Following The Light (Out of the Dark Book 3)

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Following The Light (Out of the Dark Book 3) Page 21

by Arlene Gonzales

  Once we’re seated, the girls order drinks. I clear my throat. “Remember, I can only have one glass of wine.” The place is not very big. It is dimly lit, and the tables are round with a small lamp on each of them. The waitress comes over with our drinks. Music starts and the announcer introduces the first dancer of the night. Out comes Zorro. He’s wearing a black satin shirt and black pants. The mask is the perfect touch. He performs to the song “Animals” by Maroon 5. The women are all going crazy, throwing money up on the stage. Brandy and Ysabel whistle and cheer him on. The song finishes and he exits. The lights dim, and though we can’t see the announcer, we hear his booming voice: “Next, for your viewing pleasure, we have Superman.”

  Red, white, and blue lights start flashing. The song of choice is “Kryptonite” by Three Doors Down. A spotlight appears on a blond, stocky guy. He’s wearing blue tights and a blue and red shirt with the initial S on the front. The final touch is his long red cape. Again, with each sway or jerk of his hips, the women swoon. I notice Brandy has had to answer the phone twice already. I can’t help but think it has to be Aiden checking up on me. I signal her to give me the phone. She shrugs her shoulders and mouths, “Sorry.”

  “No, it’s not your fault.” I take the phone and bring it up to my ear. “If you are going to be checking on me over and over, then why don’t you come see for yourself?”

  The line is dead.

  “Do we have Alexis Steffan in the audience? Alexis, come up on stage, please.”

  I stand frozen and my face gets red from embarrassment. The girls start whistling and waving their hands at me to go up on stage. “What did you all do?”

  One of the dancers, a half-dressed man, asks me again to go on up. I make my way up to the center of the stage. They set out a chair for me to sit on. Laughing, I look out over a blur of faces.

  “A once in a lifetime treat for you ladies—a one and only one-time appearance tonight! We have a very special guest with us in honor of Alexis, who is here to celebrate her bachelorette party. Everyone help me in welcoming the one and only Aiden Steffan!”

  Music starts playing as the last words are spoken—“I Love Rock and Roll” by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts. So many of the ladies here run up to the edge of the stage. They’re all gawking at Aiden as he struts out, swinging his hips to the rhythm of the music. He rounds the chair and begins shaking his hips in front of my face. I’m still not able to speak a single word out of shock.

  In the corner of my eye I notice the girls laughing and whistling. When I turn my head in their direction, Shannon shakes her head and signals me that they had no idea.

  Aiden slides on the floor. When he lifts his ass off of it, the ladies go crazy. Shaking my head and covering my mouth with my hands, I tell myself, “Oh hell, one night let loose.”

  I start waving my hand in the air and whistling. He runs up to me, jumps on the chair, and stands on it with his crotch in my face. He thrusts it forward and backward. I look up at him.

  Staring back down at me, he mouths the words, “I love you.”

  Stepping off the chair, he strikes a pose on the stage. He’s only wearing pants, and now he begins to unzip those. He slides them down to the floor. He is left only in boxer briefs. The room erupts in louder roars. Money is thrown onto the stage from all directions.

  Aiden ends the song in a forward slide on his knees, then rises and turns back to me. He holds out his hand for me to take. In an instant, I am standing by him.

  He takes a bow, and then we are escorted off the stage and into a dressing room.

  Grabbing me, he takes me right there in the dressing room. “Baby, I need you.” I take him by surprise. “Aiden, I need you right now.” I particularly knock us down when I press up against him. I kiss him with such a force that I walk us over to the couch in the room. I pull back, and push him down. I slide his underwear down, then I remove mine. I straddle him and take us both to the throes of pleasure. Walking out the back door, we are driven away from the club and back home. “Aiden, I didn’t even tell the girls I was leaving.”

  “They were told. It’s all taken care of.”

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I say, “You are frustrating. It’s a good thing I’m so in love with you.”

  He lets out a chuckle and pulls me to his chest. “I thank God for that every day, baby.”

  At home, Mama orders him to one of the guest rooms. He grunts under his breath at the disappointing thought of not being able to sleep with me, then kisses me passionately. I walk into our bedroom and fall asleep dreaming about tomorrow.

  Chapter 24

  Stretching and yawning, I open my eyes. It’s Sunday morning, February fourteenth. Nine sharp. I pat my tummy. Today’s the day, babies, that your daddy and I say our vows in front of so many people.

  Going out to the balcony of our room, I breathe in the cool air. I close my eyes. “I know you’ll be here with me today, Mom and Dad. I know as I walk down the aisle, you’ll be walking right beside me, Daddy. Mommy, as I get dressed, you’ll stand there smiling.” I let a small giggle out. “Erik, I know you’ll say something like, ‘You look like a dork.’ Then you’ll smile, hug me, and tell me how much you love me and that if Aiden does anything to upset me, just go to my big brother and you’ll take care of him.” Hugging myself, I look up. “I love you all.”

  Walking out of the bathroom after my shower, I’m startled to find Shannon, Brandy, Ysabel, and Mama in the room. “Oh god, you scared me.”

  Mama hugs me. “We need to get you fed quickly so the hairstylist can start working on you.”


  As the hairdresser finishes working on me, the makeup artist walks in. Felix is the one Aiden uses for all the photo shoots. All the girls are getting their makeup done by his assistants. By the time we know it, it’s eleven. Renata gets the dress ready for me to step into. When we are all finished with our hair and makeup, the girls go to their own rooms to get their dresses on. Mama, who is already dressed, goes with me to help put on my dress. Renata and her assistant hold the gown. “Here you go, Alexis, let’s put it on you.”

  I step into the gown. They lift it up my body, and zip it.

  I walk over to the floor-length mirror. The three ladies gasp. Behind me, Mama places her hands on my shoulders. “You look more beautiful than anything or anyone I have ever seen. Aiden is going to fall in love with you all over again.” Her eyes fill up with tears.

  “Please don’t cry. I don’t want to ruin my makeup, and if I see you crying, well then, I’ll start too as well.”

  Just then the girls walk in. Each one gasps as she sees me. “Oh my god, you look like royalty.”

  “Royalty, she looks like an angel.”

  “You are breathtaking, Lexie.”

  I turn back to the mirror again and quietly whisper, “It’s just like we designed it, Mom.”

  The satin dress is in a cream color, with a thin veil over it. From the strapless sweetheart neckline to the hips it is covered in diamond clusters, along with some bigger diamonds spread throughout. From the knee area to the very bottom, it has sparkling diamond chips. The train is an extra-long simple veil. The crown is the one Mama wore when she and Papa got married. It has hints of blush and gold trimmings.

  According to Renata, this is the most expensive dress she has ever designed and made. Slowly, we make our way down the stairs. Everyone is holding either the train, a piece of the dress, or my arm so I won’t trip and fall. Although I know the dress weighs a lot all on its own, right now I feel light as a feather, two babies inside me or not. I smile.

  Everyone tells me I am glowing. Aiden tells me that I look more and more beautiful to him every day. Finally, we are off to the church where my husband is already at.


  At the church, Brandy goes ahead to forge a path to the dressing room. We wouldn’t want Aiden to see me before I walk down the aisle. Once in the room, I ask Mama to hand me the bag of gifts for them all. Taking them out one by one, I hand t
he girls their boxes. Each girl opens hers, and they gasp, saying how much they love them. The girls have all received simple silver necklaces with a single diamond.

  Shannon pulls me in for a hug. I needed hers to be different from the others. Shannon is more than my best friend. She is like my sister. She has been there for me through the hardest days of my life. I don’t know where I would be without her. Her necklace is a little more elaborate than the others, in the shape of a heart with a diamond in the middle. On the back it says, “You are in mine.”

  Papa walks in. “I have a surprise for you, Alexis.” He moves aside. In walks Michael, who makes his way over to me.

  I hug him hard. “I was afraid you weren’t going to make it in time.”

  “Alexis, I wouldn’t miss the chance to walk you down the aisle. I promised you I would be here. Nothing in this world was going to keep me from being here for you today.”

  “When you didn’t get here on Friday as scheduled, I became worried.”

  “We had a break-in at the office. I couldn’t leave till I spoke with the detectives.”

  “A break-in? Do they know who did it? Do they have anyone in custody?”

  “It’s nothing for you to worry about. Not on your special day.”

  Renata comes in. “It’s time.”

  I look around at everyone, take a deep breath, nod my head, and smile. “I’m ready.”

  One by one, the girls walk into the church. First is Brandy, escorted by one of Aiden’s cousins. Second is Ysabel, escorted by Gianni. Then comes Shannon with Johnny. They all look beautiful.

  Now the bridal song begins. Not the normal one. We are anything but normal. Up in the balcony, One Republic is playing our special song, “Secrets.” Yes, I know we are not the only couple in the world that sings it to each other. But today it’s our day, so on this day it’s our song. They are only playing the melody without the lyrics. As the music starts, everybody stands.

  Slowly, with Michael by my side, I make my way down the aisle. All eyes are on me. People are smiling, taking pictures of me with their cameras or phones. My eyes are on the gorgeous man at the front of the church waiting for me. He has his head down, then slowly looks up. His expression says it all. His eyes light up. The dimple on his right cheek deepens with the huge smile he gives me. A single tear slides down his face.

  My heart is beating rapidly. I think it’s about to burst open with all the love I feel for this man. As we reach him, Michael takes my hand and places it into Aiden’s. They then shake hands. We turn and face the priest. He starts to speak of family, of togetherness. When he asks us to kneel, we all do so. After a few prayers, he looks above our heads and out to the audience. “Aiden and Alexis have chosen to say their own vows to each other.”

  We stand up and face each other. He goes first. “Alexis, to say the words ‘I love you’ is not enough. Before you came into my life, I thought I was rich. Then you showed me what being really rich was all about. It has nothing to do with money, and everything to do with finding that perfect person to make your heart complete. I never knew I could feel this whole. You make me smile even on the darkest days. You make me want to sing the silly love songs. You are my world, you are my light. You make me want to face each new day head on. With you, I am not afraid of fighting whatever demons come our way. I will follow you anywhere in this world until my last breath. Ti amo, Alexis, my wife, my love, my life.”

  As hard as I fight them, the tears are still flowing. I look over at Shannon and see she has her own waterworks.

  I hand her my bouquet, then turn back around to face my husband. “Aiden, you have seen me on my darkest days. You have seen all my rough edges, and you are still standing here with me. You have let me into your heart and shown me what it’s like to really live again. Together we have taken down all our walls that stood for so long. On our first date, I felt the earth move and melt away. All time stood still for us. When two people who have suffered as we have find each other, the bond we share is unbreakable. You have led me out of the dark and into the light. Together, we are as one. I will love you till my last day on this earth and even after that. You are my heart, my soul, my world. I love you, Aiden Steffan.”

  As we turn to face the priest, I can hear the girls whimpering. Or maybe the whimpers are mine; I’m not sure at this point. The priest asks if there is anyone who objects to this marriage. I hold my breath. Then he pronounces us man and wife. Everyone stands and claps. We turn around. I take the bouquet from Shannon, who has her mascara ruined now. Ysabel and Brandy also have their makeup ruined. I’m glad I’m not the only one.

  Walking out of the church, we are bombarded with rice. Hugs are coming at us from every direction along with well wishes from people all around us.

  At the car, my day just gets better. Anthony holds the door open, tipping his hat at us. “Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Steffan.”

  We are driven back to the house, where the tents have been set up for the reception. At this moment, I think Aiden must be able to hear my heart beating. I feel like I am on top of the world.


  At the house, everything is so beautifully lit up. Candles are everywhere. The fragrance from all the flowers is simply perfect. I don’t know how Brandy managed to get so many canna lilies here. They all look perfect. The music is lovely, the drinks are flowing. One Republic has played a couple of songs already. Naturally, they played “Secrets” for us again. Now they are just guests along with the others. Everyone is laughing and having a good time.

  I signal Brandy and whisper in her ear. “Are they ready?”

  She winks at me. “They’re ready and waiting for your signal.”

  Leaning close to Aiden, I say, “I will be right back.”

  Walking up on the stage provided for the night, I ask everyone to quiet down. “Aiden, you have given me so much. I love you more than words can say. I wanted to give you something special for a present, as special as you have given me. I hope you like this. Just for you, my love—Coldplay.”

  I walk off stage and the guys walk on. Aiden’s expression is priceless. If his smile gets any bigger, I think his face will break. He stands and comes to meet me halfway.

  Chris Martin takes the mic. “Aiden and Alexis, it’s my honor to be able to wish you all the happiness in the world. Congratulations to the two of you. Aiden, you have got yourself a keeper there. She got us to take a break from our tour to come play just for you.”

  The first song they play is “Fix You.” The song fits us so perfectly. We fixed each other. With his arms tightly around me, we sway to the music. He whispers to me, “Do you know how lucky I am to have you in my life?”

  I turn my head to look into those beautiful, sexy blue eyes. “Yes, because I am just as lucky.”

  The next song they play is “Clocks,” and they finish with “Viva La Vida.” Once the song ends, they come off the stage to congratulate us. Flashes go off from everywhere. We pose for pictures with them, then with One Republic, who stayed for the reception. To say we are happy this night is an understatement. Aiden can’t stop smiling. I love seeing him this way. Both bands say their farewells and leave. The night ends in fireworks. People keep saying how beautiful everything is.

  Throughout the day and night, Tracy Caltabiano from Good Day New York Channel Twelve has been with us. She’s been recording different aspects of the wedding and her photographer has taken pictures of us. As the guests leave, they once again give us well wishes for a long, happy life. We decided to spend the night here and leave for our honeymoon in the morning.

  The only people left are the cleanup crew. The family heads to our own rooms for the night. In our room, Aiden takes both of my hands in his. “You look so breathtaking today. I could look at you for the rest of my life.”

  “I would love that, but now I think it’s time to get out of this dress and into bed with my husband.”

  “Your wish is my command, baby.” Turning me around, he unzips my dress. It falls to the f
loor. I step out of it. He carries me to bed and lays me down. We make love into the early morning hours.


  The following morning, we say goodbye to the family before heading for the airport. We are going to be in Ireland for two weeks.

  The country is absolutely beautiful. All the locals are very friendly. Anthony has come along with us, but makes sure to keep his distance. He doesn’t want to intrude in on us unless it’s warranted. While we are here, we visit all the top tourist attractions. Not wanting to stay at a big hotel, we’ve decided on a small B&B. It offers so much more privacy. Both Aiden and I want to spend our honeymoon with as little interruptions as possible. Neither of us wants to be hounded by the press. We just want a normal, quiet getaway. Every time we leave on an outing, we wear hats and sunglasses in hopes that just maybe we won’t be recognized.

  The owners of the quaint B&B know who we are. They’ve promised to keep our secret as long as we take a few pictures with them. We are so grateful for their hospitality that we even let them take pictures of us lounging around in the garden. The couple are excited about showing off the pictures once we’re gone.

  There, two weeks flew by quickly. Our next destination was Scotland. For another two weeks, we remained incognito. It was actually fun being able to walk alongside other people and not be recognized. There were a few times where we had to wait in line to get into a restaurant. My husband, not used to having to wait, would be tempted to tell them, “Do you know who I am?”

  I wouldn’t hear of it. I told him this is the way everyday, normal people live. “Now leave your hat on and wait.”

  I think I took almost a thousand pictures of the castles in Scotland. I told Aiden that when the boys are old enough, we have to bring them there.

  Our next destination is Australia. We’re to spend the same amount of time here. We are going to be traveling the world. By the time we are to return to New York, it will be mid-May. I will be seven months pregnant by then, and probably ready to deliver these boys. That is the original plan, but ask any pregnant woman and I’m sure not many of them want to be traveling the world while their body is changing.


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