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Starlight Christmas - Holiday Edition

Page 4

by Yumoyori Wilson

  “Are they all royalty?” I asked, looking at the couple that passed by in over the top attire – the sparkling ensemble looked like they were going to the announcement of the president rather than the mall.

  “No, Firefly. They’re celebrities. People who are really well known across Earthala, some of them are even known throughout the realms.

  “Oh. And they all come shop here? Do they have PINK here?” I asked, looking up at him.

  “Yup, they all come far and wide here since it was announced. Yes, they do have PINK here, but I wanted to take you somewhere first. Junho mentioned it was somewhere he was looking forward to bringing Scarlet to.” Marcus explained.

  “What shop is it?” I asked.

  “We’re approaching it.” He announced. I turned my head to the bright, flashing lights store sign – VIP Sexy and Free: Lingerie for the Classy.

  "Lingerie?" I questioned; my face grew red. Marcus chuckled at my reaction, squeezing my hand.

  "C'mon. You never got the chance when you and the girls went to the mall our last trip. I want you to choose a few styles so I know what to pick for you in the future." Marcus admitted.

  "Awww, so romantic." Midnight announced, sounding amused. Hush you. You’re gonna encourage the others to start being sappy.

  "It is romantic, awwww." Hope hummed.

  "You have to model for him!" Rose proposed.

  "She can do more than model." Lexi giggled.

  "You guys are all bad influences. But, you should reward him with a tiny glimpse." Hope encouraged.

  I mentally groaned. You see what you did Midnight?

  "Oops? My bad." Midnight replied; her voice demonstrated that she had not an ounce of remorse.

  We entered the store, a female attendant greeted us.

  "Hello! How can I be of service?" The chirpy voice made me frown. Her voice is so high.

  "Ah sorry. We're forced to talk this way, company policy." She apologized; Marcus shook his head as I blushed at my outspoken thoughts.

  "My bad," I answered, looking away.

  "My girlfriend’s going to look around. Any recommendations?" Marcus asked.

  "Oh yes! We actually have a new set of lingerie that came in from Dubai! It had five hundred pre-orders and we just put them on the shelves this morning. Very popular in the celebrity community. We have three in each color. I bet it will be sold out by the time the twenty-second approaches." She revealed, leading us down to the back end of the store.

  She went into the back storage area, returning with a few different colors of the three-piece set. I took a minute to analyze it – picking the neon pink set. It was strapless with white lace and gold gemstones, one shiny bright diamond in the center. The set came with underwear and stockings that had the same design with additional gold ribbons at the top of each.

  I noticed the slit in the underwear.

  " it supposed to have a hole there?" I questioned, poking my hand through it. What's the point of underwear with a hole in it?

  "Yes! It's done to make it easier to access down under." She announced, happily. I blushed, looking up at Marcus whose face was red. I wonder...

  "Can I try it on?" I questioned.

  "Of course! Right, this way." She cheered, directing us to the VIP change rooms. I let my hand slip in Marcus' pulling him along. He looked confused at first but followed.

  "Here you go! I'd take you to the other change room but it's still under construction." She confessed.

  "No worries. Thank you." I replied, opening the door to the large change room. Damn, if this is a change room I can imagine the VIP ones are the size of our house.

  "I'll be right here, Makoto," Marcus announced, leaning against the wall.

  "Okay," I replied, blushing. The attendant left us alone, stating she'd look for different styles in my size.

  It didn't take long for me to put the piece on, taking a long look in the mirror. I bit my lip, loving the set. It fit my curves perfectly; the strapless bra surprisingly held my breasts in place. My flat stomach stood out; the lines of my abs noticeable even though we'd eaten a short time ago. The underwear fit my ass, even giving it shape and the stockings fit just right; the ribbons reached my knees. The neon pink ensemble was a perfect match; neon pink always looked good, even with my usual pale complexion. With the random hole in the panties, it made me feel a tad daring. This does give quick access.

  "Show him, show him." All four of my spirits chanted, Lily still asleep. I sighed.

  "See, I'm not a bad influence this time." Midnight announced. She continued. "But, you should show him. I think it would turn him on."

  I took a deep breath, looking one more time before making my way to the door.


  "Yes, Firefly?"

  " you want to have a peek? I just wanna make sure it looks good." I mumbled.

  "I'd be honored to. Can I enter?" He asked.

  "Yes," I replied, unlocking the door before stepping back. I looked at the floor; my fingers fidgeted as I bit my lip. Why am I so nervous? He's seen me naked before.

  "Maybe cause you’re in public and have never done this before." Midnight disclosed.

  The door closed before Marcus shoes were in my line of vision as I continued to stare at the floor.

  "Makoto, look at me," Marcus whispered. I gulped, looking up to meet his gaze. He had an admiring look on his face; his eyes hooded with lust.

  His hands slipped in mine, pulling me into a hug.

  "You're so fucking sexy, Mako." He whispered in my ear kissing my neck. I moaned at the touch as it sent shivers down my spine.

  "You like it?" I whispered, followed by a moan as he sucked my flesh.

  "I love it. But I knew it would suit you. Anything you wear looks like absolute perfection, Firefly." He confessed, pulling back to look into my eyes.

  He looked at my lips before he lowered his to mine. His hands slipped to my hips, while mine roamed his shirt, wrapping around his neck as I kissed him back.

  "Operation – make out in the change room. Check." Lexi purred.

  "Was that even on the operation list?" Hope questioned.

  "What's going on? Oh, are they making out?" Lily yawned, entering my mind.

  "Shh, maybe if we're good they'll have sex," Rose emphasized.

  "Isn't that illegal?" Hope questioned.

  "There's a sign in front of the change room that says sex is allowed." Midnight mumbled.

  "WHAT!" The others replied. I pulled back.

  "Marcus, we can't make out here! We're in public!" I announced, blushing. He grinned.

  "Actually, we can do more than just make out, Firefly."

  I gawked at him, blinking in confusion.

  "'s a change room!" I stressed.

  "There's a sign. It's allowed." He replied.

  "But...I...we...I didn't pay for this." I noted the sexy set I wore, feeling even more embarrassed at my arousal that was becoming very apparent down under.

  Marcus grinned, directing me to press me against the wall.

  "I'll pay for it, and get a set of each." He whispered in a husky voice.

  "We...can't have sex here," I mumbled.

  "Is that your mind talking Firefly? Cause I have a feeling your body is telling me something else." He whispered, lowering his lips to my neck. His hand left my hip, sliding between my legs and pressing against my entrance.

  I moaned at the cold touch; his fingers gathered my wetness before he removed them – lifting his finger to his mouth and licking them slowly. I gaped at him; the action only made me more excited.

  "Don't want to get this set drenched yet, love." He smirked. He pressed his arm above me, leaning in to kiss me again; our tongues danced – tasting myself as we continued to kiss.

  His phone began to vibrate in his pocket, pulling us out of our daze as we pulled apart catching our breath. He took his phone out, answering it.

  "Yeah. Don't ask why I'm out of breath...I was busy. You know, I
hate you. This is why you and Ryder fight. I'll get payback for this. Alright, bye." He hung up. I began to giggle at his frustrated look, already knowing who it was.


  "Yes. I swear, he interrupts everyone." He huffed, causing me to laugh. I slipped my arms around his waist, pressing myself against him; he blushed looking down at me before I leaned up, kissing his neck. He groaned, making me want to please him more.

  "Firefly, you're killing me here." He strained. I gave him a final kiss, biting his flesh gently before pulling away.

  "You and me later?" I whispered. He grinned.

  "Yes. Now, let's buy half the store and go to the movies." He chuckled at my widened eyes. He kissed my cheek before turning around, making his way out.

  "We're not buying half the store! Dammit, Marcus! Don't buy half the store! Leave some for Scarlet and Junho!" I called out. He laughed but continued to make his way down the hall. I sighed, knowing my effort was futile. I glanced at the mirror one more time, seeing my flushed cheeks and the fresh hickey on my neck.

  I can't wait till later.

  Chapter Four

  "That was AWESOME! Marcus, we need to have a date like this again when the next movie comes out!" I exclaimed, swinging my hands to my left and right as if I held a sword – my motivation was the Samurai movie we just finished.

  We'd spent our time shopping after the lingerie store, checking out the rest of the mall. We ended up having so many items that Marcus requested for our goods to be delivered to our home. I was impressed that humans had such services, Marcus informed me that the mall specifically would be willing to deliver all purchases if you went over a certain money-limit.

  With the multiple bags which took three attendants to gather and take away, we must have spent a good fortune to be given such a service free of charge.

  We'd moved on to getting dinner – the hours went by to the point my stomach sang a symphony of how hungry it was. I couldn't help but blush as Marcus chuckled, squeezing my hand before leading me to a fancy restaurant at the bottom floor.

  The five-course meal was superb; the juicy steak with mashed potatoes, gravy, and various vegetables with butter, my favorite. That was, until the dessert was presented to us. The chocolate layered cheesecake with strawberry filling, chocolate syrup and nuts drizzled on top and with a side scoop of vanilla ice cream was enough to send my jaw dropping, eyes popping and made me struggle to not drool in front of the chef.

  Once I was overstuffed and wobbling out of the restaurant, we decided to watch a movie. It would be my second time getting to watch the lengthy video on a big screen, and I was excited to be going with Marcus.

  He explained each of the movies, believing I would choose a chick flick that was apparently popular with many female shifters. Of course, I didn't have time to watch a boring love story that had a predictable ending and hopefully one sex scene. I loved action and a powerful main character which led to me choosing a samurai movie.

  It was based on a woman in Japan who was on a mission for revenge, using martial arts and a dual blade to rid her enemies one by one. From the fight scenes to the R-rated sex scene, the movie was exhilarating, and I was now stoked for the second movie.

  Marcus watched me as I continued my imitation; his soft expression mixed with the light that shone from the post above us caught my attention.

  "What?" I whispered; my body frozen in one of the stances I'd learned.

  "It warms my heart to see you so happy." He confessed. He walked forward; my hands fell to my sides as I turned to face him. When he reached me, his hands wrapped themselves around my waist, pulling me forward to press against him. He looked down; his face filled with affection, before continuing on.

  "I sometimes remember how we met and everything we've been through. Just to see you full of life, compared to those days where I had to watch you fight for your just really makes me realize how strong you are. I'm beyond blessed." His voice held so much emotion; those heart touching words were enough to bring tears to my eyes.

  "Marcus." I wrapped my arms around him, needing to feel his warmth as we hugged under the lamp post.

  "Thank you, Marcus. I'll always be thankful to the Starlight gods for bringing you and the others into my life. It's thanks to all of you that I've made it this be able to enjoy this very moment in your arms."

  No words could possibly describe how thankful I was to the gods above. From the cycles of praying and begging for their intervention; to be free of the shackles that kept me captive for sixteen cycles. To be walking freely on the street of a completely different realm with one of my star knight lovers was a dream come true.

  I leaned up to kiss him, enjoying the sweet taste of vanilla in his mouth from our dessert as he moaned. Before we could deepen the kiss, Marcus’ phone beeped.

  He groaned but pulled away, pulling it out.

  "Christian’s here. Ready to go home, Firefly?" I frowned, wanting to do more kissing and touching before returning home. Even though I was designated to sleep in Marcus’ room tonight, I already knew I wouldn't last long till sleep took me. We had been up super early and even with my power nap I was already exhausted.

  My body craved Marcus, and I enjoyed hearing him moan. I bit my lip before nodding, trying to ignore the throb that began to build. My need for Marcus' cock enough to aid me in fantasizing the entire scene.

  Marcus must have noticed my change in expression but said nothing; his arms retreated from my waist, but his hand reached out to grasp mine.

  We watched Christian's large, black car pull over, parking on the quiet sidewalk. Marcus helped me into the car before closing the door.

  I tilted my head in confusion as I watched them talk for a minute; Christian gave him a smug smile before patting him on the shoulder. What are they talking about?

  "I wonder. I wish we weren't so tired from that leg thing or we could have had play time." Lexi complained.

  "Leg thing?”

  "The thing about the time change when you travel that makes your exhausted." She elaborated.

  "Jet lag, Lexi." I suppressed the giggle that wanted to escape. I loved when my spirits got Earthala terms horribly wrong.

  "Same thing." I sighed.

  "Midnight and Rose are rubbing off on you." I pointed out.

  "Hehehe maybe. I shall leave you two alone. Goodnight." I smiled, closing my eyes.


  Marcus and Christian entered the car; Christian set up the radio to play some soft, relaxing tunes before starting the car and entering the busy streets.

  "What’s wrong Firefly?" Marcus had noticed my quietness; his hand slid into mine once more as he glanced my way. I blushed, feeling embarrassed to admit my reasoning for my dampened mood.

  "It's nothing." I replied, giving him a soft smile. He frowned.

  "Mako. Come here." He ordered, his voice suddenly low. The change in tone enough to send thrills through me as the annoying throb between my legs returned at full force.

  I bit my lip and unbuckled my seatbelt. I noticed a tinted black glass roll up, shielding my eyes from the driver's view. I returned my attention to Marcus, who was unbuckling his seatbelt. I crawled into his lap, facing him; his back relaxed into the oversized, leather cushion that seemed small as he steadied me in his lap.

  His hand slid against my cheek, tangling into my hair before he pulled me close; our lips barely touched.

  "Mako. What's wrong?" I couldn't answer; my heart beat against my chest. My sex felt wet, and my nipples grew hard. I gulped at the intense heat flashing in Marcus' eyes.

  "Noth- mhm."

  He didn't let me finish; his lips smashed against mine as his grip tightened in my hair. It was getting hot; the excessive amount of clothing and my growing arousal contributed to my feverish skin.

  His hands left my waist, lifting my sweater. I let my hands rise up, allowing him to remove the thick fabric and tank top in a precise movement, breaking the kiss for a moment before his hand s
lid around my neck, pulling me back into him.

  I groaned; my hips moved back and forth against the bulge in his pants – his hard cock turned me on even more.

  He pulled away, both of us breathless as we stared into one another's eyes.

  "Are you gonna tell me what’s wrong now?" He pondered. I knew the look in his eyes – the expression told me I had to fess up if I wanted this to continue.

  "I...don’t want to go home until I..." I tried to explain, trailing off as I tried to look away; Marcus’ other hand slid to my opposite cheek, navigating my head to face him again.


  "Until I have you inside of me...I want you." I confessed; my voice was but a whisper as my face flushed. I wasn't used to asking for what I wanted, feeling a tad embarrassed. He smirked; his hands slid away before he lifted his shirt off, throwing it to the empty seat next to us before his hands glided to my ass.

  "I love when you tell me what you want Makoto." His breath tickled my neck before his lips sucked at my skin. I lifted my head up, enjoying the sensation as I tried to control my panting. My skin felt sensitive to every touch – from Marcus' lips that continued to suck on my nape, to his hands that squeezed my ass.

  I leaned back, allowing my hands to press his shoulders, pushing to rest against the cushions as I leaned into him, claiming his lips as we passionately kissed. His hands roamed my body - one tugged at my navy-blue bra; my left breast left the security of the wired lace fabric. I broke the kiss to moan as his fingers began to pinch my hard, sensitive nipples causing me to shiver.

  His other hand unclipped my bra, and he held it with a satisfied smile before dropping it to the side.

  "Why do men think it’s a big accomplishment when they unclip a bra?" I mumbled.

  "It’s an achievement; now, sit up on your knees Firefly." He ordered, slapping my ass. I gave him a seductive smile; my hands went around his neck as I obeyed his orders, leaning down to kiss him.

  I let my tongue slide into his mouth, one arm around his neck while the other tugged at the hair tie – his long, brown strands fell messily before I tossed the tie, allowing my fingers to get tangled in those locks. We pressed our foreheads together, trying to catch our breath as we stared into one another’s eyes.


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