My Hometown

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My Hometown Page 18

by SJD Peterson

  “I don’t know, I kind of like the response it got.” Jimmy chuckled and pecked Eric’s nose.

  “I fucking mean it, don’t ever do that again! I thought I lost you. Goddammit, Jimmy, what would I have done if I’d lost you?” He squeezed Jimmy tight one last time before releasing him, immediately taking his hand and entwining their fingers.

  Jimmy brought their joined hands to his mouth and placed a soft kiss to Eric’s knuckles. “You’re not going to lose me.”

  Eric stared at him for a long moment and swallowed down the lump of emotions in his throat. He had to swallow again and blow out a long breath before he could find his voice. “Are you done here?”

  “Yeah, I’ve already given my statement.”

  Eric tugged Jimmy’s hand. “C’mon, your mom’s keeping your dinner warm and I’m sure she’s going to want a hug.” Eric knew he needed a hell of a lot more hugs. He needed to touch and see and feel Jimmy to reassure himself that he really was okay.

  Eric turned to see Conrad, another officer, and two paramedics staring at them. It was Conrad’s shocked expression that Eric responded to. “What, you’ve never seen someone relieved to find their lover safe?” Conrad’s eyes went even wider.

  Eric didn’t give a shit about what might be going through Conrad’s mind or that he and Jimmy would no doubt be the topic down at the diner come morning. Hell, he didn’t give a fuck if the whole damn thing was caught on the news crew’s film. He would never miss another opportunity to show Jimmy what he meant to him.

  Chapter Twenty

  SINGING AT the top of his lungs to an old Waylon Jennings song, Jimmy pulled up outside Burker’s store and put his car in park but didn’t cut the engine as he continued to sing and sway, bobbing his head until the song ended. His cell phone vibrated on his hip, and he turned down the radio and answered the call without looking at the display.

  “Dr. Brink.”

  “I saw you making out with Eric on TV. Looks like I wasn’t the only one cheating,” Oliver sneered.

  Jimmy shook his head and ended the call without responding. If Oliver was still trying to justify his behavior after all this time, more power to him. Jimmy refused to be baited. He was in a great mood even if he was still a little sore from tensing during the accident and he still had a goose egg on his noggin. He damn sure wasn’t going to let his good mood get soured by Oliver.

  He stepped into Burker’s with a wide smile on his face and was greeted by Charlotte. “Morning, Mr. Hollywood,” she teased.

  “You’re such a dork. I seriously doubt the local news is going to be sending that clip to Hollywood.”

  Charlotte waved dismissively as she set her book aside. “It was a better kiss than I’ve seen in most movies anyway.”

  Jimmy sighed dramatically. “I’m never going to live this down, am I?”

  “Nope, this town will be talking about it for years to come.” She laughed. “So what are you doing in here this early anyway? Shouldn’t you be home snuggled up to your man?”

  “I’m too manly to snuggle,” Jimmy sniffed, but he could barely contain his grin. He would love to snuggle Eric, but Mom and Dad were still in town, and although Eric had been at the house after work each night, he hadn’t stayed over. That fantasy was yet to be fulfilled, but it was now at the top of Jimmy’s wish list.

  “I can tell by that smirk, your eyes should be brown rather than blue, ’cause, honey, you are so full of shit.”

  “Hush, woman,” Jimmy grumbled. “Why don’t you do your job and point me in the direction of tea bags and beer.”

  Charlotte laid her hands on the counter, leaning forward as she ran her gaze up and down Jimmy’s form. “Why, Jimmy Brink, I do believe you’re blushing,” she drawled. She then picked up her book and returned to her seat. “You’ve been coming in here all your life. You know damn well where everything is.”

  He wasn’t blushing, dammit. It was warm in the store, that was all. He went and grabbed what he needed from the shelf and cooler. So what if everyone in town and probably beyond saw Eric kiss him? So what? His cheeks were still warm when he brought the beer and tea and set them on the counter and damn if it didn’t get hotter in the store when Charlotte gave him a knowing look.

  Without taking her gaze from him, she reached under the counter and pulled out a book, plopping it down on the counter. Jimmy glanced at it, instantly knowing what kind of book it was from the two headless, naked, and very muscular torsos on the cover.

  “Read this. In fact, you should read it to Eric. Y’all might get some spicy new ideas.”

  Jimmy didn’t reach for it, instead gave her an exasperated look. She ignored it and stuffed the book into the bag along with his purchases. He paid her as quickly as he could before his cheeks melted off his face, and hurried out the door. It was just weird for someone he’d grown up with to be thinking those things about him and Eric.

  “Let me know how it turns out.”

  Jimmy stopped at the door, hand on the knob, and looked over his shoulder at her in disbelief. “You gave me a book you haven’t even read yet?”

  “Oh, I’ve read it. I was talking about how it turns out after you read it to Eric.” She waggled her brows. “I want details.”

  Charlotte’s laughter followed him as he rushed out of the store.

  She wanted details? Was she kidding? Reading wasn’t what he had in mind if or rather when he got Eric in his bed, and he damn sure wouldn’t be sharing the details of what he did have planned with her or anyone else, for that matter.

  He made a few more stops, got snickers and giggles from a couple of teenage girls at the feed store and some curious looks while picking up antibiotic cream and lotion at the pharmacy, but surprisingly no one made any nasty comments, at least none he overheard. Oh, he wasn’t naive enough to think everyone approved or accepted his sexuality; they were in the Bible Belt, after all. But it did make him feel pretty damn good to know no one in town seemed bothered much by seeing two men kissing on the news.

  Back home, the feel-good mood of the morning was dampened slightly as he pulled into the drive to find his mom loading the car. Jimmy pulled up next to their vehicle. “Hey, I told you I’d be right back and would help you load the car.”

  “We’re not completely useless, ya know. Besides, it’s nothing but some pillows, blankets, and food for the road. Did you get the antibiotic cream I asked for?”

  “Oh shit. Yeah, I got it.” Jimmy ran back to the car and dug in the bags till he found the one with her stuff. “Your lotion too,” he announced, holding up the bag and bringing it over to her.

  “Thanks, Jimmy. That rash on your dad’s butt is going to make traveling difficult. Looks like I’ll be driving.”

  “I really don’t want to hear rash and Dad’s butt in the same sentence ever again,” Jimmy grumbled.

  “Oh stop. You’re a doctor, for heaven’s sake.”

  “It’s not that he has a rash that has me freaking out, but how he got said rash, so you just zip it,” he demanded and pointed a finger at her. Sex on overly bleached sheets? Seriously, he did not want that image in his head. Ever!

  “Sex isn’t just for the young, ya know?” Mom informed him.

  Jimmy stuck his fingers in his ears like a child and began singing. “La, la, la, la. I can’t hear you. La, la, la, la.”

  Mom pulled his hand away. “I’ve got some cookies in the oven for Eric. Behave and I might allow you to have one.”

  “Cookies for Eric, huh? I thought I was your favorite?”

  “You thought wrong,” she said curtly and headed inside. She stopped at the door and raised one delicate brow. “You coming?”

  Jimmy huffed out an exaggerated breath. “I suppose. I gotta grab the groceries first,” he said with mock dejection.

  “There you go whining again. I swear I don’t know what my sweet Eric even sees in you.”

  Any response Jimmy would have made was lost with the banging of the screen door and Mom’s laughter as she disappeare
d inside the house.

  “Sweet Eric, huh?” One kiss at an accident scene and suddenly Eric was the sweet favorite. Jimmy stopped midstep and ran a finger over his lips. Eric did taste pretty sweet.

  The kitchen smelled delicious when he stepped in just in time to see Mom pulling a pan of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies from the oven. Jimmy’s mouth watered and he hurried to put away his groceries and wash his hands.

  “You’re going to share those with me, aren’t you?” Jimmy asked and sat down at the kitchen table, his belly growling in anticipation.

  “Well, you did act like a brat a while ago.”

  “Yeah, so what’s new? You know it’s part of my charm.”

  Mom set a plate of warm cookies on the table and looked past Jimmy. “Do you think being a brat is part of his charm?”

  “More like one of those things we simply have to put up with.”

  Jimmy turned around to find Eric coming in from the living room. “Who asked you, and where the hell did you come from?” He hadn’t noticed Eric’s truck in the drive.

  “I was visiting with Dad,” Eric said smoothly and took the seat next to Jimmy, smiling up at Mom. “Wow, these smell and look delicious.”

  Mom pushed the plate toward him. “Help yourself.”

  “Visiting Dad? Help yourself? Who the hell are you people, and what did you do with my family?” He watched Eric grab a cookie and take a big bite. “And how is it he can eat without washing his hands and no one else can?”

  “I already told you, he’s my favorite,” Mom said matter-of-factly and then turned away but not before Jimmy caught sight of her trying to hold back her laughter.

  “Ha-ha.” He played along, snatching a cookie and shoving the whole thing in his mouth.

  “Oh, that’s attractive,” Eric commented and shook his head as Jimmy struggled to chew with his mouth full of hot chocolate morsels burning his tongue.

  “Here.” Mom set a glass of cold milk in front of him. “When you’re done playing around, go see your dad while I clean up this mess. We’ll be heading out soon.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Jimmy muttered and happily gulped the milk to wash down the treat and ease the burn.

  HAVING ALREADY said his good-byes, Eric stepped back and allowed Jimmy and his parents a few moments to say theirs. He was more than a little curious at what Barbara whispered in Jimmy’s ear that made his face light up and a huge smile stretch across his face. Jimmy waved as Barbara and James pulled out of the drive, and Eric came to stand next to him. He wrapped his arm around Jimmy’s waist and waved too.

  Once they disappeared, Eric nudged Jimmy. “What did your mom whisper to you that made you so happy?”

  “Nothing.” Jimmy chuckled.

  “C’mon, share. I want to know so I can make you smile like that too.”

  Jimmy cocked his head, his smile morphing into something gentle. “Wow, I’m still having a hard time reconciling this new Eric.”

  “Pfft, I’m the same ol’, same ol’. Only now you know what I was usually thinking but wasn’t saying out loud.” He ran the back of his knuckles along Jimmy’s jaw. “So?”

  “She said, ‘I told you it was just a small inconvenience.’”

  Eric blinked at him in confusion. “Small inconvenience?”


  “I don’t get it,” Eric admitted.

  “Mom and I were having a conversation the morning after I moved back home. Oliver was still in bed and Mom wasn’t too impressed and pointed out that you don’t mind early mornings or hard work. The way she said it, I knew she was suggesting something more so I pointed out that you were also my best friend and straight. Her response was to wave a dismissive hand at me and say—and I quote—’A small inconvenience considering all his positive attributes, wouldn’t you say?’”

  “Smart lady, your mom.”

  “Usually it is more than a small inconvenience,” Jimmy said adamantly.

  Eric pecked Jimmy’s lips and steered him toward the door. “Then I guess we should be thankful we’re unusual. I’m thinking now that we are finally alone, I should show you some of those other things I was thinking but never said out loud.”

  Eric smiled slyly at Jimmy’s harsh intake of breath and the shock in his wide blue eyes. As much as he enjoyed that expression, he couldn’t wait to light up Jimmy’s handsome face and shock the hell out of him with pleasure.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  ERIC RAN his lips along Jimmy’s neck, inhaling deeply. His familiar scent of sunshine, sweet grass, and country was arousing, and the taste of his skin sent Eric reeling. He let his hands roam up and down the hard muscle of Jimmy’s back, loving the way the warm skin felt against his fingertips.

  How many fantasies had he had about touching his friend, making love to him, kissing him? Eric couldn’t rightly say. What he did know was that the way Jimmy’s body felt against his was better than any dream.

  “I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Jimmy murmured and then shuddered when Eric nipped his earlobe.

  “Why are you surprised?” Eric asked, leaning back to meet Jimmy’s gaze. “I’ve loved you my whole damn life. I think it’s beyond time we were doing this, you stupid lug.”

  “I never knew. You never told me. I mean I knew you loved me but, you know, not like this. I can’t believe you never told me you were gay. It would have made things so much easier, don’t you think?”

  “Because I’m not.”

  Jimmy slid his hands down and grabbed Eric’s hips, rubbing their groins together. “You’re hard as a fucking rock from kissing my neck. And since I have a dick as hard as yours, I’d say that’s pretty fucking gay.” Jimmy chuckled.

  “Just you, Jimmy. Never wanted anyone but you. Hell, I’ve never even looked at another guy that way.”

  “You were a heartbreaker. I remember how hot and heavy you and Donna Monroe were in high school. Not once in a million years, having had to endure the minute-by-minute recalling of your sexcapades, would I have ever thought we’d be here, holding each other, about to….” Jimmy gave Eric a questioning look. “We are about to, you know, right?”

  “Shut up and kiss me.” Eric smashed their mouths together, and when Jimmy gasped at the sudden meeting of lips, Eric shoved his tongue deep, moaning appreciatively at the way Jimmy’s warm, wet tongue felt against his. He explored every inch of Jimmy’s mouth, reveling in how right it felt and loving the way Jimmy’s passion and need matched his own.

  The kiss went on and on as if neither of them wanted it to end, making up for every lost kiss over the years. Only when Eric’s lungs were burning from the lack of oxygen did he reluctantly break the kiss, but he refused to let more than a hairbreadth separate their lips as they both breathed the other in.

  “Waited so long for this,” Eric murmured, sliding his mouth back and forth over Jimmy’s.

  “I never thought.”

  “Me neither.”

  “Can’t believe it. I must be dreaming.”

  Eric ran his hands down the sinew of Jimmy’s back to his ass, grabbing his asscheeks firmly, forcing their bodies together closer still. “Does this feel like a dream?”

  “Yeah, it does.” Jimmy nipped Eric’s bottom lip and smiled. “Like a dream come true.”

  “Not yet, but it will be.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I’ll show you.” Eric grabbed the hem of Jimmy’s shirt and pulled it over his head, tossing it haphazardly behind him. The warm skin of Jimmy’s muscular chest was a temptation he wouldn’t deny himself. He leaned down and rubbed his cheek against the slightly furred chest, loving the way the hairs tickled his flesh. He ran his stubbled chin down Jimmy’s breastbone and did it again when Jimmy squirmed and chuckled.

  “That tickles.”

  “Little sensitive, are you?”

  Jimmy started to respond, but whatever he was about to say was lost to a deep rumbling moan when Eric sucked Jimmy’s left nipple into his mouth and teased it with
his tongue.

  “God, that feels good.” Jimmy groaned and slid his fingers through Eric’s hair, pulling him closer as he pushed out his chest.

  The power in the movement was like nothing Eric had ever experienced, sending a jolt to his hard dick. Being a rather large guy, he’d always had to hold himself back when he’d hooked up with a girl. But with Jimmy, he didn’t have to. For the first time in his life, he didn’t have to be careful, knew Jimmy could handle his strength. Eric sucked harder, his fingers digging in to the flesh of Jimmy’s ass. He gave the other hard nub the same harsh treatment, sucking and nipping until he’d had his fill and Jimmy was moaning and shaking.

  Eric straightened up and winked. “That was way fucking better than I imagined.”


  “Oh yeah.”

  “Well, then, if you thought that was great, you’re going to love this.”

  Eric suddenly found himself falling back, arms flailing helplessly as he tried to catch himself as Jimmy shoved him. He landed in the oversized chair with an oomph. Before he could complain, Jimmy was on his knees between Eric’s spread thighs and was unbuckling Eric’s belt.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  Jimmy tilted his head and grinned. “If you have to ask, you’re in for an even bigger treat than I thought.”

  Eric didn’t have to ask what Jimmy meant. Hell, he could barely put two coherent words together when Jimmy freed Eric’s hard cock and then bent and sucked it into his mouth. The wet heat, powerful suction, and the fact that it was Jimmy who was creating such amazing sensations short-circuited Eric’s brain, and he could only feel and moan and thrust up into that talented mouth. Screw talking. It was overrated.

  Eric spread his legs wider and laid his hand on the back of Jimmy’s head, pushing him down as he thrust up.

  Jimmy indulged him for a few minutes, letting Eric fuck his mouth. Never had a blow job felt this good, nor blown his mind so powerfully. Jimmy took every hard thrust, giving all control over to Eric.


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