Baptism, 5, 111
Beguines, 25
Bell, Rudolph, 58
Benedict XIV, 58
Benedict XVI, 75, 165, 187, 197
Benigni, Umberto, 93–95
Bernardino of Siena, 26
Bernanos, Georges, 88, 198
Bigotian Penitential, 10
Bilney, Thomas, 31
Birth control, 73
Boff, Leonardo, 231
Böll, Heinrich, 199
Book of Gomorrah (Peter Damian of Ravenna), 14
Books, forbidden, 67, 90
Borges, José, 51
Borromeo, Charles, 39–44, 106
Boys, sexual abuse of. See Sexual abuse
Bread of Dreams (Camporesi), 54
Buckley, Christopher, 112
Burgess, Anthony, 113, 199
Cajetan, Thomas, 46
Calasanz, José de, 51–52
Calvin, John, 31
Camporesi, Piero, 54
Canon Law, 98–99, 129
Canonico, Tancredi, 85–86
The Canterbury Tales (Chaucer), 15, 24, 28–29
Capilupi, Ippolito, 49
Cardano, Girolamo, 54
Carmelites, 51, 55–56, 132, 203
Carvajal, Giacomo, 30
Casti Connubii (Pope Pius XI), 206
Castration, 156
Catechism, 109–111
Cathars, 16
Catherine of Genoa, 26
Catherine of Siena, 24
Cautio Criminalis (Spee), 55
Celibacy, 14, 124, 133, 155, 173
Celibate life, 128
Censors, 100
Censure, 16
in children, 142–143, 145
of clergy, 133, 154, 155
rape as sin against, 147
virtue of, 141–143
women as permanent provocation to, 6–7
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 15, 23, 28–29, 199
Cherubini, Stefano, 51–52
age of discretion, 19, 103–105
age of first communion, 19, 83, 102–104
age of first confession, 19, 83, 103–107
confession of, 112–114, 116–122, 145–146, 165, 213–214
moral education of, 143–145
sexual abuse of, 156–157, 160–165, 169–196
sin, teachings concerning, 109–111
Christian democracy, 95
Christianity, as a community, 234
Clericalism, 58
Cloyne Report, 182
Code of Canon Law, 98–99, 129
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 68, 234
Collins, Mary, 101
Columbanus, 9–10
age at first, 19, 83, 102–104
age of first confession and, 103–104
children and, 145
daily, 101–102
fasting before, 113, 136–138
first, 112–113, 213, 218
Fourth Lateran Council decree, 17
Pope Pius X and, 101–102
Communism, 107
age at first, 19, 83, 103–107
annual, 17–20, 37
auricular, 8, 13, 18
of children, 112–114, 116–122, 145–146, 165, 213–214
communal, 210
Council of Trent and, 35–37, 42
criticism of, 31–32
exploitation by Innocent III to seek out heretics, 17
first, 112–113, 118, 213–214, 218
Fourth Lateran Council decree, 17
inquisitorial, 53
investigatory, 21
in literature and film, 198–205
location of, 172, 175–181
in monasteries, 14
noncompliance with obligation, 26
obligatory, 15, 17–19, 37, 83, 106
potential capacity of, 228–229
Protestant challenge to, 31
public, 6
questioning during, 21, 38, 53
serviam of married Catholics and, 207–210
sexual solicitation/abuse, 43, 169–196
“shopping list,” 225–226
social/communal nature of, 235
as test of inclusion or exclusion, 37
as trauma in childhood, 112, 113
varieties of experiences with, 217–226
of venial sins, 8, 37
Confessional box
current state of, 197
introduction of, 39, 44–45
in literature and film, 198, 200–201
sexual abuse and, 45–47, 50–51
trauma in childhood, 112
Confessional manuals, 21
burdens on, 225–226
of children, 118–122
of clergy committing sexual abuse, 192–194
criminal, 28–30
criticisms of, 14, 35
handbooks and summas for, 18, 21–22, 32, 49
of “holy women,” 55–58
ignorance of, 14, 20
Lateran Council recommendations for, 17
number of, 126–127
obedience to, 65
persecution of, 32
preparation of priests as, 65
sexual solicitations/abuse by, 29–30, 45–52, 66, 69
specialist, 23–24
spiritual direction given by, 220–221
training and regulation, 17, 42
of women, 24–26, 29–30, 45–51, 55–58, 66–69, 73
Conformity, in seminary life, 130–131
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 184, 208
Conrad of Marburg, 24
Conscience, examination of, 24
Contraception, 159, 205–210, 215
attrition, 36
communal ritual of, 219
confession and, 111, 117, 118
Council of Trent and, 36
Day of Atonement and, 4
formal words of, 111
repetitive, private in monasteries, 8
technical language of, 117
Convents, 48–49, 69–70
Copleston, Frederick, 130
Coppola, Francis Ford, 199
Corrispondenza Romana, 94
Council of Narbonne, 106
Council of Trent, 33–37, 103, 198, 212
confession and, 35–37, 42
on contrition, 36
enclosure rules and, 35, 48
enforcement of decrees of, 41, 47
influence of, 59
location of, 34
moral theology and, 61, 62
Pius X and, 87
split in Western Christendom and, 33–34
Counter-Reformation, 49, 59
Courtin, Judy, 170
Cranmer, Thomas, 32
Crashaw, Richard, 205
Crimen Solliciationis, 186
Custody of the eyes, 44, 57
Cyprian, 7
Daly, Cahal, 184
Damnation, eternal, 5
Dancing, 73, 74, 143
Daniel-Rops, Henri, 204
Dante, 232
Dark Night of the Soul (John of the Cross), 56, 203–204
Darwin, Charles, 89
Davis, Charles, 123
Davis, H., 135–136, 141–150
Day of Atonement, 4
Daza, Gaspar, 56
De Cultu Feminarum (Tertullian), 7
de Lai, Gaetano, 93
de Lubac, Henri, 235
Delation, 95, 96
Deliver Us (Meneghello), 198
Di Luciani, Geronimo, 30
Diabolism, 53–54
Diary of a Country Priest (Bernanos), 198
Diderot, Denis, 68
Discipline of the Clergy, 124
Divine Comedy (Dante), 232
Divorce, 222
Donatist heresy, 41, 42
Doyle, Roddy, 115
Dreyfus, Alfred, 73
Durang, Christopher, 115
E Supremi Apostolatus (Pius X encyclical), 83–84
Eastwood, Clint, 199
Eco, Umberto, 199
Editae Saepae (Pius X encyclical), 85
Edward VI, 38
8½ (film), 199
Elizabeth I (queen of England), 32, 39
Elizabeth (queen of Hungary), 24
Epieikeia, 157–160
Erasmus, Desiderius, 30, 36
Eternity, concept explained to children, 116
congresses, 102
in Counter-Reformation era, 59–60
importance of, 218–219
Pope Pius X and, 102–104
in sixteenth century England, 38–39
Evangelism, 108
Ex opere operato principle, 41
of Henry IV, 13
of liberal priests, 83
obligation of confession and, 17, 20, 26, 37, 106
use by Innocent III, 16
Family planning, 205
Farinacci, Prospero, 52
before communion, 113, 136–138
probabilism, 64
violation of fast, 136–138
The Fate of the Confession (Collins and Power), 101
Fellini, Federico, 199
Fenichel, Otto, 155
First Things, 187
First Vatican Council, 99
A Flag at Sunrise (Stone), 199
Flete, William, 24
Forgiveness, 36, 224
Fornication, 9, 22, 161
Foucault, Michel, 116
Fourth Crusade, 16
Fourth Lateran Council, 16–17, 19, 32, 37, 61, 103, 106
Franciscans, 114
Franz Joseph, 81
French Revolution, 66, 84
Freud, Sigmund, 151–152, 228
Friars, sexual abuse/solicitation by, 48
Frost in May (White), 115
Gasparri, Pietro, 93, 96
Gavin, Antonio, 67–68
Genesis myth, 232
Gerson, Jean Charlier de, 21–22, 106
Giussano, Giovanni, 40–41
The Godfather, 199
Goffman, Erving, 123, 125
Golding, William, 233–234
Goretti, Maria, 148, 224
The Gospel and the Church (Loisy), 90
Gran Torino (film), 199
Grave sin, 17
Greeley, Andrew, 207
Greene, Graham, 198
Gregory the Great, 106
Gregory VII, 12
Groër, Hans Hermann, 184
Grosbard, Ulu, 199
Guilt, 4, 24, 228
Haliczer, Stephen, 47, 51
Häring, Bernard, 207
Harold, King 12
The Heather Blazing (Tóibín), 198
Hebblethwaite, Margaret, 117
children taught about, 111, 114–115, 116
fear of, 18, 36
modern notion of, 231–232
Hendrickson, Paul, 179
Henry II, 13
Henry IV, 12–13
Henry VIII, 30
Heresy, 16, 17, 20–21, 38, 41–42, 91
History of Sexuality (Foucault), 116
A History of the Popes (Chadwick), 93
Hitchcock, Alfred, 199
Hocke, Ansgar (abuse witness), 177
Hofstadter, Richard, 70
Holy Anorexia (Bell), 58
Holy Communion. See Communion
Holy Daring (Udris), 204
Holy women, 25, 55–59, 69
Homicide/murder, 7, 11
Homosexuality, 14, 142–143, 208
Homunculi, 21
How Far Can You Go? (Lodge), 63
Humanae Vitae, 208, 212
Humanist thinking, 30–31
Hus, John, 236
Hypogonadism, 151
I Confess (film), 199
Idolatry, 6, 7, 31
Imagination, 196, 232
The Imitation of Christ (Thomas à Kempis), 22, 131, 229–230
Impurity, 144
In Bruges, 199
Incest, 21
Index of Forbidden Books, 67, 90
Indulgences, 27–29, 31
Infallibility, 99, 207
Innocent III, 15–17, 19, 20
Antonio Gavin and, 67, 68
failure to attend confession and, 37
Friedrich Spee writings on, 55
Innocent III and, 16, 20
moral academy set up by, 67
sexual abuse/solicitation crimes, 46, 50
Spanish, 46, 47
Umberto Benigni and, 94
The Inside Story (McKenty), 116
Interdict, 16
Internal forum, 160
James of Vitry, 25
James the Greater, 12
Jansen, Cornelius, 63
Jansenism, 63–64
Jenkins, Philip, 162
Jerome (saint), 6
founding of, 59
Jansenists debate with, 64
probabilism and, 64
in sixteenth century England, 39
John Chrysostom, 12
John Jay Report, 163, 175–176
John, King 16
John of the Cross (saint), 56, 203–204
John Paul II, 80, 81, 186–188, 206, 211–213
John XXIII, 81, 96, 125, 134
Jordan, Joe, 156
Joseph of Cupertino, 54
Jouhandeau, Marcel, 73
Joyce, James, 117, 200–202, 204–205, 237
Judgement Day, 5
Julian of Norwich, 217
Kallman syndrome, 151
Karadima, Fernando, 185
Kearns, Gerry, 163
Keenan, Marie, 157, 160, 189–192, 195
Kenny, Anthony, 209–210, 225
Kinsey, Alfred, 151
Kinsey report, 172, 173
Klein, Josephine, 161–162
Kristeva, Julia, 227
Kulturkampf, 84
La Religieuse (Diderot), 68
Laicisation, 66, 184
Lamentabili Sane (Pius X), 91, 97
Las Casas, Bartolomé de, 62
Laven, Mary, 49
Law, canon, 98–99
Le Rouge et le Noir (Stendhal), 73
Lea, Henry Charles, 105
Legion of Christ, 185, 187
Lent, 3, 6, 20, 38
Leo XIII, 62–63, 79–80, 89
Léon Morin, Prêtre, 199
Les mystères de la pornographie clericale; secrets honteux de la confession, immoralités, obscénités, et guerre aux prêtres, corrupteurs de la jeunesse (Morphy), 72
Life of Mary of Oignies (James of Vitry), 25
Liguori, Alphonsus, 61, 64–66, 135
Lion, Giovanni Pietro, 49
Llorente, Juan Antonio, 69
Locke, John, 45
Lodge, David, 63
Loisy, Alfred, 89–90
Lorraine, Jean de, 34
Lust, 22
Luther, Martin, 31–32, 34, 236
Maciel, Marcial, 185–187
MacIntyre, Alasdair, 231
Magna Carta, 16
Mahoney, John, 63, 213–214
Malleus Maleficarum, 55
Marabotto, 26
Marlowe, Christopher, 233
life-long virginity compared, 142
priestly interference with, 73
remarriage without annulment, 222
submission and obedience of wife to husband, 23
Martini, Carlo Mario, 211, 214–216
Mary Magdalen de Pazzi, 57
Mary (Tudor), 38–39
A Master Key to Popery (Gavin), 67
Masters, William, 151
by children, 152–153, 172
by clergy, 10, 51, 151, 155–156, 160
confession of, 21–22, 119–120
female, 52–53
in moral textbooks, 146
as mortal sin, 148–151, 208
mutual, 14, 43, 73
penance for, 10
sexual abuse and, 185
Mathieu, François-Désiré, 81
Maundy Thursday, 6
McArdle, Michael Joseph, 189
McCabe, Herbert, 238
McCallum, Leslie, 156, 172–173, 175, 178
McCarthy, Mary, 113
McDonagh, Martin, 199
McKenty, Neil, 116
Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa (film), 181
Mean Streets (film), 199
Meat, abstinence from on Fridays, 138
Melville, Jean-Pierre (director), 199
Memoirs of My Nervous Illness (Schreber), 151
Memories of a Catholic Girlhood (McCarthy), 113
Mendicant preaching orders, confessions heard by, 48
Meneghello, Luigi, 198
Mental sins, 9–10
Merry Del Val, Rafael, 81, 93
Metanoia, 236–237
Milton, John Laws, 153
Milton, John, 233
Miraculous Medal, 109
Mirbeau, Octave, 73
Modernism, 88–91, 93–95, 97, 98, 133, 203
Modesty, 141–144
enclosure enforced by Council of Trent, 35, 48
penance and confession in, 7–8
sexual abuse in, 14
Skellig Michael, 7
Moral and Pastoral Theology (Davis), 135–136, 141
Moral guidance, as spiritual direction, 62
Moral theology, 60, 61–66
Moreno, Manuel D., 184
Morphy, Michel, 72
Mortal sin
children taught about, 110, 113
confession of, 36
contraception, 208
fasting and, 136
impure thoughts as, 229
judgements on, 63
masturbation, 148–151, 208
obligatory confession and, 15, 19
unconfessed, 114
venial sin compared, 27
wife disobedience, 23
Mothers and Sons (Tóibín), 198
Murphy, Lawrence, 181
Mysticism, 55–57
Nájera, Gaspar de, 49–50
Narcissism, 232–233
Neri, Philip, 70
Neuhaus, Richard John, 187
Newman, John Henry, 68–69, 70–72
Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell), 97
Ninth commandment, 141
Nocturnal emissions, 147, 153
Noldin, H., 135, 138, 145
Non serviam, 204, 207
Norbertine Order, 183
Nuela, José, 51
The Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk: The Hidden Secrets of a Nun’s Life in a Convent Exposed, 70
confessions by, 35, 48–49
convents, 48–49, 69–70
enclosure rules and Council of Trent, 48
rape or abduction of, 22
specialist confessors of, 23
Oath, Anti-Modernist, 97, 99
blind to one’s confessor, 65
emphasis on, 23
to papal authority, 207
Pius X and, 87
of wife to husband, 23
O’Brien, Edna, 117
O’Connor, Frank, 112, 116
The Dark Box Page 24