, big brother. Oh god, tell me what to do.”


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