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Fast Pitch

Page 10

by Graysen Morgen

  "I'm starving," Bailey said.

  Dashtin shook her head and walked down the hall to her room.

  "You're staying the night, right?" Graham asked Bailey.

  "Yes, unless you plan to drive me home."

  "Nope," Graham said shaking her head and smiling.


  Graham wasn't used to someone sleeping in her bed. She woke in the middle of the night when she bumped the warm body next to her. The moonlight shining through the blinds cast a soft glow across the room allowing her to see Bailey asleep on her back. Graham lay on her side watching her. Bailey looked so peaceful in her sleep and very young and innocent. She knew she felt very strongly towards Bailey, but she was reluctant to admit she was falling for the young woman. There were too many variables in both of their lives at the moment to consider forever together, but lying there in that bed next to her at that moment she felt feelings that she hadn't felt in a long time, if ever.

  Graham noticed Bailey's chest rising and falling a little faster. Her face twitched and she bit her bottom lip between her teeth. Graham wondered if she was having a bad dream and thought about waking her. That's when she noticed the covers moving suspiciously. She pulled the blanket and sheet away to see Bailey touching her naked body with one hand and pleasuring herself with the other.

  "You like watching me, so I thought I'd give you something to watch," Bailey said.

  "Oh, you're bad," Graham said shaking her head.

  "Shall I continue?"

  "By all means," Graham said kicking the rest of the covers to the floor.

  Bailey squeezed her breast with one hand pinching her nipple between her fingers. The fingers of her other hand were rubbing her clit back and forth in slow circles. She arched her back slipping her fingers inside, coating them with wetness before pulling them back out to continue the circles.

  Graham had never seen anything as erotic as watching a beautiful woman pleasure herself in her bed. She listened to Bailey's breath hitch as she watched her hands on her body. She too was naked and having a very hard time not touching herself. She felt like she was turning inside out as her center throbbed and the wetness pooled between her legs.

  Bailey dug her heels into the bed moaning softly as her body began its release. She tightened around her fingers as she pushed them inside one last time riding the pulsing orgasm as it washed over her. She pulled her fingers free rolling herself on top of Graham kissing her hard before her own body could relax and recover. Graham ran her hands down Bailey's back to squeeze her ass and back up again massaging the muscles along her spine as they kissed.

  Graham moved her mouth kissing Bailey's neck and shoulder moving back to the soft spot behind her ear. Bailey rocked her hips against Graham's searching for her lips. She kissed her tenderly and pulled away sitting up to straddle Graham's waist. She looked into Graham's blue eyes and grinned before turning around. She spread Graham's legs lying back down with her hips hovering over Graham's mouth as ran her tongue over the wet folds between Graham's legs.

  Graham groaned at the contact and pulled Bailey down onto her mouth. They settled into an easy rhythm matching each other stroke for stroke. Graham was so close already from watching Bailey. She moved her hips back and forth guiding Bailey's tongue where she needed it most as she licked and sucked her in return.

  Unable to hold off any longer Graham moaned as quietly as possible digging her fingers into Bailey's back as her body thrashed wildly causing Bailey to let go with her. They rode the waves together gasping and moving back and forth uncontrollably until they were both completely spent. Bailey rolled over on her back breathless.

  "I think you're trying to kill me," Graham whispered when she finally caught her breath.

  Bailey laughed. Turning around she kissed Graham, softly curling into her arms.

  Chapter 17

  Two weeks later Graham was sitting in the lab watching her intoxicated rats trying to navigate the plastic tunnel system. She'd just taken blood from each one recording the last results of the days test on alcohol in the bloodstream in her laptop. She almost missed her phone ringing because it was buried in the bottom of her laptop bag.

  "Hey," she said surprised to see Bailey's name on the caller ID.

  "Claudia and I were in an accident. Some asshole ran a red light and hit us," Bailey said.

  "Oh my god, are you okay?"

  "Yeah, we're both banged up. They took us to University Hospital. My pitching shoulder is really sore from the seatbelt and being slammed into the side of the door. They just did an x-ray."

  "I'm in the lab so I'm close by. I'll be there in a few minutes," Graham said hanging up the phone. She tore off her lab coat closing her laptop at the same time. She packed up quickly and took off out the door.


  Graham arrived at the hospital within a few minutes. The nurse at the desk said Bailey was having tests done and they would let her know when she could be seen so she asked about Claudia. They allowed Graham to go back to the ER to see her while she waited for Bailey.

  "Hey, how are you feeling?" Graham said pushing the curtain aside.

  "I'm okay," Claudia sighed. "I have some bruises and cuts and scrapes from the glass. I think they are going to release me in a few minutes."

  "Is someone coming to get you?"

  "Rayjay is coming to get me," she said.

  "Rayjay? As in Rayjay Mathis the star football player?" Graham asked.

  Claudia smiled. "Yeah, he and I are dating."

  "Is he a sophomore or a junior?"

  "Sophomore. He's so sweet. He has all these plans to take care of me. I tried to tell him I'm okay. How is Bailey? Have you seen her?"

  "No, she was having tests done when I got here. Her shoulder is banged up pretty good, but she's okay."

  Claudia shook her head. "That guy must have been texting on his phone or talking or something. We were riding along and all of a sudden BAM! He never even hit his brakes. He hit us just behind Bailey's door near the rear tire. He probably would've really hurt her bad if he had hit her door."

  "Was he okay?"

  "Yeah, he was walking around with his arms in the air talking on his phone while the EMT's had to help Bailey get out of the car. My side was fine so I opened my door and got out, but she was in pain and had a hard time climbing over the console."

  "Excuse me," the nurse said to Graham. "Miss Michaels is back from her tests. She's down at curtain three if you want to see her."

  "Tell her I'm sorry," Claudia said.

  "It's not your fault. You go home with Rayjay and get some rest. You'll be sore tomorrow. I already called Coach Walker. She will probably check on you later," Graham said before walking away.

  "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes," Bailey said when Graham pulled the curtain back. She winced in pain as she tried to adjust her position on the gurney.

  Graham walked over to her and kissed her lips softly as she reached down and grabbed her hand. Bailey held her hand tightly.

  "How bad is it?"

  "I don't know. I just had an MRI. The doctor said the x-ray didn't show any broken bones but there was a lot of tissue swelling so he ordered the MRI to see if there's a tear. They just gave me some pain medicine in my IV so hopefully that helps soon."

  Graham rubbed her thumb over the top of Bailey's hand. "Do you want me to call your family?"

  "I called my mom after I talked to you. She was ready to book a flight, but I told her I'm fine. I guess I will call her back once I know for sure. If there's a tear I may need surgery. There goes our winning season. We are weeks away from regionals. I'm so pissed," Bailey sighed.

  "Don't worry about the softball season. That should be the last thing on your mind. I talked to Coach Walker on the way here. She sends her sympathy and told me to take care of you. She said she will check in with you tomorrow, but told me to keep her updated."

  "How's Claudia?" Bailey asked.

  "She's okay, just cuts and bruises. Why didn't you tell me she was dat
ing Rayjay Mathis?"

  Bailey shrugged. "I didn't know he was a star football player until I went to dinner with them last week and people were asking to take pictures with him. I mean I knew he played, but he's only a sophomore. I didn't expect him to be so popular."

  "He's a hell of a running back. If he stays healthy he will probably go into the NFL."

  "Wow, shows how much I know," Bailey laughed.

  Both women jumped when the doctor pulled the curtain back, but Bailey held onto Graham's hand.

  "Miss Michaels, the MRI shows a lot of swelling and bruising, but we do not see a tear. It looks more like a sprain. I'm going to release you, but you will need to follow up with an orthopedic specialist as soon as possible. We have a few that work with the university athletic department here in the hospital. I will make sure you get their information with your discharge papers. You need to use alternating ice and heat on your shoulder and ibuprofen will help with the pain and swelling."

  "Yes, sir," Bailey said. She looked up at Graham when he left the room.

  "I think you should come home with me and let me take care of you," Graham said.

  "I need to go by my place and get some clothes. As much as I love wearing yours, they're a little big and I will need clean underwear. I also need to call my parents," Bailey said.

  "You can call them now if you want. I'm going to go out in the hall and call Coach Walker. I'll be back in a few minutes to get you," Graham said.


  Dashtin was sitting on the couch watching the TV when Graham walked in with Bailey. She jumped up to grab the door since Graham's hands were full with Bailey's bag and her computer bag.

  "How are you feeling?" Dashtin asked.

  "Really sore," Bailey said sitting on the couch.

  Graham handed Bailey's release papers to Dashtin as she walked by her. She placed her computer bag on the desk in her room and put Bailey's bag on her bed.

  "I have some ice packs in the freezer and a heating pad," Dashtin said as she read the notes from the hospital. "If it's as swollen and bruised as they said it was they won't see a tear for a day or two. The best thing you can do is try not to move it a whole lot and go see Dr. Farris tomorrow. He's one of the best ortho doctors. He lectured one of my classes last year."

  "Dashtin's is an athletic training major with a sports medicine minor," Graham said.

  "And I thought you were the nerd," Bailey said smiling at Graham.

  "Ask her who did all of her science homework," Graham said.

  "What did Coach Walker say?" Dashtin asked.

  "Not much. She said follow up with the doctors and when she's cleared you can work with her to try and get her throwing again slowly so she doesn't injure herself."

  "I figured as much. How's Claudia? You said she didn't get hurt, right?"

  "I just talked to her," Bailey said. "She has some cuts from the glass smashing and some bruising from hitting the console with her side, but she's fine."

  "Are you going to practice?" Dashtin asked Graham.

  "Yeah, I'm sure Coach Parker wants Sarah working her arm for the rest of this week so she can pitch this weekend," Graham said. "Do you want me to make you some macaroni and cheese or something before I go? We don't have any soup," she said to Bailey.

  "No, I'll be fine. They gave me some medicine before we left so I have a few hours. I think I'm just going to lie down for a while," Bailey said.

  "Go get in my bed. It's more comfortable than this lumpy old couch." Graham kissed her softly. "I'll see you in a couple hours. Call me if you need anything."

  "Do you want to ride together? I'm not doing anything afterwards," Dashtin said.

  "Might as well," Graham said. "Let me change clothes real quick." She ran down the hall and changed into her warm-up pants, a t-shirt, and sneakers.


  Graham went through the motions at practice, but her mind was miles away. Sarah wasn't a bad pitcher. In fact, her ball control was precise, but she lacked the speed and pop that Bailey put on the ball when she threw it. Graham just about let the ball hit her in the face a few times because she wasn't paying attention.

  After close to an hour Coach Parker sent them both to the batting cages to finish their practice. Graham swung the bat connecting with a few of the balls, but most of them sailed past her head. The coaches ended practice shortly afterwards and Dashtin and Graham hurried home instead of sticking around to talk with everyone.

  "I guess that mess with Helena has blown over. I haven't heard anymore about it," Dashtin said as she drove them across campus.

  "She had no grounds. Coach Walker already knew the rules and told us we didn't break any so she was just being a bitch and trying to stir something up," Graham stared out the window. 'Thanks for helping me with Bailey. I really hope it's nothing serious."

  "She'll be fine. You need to get her into the doctor tomorrow though if possible. The sooner the better," Dashtin said.

  Graham walked into the quiet apartment careful not to make any noise. Bailey was asleep in the middle of her bed. She walked over and brushed the hair off Bailey's cheek as she bent down and kissed the spot softly.

  Bailey stirred and winced when she opened her eyes.

  "Hey baby, we just got back. I didn't mean to wake you," Graham said.

  "No, it's fine. I was asleep for a while."

  "Do you want me to make you something to eat?"

  "Mac and cheese is fine. I'm not real hungry," Bailey said.

  "Okay, do you want to try to take a shower or maybe a bath?"

  "No. I did call the doctor. I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon. I also emailed my professors from my phone to let them know I was in an accident and I won't be in class tomorrow."

  "You've been busy," Graham smiled.

  "It was getting late and I wanted to get all of that done before the end of the day, so I did it when you left."

  "I'll be right back," Graham said turning the TV on in her room. She gave Bailey the remote before going to the kitchen.

  A few minutes later Graham returned with a large bowl of macaroni and cheese. Bailey's stomach growled indicating she was hungrier than she thought she was. Graham left her to eat while she took a quick shower.

  Bailey had finished her dinner and was half asleep watching TV when Graham walked back into the room.

  "That's just wrong," Bailey said.

  "What?" Graham said looking over at her. She had dropped her towel on the floor when she entered the room and was searching her dresser for clothes.

  "You're standing there naked knowing I can't do anything about it. That's just plain mean," Bailey pouted.

  Graham grinned pulling on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. She climbed into the bed next to her careful not to hurt her shoulder as Bailey snuggled against her.

  "I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you when you get well," Graham said kissing her lips.

  "You better," Bailey said.

  "Did your phone ring a few minutes ago? I thought I heard it when I turned the water off."

  "Yeah, it was my mom. She said to call her tomorrow as soon as I finish with the doctor. She still wants to fly here, but I told her I'm in good hands. Very good hands as a matter of fact," Bailey grinned.

  Graham laughed. "I'm sure that's what you said."

  "It is."

  "Does your family know about you?" Graham asked.

  "I had a girlfriend in high school, Graham. Of course they know. They were a little shocked at first, but they realized it wasn't a phase and accepted it as it was. Do your parents know?"

  "They are divorced and don't speak to each other, but yes I told them when I came home during the summer before my sophomore year. My dad said he knew all along and had no problem with it, but my mom didn't want to admit it. She hid me in the closet and refused to let me tell anyone for a few months and then I was home for the holidays and she just blurted it out at the dinner table with the entire family there," Graham said.

  "Wow, that's one way to do it
, I guess."

  Graham laughed. "She did it to humiliate me and all it did was make her sisters laugh at her. Everyone knew I was gay from the time I was a little kid. My mother is very high up in the social circle with her nose as high in the air as it will go and my father is the complete opposite which is why they finally divorced when I was in high school. He had enough of her socialite life. She forced him to pretend they had the perfect marriage and hang with the high rolling crowds. Don't get me wrong, my parents are well off, but my mother lives like she's a damn Kennedy. Her whole family thinks it's a joke."

  "I bet that makes for interesting visits when you go home," Bailey said.

  "Yeah, I usually see her, but I stay at my dad's when I go home."

  "Have you ever taken anyone home with you?"

  "You mean a girl?" Graham asked.

  Bailey nodded.

  Graham laughed shaking her head. "Hell no. I don't like being subjected to that theater performance. Why would I make someone else sit through it too? Honestly, there hasn't been anyone I thought about taking home and during the times I went home I was single so it wasn't even an option. I'm guessing your family knew your girlfriend in high school."

  "Oh yeah. Sammy, that's her name, was at our house all the time. At least she was until the summer we were headed to college. She chose Texas A&M and was so pissed when I said I was going to Central Oregon. Then the next day she said she wanted to break up so she could date guys for a while."

  "That's a little weird."

  "Not really, you'd have to know her. She was a bit eccentric to start with and I wasn't in love with her. We were more like best friends that experimented with each other sexually. I saw her when I was home at the holidays and after only four months in college she told me she went a little wild and screwed up. I felt bad for her, but it's her own damn fault."

  "In the words of my dear old grandmother, 'You seem to have your head glued on a little straighter.' Some people get to college and go nuts. It happens a lot. They do all kinds of crazy things. Three girls dropped out of my major during our freshman year after getting pregnant. At least another ten didn't come back after failing too many classes."


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