Always Was Mine

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Always Was Mine Page 9

by Dawn Martens

  “You’re to not say a fuckin’ word in there, got me? You don’t speak unless they demand it. So far only Megan wants a go at you, but if others want a go, you’re to fuckin’ take it.”

  I stiffen at his words. “What?” I whisper.

  “You ran away, you know the consequences for that shit. You’re just lucky I told them no weapons tonight, or you’d actually be dead,” he says darkly.

  I gulp, suddenly more terrified than I have ever felt in my entire life.

  Outside the doors I can hear people inside having a good time. Laughter, chatter, but the second Carson drags me in, it goes deathly silent, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Everyone glares at me. I glance around the room and notice the space we’re in is a giant living room/ bar/ games room. TVs line the walls, eight couches, and many pool tables are everywhere, on top of a full blown bar area. Behind the bar, there are tons of photos of the club members, including mug shots.

  Dillon steps forward, he’s also known as Rage in the club. “Took a vote, only Megan wants a go at her. Everyone else doesn’t give a shit about her so we’re not wasting our time on that shit.”

  Carson nods and shoves me slightly in Megan’s direction. She glares at me and before I can say anything to her she punches me in the face. I stumble backwards, and my hand moves up, cupping my face. “Well, I didn’t think I could hit that hard, but look at that, I split the skin open. Cool. I’m done,” Megan says and walks away.

  “Let’s go,” Carson growls and tugs me with him.

  We drive home in silence and walk into our home. “Go to the kitchen, get some ice for that,” he says quietly.


  I didn’t like seeing the mark Megan left on Vicky’s face, but at the same time, she deserved it. She already hates me enough as it is, so I wasn’t going to be the one to hand her punishment. I was thankful only Megan wanted a go at her. She got off lucky.

  Vicky moves around the house quietly, refusing to speak. I hear her in the bathroom, going through the medicine cabinet, probably looking for shit to clean up with. I go down the hall and into the bathroom.

  “Let me help.” I take the peroxide and cotton ball out of her hand. She flinches as my fingers graze her hands.

  She keeps her eyes closed as I clean up the cut on her cheek and apply a bandage. I grab the ice pack off the counter and hold it to her face. She immediately steps away from me, grabbing the ice. “Thanks, I have it now.”


  “Just don’t, okay? Just don’t. I’m tired, I’m going to bed.”

  “I just want to talk,” I tell her, following her out of the bathroom and down to the guest room. “Where the fuck you goin’, you sleep in our room.”

  “I’m not sleeping in the same bed as you, so I’ll be in the second bedroom.”

  I grab her arm and pull her away from that bedroom. “For fuck sake, stop this shit.”

  “Fuck you, Carson.”

  I let her arm go. “Fuck this shit, sleep wherever the fuck you want, I’ll be at the clubhouse.” I stalk back down the hall. “If you’re thinking of leaving this fucking house, think again. I got boys outside watching all exits.”


  “Hey, Hangman, how’d it go at home?” Rage asks as I step into the clubhouse.

  “How do you fuckin’ think?” I go to the bar and grab a bottle of Jack.

  “Just forget about that shit tonight, grab a bitch and go fuck your bad mood out.”

  I take a large chug from the bottle. “Sounds like a good idea. I’m in the mood for someone new.”

  “Penny brought a new girl in today, go find her.”

  I spot Penny, holding hands with a hot blonde and smirk. Oh yeah, just what I need. “Penny, who’s your new friend?” I ask her as she walks over to me.

  “This is Stacia. Stacia, this is Hangman, club president, and the best fuck you’ll ever have,” Penny tells her.

  “She know the rules yet?”

  “Yes, she does, I went over them with her earlier, she’s all for it.”

  “How she feel about eatin’ pussy?”

  “She prefers it actually, but does love dick too.” Penny winks at me. “Almost as much as me.”

  “Good. I want you both.” I pull the girls to me, kissing them each, then making them kiss each other. Fuck yeah, my dick is begging to be let out for some fun right now. “Follow me.”

  Chapter 18


  It hasn’t been easy being back, hating every minute of it. I talked to Lilly once since I left, and I just assured her everything was fine and I knew what I was doing. She didn’t believe me, and said if I don’t keep in contact, she’d send Reaper down to handle things for me. I tried not to ask about Trevor, but I couldn’t help myself. Lilly just told me that no one has talked to him, he wasn’t leaving his house, nor was he letting anyone in. I finally told her everything, but I made her promise to not tell Trevor the truth. She tried to fight me on that, but since we were family, she finally relented and promised. Since then I just text her once a day just to say hi, letting her know I’m okay.

  I’m hoping like hell I can find a way out for good, I can’t live this life, not when I want and need Trevor. I have nothing for me here. Not anymore. My mom tried stopping by a few times but I slammed the door in her face, once she started going on about how ashamed she was of me, leaving poor Carson. I flat out just told her she had no right to be in my life, considering all the pieces of shit men she brought home all the time, that at least I was trying to make sure I had a better life for myself.


  Two weeks later, I wake up and rush to the bathroom. I don’t understand why I’m throwing up so much, I’ve barely eaten anything since I’ve been back. After emptying my already empty stomach I go to the sink and grab a face cloth to clean up. Opening the medicine cabinet, I stare at my expired birth control, oh shit. I’m late. I go back to the bedroom and get dressed quickly and brush my hair, not bothering to try and straighten it, I don’t care if I look like shit right now. As I open the front door, I’m blocked.

  “Sorry, but no. Hangman said you were to stay in the house.”

  “I just want to go to the grocery store. That’s all.”

  He pulls out his phone and after a minute, he nods his head.

  “I’m to follow you.” I shrug and take off. I hate having a friggin’ watch dog following my every move. Until I know what’s going on, I can't have Hangman finding out. I feel like I can’t even wipe my own ass these days without asking permission first.

  I get in my car, on the passenger side, since the guy guarding me said he was driving. This is such bullshit.

  I grab a shopping cart and chuck a few things in so I can hide the tests in between other stuff. Just as I’m about to head towards the checkout I’m stopped by Megan. I haven’t seen her since she punched me at the clubhouse.

  “Hey there, Vicky, doing some shopping I see.” I clench my teeth and just nod. “Me too, I’m also babysitting little Emily here. Isn’t she a doll.” I look down and notice she has Carson’s daughter with her. “Say hi, Emily. This is your daddy’s wife.”

  “I know you, you were my teacher,” Emily says smiling up at me, Carson’s eyes staring up at me, shining bright.

  My mouth goes dry and I just nod, giving her a tight smile. “Nice to see you, I should get going.” I try to maneuver around them but Megan steps in front of my cart.

  “You have no reason to be in a hurry, Carson won’t be home tonight, there’s a party, and he always stays all night for those. Especially with Penny and the new girl. I’ve had to wear earplugs every time in the last week I’ve slept over there. He really enjoys those girls, if you know what I mean.” She sends me a cruel smile and a wink.

  Fuck her. “That’s nice. I don’t give a shit. I’d rather be dead than to have that bastard touch me again. So it’s good he’s getting it elsewhere,” I finally snap at her, not caring there was a little girl standing with her.

s taken back by my tone. “Someone grew balls while they were gone.”

  “Screw you, Megan. Now move, I’m leaving.”


  The next morning, first thing, I take the test, and then another, the results are all the same. I’m pregnant. I’m pregnant with Trevor’s baby. I don’t know how I’m going to tell Carson. I think back to the babies I lost before, and tears sting my eyes, I hope to God this baby makes it. I need this baby, if I can never have Trevor again, I need this as my connection to him.

  I hide the test sticks in the trash can in the kitchen and search the fridge for something to eat. Before I can pull out the eggs and bacon I hear the sound of a key at the front door. Shit, Carson is probably home.

  I ignore it and set my items on the counter to grab a frying pan.

  A woman’s voice greets me, “Morning.”

  I turn and stare at her, confused. “Um hi? What are you doing in my house?”

  “Megan let me in, she told me to clean the place for ya. Said you’ve been down in the dumps.”

  “Where is Megan? And who exactly are you?”

  “Megan is in the living room, setting little Emily up to watch some cartoons, and I’m Penny.” Her tits are practically falling out of her shirt, her long blonde hair reaches the top of her huge chest, and her skirt is so short, I swear I can see her crotch. She’s not wearing panties.

  This is the type of bitch Carson likes?

  “You’ve got to be fucking shitting me.” I shout, “Get the fuck out of my house!”

  Penny jumps, shocked that I’m yelling at her but she doesn’t move.

  “Did you not hear me, you fucking bitch? Get the fuck out of my house!”

  She bites her lip nervously. “Sorry, no can do, I take my orders from Megan.”

  I grab the house phone and call up Carson. “Vicky?” he answers, shocked I’m calling him.

  “Come and get Megan, your daughter, and this fucking slut Penny out of my fucking house!” I scream. “How dare you think it’s okay to bring your fucking whores into my god damned house. You were always a piece of shit, Carson, but this is too damn far.”

  “What the fuck are they doing there?” he shouts over the line.

  “How should I know? Megan has a key, she just walked in here, and they are all refusing to leave.”

  “The prospect should have stopped them from entering, I’ll deal with him when I get there. Give me ten.” He hangs up and I put the phone back.

  I’m not dealing with this shit, so I go back to my bedroom and slam the door shut.


  “Fucking bitch!” I shout once I hang up. “Sorry, Stacia, gotta get to the Old Lady, I’ll finish you next time, I promise.” She pouts and sends me a wink as I wipe her pussy juices off my face and head out to find Rage. “Rage, why the fuck is your old lady carting my kid around? And why the fuck is she taking the bitches I fuck into my house around Vicky?”

  His head snaps up and he goes from confused to pissed. “I have no fucking clue, but I’ll find out.”

  We both leave the clubhouse, speeding home. Getting off my bike, the prospect is sitting on the top step, smoking. “Why the fuck you let those bitches into my house?” I ask him.

  He shrugs. “Megan pulled rank and said if I didn’t let her in, she’d tell my girl I was cheating on her.”

  Fucking pussy.

  When I get inside, I see my daughter watching cartoons and can hear Megan and Penny giggling and talking about Vicky in the kitchen.

  “Did you see her face when I said I was Penny? For a second I thought she was gonna grab a knife and stab me.”

  “No, but I heard her yelling, I wanted to laugh, but I was trying to make sure Emily didn’t hear all that was being said. Serves the bitch right for taking off.”

  “What the fuck do you two think you’re doing?” I sneer at them as I enter the kitchen.

  Megan shrugs. “Nothing less than what that bitch deserves.”

  “Get the fuck out of my house, take Emily home. Rage will be dealing with you. As for you Penny, you know the fucking rules. Stay away from the Old Ladies.”

  Her eyes widen. “I was only doing what I was told,” she says in her defense.

  “Yet you still knew the fucking rules!” She jumps. “You’re no longer allowed at the club, and I expect you to get the fuck out of town.”

  Her eyes widen. “But, Hangman, I—”

  “Shut up. Get the fuck out. And, Megan, you are lucky you’re an Old Lady, otherwise I wouldn’t hesitate to fuckin’ end you.”

  Megan goes to open her mouth, but I stop her. “No, not another fucking word. You caused this shit, my punishment for you is you are to take care of my wife. Whatever the fuck she wants, you do it. And if I find out you are being a bitch to her again, Rage won’t fuckin’ save you.” She nods, clenching her teeth. “Now get the fuck out.”

  Chapter 19


  I’m laying in bed, my hand protectively resting on my stomach. I’m scared out of my mind to tell Carson, because this baby isn’t his. I haven’t let him touch me, not once since I got home, so of course it isn’t.

  I hear the bedroom door open quietly and the sound of soft footsteps coming in. “Vicky? You okay?” I hear Carson ask softly. “I’m sorry about Megan and Penny. Megan wasn’t supposed to do any of that shit. I’ve punished her, and she’ll be your personal maid until I’m satisfied she’s actually sorry for pulling that stunt.”

  I don’t answer him, I feel like being back here is a prison. The bruise on my face from Megan is almost gone, at least that’s one thing I have going for me.

  Carson comes in close, and it’s then that I smell it and I gag.

  “Get away from me,” I seethe.

  “What? What’s wrong?” he asks me confused. “I wasn’t trying to kiss you, I’ve been doing what you fuckin’ wanted and kept my hands off you.”

  “I fuckin’ smell it. Don’t touch me,” I tell him, anger coming off me in waves.

  “Babe, come on, you know this is the life. If you let me touch you, I wouldn’t need the bitches at the club,” he tells me, trying to placate me.

  “No, it isn’t! You choose to cheat on me. You don’t have to. And you know it. I never should have left to come back with you. Should have let you try to hurt my family, would have rather seen the so called ‘pussy club’ destroy you, than you bringing me back here to your fucked up life,” I tell him.

  “Don’t fuckin’ start that shit with me,” he says threateningly.

  I’m done being afraid of him.

  “No? How about this? I fucked another man. I’m pregnant with his child, and you know what, I fucking love him, and I don’t care that he’s your brother!” I end it on a scream. His face turns ravaged. Oh no, what did I do?

  “Trevor?” He asks angrily. “You telling me, my mother fucking brother is alive?”

  “Please calm down,” I say.

  “You telling me, my brother was never fuckin’ dead? You telling me my brother is also the one that got my fucking wife pregnant?” he roars.

  I nod, scared of what’s he’s going to do. That’s not even the worst of it, I have to tell him about the daughter he has too.

  “There’s more,” I stutter out.

  “How can there be more, huh? What more is there, Vicky!” he growls at me, getting in my face.

  “You have a daughter,” I whisper.

  His head shoots back, looking at me as if I have a screw loose. “I know I do.” He thinks I’m talking about his little girl that was in my class.

  “Her name is Melissa, she’s twenty years-old,” I tell him.

  “I would have been eighteen, I don’t have a kid that’s twenty years old,” he declares, crossing his arm.

  I pull out my phone and pass it to him once a picture of Melissa and her child opens on the screen. He takes the phone and his face pales.

  “What the fuck?” He whispers as the color drains from his face.

  “I met her
at one of the family things when I was with the Warriors. Her and her sister Corinne had a hard life. Foster homes, abuse, The Warriors saved them. Raised them, took care of them.” I trail off when his head snaps up at me.

  “And no one thought to tell me about my daughter all these years?”

  “No one knew until I saw that she looked like you,” I whisper.

  “Do you know her mother’s name?”

  I shake my head. “Luanne something I think it was.”

  “That fuckin’ whore,” he grits out. Without another word to me, he stalks off, and I hear the front door slam shut and his bike start up.


  I got her back, but not really. Finding out my brother is alive, and she’s fucking pregnant, I storm out of the house, hop on my bike and ride to the clubhouse. A party is in full swing as I step through the doors. I immediately go to the stereo and shut it off. The room quiets and everyone looks at me.

  “Whores, get out. Now. Brothers, meeting,” I growl. The girls run around the room, grabbing their things, and take off.

  I rub my beard and clench my jaw.

  “What’s goin’ on, man?” Rage asks.

  “I’m giving Vicky the divorce,” I say.

  His eyes narrow at me. “We went through all this trouble for months and you’re just giving up now?”

  I shake my head. “She’s pregnant.”

  He looks at me confused. “I don’t understand. Why give her up now? Shouldn’t you be happy you finally fucked a kid into her?”

  “Not mine, you know she hasn’t let me touch her since she’s been back, how the fuck could the kid be mine? It’s Trevor’s. Fuck, he’s alive.”

  “You’re shittin’ me,” he growls.

  The other brothers come closer, both looking confused and angry.

  “He’s been living with the Warriors. Not sure who the fuck we buried that day twelve years ago, but he’s alive. He and Vicky have been together. She’s carrying his child.”


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