The Cocky Cage Fighter Six Book Box Set

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The Cocky Cage Fighter Six Book Box Set Page 82

by Lane Hart

  “A threesome?” I exclaim.


  “You know all about those, don’t you?” I ask, lookin’ at him over my shoulder and waitin’ with a poundin’ heart for his response. Will he admit it or lie? If that’s what he’s into…I know I couldn’t ever do that for him.

  “Uh-huh,” he says absently as he continues to clean me up between my legs. “Jesus. I filled you up with more cream than a damn jelly donut.”

  I can’t help it; I giggle at the absurd comment when he compares my ass to a freakin’ pastry while we’re standin’ in a random, dirty bathroom. While I’m laughin’, Mason pulls my panties back up and lowers my dress before spinnin’ me around to face him. His sated and amused crooked smile has me bubblin’ over again, makin’ me feel younger, and so carefree and happy. Not very common emotions for me. Who knew it would take anal penetration to get me here.

  After Mason lets out his own chuckle, he yanks me against his chest and hugs me to him tightly. I’m not sure how long we stand there in the bathroom stall, but the extended embrace with our arms around each other and my head on his shoulder is nice and sweet after doin’ somethin’ so freakin’ dirty. His masculine cologne and scent of leather is so comfortin’, just like bein’ held by him. The intimate hug is the extreme opposite of the way we were lost to the intense lust moments earlier. So lost that we got it on in a nasty club bathroom, but God it felt really good.

  Chapter Fifteen


  The woman killed my cock. I was looking forward to round two when we got back to the beach house, but Hailey passed out as soon as her head hit the pillow after our quick shower. I thought I would need to jerk off a few times before my cock settled down, but he’s just as exhausted as she is. It’s never taken me this damn long to recover; therefore, she obviously broke it in her wonderful, tight, perfect ass.

  I look down the length of my naked body lying next to Hailey’s, expecting at least a twitch as I replay the awesome memory, but nope, nothing. Spooning against the comatose woman, I press myself into that amazing ass but that doesn’t inspire little Mason, either. Well, fuck. At least I hope I’ll be able to fuck again. Of course I will. I’ve got the magic stick, I tell myself with a yawn before I drift off to sleep.


  “Mmm. Oh yeah,” I groan when I wake up and look down to find an incredible ass rubbing against my cock. My hard as a rock cock. I’m back!

  God, I need to fuck Hailey. Good ole pussy to cock fucking is what I want more than anything. I urgently mount her, spreading her thighs with my knee. When she blinks stunning blue eyes up at me though, I freeze. A week from now, those eyes I’m drowning in will be hundreds of miles away and this, making love to her, will be nothing but a fond memory unless she agrees to keep seeing me. There’s a reason I’ve only slept with a handful of women, because it means something to me. I might fuck my girls down and dirty, but at the end of the day, I know they’re gonna stick around, not hop on a plane and just leave me behind. They actually care about me, but Hailey…I’m not so sure this is more than a fling to her. So what do I do? I decide to keep this as impersonal as possible until she says otherwise.

  Leaning down, I kiss my way down between her tits, licking and sucking as I go. That’s right, I’m gonna lick ‘em and suck ‘em, get them nice and wet before I fuck ‘em.

  “Please, sweetheart. I need to fuck your titties,” I tell her before taking her nipple into my mouth.

  “Okay,” she agrees.

  The word barely leaves her mouth before I’m in position, squeezing her tits together around my achingly hard cock. With my first thrust, Hailey’s tongue snakes out and licks the head of my cock.

  “Shit, that feels so good,” I tell her. My thumbs strum over her nipples as I stroke myself in her beautiful cleavage. She keeps licking me with quick teases that have me ready to explode. When she fists my cock to suck me deep, I reach behind me and work her button until her body quakes underneath me with her release, just before my own magical explosion goes. I swear I see fireworks blasting off in the room around us when I come in her mouth.

  “Now that’s the way I like to start the day,” I tell her when I collapse sweaty and out of breath on top of her, already feeling a little guilty for taking her in such a detached way. “Good morning.” I kiss her cheek and down her neck trying to show her I’m not a completely selfish asshole that’s only using her body. Nope, I’m just a scared little pussy who’s terrified of heartbreak. I’ve had enough of that shit to last a lifetime.

  “Mornin’,” Hailey mumbles with a contented sigh that alleviates a smidge more of my guilt.

  “Ready for a shower?” I ask after we recover and my body decides it finally wants to work again.


  “I’ll take that as a yes,” I tell her with a chuckle. Standing beside the bed, I stretch with my arms over my head, and then I haul her up, throwing her over my shoulder like a sack of sexy potatoes.

  “Stop!” she protests with smacks to my back. “Put me down! You’ll hurt yourself.”

  I pause in mid-stride and repeat the phrase slowly in indignation. “I’ll hurt myself? You do know I’m stronger than a motherfucking ant, right? I can lift two hundred and fifty pounds, more than my own body weight, babe. You weigh what, half that?” I ask with a smack to her ass. “Light as a fucking feather.” That reminds me that I didn’t see her throw up yesterday; and believe me, I was watching out for it. “Hey, thank you for not barfing yesterday,” I tell her when I set her feet down next to the tub and reach over to turn on the showerhead full blast.

  She opens her mouth to say something and then closes it. “I told you I don’t barf every day. Besides, I figure you’ve givin’ me plenty of workouts.”

  “Damn right. I know lots of ways to burn calories, all of which require you to be naked. Not that you need to burn calories because your body is fuckin’ bangin’ baby. Every inch of it.”

  She looks down and pushes her hair that’s fallen loose from her ponytail behind her ear as if suddenly embarrassed when she realizes she’s not wearing anything. “You’re the only man who’s ever seen me naked. How did I get naked?” she asks softly, apparently forgetting our joint shower late last night after I gave her multiple bathroom orgasms. Four, but who’s counting?

  My jaw unhinges after my uncaffienated mind finally deciphers her insane admission. “How can you be a twenty-seven-year-old, gorgeous model and no one’s seen you naked?”

  “I insisted on lights out or keepin’ my clothes on,” she says with a shrug that makes her heavy, perfect tits jiggle temptingly. “Besides, I haven’t been with that many men, Mr. Threesome.”

  “Hey! I haven’t been with that many men either.” Like I hoped, my joke makes her laugh instead of focus on the threesome issue I can’t deny. I don’t want her asking for details, and I don’t want to think about the fact that eventually I’m gonna have to fess up to all of this week’s exploits. “How is it possible that you haven’t been with many men?” I ask her.

  She shrugs again, bouncin’ her tits, making me a huge fan of the gesture. “I’m just not dateable, I guess. My friends and I go out, and men always buy them drinks and ask them to dance all night, but not me. Guys refuse to even talk to me.”

  “Well, no shit,” I tell her, and her beautiful blue eyes widen. “You’re fucking perfect. Untouchable even.”

  “Whatever,” she mutters, looking away. “They don’t want me because I’m an Amazon and my friends are all cute and petite like men prefer.”

  “Hailey, I’m dead serious,” I assure her, cupping her jaw so she has to look up at me. “If I didn’t know you, I never would’ve walked up and tried to talk to you. Other men don’t either because you’re in a league of your own. They know they’re just gonna get shot down. You’re too damn sexy to be real because you actually do belong on the pages of a magazine and not in ordinary, real life,” I tell her honestly. Then I can’t resist reaching for her body and stroking
both of my hands down her hourglass curves. “But don’t think for a second that every man in every room you walk into isn’t imagining what you look like naked, even if they know there’s no way in hell they’ll ever get to find out for sure.”

  My eyes wander back up to her blank face that still doesn’t look convinced. “If my friends and I saw you out at a club and I told them I’d been with you, they would never fucking believe it. The fact that no other man but me has seen the Holy Grail makes me the envy of the entire male species, especially those dumbasses you dated in the past.”

  “Those men were gentlemen who would never consider takin’ my clothes off without my permission,” she says with a poke to the center of my chest. Instead of backing away, I push against it to get closer to her.

  “Their loss, my gain,” I tell her, leaning down for a quick kiss on her lips before she pushes me away.

  “Mornin’ breath. I need to brush my teeth,” she says, pulling out of my reach and turning to the sink. While the shower warms, I step up to the double sink next to hers; and together we brush our teeth, watching each other in the mirror. Finished and ready to kiss her in the shower, I climb in and test the water on my hand to see if it’s warm yet. Since it is, I step under the showerhead and lean my head back to wash my hair.

  When I wipe the water from my eyes and open them, Hailey’s standing in front of me with her arms wrapped around herself like she’s cold.

  “Here, let’s switch places,” I tell her, reaching to maneuver the front of her body underneath the water. “Goddamn, look at that ass,” I tell her as I step up against it, resting my half-mast cock in between the beautiful globes. “Those fuckers you were with were too stupid to claim it, so now it’s my ass.”

  She flashes me a grin before she says, “It’s your ass as long as you keep doin’ what you’ve been doin’ with it.”

  “Damn right,” I tell her.

  Still smiling, she tilts her head back, wetting her hair, so I offer her the little travel bottle of shampoo. I stare in awe as she lathers her blonde locks up and then rinses them. It’s seriously a fantasy come true. When I think she’s finished, I reach for her waist to feel her beautiful curves, unable to wait any longer. Hailey holds on to me around my neck, so that the front of our wet bodies are pressed together.

  “You know you were my first too, right?” I admit to her sheepishly. I’m immediately glad I did because she looks up at me with that incredible, stunning smile, my smile that makes my heart skip a few beat. “Are you sore?” I ask, rubbing a palm gently down the soft swells of her ass. Waking up so excited, I was probably too rough with her, and now I regret it.

  “Just a little,” she says and then leans forward to kiss the cord of muscle along the top of my shoulder, right over my tattoo. “Worth it, though.”

  Her tongue snakes out and licks the water droplets running down my biceps and to my forearm. That’s when I realize she’s following the lines of the tribal ink I got on my eighteenth birthday. On the day I legally became a man, I decided to do something manly like have someone jab a needle into my skin over and over again for six hours without crying.

  “When I saw you that day in the coffee shop,” she tells me, moving her sexy mouth lower, “the first thing I thought was that I wanted to lick your tattoos.”

  “Oh really?” I ask, never happier about a few hours of pain than in this moment. “Well, the first time I saw you, I was thinking that I’d really like to lick your pussy.”

  She laughs and continues the tongue swirling path to the top of my hand where my tattoo ends. “Then I thought about lickin’ your ass,” she says which causes an unexpected bark of laughter to erupt from my chest. “What?” she asks with a huff. “You’ve got a really nice ass.”

  I hold my palms up out in front of me, showing her I’m not arguing one bit with any desires she has involving putting her mouth on my body. “Sweetheart, I’m not judging you at all. I would love for you to lick the fuck out of any part of me you want. I just had no idea that I had a lickable ass.”

  “Oh, your ass is very, very lickable,” she assures me before disappearing behind me.

  “Fuck!” I exclaim in surprise when I feel the sting of her wet palm hitting the body part I thought she was going to lick in a slightly different way.

  “It’s also spankable,” she explains, and suddenly I’m a huge fucking fan of being spanked. I slap both of my hands flat against the shower wall and stick my ass out to her in offering, making her giggle. She gives me a few more light licks of her palm and then drops to her knees to start soothing the sting with her warm, wet tongue. “That feels nice,” I tell her over my shoulder. That wandering tongue of hers goes lower and starts tickling my sac. “God Hailey,” I groan when she sucks one of my balls into her mouth. Reaching around, she fists my hardening length as her mouth works me over. My hips rock with her strokes, as I stay face first against the wall. It’s a position I’ve definitely never been in before with a woman on her knees behind me, and it’s so fucking hot.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” I warn when she trails a fingernail down the crack of my… “Ah!” She did it, she actually has a… “Oh fuck!” I exclaim, smacking my forehead on the cool wall when she activates some sort of magic button. A button in my ass that causes my release to suddenly shoot out of me from fucking nowhere. Cum explodes from my cock with the force of a firehose. It’s so powerful I can barely keep standing when I cover her small hand to milk every last drop. Good thing I’m braced against the damn wall.

  I’m still panting when Hailey stands up behind me and finishes her shower like everything is perfectly normal in the world. It is so not. That wasn’t supposed to happen. It wasn’t supposed to be so intense and mind blowing. I wasn’t supposed to like it. Does this mean I’m gay? Why did she have to go and do something like that to cause all these crazy questions?

  Hailey lets loose a soft giggle, like she’s been trying to hold back and it managed to leak out.

  “You really are the damn devil, woman,” I mutter, and she throws her head back and laughs harder.

  “Don’t tell me you’re a prostate virgin,” she says, as if I know what the fuck that is. “Just admit you liked it and stop lookin’ all pouty and put out. You did a lot worse to my behind.”

  “Do all men…you know…” I try to ask.

  “Blast off like a rocket?” she finishes. “Yes, it’s perfectly normal, May-Son.”

  “I have a new appreciation for gay sex,” I tell her, and she giggles again. God, I love that sound, even when it’s at my expense.

  “Do you want me to get my vibrator-” she starts.

  I gasp dramatically and slap my palm over her mouth. “Don’t you dare finish that sentence or ever ask me that again.”

  Hailey leans her face into my chest when she laughs harder after I drop my hand. “You’re hilarious,” she says, grasping my biceps to stay upright.

  “Glad you think it’s funny to make me question my masculinity.”

  “Whatever,” she mutters before looking up at me. “You’re the most badass man I know. I promise you that your masculinity is still fully intact.”

  “Really?” I ask, my chest puffing out after hearing her say she thinks I’m a badass.

  “Yeah, you’re huge, with sexy tats, fightin’ other men for a livin’. I mean, is there anyone who could even try to kick your ass?” she asks.

  I scrub a hand over my face, not wanting to actually admit his fucking name.

  “Don’t even say Senn.” Hailey helpfully throws it out there for me. “Jude said you’re better than him.”

  “He did?” I ask in surprise.

  “Yeah. He actually said he thought you could win the IFC light heavyweight championship title someday.”

  “Did he really?” I ask, unable to help my smile.

  “He did,” she nods. “He’s got your back, so even if Linc finds out that we’re…well, your place at Havoc is safe. Even if he tried to kick you out, Claire, me and my mom would
make Linc’s life miserable, so…”

  “Your mom knows about us?” I exclaim in surprise.

  “Um, well, yeah. And my dad and Kylie.”

  “I’ll be damned. And they, ah, approve?” I ask hesitantly.

  “Sure they do. Why wouldn’t they?” she asks, which makes me feel awesome. Until she says, “I mean, you and I, this is just for this week. It’s not that big of a deal.”

  Hold the fucking phone. Why does she say it’s only for the week? And we’re not a big deal? Is this about that asshole?

  “You know I’m not Senn, Hailey. I’ll call you even when you’re in New York. Hell, I know I’ll have to come see you so-”

  “No,” she says, turning away from me to wring her wet hair out before I can even finish my sentence.

  “No, you think I won’t do either of those things, or no, you don’t want me to?” I ask in confusion.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” she says, which pisses me off since I had no idea a simple concept like wanting to keep seeing her was considered being fucking ridiculous. “You…you…”

  “I what?” I ask curtly with my hands braced on my hips for whatever she’s about to say. When she won’t look at me to answer, I know it’s gonna be downright shitty.

  “You’re too young for me, and I’m not interested in bein’ a member of your harem.”

  Damn if that wasn’t a double slap to my cheeks. The ones on my face.

  “What the fuck?” I shout, and it echoes around the bathroom. “First of all, our age difference? That’s complete bullshit, and the second, I don’t have a harem. I date several women, and like I told you last night, I’ll stop seeing them if that’s what you want.”

  Can you really give them up? my cock asks in stunned disbelief. So what if I’ve been seeing Sabrina for almost two years, Lena for more than a year and Erica and Monica for months. I may love them all in some way or another, but to be with Hailey, I think I could walk away from them all and never look back again. I think. No more of Erica and Monica’s all you can eat buffets, or waking up surrounded by more pussy than the local animal shelter? If I’m being honest with myself, Jude was right. None of that shit with four women is even half as good as the last few days with Hailey. She’s fucking perfect, everything I could ever want and more.


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