The Killing Times (An FBI Romance Thriller (book 1))

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The Killing Times (An FBI Romance Thriller (book 1)) Page 16

by Kelley, Morgan

  The truth was that lost on all three counts.

  “Crap,” she looked at the clock over the kitchen sink. It was almost ten in the morning. “We need to head in, we have a killer on the loose, and I still have to figure out which of my staff leaked the information.”

  He let her go as she stood, and he wondered if he would break her heart too, or if she would break his. Time would tell, but he wasn’t expecting another miracle in his life.

  He found her, and he intended to hold on tight. Despite how hard he had to fight to keep her.

  Finding her was one thing, keeping her was entirely different.

  The ride into the station was a quiet one, Elizabeth didn’t have much to say to her passenger. It wasn’t an awkward silence, but she found herself mulling over what to tell him about her past, and the situation with Ray. She wasn’t sure if it would make what they had more complicated, or less. She was still weighing her options, as they pulled into the station lot and parked into her spot. They were about to exit the Jeep when he touched her arm, gently.

  “Before you go in, I just want to tell you thank you again,” he said, quietly.

  “For what?” Elizabeth was genuinely surprised at his words. “The sex? Then I should be thanking you too because wow, Mr. Blackhawk!”

  He laughed and the clouds cleared from his eyes. “No, for how you defended me in front of your step-mother and half-brother. You didn’t have to,” he said, his voice calm and level, “It means a lot to me.”

  Elizabeth touched his cheek. “Ethan, I defend those I care about, so don’t thank me.” Her thumb touched his cut lip gently. “In fact, I’d kiss you before we go in, but I’m willing to bet Henry Forbes is still lurking, and he’d have some shitty headline to cheapen the kiss.” Then she thought about it.

  It touched him she valued it that much, but still he just wished she’d go for it. It would give him something else to make him believe she really could want him.

  The real him.

  Elizabeth could feel the tension welling up in his body, and she knew he was hurting inside, “Well, hell. I can take an ego shot in the paper,” she said, leaning in and kissing him. She kissed him long and deep. If she was going to get creamed by the paper, let it be for a good reason. Making out with Ethan Blackhawk was certainly worth it.

  “Wow,” he said, finally pulling away.

  Elizabeth grinned wickedly. “Yeah, completely worth it, but don’t be shocked when we are the headlines tomorrow.”

  “Will it bother you?” he asked, softly.

  “Hell no! Let them plaster it on the front page. I just don’t want you to be bothered by it, Mr. FBI.”

  Blackhawk was even more touched she did it anyway, and didn’t care who in her town knew she was willing to kiss him like that.

  That was a relationship kiss, not a casual dating kiss.

  “Now, I’m officially on duty, so anymore kissy-face will have to wait until tonight,” she said, winking at him.

  Blackhawk finally was able to think after the kiss. “I can’t wait until later then.” He got serious fast. “Just stay safe today, and I’m going to stick by your side as much as possible.”

  She winked, salaciously, “You won’t hear me complain, Cowboy.” They exited the vehicle and walked towards the door. In the near distance, she could hear the clicking of a shutter and knew that she had been right. The weasel was on the prowl and he probably got quite the shot. Kiss aside, Elizabeth was glad she had picked a shirt that would cover her bandaged arm; she didn’t need him making a spectacle of a small wound. There was no way she was going to give the killer that kind of ego boost.

  Inside, Martha was sitting at the desk on her day off, and Elizabeth paused, lifting her brow in question.

  “What? You think because I’m the oldest one here, I can’t manage a little overtime?”

  Elizabeth snorted, “Martha, you called yourself old, just remember that it wasn’t me. I know better. You would have handed me my ass.”

  She gave a motherly nod and couldn’t help but notice the FBI agent standing just a little closer than normal. A big smile crossed her face. “Mr. Blackhawk, your partner is in the conference room and Sheriff LaRue,” she looked at her boss and continued, “The deputies are at their desks.”


  “Oh, it’s been the usual. We have people calling, thinking they saw a prowling killer. Some have started calling in tips on who they think it is. Other than that, Forbes called twice. He wants an interview with you and Mr. Blackhawk, but especially you.”

  “Three days past when hell ices over,” she muttered, flipping through the messages.

  Martha laughed, “It’s going to be ninety five today, slim chance anything is freezing out there.”

  “Exactly.” Elizabeth looked over at Blackhawk, “I have a call I need to return. Can I meet you in the conference room?”

  He nodded, curiosity being stoked at who she could be calling. For now he would give her enough space, but eventually he would close that down. He couldn’t help that he was feeling territorial.

  Suddenly his focus was broken as he watched her walk away. The well-fitted jeans, scuffed cowboy boots, and gun on her hip drew him in and heated him up. Proprietary wasn’t the only thing he suddenly felt, thanks to her and that kiss.

  Elizabeth sat at her desk and picked up her phone. She knew the number well. Every week she dialed it to talk to her Godchildren. On the third ring, he answered.

  “Sheriff LaRue, how are my agents treating you?”

  “Hey, Gabe! They’re great people.”

  His warm laugh filled the phone, “I hear that you had a problem with Lily,” he said, waiting for her side of the story, knowing she wouldn’t ever call to bitch and moan.

  “Lily had the problem the minute she saw me. The Ray shit all came back, full force.”

  “How about Agent Blackhawk?” he inquired, expectantly.

  “He’s exactly like you described him,” she replied, cautiously. Hoping her voice gave away nothing, especially the part where she slept with him. “I happen to be very fond of him, and he’s an amazing agent.”

  The silence was unnerving. “I didn’t talk to Blackhawk yet for an update, what’s going on there?”

  Elizabeth broke it down, just the way she had countless times before when she was leading an assignment and checking in with him. At the knock at the door, she motioned Blackhawk in, and continued with the conversation.

  Dropping the phone into the cradle, she put him on speakerphone and mouthed ‘close the door’. She didn’t want whoever leaked the serial killer angle to get any more information. She explained what she and Blackhawk had figured out the night before and the angle they were going to take with the religious aspect of the killings. She gave her old friend a list of some research they needed done out of Quantico.

  “I’ll get someone to pull anything we have on similar killings,” he said, “Is the Cowboy there?”

  It’s like he had eyes in the room. “Yes, Gabe. He’s standing right here with me.”

  “Blackhawk do you need anything?” he queried, his voice lacking any emotion.

  “I just need a push on those tox reports. The sooner we can get them the better.” Ethan sat on the edge of her desk, staring down at her, his eyes were emotionless.

  “I’ll light a fire under the lab right now. Good call on the witch connection. I’ll expect an update nightly.”

  “You’ll have it,” he answered, his voice even and toneless.

  Elizabeth listened to the discussion between them, and she realized he had been telling the truth. He took his professional life very serious. Gone were the joking and teasing. Ethan Blackhawk was concise and to the point with his boss. Work was work, and he wasn’t screwing around. He lived his job to the T, and she was now positive that he bled for the FBI like she had once too.

  Somehow, Elizabeth had an overwhelming need to break him of it, and show him life could be fun. It was going to be her new mission.r />
  Operation ‘loosen up Special Agent Blackhawk’ was about to begin.

  “If we have another body, I’m going to call in a few more agents,” said Blackhawk. “It’s not that I don’t have faith in the sheriff’s men, it’s just we’re stretched pretty thin here.”

  “I’ll approve it, just call it in. Your team is on standby and ready if you need them.”

  “Thanks, Gabe,” he said, watching the sheriff. She didn’t seem bothered by the idea that the town was possibly going to be inundated with agents if the cavalry came to town. He would have to take control of the investigation. It was procedure. If the feds were footing the bill, they ran the show.

  “How are you finding the accommodations?” There was laughter in his voice.

  “You're a sadistic bastard, Gabe.” Elizabeth interjected. “Nice try but Ethan is staying at my house with me.”

  There was silence on the phone, as if Gabe was trying to understand or rationalize the situation. “What about Sanderson?”

  Blackhawk took that one. “She was given the choice, and Lily preferred to stay at the roach coach.” Blackhawk couldn’t help but be surprised that she had told him he was staying in her home. She didn’t mention the brick or the killer at her house, rationalizing it to the man. Elizabeth let it simply sound like it was more than just her offering the FBI a home base. Now he wondered how much Gabe suspected, and he was surprised it didn’t bother him.

  Elizabeth patted his knee, seeing the confusion on his face. “Gabe, when are you and the family escaping from Virginia and coming to see me? I miss my God kids,” she said, lightening up the conversation and giving Blackhawk a peek into life outside the FBI.

  “You can always come take them away. Livy and I could use a vacation from the chaos,” he said, laughing. “Please, rescue us!”

  Blackhawk was surprised his boss was opening up on the phone, especially while he knew his agent was standing right beside her. This had to mean something.

  “Maybe if we get this cleared up, I’ll come steal them away for a week. Then you two can celebrate your anniversary. Don’t forget it’s coming up soon, and Livy will skin you alive, my friend,” she laughed. “If you need help with the present, she already dropped hints to me, just email me. I’ll send you the list,” she laughed.

  Gabe’s voice was tinged with humor, “Don’t I know it, she’s more vicious than you when it comes to shit like that,” he paused. “And for the record, the kids are yours any week you want, just come take them away. We won’t put up a fight.”

  “Deal, besides, someone has to teach those kids how to survive outside the city. You’re turning them into wusses.”

  Gabriel Rothschild laughed.

  Blackhawk sat there in awe, as the man on the phone sounded completely different. This couldn’t be the same person he knew from the office. People feared Gabriel Rothschild. They called him the ‘Dragon Slayer’ for a reason. Here he was talking about kids, and a wife, and it made him both uneasy and more relaxed.

  Maybe an FBI agent could have both, and keep them safe and alive. Something inside him opened for the slight possibility.

  “Gabe, kiss Livy for me, and the kids. I have to brief the team, and then follow up the religion angle,” she said, bringing the call to a close.

  “Go! You both be safe and watch each other’s backs.”

  “Sir, yes, sir,” she drawled, winking at Blackhawk. “Go enjoy your family, you big tyrant. I love you and miss you.”

  Gabe laughed at the description, “Love you too, Lyzee.” He ended the call.

  “That had to be the oddest conversation I’ve ever had with that man,” said Blackhawk. He was bothered by the fact she so easily said ‘I love you’ to another man, and he returned it just as effortlessly.

  Elizabeth smiled, “I told you. Gabe’s a normal guy.”

  “How many kids does he have?” he asked, suddenly curious. “One? Two?”

  She held up her one hand, and grinned.

  “Five?” he was shocked. “He has five kids? It’s official. I’m in the twilight zone and trapped in some bizarre episode where nothing is what it once was.”

  “Don’t be surprised, Ethan. Gabe loves kids, but I will let you in on one secret, that has to remain between us,” she said leaning down to whisper in his ear. “All five are girls. That’s why he’s so bad ass, he’s used to being around tough women,” she patted him on the shoulder and left the room laughing.

  Blackhawk felt his phone buzz in his pocket, and checked his incoming message.

  Don’t play hard and fast with her heart, Cowboy. I will hand you your ass.

  ~ G.R

  He wondered if she was going to get the same warning, or if he was just the privileged one.

  * * *

  Elizabeth stood at the white board, making notations as her team strolled in, everyone looked tired and worn down. She had sympathy, but what could she do? She remembered going days without sleep on an assignment just to catch the killer, and she was about to push them even harder.

  Agent Sanderson wandered in and sat on the edge of the table, watching her carefully. Elizabeth met her gaze, unashamed of her past or present. There was nothing she needed to justify to this woman, especially regarding Ethan Blackhawk. What was between them wasn’t anyone’s business.

  “Offer is still open, Agent Sanderson, to bunk at my house,” she said, eyes back on the white board and not the woman.

  “Thanks, but if another body turns up, Ethan will be calling in more agents, and we’ll all work out of the central location.”

  Elizabeth nodded understanding the woman’s implication. She was making it a point to tell her not to get used to Blackhawk bunking at her house. She wanted to comment, but she would choose her battles and this wasn’t one she cared to fight. After last night, she wanted to tell Lily not to bet on it, but why bother.

  Watching Tony stroll into the room, he looked worse than the rest and wouldn’t even look at her. There was another mess she needed to clean up, when this was all over.

  “We’re all ready,” said Sara Bishop, closing the conference room door, as she took a seat between Tyrell and Christopher.

  Elizabeth looked at her team, and it pained her that someone had slipped they had a serial killer. She was having a hard time believing that one of them was betraying her. Something just didn’t seem to sit right.

  “First off, thank you for all the overtime you’ve been putting in, and all the hard work. We all appreciate it, and so do the families of the victims. The other day, I heard outside our office, a referral to the ‘serial killer’. I’m going to go on record, right now. If it wasn’t a given that we aren’t to leak, speak, or discuss this with anyone outside this room, let me make that a direct order. If we cause mayhem out there, it drains our resources, and we’re pulled too thin. So, if asked, we are going with the standard line.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” muttered Tony.

  “I’m sorry, is there an issue Deputy?” she said, not in the mood for any of his drama. “Because, if there is, feel free to express it now.”

  “No issue, Sheriff LaRue.”

  Elizabeth rolled her sore shoulder, and watched the man. “Fine then, Tony. Let’s focus on why we called this meeting. While going over the notes last night, Agent Blackhawk and I think we found a connection to the killings.”

  Tony’s whole body tensed. Oh he bet they found a connection, but it had nothing to do with the killer. His blood pressure began to rise, as he even thought about her and the FBI agent together.

  “We believe it’s all tied together with the Salem witch trials of 1692. The killer seems to be mimicking the methodology. The burning, hanging, drowning and pressing or as we call it now, crushing.”

  “Wow,” said Tyrell, “That’s some twisted shit, boss!”

  “We live in Salem, not THE Salem, but the town shares the name nonetheless. We seem to believe that the killer is taking the religious route, and eradicating ‘witches’. As of right now, we c
an’t figure out how he’s picking the victims, but the unsub seems to have a specific approach. Once we break that, we can figure out if there will be another victim and hopefully stop this madness.”

  “Were the women practicing witchcraft?” asked Christopher Santana.

  Blackhawk moved to the front of the room. “That we don’t have an answer for as of yet, but we are about to divide our team and find out. Agent Sanderson will be working the witchcraft angle, and the sheriff and I will be tracking the religious counterpart. We’ll be checking the churches and religious groups in town, to see what we can find. Agent Sanderson will be using half the deputies to do some leg work, since there’s going to be a lot of it. As she stated before, if another body shows up, I’ve got authorization to call in more agents. My team can be here in less than eight hours. They’re on standby and ready to mobilize.”

  The deputies looked tense at the thought they weren’t enough to help.

  “Right now, our resources are limited, we are running on just the people here, and we may have to open it up to more agents. It has nothing to do with your abilities. With my team on the ground, we can go from a team of seven to a team of twenty and cover more man hours. I don’t want to burn out the valuable resources we have here. You all need down time too.”

  “So, we aren’t being replaced?” asked Tony, defiantly. He stared directly at the sheriff and then Blackhawk, knowing they understood he didn’t mean professionally.

  “This isn't a competition, Tony. It is what it is,” he answered, his gaze unwavering and standing his ground. If Tony wanted a pissing match to see who was the big dog in the yard, so be it. There wasn’t time for this. The clock was ticking and at any moment another woman could be murdered.

  Elizabeth took over. “Sara, you and Tyrell are going out on patrol. Keep your eyes and ears open. If a citizen has a tip, take it and write it down. We’ll look at it later; we want the people in this town to feel secure. By seeing us out among them, they’ll feel a little better. Agent Blackhawk and I will be out later today to join you.”


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