“Who knew my little girl was a princess!” My dad joked, sending me a huge grin.
I curtsied and flashed a smile. “Thank you, thank you.”
“You look amazing, Jade!” Erika told me. “I’m sure that young man will be overcome when he sees you tonight.”
My dad frowned. “Yeah, well, let’s hope he knows to keep his hands to himself…”
“Dad! Please!” I laughed, rolling my eyes at his remark.
“What time is that boy supposed to pick you up, Jade?” He asked.
“Soon,” I replied happily as I hurried out of the living room, headed towards the window in the front entrance. I glanced at the clock that hung on the wall near the door, noticing it was already past seven. Trace would be here to pick me up any minute. Since I had some time on my hands, I sat down in an arm chair by the door, deciding to simply wait for him as I fantasized about our night together. I imagined the two of us dancing close, Trace’s left arm wrapped around my waist as he lead me to a slow ballad. His blue eyes would be focused on my own as we twirled along the dance floor, and when the song neared its end, he would drop lips down to mine and---
I was so startled by the sound of the doorbell that I almost fell out of my chair. He was here! Jumping to my feet, I ran towards the large mirror in the hallway. I needed to make sure I looked absolutely perfect before allowing Trace to catch sight of me. As I stared at my worried reflection, I noticed how badly flushed my face was. I tried taking a few deep breaths to ease my nerves, but by the time I was calmed down, I realized I’d left Trace standing at the door for nearly five minutes!
I was panicking as I rushed over to the front door, whipping it open to reveal a very shocked Trace. His arm was in mid-air as if he were about to knock again, and he seemed alarmed from how fast I opened the door. I breathed in deeply and tried my best to ignore my hammering heart as I stared into his wide blue eyes.
“Hi,” I greeted him shyly as I stepped out onto the porch. I shivered from the cool night air as I closed the front door for privacy, then turned back to face him. Trace always looked handsome, but tonight in his black suit he looked simply marvelous. His brown hair was slicked back neatly and he looked just like a young James Bond. How did I get so lucky?
“Uh…uh,” he stammered, his jaw ajar as he stared at me. “Jade, is that you?” Funny, he said the same exact thing my father had.
I rolled my eyes at him. “You know it is, Trace.”
Trace cracked a grin at my response. “Sorry, you just look so…wow.” His eyes drank me in, and I couldn’t help but blush as he stared at me in amazement.
“You look good too,” I whispered.
He bit his lip, gesturing to the box in his hand. “I got you this. It’s a lily.”
I grinned happily when I caught sight of the lovely wrist corsage, and I realized it would match perfectly with my dress. How thoughtful of him.
“Oh, Trace! It’s so beautiful. Thank you.”
Upon sliding it on my right wrist, Trace replied, “It’s not as beautiful as you are, Jade.”
I watched anxiously as he took a careful step toward me, his blue eyes twinkling as they searched my face. I didn’t know what to do as my cheeks and neck heated up. “Trace, I---”
Suddenly the front door opened, and I twisted my head to find my father and Erika observing us from the doorway. Erika was smiling, my father wasn’t. Big surprise.
My father coughed loudly and said, “Hello, Trace. It’s nice to see you again.”
Trace’s face turned red and he backed away from me. “Hi, Mr. Cannon. Nice to see you too.”
“Hi, Trace.” Erika greeted him with a smile then offered her hand and added, “I’m Erika.“ Turning to my father, she cooed, “Don’t they just look wonderful together, Lucas?”
“Yeah, really great,” Dad said grimly.
I rolled my eyes at his unpleasant tone. It was so typical of my dad to be upset when I was so happy. Ignoring the sour expression on my father’s face, I ran over to him and planted a kiss on his cheek. “Okay, Dad, we’re going to get going now.”
He seemed panicked when I walked away from him. “Alright. Have a good time!” My father shouted out to me. “Call me if you need anything…and remember to be safe!”
“Okay, bye!” I replied with a wave.
I rejoined Trace’s side and tugged him off the porch, eager to get away before my father changed his mind about letting me go out. I smiled up at Trace before hooking my arm through his as we hurried down the brick path in my front yard. Looking the way I did tonight, I couldn’t help but be bold.
“Are you ready for a wonderful evening, Jade Cannon?” Trace asked me with a grin.
I nodded with a smile and replied, “You bet I am!”
“Well then, allow me to escort you to your carriage, Madam.” He led me to the passenger side of his car, opening the door with a bow. I laughed at his gesture and curtsied before sliding onto the seat. All this curtsying I was doing tonight…I really did feel like royalty! Trace joined me inside the car a few moments later, and he grinned as he turned the key in the ignition. It was really happening. We were officially on a date!
Trace gave me a short side-glance before he put the car in reverse. “Okay, let’s go,” he said happily.
I was giddy with excitement when we pulled away from my house and onto the main street. Tonight was going to be the start of some big changes in my life: not only with Trace, but with myself. I vowed silently (while I slyly peeked at my date), that I would try to pry myself from my shell. No matter what happened tonight, I would not revert to my usual timid ways.
“So, Jade…” Trace began, breaking the silence in the car. “You’re only going to dance with me tonight, right? You’re not going to let anybody else take you away from me?” he asked me seriously, his blue eyes flickering in my direction. “I don’t think I could handle you in some other guy’s arms.”
I blushed and replied, “Would you even let anyone else try to dance with me?”
He laughed at my question and shook his head. “No, I wouldn’t.”
“But you know, it works both ways…” I told him softly.
“Trust me, Jade, when I say there’s nobody else I’d rather dance with than you.”
I couldn’t help but smile at his remark, and for the rest of the car ride we kept our conversation centered mostly around school and our plans for the future. I was glad to hear that Trace planned on going to the same college I wanted to attend, and I took it as a sort of sign that we belonged together…even if he didn’t know it yet.
As soon as we pulled into the school parking lot, I started to freak out. My palms grew sweaty and I couldn’t calm my nerves as I watched Trace turn off the car. Oh my God. What if I couldn’t do this? What if Trace saw all of his friends in the gym and ditched me? What if I tripped on my dress and became the joke of the entire evening? What if---
“Jade, are you okay?” Trace asked me worriedly, interrupting my thoughts. He turned towards me in the driver seat and said, “Tell me what’s on your mind .”
I glanced up at Trace shyly, feeling sort of foolish for wigging out. After noticing the anxious expression on his face, I realized he was just as nervous about tonight as I was. I took a much needed breath and forced all of the “what ifs” from my mind. I didn’t care about my fear anymore. I was here, at a dance, with Trace. I should’ve been happy---not on the verge of having an anxiety attack!
“Nothing, Trace,” I told him with a smile. “I’m fine, honestly.”
He smiled back at me and replied, “Good. You don‘t have to worry about anything tonight.” After sliding a hand through his slick hair he asked me gently, “Are you ready?”
I nodded blissfully and watched him slide out of the car and walk over to my door. I pulled down the sun visor quickly and revealed the mirror, checking my reflection once more. I sighed with relief when I saw that the make up hadn’t disappeared. My mirror image still looked elegant.
race tapped on the window and I glanced up at him, startled. He motioned to an imaginary watch on his wrist and I rolled my eyes. I closed the visor just as he opened the door, and I stepped out gingerly, lifting my dress as I went so that it wouldn’t get dirty. This gown was too beautiful to be dragged along the grimy cement. Before Trace could offer, I snaked my left arm around his right, standing so near to him that I could hear him breathe.
I noticed other students standing outside the gymnasium and around the parking lot, chatting and hanging out before heading inside. My stomach started doing cartwheels when I noticed that everyone we passed by stopped to watch us. The girls glared at me, but the guys gawked. Then a group of guys walked by us laughing, and one of them paused to slap hands with Trace.
“Hey, man! What’s up?” I recognized the boy to be Greg Kindman, one of West Havenbrook’s most skillful soccer players. I didn’t have any classes with him, but I knew he and Trace had Chemistry together. It’s not weird that I know that, right?
“Not much, Greg,” Trace replied with a grin.
Greg nodded and raised his brows as he glanced over at me. “Hey,” he said casually, and suddenly froze. Greg peered closer at my face, and I figured he must’ve just realized who I was. “Hey! Aren’t you---”
“Jade Cannon,” I finished for him, my face growing hot. Oh no. Here it comes…
His eyes grew wide as he said, “Holy shit, Jade! You look hot!”
“Uh, thank you?” I replied, turning even redder.
“Well, you two have fun tonight!” Greg told Trace with a wink before he scampered off after his friends.
I shook my head, slightly embarrassed as we grew closer to the doors of the gym.
“Sorry if he offended you,” Trace offered softly.
“No, it’s okay. It was just…weird. No one has ever called me hot before.”
“Really?” Trace frowned. “Well that changes right now.” He ceased walking, stopping in the dead center of the pathway as he reached for my hands. “Jade Cannon, you are totally hot!” Trace announced loudly, and people nearby stopped to stare at us after his outburst. I couldn’t help but laugh.
We continued towards the entrance of the gym, but I made Trace stop a few feet away from the doors. I eyed them nervously as I got cold feet, but Trace rubbed my arms warmly, giving me a boost of confidence. His touch eased my doubt, and I glanced up at him gratefully. Trace always knew how to save me from myself.
“Let’s go in,” I told him boldly.
Trace nodded and flashed me a white grin. As we advanced towards the doors, he grabbed hold of my hand, and our fingers laced together nicely. This was it…there was no turning back now. I squeezed Trace’s hand tightly and ignored the racing of my heart as we headed inside West Havenbrook High’s gymnasium.
WE ARRIVED AT THE DANCE just as the DJ started playing the first song of the night. I was breathless when Trace led me into the gym; it truly felt like I was in a dream. All of the beautiful decorations sparkled like stars above our heads, and for a split second I was lost in them, surprised that West Haven’s usually filthy gymnasium could be turned into a work of art. I also wondered how in the world someone reached the ceiling to hang all of the metallic hearts and balloons in the first place. Trace’s charming voice pulled me out of those insignificant, fleeting thoughts.
“Jade, do you want something to drink?” He asked me sweetly.
I was still so overwhelmed that all I could do was stare back at him and nod. He walked towards the buffet table set up near the bleachers and I watched him depart with a grin. I still couldn’t believe that I was here, with him of all people! The past few days seemed unreal, and we’ve spent so much time around each other lately that I couldn’t shake the feeling that something real was growing between us. This wasn’t just some childish fling…our feelings for each other were real. When I saw Trace emerge from the crowd around the food, holding two cups in his hands, I knew nothing could spoil this night.
“I got you punch, is that okay?” Trace asked me as he handed the cup over carefully. “They didn’t really have a wide selection over there.”
I smiled at him and replied, “This is great. Thank you.” I was completely mesmerized by how handsome he looked. Compared to each and every guy here, he was the most dazzling; no one else stood out the way he did.
There was an awkward silence between us while we sipped our drinks, and as we both stared shyly at each other, we weren’t daring enough to say a word. I wanted him to tell me something--- anything to break this strange aura surrounding us. He didn’t though. Instead, Trace daringly reached out his hand to tuck a red curl behind my ear. I couldn’t help but blush at his bold move.
Finally, Trace shattered the quiet and said, “You look really beautiful tonight, Jade.” His cheeks had turned a shade darker after speaking, and I couldn’t help but think how adorable it was. I loved to see him blush.
“Thank you,” I mumbled happily.
He seemed strangely nervous as he stammered, “I know I told you earlier, when we were at your house, but you really are, do look beautiful…that’s all.” Trace’s blue eyes quickly averted towards the floor, as if he was afraid to look at me any longer.
I smiled and stepped closer to him, thrilled from his compliments. I raised my arm timidly, and just as I was about to bring it down onto Trace’s shoulder, I saw Gloria move towards us. My eyes sparked at the sight of her.
“Trace!” Gloria called out to him. Her voice was loud and bubbly, and it irritated me. Trace turned his head in her direction, but faced her without a smile. I considered that a good sign.
“I thought that was you!” Gloria barely gave me a glance as she wedged her body between him and I. She was so rude! I wisely held back my urge to attack her.
“So, what’s the deal, Trace?” She asked him curiously, batting her long fake lashes at him. “Why aren’t you over at our table?”
I noticed that she placed direct emphasis on “our table” as she pressed closer to him, her short red dress rising up in the back; it was the same slutty dress I saw her with at the mall. My blood boiled but I did nothing to stop her, only looked away in pain as my throat burned with anger. Did she really have to rudely interrupt our moment like that? Of course she did. She was Gloria Malone. I sort of expected Trace to ditch me and come up with some lame excuse in the process…but what he said next truly surprised me.
“I came here with Jade, Gloria. She’s my date for tonight.” His voice didn’t even falter when he told her. That took some guts.
Gloria finally acted like I existed, looking me up and down with a disgusted expression painted across her face. “Oh, really?” Gloria replied slowly, as if she didn’t or couldn’t comprehend what Trace had just said.
I smirked at her, remembering when she and Camille confronted me in the hall the other day. Now she was the one in denial. After listening to him tell her the truth, I was granted a slight rush of power, and after swallowing the spit that had collected inside of my mouth, I put Gloria in her place for the first time.
“Yes, really. He’s with me, Gloria…so leave us alone.”
Saying she seemed shocked would be an understatement. Gloria looked as if I had just slapped her across the face. Trace even seemed stunned that I had said anything to her. Actually, so was I. I hadn’t planned on it…I just couldn’t stand for her to ruin this night for me when she had already taken so much. I deserved a nice memory for once.
After my witty comeback, we all just stood there in silence, until Gloria flipped back her blonde hair and regained her snooty posture.
“Fine. Whatever,” she replied hotly, narrowing her eyes at me. She sashayed away from us without another word, and I glanced up at Trace when we were left alone once more. I frowned when I noticed his blue eyes watching me closely.
“What?” I asked him anxiously, afraid he would reprimand me for being mean to her.
But he didn’t. Instead he said, “I’m proud of you, Jade.
I didn’t expect that to come out of his mouth. “Huh?” I whispered.
Trace nodded and grinned. “You stood up to her, Jade. That’s great.” After giving me a wink, he added, “I’m glad you're finally maturing.”
I rolled my eyes and replied, “Thanks. You just had to ruin the moment, didn’t you?”
He dipped his head closer to mine and asked slyly, “Oh, we were having a moment?”
I grew a little hot from how near he was to me, and I could barely breathe as I mumbled, “Yeah, and it was a good one too.”
Trace frowned at my statement. “I’m sorry…but I think I know how to make it up to you.”
“Really?” This should be good.
“Yes,” he replied, taking my hands in his. “Dance with me,” Trace said gently.
His request gave me goose bumps, and I was breathless as he led me out onto the dance floor where all the other couples were grinding up on each other to some fast tune. After glancing around at them all, at the girls and boys who were “getting down”, I stared back at Trace. I shook my head when I noticed the large grin that took over his face.
“You just wanted to get me out here so you can put your hands all over me,” I told him knowingly, placing my hands firmly on my hips. “That was your plan all along, wasn’t it?”
He shook his head at me and smiled even wider. “Nope.”
Without another word he grabbed me and pulled me into a waltz stance, just as a slow song drifted out from the speakers. Most of the people surrounding us left the dance floor, leaving enough room for the two of us to twirl around openly. I laughed as he spun me fast and caught me with ease. Even after knowing him half my life, Trace still managed to surprise me.
The Gossip Web Page 9