by Susan Ronald
Hoving, Tom
Howard, Kathleen
How I Won and Lost Anna Gould’s Millions (Castellane)
Hughes, Langston
Hugo, Victor
Huisman, Philippe
Huntington, Collis P.
IEQJ (Nazi Jewish affairs bureau)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Iribe, Paul
Italy, in WW II
Jackson, Sumner
Jacob, Max
Jamet, Annie
Jannis, Elsie
Japan, in WW II
Jaspar, Marcel-Henri
Jaurès, Jean
Jay Gould and Co.
Jazz at Juan Festival
Jefferson, Thomas
Jerome, Jennie. See Churchill, Lady Randolph
Jerrold, Laurence
Je suis partout
The Jews (Peyrefitte)
J. Henry Schroder company
Josephine, Empress of France
Jouhandeau, Élise
Jouhandeau, Marcel
Le Journal
Jouvenel, Bertrand de
Jouvenel, Henri de
Joyce, James
Joyce, Peggy Hopkins
Juan-les-Pins, France
casinos/hotels in
Judith with Head of Holofernes
Jünger, Ernst
Kahnweiler, Daniel
Kann, Alphonse
Keeley Institute, U.S.
Kelly, Grace
Kelly, Hetty
Kelly, Martin J.
Kennedy, Edward
Kennedy, Joseph
Kirtland, Bessie (aka Odette Tyler)
Klingeberg, Werner
Knickerbocker Panic of 1907
Knochen, Helmut
Königlichen National-Galerie, Berlin
Korsakoff Syndrome
Krausen, Captain
Kremling, George
Kriegsgefahr ultimatum
Kropf, Emil
Krupp, Gustav
Kuhn, Loeb & Co.
Kunstschutz (Nazi arts office)
Lacaze, Berthe Josephine Rennesson Bazille (Florence’s mother)
background of
death of
inheritance to
marriage of
Paris relocation by
Lacaze, Isabelle (Florence’s sister)
Lacaze, Louis
Lacaze, Maximin Victoire (Florence’s father)
background of
death/estate of
as Le Franco-Californien editor
marriage of
The Lancet
Landscape with Rising Sun
Langstaff, B. Meredith
Lansky, Meyer
Lanvin, Jeanne
Lauder, Estée
Lauder, Joseph
Laurencin, Marie
Laurent, Vianay
Laval, Pierre
Law, George
Lawrence, D. H.
Leahy, William
Lean, David
Léautaud, Paul
Lecesne, Guillaume
Lee, David
Legion of Honor, France
Leiris, Louise
Lenglen, Suzanne
Léon, René
Lépine, Louis
Les lettres françaises
Les Lettres portugaises de Marianna Alcoforado
Leupp, Charles
Lewis, Lady Orr
Little Women (Alcott)
Loeb, Charles G.
London Treaty of 1943
Lorroy, France
Louis II, Prince of Monaco
Luce, Henry
Luchaire, Jean
Luciano, Lucky
Ludwig of Hessen-Homburg
Luftwaffe (Nazi air force)
Lupin, Arsène
MacCausland, Mabel
Machiavelli, Niccolò
La Machine de Marly et le Barrage
MacLeish, Archibald
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Eight Male Saints
Maison, Leon
Making the Mummies Dance (Hoving)
M-Aktion operation
Malraux, André
Manet (painter)
Manigler, Madeleine
Mansfield, Katherine
the Maquis (anti-Nazi force)
Marais, Jean
Maria, Doña
Mari, Alexandre
Marie-Antoinette, Queen of France
Marlborough, Duke of
Marshall, John W.
Martinez Casino, Cannes
Marx, Harpo
Masson, André
Matheson, William L.
Matisse, Henri
Mauriac, François
Maurras, Charles
Max Jacob Prize for Poetry
Maxwell, Elsa
McCarthy, Joe
McCoy, H. M.
McCue, James T.
McDonald, Freda Josephine. See Baker, Josephine
Mead, Mrs. William Rutherford
Médecin, Jean
Medicus, Franz
Mein Kampf (Hitler)
Melchior, Marie Charles Jean, Marquis de Polignac
Mendes-France, Pierre
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
Mexican-American War (1846–48)
Meyer, Arthur
Mikhailovich, Grand Duke Michel
the Milice (French pro-Nazi force)
Miller, Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. Haddock Abroad (Stewart)
Mitford, Nancy
Modern Times
the Mogador, Paris
Monaco. See also Banque Charles scheme; Monte Carlo
gambling’s origins in
Le Monégasque
Monet, Claude
money laundering
via casinos
via Nazi banking scheme
Monnier, Adrienne
Monte Carlo. See also Banque Charles scheme
casinos/hotels in
founding of
Montenach, Baron Jean de
Montesquiou d’Artagnan, Pierre de
Montesquiou, Robert de
Monuments Men, WW II
Moore, Grace
Moreau-Vauthier, Paul
Morgan, Anne
Morgan, J. Pierpont
Morgenthau, Henry
Moss, L. Harold
Moulin Rouge, Paris
Mousley, Harry
Mühlmann, Kajetan
Mullan, George V.
Munich Agreement (1938)
Municipal Casino, Nice
MUNIMIM (Nazi department)
Munson, William H.
Murger, Henri
Murphy, Gerald
Murphy, Sara
Musée d’Orsay, Paris
Mussolini, Benito
Nast, Condé
Nature Morte aux Quatre Pêches
Nazi Party (NSDAP). See also occupation of France; World War II
Abwehr of
Austria-Germany unification by
banking schemes by
Battle of France by
Battle of Stalingrad by
Czechoslovakia’s invasion by
escape, postwar, of
“Final Solution” of
Florence’s ties to
France’s cultural campaign by
France’s occupation by
Kristallnacht by
Poland’s invasion by
Rhineland’s occupation by
Vogel’s membership in
Needles and Pins
Negri, Pola
Neutrality Act, U.S.
New Yorker
New York Herald
New York Overseas Corporation
New York Sun
New York Times
New York University
Frank’s donations to
sp; New York World
Neyer, Christian
Nice, France
Nicholas II, Czar of Russia
Nijinsky, Vaslav
Nixon, Richard
Noailles, Marie-Laure de
Notre Temps
Nouvelle Revue Française (NRF)
Nuremberg Laws of 1935 (Nazi)
Nuremberg Trials
Oakland Tribune
Oberg, Carl Albrecht (“Butcher of Paris”)
occupation of France
American roundup during
art thefts during
black market in
cultural activities during
D-Day in
gray mice prostitute network in
Jewish oppression under
the Milice support of
Nazi banking scheme during
prisoner releases during
the Resistance during
Vichy government during
Odewald, Walter
Olympic Games/Committee
On the Marble Cliffs (Jünger)
Operation Paperclip (U.S.)
Operation Safehaven (U.S.)
Operation Sea Lion (Nazi)
Organisation Todt (Nazi)
Organisation Otto (Nazi)
Orloff, Count
Orwell, George
OSS, (Office of Strategic Services), U.S.
Paderewski, Ignace
Palais de la Méditerranée, Nice
Palewski, Gaston
Panama Canal
Paquin, Jeanne
Paris. See also France; occupation of France
cultural salons of
flood of 1910 in
modernization of
occupation, WW II, of
WW I’s impact on
La Parisienne
Paris with the Lid Lifted (Reynolds)
Parker, Dorothy
Passos, John Dos
Patou, Jean
Paulhan, Jean
Pearl Harbor attack
Pellier, Lazare
Le Peril Juif (The Jewish Peril) (Jouhandeau)
Perkins, Maxwell
Pétain, Maréchal Philippe
Peter, Marcel
Le Petit Parisien
Peyrefitte, Roger
Le Phare
Picasso, Olga
Picasso, Pablo
Pichot, Henri
Pickford, Mary
Plard, Henri
Platzek, M. Warley
Poincaré, Raymond
Poiret, Paul
The Poisoned Paradise (Service)
Poland’s invasion
Polignac, Edmond, Prince de
Polignac, Henri de
Polignac, Melchior de. See Melchior, Marie Charles Jean, Marquis de Polignac
Polignac Prize
Polignac, Winnaretta de. See Singer, Winnaretta, Princesse de Polignac
Polignac, Yolande, Duchesse de
Porter, Cole
Porter, Russell
Praeger-Gretsch, Willy
Pratt, Zadoc
Prin, Alice “Kiki”
Prohibition (U.S.)
Prophylactic Institute, Paris
Propos Secrets (Peyrefitte)
Proust, Marcel
Pugnaire, Marc
Pulitzer, Joseph
The Pursuit of Love (Mitford)
Radziwill, Léon
Radziwill, Princess Louise
Rainier III, Prince of Monaco
Rarig, Frederick
Ravel, Maurice
Ray, Man
Red Cross
Reed, Anna
Reichsbank (German)
Reichswerke Hermann Göring
Renoir (painter)
the Résistance, French
via the Maquis
Retour de l’U.R.S.S. (Gide)
Revson, Charles
Reynolds, Bruce
Ribbentrop, Joachim von
Ritz, César
Ritz, Leone
Riviera, French. See also Cannes, France; Juan-les-Pins, France; Monaco; Monte Carlo; Nice, France
as cultural hub
Robert C. Mayer & Co.
Roberts, Quincey
Roblot, Émile
Rochefoucauld, Armand de la
Rockefeller, John D.
Rodin, Auguste
Roger, Gustavus
Roger Nimier Prize for Literature
Roissard de Bellet, Baron
Rombaldi, T.
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rorimer, James
Rosenberg, Paul
Rosselli, Carlo
Rosselli, Nello
Rothschild, Baron Edouard de
Rothschild, Baron Maurice de
Rozan Chocolats
Rubinstein, Helena
Rückwanderer Mark Scheme
Ruhl, Henri
Anna Gould’s
Florence’s performances at
during occupation
San Francisco
earthquake of 1906
Florence’s residence in
San Francisco Call
San Francisco Chronicle
Sappho (poet)
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Saturday Evening Post
Saurès, André
SBM casino company (Société des Bains de Mer)
founding of
Scènes de la vie bohème (Murger)
Scey-Montbéliard, Prince Louis de
Schacht, Hjalmar
Schaeffer, Karl
Schellenberg, Walter
Schempp, Reinhold
Schiller, Friedrich
Schlesser, Emma
Schloss, Adolphe
Schlumberger, Jean
Schrader, Gerhard
Seine River, France
Seligman, Jesse
Seligmann, François-Gérard
Sella, Antoine
Seneca (philosopher)
A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy (Sterne)
Sert, José Maria
Sert, Marie “Misia”
Service, Robert
Shakespeare and Company, Paris
Shakespeare, William
Shepard, Finley J.
Shepard, Helen Gould (Frank’s sister)
Sherman Anti-Trust Law, U.S.
Shirer, William
Simenon, Georges
Simpson, Mrs. Wallis
Singer, Isaac Merritt
Singer, Isabella Eugénie Boyer
Singer, Paris
Singer, Winnaretta, Princesse de Polignac
Singh, Maharajah Bhupinder
Sisley, Alfred
Sixte de Bourbon-Parma, Prince
Sixte de Bourbon-Parma, Princesse Hedwige
Smith, Ada “Bricktop”
Smollett, Tobias
Snow, Carmel
Société du Palais de la Méditerranée
Société Fermière du Palais de la Méditerranée
Société Immobilière du Palais Vénitien
Société Nationale des Constructions Aéronautiques du Sud-Quest (SNCASO)
Soehring, Hans Jürgen
“Sonia” (Frank mistress)
Soviet Union
Battle of Stalingrad by
Bolshevik Revolution in
Cold War by
Nazi flight to
Les Spélugues, Monaco
Spender, Stephen
SR (French intelligence service)
Stalin, Joseph
Standard Oil
Stanford, Leland
Stavisky, Alexandre “Sasha”
Steffens, Walter
Stein, Gertrude
Stein, Leo
Sterne, Laurence
Stevenson, Adlai E.
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stewart, Donald Ogden
Storm of Steel (Jünger)
Stravinsky, Igor
Strughold, Hurbertus
Sunset magazine
Sutter, John
Swanson, Gloria
Szkolnikoff, Michel
Tagliaferro, Magda
Talleyrand-Périgord, Hélène-Violette de
Talleyrand-Périgord, Hélie de, Duc de Sagan
Tartière, Drue (Drue Leyton)
Taylor, George H.
Teal, Margaret
Tellier, Cécile
Le Témoin
The Tempest (Shakespeare)
Tender Is the Night (Fitzgerald)
La Terrasse de Vernon
Theroux, Alexander
Thibergian Group
Thoeny, Richard F.
Thomas, Henri
Thomasson, Robert de
Thorez, Maurice
Three Dancers
Thyssen, Fritz
Time magazine
To Have or Have Not (Hemingway)
Toklas, Alice B.
Toronto Star Weekly
Toulouse-Lautrec (painter)
Towarnicki, Frédéric de
Trafficante, Santo
Travels Through France and Italy (Smollett)
Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo (1848)
Treaty of Versailles (1918)
Treville, René de
Truman, Harry S.
Twain, Mark
Union of French Women
United Kingdom
United States (U.S.). See also FBI; OSS
earthquake of 1906 in
Gold Rush in
Nazis’ emigration to
WW II entry by
WW I troops from
Val-de-Grâce Hospital, Paris
Valentino, Rudolph
Vallat, Xavier
Valmy, duc de
Valois & Loeb
Vanderbilt, Alice
Vanderbilt, Consuelo
Vanderbilt, Cornelius
Vanderbilt, William
Van Gogh, Vincent
Vaudable, Octave
Vernes, Arthur
Vichy, France
as occupied government seat
Victoria, Queen of United Kingdom
La Vie Parisienne
Vionovitch (Nazi soldier)
On vit mal (Life is Hard) (Guéhenno)
Viviani, René
Vivien, Renée
Vogel, Carl Ludwig Adolf
black market activities of
Florence’s relationship with
Nazi Party membership by
U.S. emigration by
war crime investigation of
as X-2 agent
Vogel, Elfriede K. Elsner
Vogel, Renate
Volstead Act, U.S.
vom Rath, Ernst
von Behr, Kurt
von Blomberg, Werner
von Braun, Wernher
von Choltitz, Dieter
von Derwies, Paul
von Dincklage, Hans Gunther “Spatz”
von Metternich, Count
von Schirach, Baldur
Vue de l’atélier
Vues sur l’Europe (Saurès)
Wagner-Rogers Bill, U.S. (1939)
Walker, Lola
Wall Street Crash of 1929
The Wall Street Journal
Walsin-Esterhazy, Ferdinand
Ward, Justine B.
Warzinski, Hans Dietrich
Washington, George
Washington Post
Washington Principles
Washington Times