Addictive (The Houston Defiance MC Series Book 2)

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Addictive (The Houston Defiance MC Series Book 2) Page 4

by K E Osborn

  Instantly, cold rushes through my body at the loss of her touch. She ignites me, and without her, I’m dead inside.

  Skulking in, I head for the stairs.

  Zero’s standing there watching me.

  My mind swarms with thoughts as I give him a nod. Honestly, I can’t fucking win. I’m losing my shit. No matter what, I’m always going to have a set of eyes on me now.

  I always felt safe here at the club.

  Always had a family and a connection.

  But maybe now, all I have is a big fucking target on my back.


  The Next Afternoon

  The club’s had a major sleep in, seeing as we all went to bed at sunrise. It’s almost three in the afternoon, and I’m trying to recover from a restless sleep. Though the smell from Fox and Bub cooking up a storm has my stomach grumbling. Nothing like some glazed ham and potato salad to tide us over until we’ll have us a late dinner.

  Sitting with Phantom, he’s messing about, telling me jokes which are sort of funny, so I giggle along while trying to take in his features. He might be tall and skinny, but what he lacks in definition compared to the other guys here, he makes up for in his good looks. He has a killer smile that instantly warms your heart. The bluest of eyes light up like the sky on a summer’s day. His face is so fucking adorable you want to grab his cheeks and squeeze them. He’s like the guy in high school with the babyface that every girl had a crush on. However, he’s a little more defined than that with a touch of facial hair to give him masculinity.

  Phantom is hot, there’s no denying it, and I’m definitely attracted. If my body didn’t want someone else, I might even consider acting on that attraction, but I can’t.

  My mind won’t get past the barrier where maybe one day Wraith and I could work our shit out.

  The problem—our issues run deep.

  The other problem—I don’t know what our issues really are.

  We fought, we argued, we fucked, and it was great until it wasn’t. After that, shit was strained between us. Neither one willing to talk about it, and when we do, that’s when one of us blows up. I’m not sure what to do, especially now with Zero on our backs.

  Will we even get a chance to?

  I don’t know.

  It’s like everything is against us.

  Maybe that in itself is a sign?

  “Honestly, Prinie, I think if you wanted to, you could,” Phantom exclaims, gaining my attention.

  “Sorry, what?” I ask, coming back to the conversation.

  “Stop glowing like the goddess you are, you’re blinding me!” He pulls his sunglasses down from the top of his head with a smirk.

  “You’re too much.” I roll my eyes.

  As I observe over the table, Phantom picks up his glass and takes a drink, while all I can see is Zero and Cherry completely loved up. I’m happy for them. I really am. My best friend and my brother couldn’t be more suited, and with the mess Rayne has been through, she deserves some happiness. If Zero gives her that, then I’m happy.

  Suddenly, Koda slides in beside Phantom with a bright lift of his lips. His hair is growing longer, now falling into his eyes. I let out a small laugh leaning across the table, flicking his bangs away from his face. “You trying to take after our older brother with that long hair?”

  Koda, peers over at Zero, whose hair is up in a man bun, and he shrugs. “Ladies dig his hair… may as well grow mine out, too.”

  Phantom and I chuckle as I lean over the table scuffing his old-style Justin Bieber hair. “Dude, you’re sixteen, you don’t need to worry about girls yet.”

  Phantom snickers. “Oh, Prinie, so naïve. At sixteen, Koda’s little teenage hormones are running rampant. Kid needs to get laid, then he’ll be fine. Send Bonnie into his room, she’ll take good care of his V-card.”

  My eyes widen as Koda’s face lights up in excitement as I slap Phantom on the chest. “I am not sending in a club girl to take Koda’s… um, whatever. No, I’m not having this discussion.”

  Phantom snickers. “Sorry, kid… I tried.”

  Koda sinks into his chair. “Prinie, I know you wanna protect me, but I’m the son of a president. The brother of one, too. I need to find my place in this club.”

  “Like hell you do.” I scoff. “You need to go to school, get an education, find a job, get married and have little Bieber-haired babies…” I pause and take in a deep breath. “This life isn’t for you, Koda.”

  The heat of Phantom’s stare burns into my side, but I ignore him. I get I’ve just insulted him and the club, but I don’t care.

  I don’t want this life for Koda.

  I want him to find something better.

  Be someone better.

  “I’m not sure it’s your choice to make, Prinie,” Koda replies, sliding out of the seat to stand. “I know you only want what’s best, and you’ve spent your whole life watching out for me. Now, it’s my turn to look out for my family. I might be the youngest, but I know what I need to do.” He turns, then storms off.

  “Koda!” I call out, but he doesn’t stop.

  Anguish rolls through me like a tidal wave. I never want him to feel like he owes this family anything because he doesn’t. It’s our job, mine and Zero’s, to always take care of him. Certainly, not the other way around.

  “Dammit,” I mutter to myself as I slump onto the table with my head in my hands.

  “You reckon this club isn’t good enough for Koda, princess?” The tone in Phantom’s voice has changed from his casual cheery demeanor. It’s gruffer and laced with accusation.

  With a heavy sigh, I turn my head on the table, peeking up at him. “Settle down, cowboy. I’m not trying to insult y’all. I’m aware what this club brings. The danger. After all, it killed my parents, and it damn near killed my brother and best friend last night. If I can spare my youngest sibling that fate, I’d rather he be an accountant, or hell, a fucking janitor if it means he’s away from the fight.”

  Phantom relaxes his tough-guy stance, his hand coming out to rest on my back. “I get it. What we do is dangerous, Prinie. But Koda has Walker blood in him. He comes from a long line of respected bikers. He might be soft as shit now, but he sees the writing on the wall.”

  My stomach tightens at Phantom’s words. “Yeah, what’s that?”

  “He belongs here as a brother… hell, probably something more at some stage. He has two more years, then he’ll be expected to prospect. He knows it… we all do. He just needs to toughen up a bit.”

  Phantom’s right, and I hate the fact. I guess it’s part of the reason I took Koda with me when I left for Chicago. I didn’t want this life for him then, and I don’t now. Trouble is now that we’re back, he’s expected to take on the family tradition. I’m scared he won’t make it. He’s not like Dad was or Zero is. Strong persona. Strong stature. Sure, Koda is well-built for a sixteen-year-old, and when he grows into himself, I’m sure he’ll be a strapping young man, but mentally, he’s a fragile boy. He’s broken from watching our parents die in front of us just like I am.

  I’m not sure how either of us will recover from that.

  “I don’t know what I would do if he got caught up in something, Phantom. I’ve lost so much of my family already.” My stomach twists at the thought. Phantom must notice because he pulls me to him in a tight embrace. His aftershave floods my senses as I wrap my arms around him seeking the comfort I need right now. My eyes open, and I peer over his shoulder meeting Wraith’s cold stare from the corner of the room. Actually, staring is the wrong word, more like glaring. His eyes are hard. Focused. It’s like he’s trying with everything he has not to lose his shit right now.

  It shouldn’t, but it makes me happy that Wraith’s torn apart by me being embraced by another man. Wraith tries to put off this vibe like he doesn’t care, but right here, right now, the way his eyes are boring into mine, it’s plain to see he does. His jaw ticks as he folds his arms over his chest in anger.

  Phantom’s hand rub
s up and down my back soothingly. I snuggle into him further just to add salt into Wraith’s wound.

  I’m a bitch, I know.

  But without a doubt, he would do the same thing to me.

  He has done the same thing to me.

  Wraith storms past us, heading for the stairs. I smirk, slowly pulling back from Phantom. His eyes meet mine, his soft lips casually lift in the gorgeous fucking smile he’s known for. “If it’s any consolation, Prinie, I will personally watch over Koda. I’ll make sure while he’s going through his time to patch in here at the club, I’ll be his right hand.”

  My chest swarms in admiration for Phantom. He’s such a good guy.

  “Dang, you’re amazing.”

  He stifles a laugh. “I try to be.”

  An alarm pierces through the clubhouse, all eyes shoot straight to Neon. He works furiously on his device as Zero stands rushing over to him. My heart rapid fires as I squeeze my eyes shut, rubbing at my throat to try and ease the tightness crushing the inside. My breathing quickens, so much so I become light-headed as images of the Militia slicing my parents’ throats right in front of me comes back in full force. My body trembles as a cold sweat invades my skin.

  “Prinie! Prinie, you okay?” Phantom asks breaking me out of my internal panic.

  My eyes snap open at his words, and I look up at him through misty eyes.

  “Hey…” he reaches out placing his hands on my shoulders, “… it’s the heat. Not an attack. You’re okay. Everything’s okay. Take a breath.”

  I inhale deeply as my body shudders so forcefully it’s like I could fall off my seat at any given moment.

  Phantom brings his hand up to my cheek, caressing it tenderly, and it’s enough to calm my nerves. “I got you, princess.”

  Managing a weak smile, I glance over to Zero, Neon, and Wraith—who at some point has come back downstairs—and they all make their way to the front door. But before they make it, the door swings open to a swarm of cops running in with their guns drawn.

  “Hands up. Get down on the ground,” they yell out, which makes my heart pick up pace again.

  Phantom grabs me, pulling me to the floor. “No sudden movements, Prinie. Do exactly as they say,” he whispers in my ear.

  I kneel on the floor with my hands in the air, my eyes searching for Koda, but I can’t see him anywhere. Panic starts to wash over me again as everyone in the clubhouse drops to their knees.

  “Guys, be cool,” Zero calls out, though his tone is curt and definitely angered.

  An officer steps through the doorway, and we all widen our eyes as Kevlar groans. “Ethan, what the fuck?” he calls out to his lieutenant brother.

  Ethan rolls his shoulders, his hands holding onto his belt as he steps in front of Zero. “This club has always been fucking trouble. I’m glad you’re not mixed up in this, Liam.” Ethan’s eyes shoot to his bother again.

  “It’s Kevlar, not Liam here, Ethan. And mixed up in what? Why the fuck are you and your damn goons here?”

  “Like you don’t know?” Ethan signals to two of his men, they come forward and lift Zero from the ground to his feet.

  I stand from my position. All eyes turn to me as Phantom tugs on my shirt for me to get back down.

  “What do you want with him?” I call out.

  “Krew Walker, you’re being charged with kidnapping and confinement of a person against their will. You have the right to… ah, fuck it! You know your rights by now. Cuff him, boys.”

  Cherry gasps as terror fills me. I rush forward faster than my feet can carry me, but before I reach Zero, arms wrap around my waist holding me back.

  A river of tears rolls down my cheeks as I kick and scream at whoever’s holding me to let my brother go. But they put Zero in cuffs as he shakes his head at me.

  “Prinie, leave it. Don’t fight.”

  As I finally fall back into the arms holding me, I sob. Arms I’m safe in. He holds me tight, not letting me go. His smell invades my senses making me feel like I’m home, even throughout this chaos, giving me an ounce of strength, so I can watch them manhandle Zero and take him away from me.

  “Wraith, you’re in charge. Do what you have to. Keep everyone safe. Everyone… I mean it,” Zero commands as the cops drag him out the clubhouse doors.

  “I won’t forget this, Ethan,” Kevlar calls to his brother.

  “I’m just doing my job, big brother, just like you should have done yours.” Ethan turns, storming out of the clubhouse followed by the rest of the cops as Wraith’s arms around me finally let go. I spin, turning to him—he’s as wrecked as I am. His eyes are haunted as he tries to find his next breath.

  Texas walks over, gripping Wraith on his shoulder. “We have to fix this! But right now, these brothers are looking to you as their leader. You have to step up, Wraith. I understand you and Zero have some issues right now, but you gotta push that aside to find a way out of this.”

  “Wraith, we have to help him,” I beg.

  Cherry steps up, her eyes overflowing with tears. “This is all my fault. The Baron said he was going to file those charges. I just didn’t think he would follow through. I shot his son… he might come after me next.”

  Wraith puts his hands up stopping us all from bombarding him. “Okay. We all know this is the Baron’s doing. He holds all the cards here in Texas. I have no fucking idea how I’m going to get Zero out of this, but I will…” his eyes meet mine, “… we will.” The steely determination in his gaze sets a fire burning deep in the pit of my stomach, and I know somehow, we will succeed.

  Neon walks over, showing Wraith his screen. “I’ve checked it out. Zero’s got a rap sheet a mile long. The Baron’s after him. He wants to make this shit stick. If we don’t get someone on Zero’s side, he’s goin’ away for a long-ass time.”

  My chest squeezes tight.

  I’m losing my family all over again.

  Sure, Zero didn’t die, but he may as well have.

  The police took him from me this time.

  This club just fucking takes and takes.

  My hand races to my mouth as I let out a whimper, then I turn and start running.

  I need to get the fuck away from everything.

  Water floods my eyes so much it’s hard to see.

  My name’s being called, but I can’t make out who’s calling it. I dash for the stairs, taking them two at a time, my breath hardly makes it into my lungs before it’s forced out again. Once I reach the top of the stairs, seeing Zero’s room to the left, it shatters me. My back hits the nearest door, my legs giving way as I slide to the floor. Bringing my knees up, I drop my face against them, wrapping my arms around my legs, and I cry for everything I’ve lost.

  Everyone I’ve lost.

  All because of this fucking club.

  My stomach twists, churning as gut-wrenching sobs leave my body.

  I’m usually so strong, so self-assured, but this, this is too much.

  This is why I left this fucking godawful place.

  Because all it does is take.

  Something shifts next to me, making my head snap up. Wraith’s beside me, his eyes droop as he takes me in, and it is all I need to calm my hysterics the instant his eyes meet mine. He has a way of making things either a thousand times worse, or in moments like this, calming the raging storm inside me. Because he is my storm, and when I’m in his presence, it’s like I’m in the eye of the hurricane, and I just have to wait and hold on for the ride that’s coming. Will this be the ride of my life, or the one that fractures me in two? I can’t see how this ride is going to pan out yet.

  Wraith exhales, his eyes glistening like sunlight shining through a glass of whiskey. Real emotion is emanating back at me.

  Is he in as much pain as I am right now?

  No, that would be impossible.

  He hasn’t lost what I have.

  “Prinie, I know we’re not in a good place right now—”

  “Just get him back, Wraith. Please,” I beg.

sp; “I have Neon working on finding an attorney who’s gone up against the Baron before and won. Our usual attorney won’t cut it for this. The Baron has people in the judicial system, on the force, fuck, in the prisons… his money talks. This is going to be a big fight.”

  “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

  Wraith cracks his neck to the side. “No, it’s telling you how it is. I’m not sure how long it’s going to take before we’ll get Zero out of this, but I won’t stop trying… no matter what it takes.”

  I sniffle, wiping under my eyes. “Will he be protected in…” I almost choke on the word, “… t-there?”

  His hand grips mine, and that fucking spark I always get when he touches me slams against my skin, reverberating all the way up into my chest. My breath catches as he stares into mine with so much positivity it’s stifling. “I’ll make sure wherever Zero ends up, we have someone who looks out for him. Trust me, Prinie, I won’t let anything happen to him in lockup.”

  “He’s going away for a while, isn’t he?”

  He tightens his hand in mine, and our fingers entwined. “Not if I can help it.”

  Clenching my eyes shut, I rub my temple feeling a migraine coming on.

  This is all too much.

  Wraith’s arm loops around me giving me comfort I didn’t know I would ever get from him again. “C’mon, let’s get you to your room. You need to rest while I go deal with the fallout.”

  Opening my eyes, they’re glassy with unshed tears. I wish I was stronger than this. But this club, all it does is undo me.

  Wraith helps me stand, and we start the walk down the hall to my room. His arm is still wrapped around me, it’s like our chat about staying away from each other is now somehow null and void. He’s taking care of me, and right now, I wouldn’t want anyone else to be in his place.

  When we reach my door, he opens it, walking us in. My head pounds like a barrage of giants are stomping on my skull. Wraith edges me over to my bed, sitting me down. He’s not being his usual broody, domineering self, right now as he squats at my bedside. His hands slide along my calves as he pulls off my boots for me. There’s nothing sexual about the way he’s doing it, he’s simply being attentive and caring. A side you rarely see from the brute of a man.


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